Read Wolf on a Mission: Salvation Pack, Book 6 Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Shapeshifters;werewolves;paranormal romance;hot romance

Wolf on a Mission: Salvation Pack, Book 6 (14 page)

BOOK: Wolf on a Mission: Salvation Pack, Book 6
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“Stay close,” Elias warned. “Don’t wander off.”

Reece nodded and headed toward the door with Sage right behind him. Gray gave the dog a signal and Shadow trotted after them.

Elias waited until the door was closed behind them. “Thank you,” he told her.

Gray nodded. “I know this is tough on them. But as I said, we’re all different here.”

“The quicker Sage accepts he can’t shift, the better off he’ll be,” Louis said. He went to the window and peered out at the boys and dog. “It’s harder on him because his brother is stronger than he is in many ways. Sage will have to find his own strengths.”

Elias knew Louis was speaking from experience. Louis might be a full-blooded werewolf, but he’d grown up in the shadow of an immensely powerful older brother. Yet Louis was fully confident in who he was and his own strengths. Elias wanted that for Sage.

He desperately wished he could talk to his brother about everything. He also wanted to talk to Sue. Her very presence had soothed a lot of the pain and anger that boiled inside him. She’d given him peace.

He ached to see her, to hold her, to kiss her. It wasn’t easy to ignore the needs of his body, but he managed. The last thing he wanted to do was to sport a hard-on in front of the others.

He stood and swallowed a groan. His jeans were uncomfortably tight. He ignored the pressure on his semi-erect cock and walked over to stand beside Louis. Reece had shifted and now Sage was wrestling with the dog and the wolf. He was laughing and it lightened the pressure pushing down on Elias. He kept reminding himself he’d done the right thing.

“Come on.” Louis opened the door. “Why don’t we join them?”

Elias nodded at the others and walked out onto the porch to watch. It was good to see his nephews acting their age and simply being teenagers.

His contentment was tinged with sadness at what he’d lost and what he’d never have. He wondered where Sue was and what she was doing.

* * * * *

Sue was up the walkway and on the porch in a flash. She swallowed back her temper, not wanting to yell at William in front of Billy. William had visiting rights, but he had to schedule them with her first. This visit was totally unexpected.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded, just barely managing to keep her voice civil. She didn’t forget for one second that he wanted to take her son from her. “Where’s Mrs. Beecham?”

“I’m here.” Mrs. Beecham stepped out onto the porch with a tray of lemonade. “I thought it would be nice to have something cool to drink.”

Sue wanted to groan in frustration. She loved Mrs. Beecham, but the woman was old-fashioned and thought Sue and William should be raising Billy together. She’d have to have a talk with the older woman once she got rid of her ex.

Billy was sitting on the porch watching them. The trucks he’d been playing with abandoned. She conjured up a smile for him. “Did you have a good day, sweetie?” Her son nodded and stuck his thumb in his mouth.

Damn it. She hated when he did that because it meant he was feeling stressed and unsure. She ignored William and went to Billy. She crouched beside him and brushed her hand over his baby-soft hair.

“Lemonade.” Mrs. Beecham offered Billy the small plastic cup.

“Thank you.” He took the treat and sipped it.

Sue sighed and stood, knowing she couldn’t avoid William forever. “What do you want, William?”

Her ex was a good-looking man with his light hair and lean build. He was wearing dress pants and a short-sleeved shirt. His sunglasses were in his hand, allowing her to see his blue eyes. She’d thought she’d loved him once. Now she wondered what she’d ever seen in him.

He paled in comparison with Elias. Not only in looks, but also in character, which was much more important in her opinion. Elias hadn’t hesitated to change his life for his nephew. Of course, he was no slouch in the looks department. He was rugged and had an untamed edge about him that secretly thrilled her.

“I want to see my son. Surely there’s nothing wrong with that?” He gave her his patented smile, the one that had made her heart pitter-patter once upon a time. Now it simply made her suspicious.

She stepped away from her son and went to stand closer to her ex. She hoped Mrs. Beecham would take the hint and distract Billy. “Why the sudden need to see him when it hasn’t been a priority up until now?”

William shrugged. “I’m remarrying and can give Billy a better home than you can.”

