Wolf Moon (6 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #werewolf, #shape shifter, #paranormal romance

BOOK: Wolf Moon
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“Hey, cop boy. Call off your damn dog,” someone shouted.

More guns suddenly appeared. Charlie fired a warning shot in the air with the assault rifle. “Nobody moves. Get back now and drop your guns.”

Bang Bang continued to shriek in agony, and one of the gang members pulled out a Taser.

Charlie fired the rifle in the air again.

“I said don’t move. Don’t you understand English?”

Now Jesse had his gun out, too. He and Charlie stood with their backs against the car, guns moving from one side of the crowd to the other in steady sweep patterns.

“Get that dog off Bang Bang, then,” someone yelled.

Satisfied she’d accomplished her purpose, Alexa opened her jaws and released her grip on Bang Bang. But her warning to the others was plain.

Stay back.

Blood gushed from the puncture wounds on Bang Bang’s hand. He cradled it against his body, moaning loudly.

“Better take your buddy to the doctor,” Jesse told the crowd. “Don’t want him to get rabies.”

Charlie snorted. “Yeah, better not let him bite you on the way. Come on. Pick him up. And I don’t want to see any hardware, understand?”

Alexa continued to bare her teeth, Bang Bang’s blood still dripping from her jaws. These were the people who’d hurt Jesse. She couldn’t let that happen again.

Two youths came forward slowly, eyeing the rifle and giving Alexa a wide berth. Clumsily, they helped Bang Bang to his feet then hustled him off to a pickup parked beside the store. The others dispersed into the darkness, muttering to themselves.

Jesse and Charlie waited until the pickup left and they were sure everyone else was gone before putting away their firepower.

“God, Jesse.” Charlie shook his head. “You didn’t tell me you got yourself a vicious dog.”

Jesse shrugged and reached down to stroke Alexa’s thick, glossy pelt, strangely unafraid. “I didn’t. He just sort of showed up near my house the other day, then again tonight.”

Charlie grinned. “Well, your biology isn’t too good, either. He’s a she.” He pointed. “Look. No dick.”

Alexa raised her face to Jesse’s as his gaze swept over her body. For an instant, something flared in his eyes, and she turned away from him.

“Well, girl,” he said, “I don’t know where you came from or why you picked me, but I’m damn glad you decided to show up.”

“Come on, Jesse.” Charlie stowed the rifle in the car. “We gotta move.”

“Yeah, all right. I’m coming.”

But he lifted Alexa’s snout and searched her eyes, looking for…what?

Alexa pulled away from him and trotted to the side of the store.

Come on, Jesse, get moving. I can’t stand here all night.

“We need to check the whole town, make sure these guys don’t regroup,” Jesse reminded his partner.

“They’ll lay low tonight,” Charlie pointed out. “Maybe try to figure out some kind of payback. It’s tomorrow night and the next one that concerns me.”

“Meanwhile, we’ve got three more towns to sweep before we turn back. Need to make sure all the chickens are in their cages for the night.”

“Think your pet will come along for the ride?” Charlie asked, climbing into the passenger’s seat.

Jesse shrugged. “I told you, she’s not mine.”

Alexa saw Charlie peer out the window, looking for her. The last thing he said before the car pulled away made her stiffen with shock. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that’s no dog but a wolf. Seen any wolves around this part of the country lately?”

Whatever Jesse might have answered was lost in the roar of the muffler.

Great. Just great. That’s all I need.

With the darkening of night, it became easier for her to hide herself as she loped after the car. At each stop, the same process was repeated—Jesse and Charlie would confront a group, remind them of their situation, then move on. But, somehow, the word had spread. None of the other groups were as threatening as the first one.

By the time they’d finished their tour, Alexa was exhausted from guarding them without showing herself. She was, however, convinced Jesse would still be alive when the night was over. But then there was the next night and the next. How long could she keep it up?

When the car finally pulled into the station, Alexa raced home. She breathed a sigh of relief as she made it to her back porch without being seen. Changing back to human form, she fished the key from where she’d stashed it and let herself into the house.

She really needed a shower.


Chapter Five


Jesse pulled into his driveway, killed the motor, and leaned his arms on the steering wheel. His mind was filled with streams of chaotic thoughts. Where had the damn dog suddenly come from? There’d been no sight of him—her—until the other night, then this evening she’d shown up apparently as his guardian angel.

He’d certainly enjoyed watching her take a piece out of Bang Bang’s hand, but only shock and Charlie’s rifle had kept the others from shooting the animal.

And was Charlie right? Was the dog really a wolf? He knew there were some wolves in the abandoned orange groves at the edge of town. He’d never actually seen one before, though.

And why him? What was it that made him a special project of this dog-wolf?

He looked up and saw the light on in Alexa’s living room. She’d developed the habit of leaving it on every night now, a welcoming beacon for him.

I’m here, Jesse, if you want me.

Want her? Oh, hell, yes.

Knowing he was sinking deeper and deeper into a relationship that probably couldn’t go anywhere, he climbed out of the car and mounted the steps to her porch. He was already hardening at the thought of seeing her.




Alexa headed for the shower as soon as she locked the back door. She needed to wash off the stink of the roads and the taste of Bang Bang’s blood in her mouth.

I wish Jesse was here to shower with me.

The thought of the two of them naked in the shower made every pulse in her body throb. Soaping her skin, she ran her lathered fingers over her clit and into her cunt.

God! I want Jesse’s hand in there. No, his cock

Manipulating her clit, she managed the give herself enough of an orgasm to take the edge off. But it wasn’t nearly enough.

She sighed as she turned off the shower and toweled herself. After rubbing on scented lotion, she slipped on a nightshirt and was drying her hair when the doorbell rang. She peered through the spy hole, her heart skipping a beat.


Ignoring him right now, when her pheromones were ramped up after the night’s adrenaline hit, would be the smartest thing to do. But, of course, smart wouldn’t have had her out patrolling the Florida shanty towns to keep Jesse safe.

She took a deep breath, gathering herself, and opened the door. There he was, leaning against the doorframe. Fatigue lined his face, but desire smoldered in his eyes.

He looked down at her. “Hi.”

“Hi.” She was frozen in place, sure he could hear the loud thumping of her heart.

Come in, Jesse. Let me rip off your clothes and impale myself on your magnificent cock.

“I know it’s late, but somehow this is becoming a habit.” One corner of his mouth turned up in a seductive grin.

“Yes.” The word came out as a breathless sound. “It is.”

“So, can I come in?” His eyes raked over her. “You’re on the way to bed, right?”

“Yes. No. I mean, of course, come in.”

And join me in bed.

The door had barely closed before he swept her into his arms and pulled her body tightly against his. Even through the rough denim of his jeans, Alexa felt the hard thickness of his cock pressing against her soft belly. Her nipples hardened and peaked, and her legs trembled.

Jesus, what this man did to her. She was getting herself in deeper and deeper and had no idea how to pull back. One touch from him and she had no control over her senses.

He tore his mouth away from hers at last, trailing his tongue along the line of her jaw and the sensitive column of her neck.

“I guess you’re pretty well healed up.” She managed to get the words out while trying to ignore the tiny fingers of flame racing up and down her skin.

“Oh, yeah. Bet on it. Right now, though,” he mumbled, “I stink from the streets. I know you just showered, but maybe you could still wash my back?”

She struggled to keep her voice even and took his hand. “No problem. Come on. I’ll give you a taste of my magic fingers.”

“God, Alexa,” he breathed in her ear. “You’re teasing a man in combustible shape.”

“Maybe the water will cool you off.” She grinned.




But, if anything, she saw from the swelling of his cock the shower only heightened his arousal. This had become a place where they had some of their most inventive sex. He took the bar of soap, but before he could begin to lather himself with it, Alexa slipped it smoothly away from him. Pushing him with her small hands, she turned him to face the tile wall, grateful to notice his bruises had faded a lot and the swelling was gone.

“Put your hands over your head, Jesse, and lean forward.” Her voice had a ragged edge to it, matching the thunderbolt rocketing through her.

“Are you going to frisk me?” His words were teasing but his voice none too steady.

She gave his shoulder a gentle bite. “And a whole lot more.”