Her blood began to boil. “You hardly know him. A visit every few months doesn’t count.”

“A judge might not see it that way.” She hated how infuriatingly calm he was. So sure of himself. William Walsh was used to getting his own way.

“There’s no money,” she told him. “I used the money from the sale of the house to pay off Mom and Dad’s debts.”

“You have a new car,” he pointed out.

“It’s a couple years old, and it was the only thing I got out of the estate, and only because I need reliable transportation to get to work and for Billy.” Why was she arguing with him? That only put her in a weak position. “Talk to my lawyer,” she told him. “And stay away from Billy unless it’s a scheduled visit.” A part of her worried he might simply take her son.

No way would she let that happen.

“Oh, I’ll be talking with my lawyer and yours. Billy told me he was down by the creek, by himself, and he met a stranger and a dog.” His expression hardened. “Then you invited them over for lunch the next day.”

Sue wanted to close her eyes and groan. Billy wanted his father’s love and acceptance so much, he pretty much told him everything about his life. This was one time she wished her son hadn’t been quite so open with his father.

“Everything was fine.” She kept her expression level and her tone firm.

“I don’t know, Sue. I’m appalled that Billy was allowed to wander off by himself. That’s dangerous.”

“For God’s sake. He wasn’t allowed to wander off. He’s five years old. It happens. It was only a few minutes.” She still remembered how frightened she’d been when she’d realized he was missing.

William shook his head again. “Neglectful.”

She wanted to smack the smirk off his face. She snorted. “You’re one to talk.” She took another tact. “The only money my parents left is a trust for Billy. It’s untouchable by anyone else. Only Billy can have it and only when he’s eighteen.” When William frowned, she went in for the kill. “In fact, it’s hard for me to make ends meet.” She met his gaze squarely. “I might need more child support.”

William frowned and took a step back. Then he seemed to gather himself together and smiled. Her blood ran cold. “A judge might think it prudent for Billy to come live with me and my fiancée if you’re not able to support him.”

Sue stepped closer to William. “You will not take my son, do you hear me?”

William only shrugged, the bastard. “We’ll see.” He turned and walked down the path to the sidewalk and got into his car. He never even said goodbye to his son.

She felt Billy’s hand close around hers. She smiled down at her son, but her stomach cramped when she noted his thumb was in his mouth again. She leaned down and hugged him. “Why don’t you get your things together and we’ll head home.”


It broke her heart the way he watched his father’s car drive away before he went inside. Sue stood and faced Mrs. Beecham. “William’s visits with Billy have to be approved by me.”

When Mrs. Beecham’s lips thinned into a disapproving line, she drove the point home. “He wants to take Billy.” She glanced toward the door to make certain he hadn’t returned yet. “He thinks there is money from my parents’ estate.”

“Surely not.” Mrs. Beecham’s frown deepened. “Maybe he’s just using that as an excuse to come and see the two of you. Maybe he wants to make a family.”

“He does,” Sue told the older woman. “Just not with me. He’s remarrying and thinks this is a way to get his hands on the trust they left for Billy.”

She shook her head. “I just can’t believe that.”

Sue couldn’t believe her mother’s friend was being so obstinate and blind. “Can I trust you not to let William take Billy?” Now the older woman looked devastated and hurt. Sue wanted to curl up somewhere and cry. Why did she always end up feeling as though she were the one who was lacking when she’d always done her best?

Mrs. Beecham squared her shoulders and plucked at the fabric of her dress. “Of course you can.”

Sue wasn’t so sure, but she really didn’t have a choice. Mrs. Beecham worked cheap and Sue couldn’t afford to pay someone else to look after Billy. Plus, she knew the woman really did love Billy. But more than that, Billy felt safe with her.

“Thank you.” She noticed Billy standing just inside the door. “Ready?” She opened the door and took his backpack. The few trucks on the porch were toys he left there.

Billy nodded and she took his hand and asked him about his day as they made their way to the car. Her head ached and her heart was filled with fear for her son’s future. It also ached for the loss of something she’d never truly had—Elias.