Beginning with his neck, she traced the line of hard muscle from side to side. Her fingers made sweeping strokes down his arms to his wrists and back again then worked the lather into the taut flesh of his back, slowly drawing a path to his waist.

When she backed off to wet the soap again, a tiny growl rolled up from his throat.

“Getting anxious?” She let her fingers trail lightly from shoulders to waist again.

“For you? Always.” He started to turn around, but she pressed her hands to his waist, signaling him to stay the way he was.

Shoulders hunched against the spray of water falling on her, she washed first one ankle then the other, working her way up the insides of his thighs. Reaching forward, she spread the thick lather on his testicles, using a feathery touch to brush the soft hair covering his balls. He shuddered, a fine tremor running through his body, and his cock twitched.

Giving in to a bold urge, wanting to shock his mind away from the night’s activities, she slicked her fingers again with the soap and ran them up and down the cleft of his buttocks. The muscles in his butt clenched, and she fully expected him to pull away, but he didn’t. He stood plastered to the wall, silently giving her permission for her fingers to tease and tantalize him.

She leaned closer and nipped his shoulder. “What will you do if I explore forbidden territory?” she whispered. “Wouldn’t you like to feel my fingers inside you, just like I feel you inside me?”


Even through the scent of the soap that permeated the mist surrounding them, Jesse could smell her arousal. Excitement coursed through him at her suggestion. If he could reach between her legs to her sweet, sweet pussy, he knew it would be rich with cream, the thickness of it dripping down her thighs. Against him, her body quivered.

“Ever done this before, darlin’?” He could barely get the words out.

“Never.” Her voice was as ragged as his. “I’ve never wanted to do it to another man. Ever. But I want this so bad with you, Jesse.”

He had to swallow twice before he could speak again. “Then go ahead, darlin’. Try it and see.”

Covering her hand with a thick lather, she rimmed the edge of his anus with one delicate fingertip before slowly pushing it past the resisting muscle. He sucked in his breath with a sharp sound as her finger invaded him, pulled in by the hot, tight channel. Reaching around in front of him she cupped his testicles. Her nails raked lightly over the sensitive surface as she began to move her finger in and out of him in a steady motion.

“Jesus Christ, Alexa.” The words exploded from him. “You’ll make me come before I want to.”

She nipped his shoulder again, those perfect, even white teeth sending tiny electric shocks through him. “Does it feel good, Jesse? Oh, yes, I can tell it does. Your cock is enormous.”

“Yes, it feels great,” he gritted through clenched teeth. “Better than great.”

“Have you ever let another woman do this?”

It took him a long time to get the answer out.

“No. Never.” He drew in a sharp breath. “I…never wanted to get this personal with anyone else.”

“Good. That’s good.” And all the while her fingers were doing wicked, clever things to him.

“This is what it feels like when my cock is stuffed in your ass, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” The word was barely a whisper.

Even in the short time they’d been together, he knew when he was inside her nothing else mattered. Not to either of them. Everything was centered on his hot erection filling every corner of her body. Of her soul, damn it. And his.

And what did he do about that?


Exultation coursed through Alexa as she realized they had crossed some invisible boundary of intimacy. Jesse gave her such mind-blowing pleasure, and now she was able to do the same for him. At the same time, a tiny voice sounded an alarm.

Don’t think this is going anywhere, little wolf. Remember the last time.

Deliberately, she pushed the warning voice aside and slid her finger from Jesse’s ass, lightly scraping the tissue as she did so. Urging him with her hands, she turned him so he faced her. His face was taut with passion, his cock swollen and throbbing.

She forced herself to move at the same, slow pace she’d used on his back, swirling the lather through the dark hairs on the hard wall of his chest. Her fingertips lightly pinched his dusky nipples, and his penis bobbed against her abdomen.

When she could no longer restrain herself, she took his erection in her hands. The head was dark purple, engorged with blood. The ropy vein running down the underside pulsed with life. Scooping water into her hands, she rinsed the soap from his shaft and began to stroke him with an unhurried rhythm. Wanting more, needing more, she dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth. Deep inside her, a primitive pounding vibrated the walls of her channel, reaching out through her womb and spreading throughout her entire body.

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