What would it be like to have a strong man like that at her side, helping her raise her son?
And in her bed
, a sly little voice in the back of her head whispered. Wasn’t going to happen. With her parents gone and Anny no longer in her life except by email and phone, Sue was on her own.

She’d deal with William, one way or another. Surely once he realized there was no money he’d give up his foolish idea of taking Billy. She couldn’t imagine his future wife would want to be saddled with another woman’s child. At least that was her hope. It was all she had.

Chapter Fifteen

Elias sat on the back porch of the house where he was a guest. The stars blanketed the sky and the moon was a glowing crescent. The door opened behind him and Gator stepped out. Elias didn’t bother acknowledging the other man. Sage and Reece were settled in over at the alpha’s house for the night. He hated being away from them.

Gator leaned against the porch post, making it impossible for Elias to ignore him. “What?” Elias demanded.

Gator just smiled and shook his head. “You’re too tense to sleep tonight. Why don’t you go for a run?”

That surprised him. The last thing he’d expected was for the man to tell him he had free rein over their land. Of course, with his nephews here, it wasn’t like Elias was going to do anything stupid to jeopardize their safety.

mon ami
,” Gator urged. “Your boys will come to no harm.”

Strangely enough, he believed the other werewolf. Gator wasn’t the type of man who said one thing and then did another.

“Just don’t do anything stupid,” Gator warned.

“Define stupid.” he shot back.

Gator laughed. “Damned if I don’t like you.” He pushed away from the post and strode closer. “You’ve got a certain look in your eye.” Gator shoved his hair out of his face. “I’ve seen it before, and it can only mean one thing. Trouble. You’ve got a woman on your mind. And since the only woman you’ve seen lately is Anny’s friend, I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume it’s Sue Walsh that’s put that look on your face.”

Shit, Gator was more perceptive than Elias had given him credit for. “It doesn’t matter.” If he said it often enough, he might eventually start to believe it.

“Because she’s human?”

Elias nodded. “Yes, because she’d human. You have a pack to protect. I have my nephews and she has her son. She knows nothing of our world.”

Gator leaned against the railing and crossed his arms over his chest. “It would take a strong woman to accept who and what we are.”

Was Gator suggesting Elias go to her? “She’s human,” he reiterated. “Her lifespan is short.”

“How old are you anyway?” Gator asked.

“Fifty.” Elias knew he looked to be in his mid-thirties, but that was the way it was with werewolves. He wouldn’t begin to show his age for another seventy plus years.

Gator whistled. “Maybe you’re too old for her.”

Elias was on his feet in a heartbeat, fists clenched and ready to fight. A low growl rolled from his chest. Gator held his hands out in front of him in mock surrender. Elias realized he was being an ass and sucked in a deep breath.

“You might as well go check on her.” Gator slapped Elias on the shoulder on his way along. “Maybe you can’t be with her, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look out for her.” With that, the other man went inside, leaving Elias with two choices—stay or go.

He was off the porch and running before he’d made a conscious decision. He didn’t shift. He didn’t want to push his luck that far. His wolf didn’t seem to mind that much, not since they were headed toward Sue’s place.

The warm night air flowed around him and the stars lit his path. Not that he needed the light, not with his preternatural vision. His breathing was deep and slow as he jumped over downed trees and across rocks. The mossy ground was soft beneath his feet and he made no sound.

He was aware of Cole off to his left, keeping pace until Elias left pack land. He wondered why the sentry hadn’t stopped or questioned him. Maybe Cole knew where Elias was going. Maybe they all sensed his attraction.

He was grateful neither Sage nor Reece seemed to have noticed it. Or if they had, they hadn’t mentioned it.

Legs pumping and arms moving to give him maximum power, Elias raced through the night. He felt alive in a way he hadn’t in many years. Being around a pack, being able to simply run through the woods was a powerful thing. His blood surged through his body and his skin itched with the need to shift.

He slowed and fought with the wolf inside him. He couldn’t afford to be seen as a wolf and start any rumors around town. That would not endear him to the pack.

Elias hit the path by the stream that ran behind Sue’s home and followed it to her backyard. The light was still on in her kitchen. He frowned and prowled closer. It was late. He’d expected Sue to be in bed.

On silent feet, he reached the back porch and peered in the window. Sue was sitting at the kitchen table with her head buried in her hands. She looked upset about something. Before he could talk himself out of it, he was at the back door. He knocked once and waited.

“Who’s there?” she demanded. He heard the quaver of fear in her voice and damned himself for putting it there.


Chair legs scraped against the floor as she pushed out of her chair. Her feet barely made a sound as she made her way to the door. “Elias?”

“Yeah, it’s me.”

Sue unlocked the door and pulled it open. “What are you doing here?”

He had a dozen excuses lined up, but what came out was the pure, unadulterated truth. “I couldn’t stay away.” He took a step forward and she moved back, inviting him into her home.

It was a big step for both of them. Elias inhaled deeply. The house smelled like Sue, sweet and womanly with a hint of vanilla. He also scented Billy, the warm air that wafted through the window screens and a hint of bacon. Whatever they’d eaten for supper had included bacon.

“You shouldn’t be here.” She started to turn away, but he put his hand on her shoulder and stopped her.

“What’s wrong?” There was definitely something bothering her. Sue was tense and her eyes were red. She’d been crying.

She shrugged. “Nothing you need to worry about.”

Ouch, that hurt worse than it should have. Not that he didn’t deserve it. As far as she was concerned, he’d gotten what he’d wanted last night and then walked away.

Sue moved away and went to the kitchen cabinet. She pulled down a glass and poured herself some water from the jug in the refrigerator. Like last night, she was wearing a thin nightgown that fell to her knees and had thin straps keeping it up. It was pale lavender in color and made her appear even more ethereal than normal. Her blond hair was tousled and she wasn’t wearing any makeup at all, but that didn’t detract one ounce from her beauty.

She set her glass down and crossed her arms over her chest, bringing his attention to her breasts, which were pushed up by the action.

He swallowed hard and willed his erection to go down. It was a lost cause. “Maybe I can help.”

Her laugh was tinged with bitterness. “You’re part of the problem.”

He frowned. “Excuse me.”

Sue waved her hand in the air and, for a brief second, he caught a glimpse of her dark nipple through her thin gown. He swallowed hard and forced himself to look only at her face.

“My ex is threatening to take Billy.” She went back to the table and sat. “He thinks there’s money from my parents’ estate.”

“Is there?” Elias wanted to find the bastard and beat the hell out of him for upsetting Sue like this.

“What’s left is in trust for Billy for when he turns eighteen. It’s for his education.”

Elias nodded. “And?” he prompted when she fell silent.

“William is remarrying and all of a sudden wants Billy. But it’s not his son he wants, it’s the money.”

Elias couldn’t imagine any man not wanting his own child. “You’re sure?”

The look she gave him was so filled with anger and disgust it would have dissolved a weaker man. “Of course I’m sure. I had to fight to make him see his son at all. I should have let him just walk away, but I thought Billy needed to know his father.” She rubbed her fingers over her forehead. “He doesn’t know his son at all. He just wants the money.”

Elias couldn’t stay away from her any longer. He went to her side, crouched down and rested one hand on her leg. “You said I was part of the problem?”

“Oh God. I didn’t mean that.” She shook her head. “It’s not your fault. Not really. If William hadn’t used that, he would have used something else.”

Elias’s brain went offline momentarily and he was unable to think or speak. “Your ex found out we were together?” he blurted. He hated the idea of anyone tainting the amazing sexual encounter they’d had on her back porch.

“What? No. No.” Sue tilted her head back and stared at the ceiling. “He was at the babysitter’s place when I went to pick up Billy. He’s not supposed to see his son unless it’s a scheduled visit. Billy wants his father’s attention so badly. He told him about meeting Reece and Sage down by the creek. Needless to say, William is using that as an example of me being an unfit mother.”

Elias was speechless. Sue loved her son more than anything in the world. Anyone who spent even five minutes in her presence would know that. What her ex was doing to her was nothing less than cruel.

“I’m sorry.” Elias didn’t know what else to say.

Sue looked at him and nodded. “I know you are. I don’t know what I’m going to do. My lawyer told me not to worry.”

“You spoke with him?”

“As soon as I put Billy to bed. He says it’s nothing more than a ploy to upset me. He says William doesn’t have a leg to stand on after barely being in Billy’s life for years. A judge will rarely take a child away from the mother.” A lone tear leaked from the corner of her eye and rolled down her cheekbone. Elias reached out and wiped it away. It wasn’t right that Sue was crying. She deserved nothing but happiness.

Following his instincts, Elias stood and scooped her into his arms. The fact she didn’t object told him just how badly she was hurting. He carried her down the short hallway to her bedroom. It wasn’t hard to find as the house was small and one of the bedroom doors was closed.

Her scent was also stronger as he neared her room. He carried her over the threshold and set her down on the bed. She looked tiny curled up on the sheets, but she was so much stronger than she looked.

“I want to stay.” The urge to comfort her was stronger than he could fight. He knew he should leave but couldn’t, not when she was hurting like this. Neither man nor wolf would stand for it.

He walked to her door and closed it. When she made no protest, he toed off his sneakers, yanked off his tank top and shucked his jeans. As soon as he was naked, he crawled onto the bed beside her and curled his big body around hers.

His erection dug into her side, but he ignored his body’s needs. This was about comforting Sue and giving her what she needed. Then she rolled over so she was facing him, reached down between their bodies and wrapped her fingers around his cock.

Sue didn’t know why Elias had shown up tonight, and she honestly didn’t care. She’d been stripped bare today with pain and anger, and had been left feeling empty and alone. She wanted to feel alive and powerful. Sex with Elias could give her that.

It wouldn’t change her situation, but it would give her a respite from the worry. A naked Elias made it difficult to think about any problems. When he wrapped himself around her, she felt safe and cherished. It might be an illusion, but it was one she sorely needed at this moment.

She’d be strong again tomorrow. Right now, she needed to forget.

She turned onto her side, reached down and gripped his shaft. He was hard and full. Pulsing with life. He tensed and his cock flexed in her hand.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes.” She’d never been more sure of anything in her life. She’d spent years of her life being responsible and sensible. She’d needed to be that way for her son, and later on her parents. Elias was her wild fling, the one thing she did for no one other than herself.

Not that she regretted one second of her life. She didn’t. She loved her son and her parents and would do everything over again in a heartbeat to have them in her life.

But she wanted more. Needed more. If only for another night.

Elias rolled until he was on top of her, his weight resting on his thickly muscled forearms. “You’re an amazing woman, Sue.” He nuzzled her neck and inhaled. Was he sniffing her?

She ran her hands up his broad shoulders and thrust her fingers through his hair. She didn’t want to think or talk. She only wanted to feel.

Using her grip, she tugged until his gorgeous mouth was close enough for her to kiss. It was light at first. Her lips skimming over his. The heat from his big body surrounded her, making her hot in more ways than one.

A deep rumble vibrated in his chest and then he was kissing her back. He thrust his tongue past her lips and she opened for him. He tasted dark and dangerous, hot and masculine.

He slid one thick thigh between her legs and shoved them open, making a place for himself in the cradle of her body. His cock pressed against her stomach. She moaned as the heat of him sank through her thin nightgown.

He slanted his mouth over hers again and again until she was breathless. Only then did he sit back between her spread thighs. His eyes were practically glowing in the darkness. It had to be a trick of the light, but it was slightly unnerving.

He ran his fingers down the slender column of her neck and over her collarbone. Then he hooked them beneath the straps of her gown and eased them down. She bent her arms and helped him pull the fabric all the way down so her gown was pooled around her waist.

He growled and bent forward. The rasp of his hot, wet tongue on her nipple set her body on fire with need. She’d forgotten she had sexual needs of any kind until she’d met Elias. He seemed to bring out that more basic side, reminding her she was a sexual woman with wants and desires.

This time, she wasn’t going to stop until she had him inside her.

He plumped her breasts with his big hands and then teased each straining nipple with his tongue and teeth. He flicked and lapped at the bud before lightly scraping his teeth over the surrounding area. Sue arched into his touch, unable to get enough. Her pussy ached and she was on the edge of coming.

She dug her nails into his shoulders and ran her hands over his back. “I want you.” The plea escaped her, and Elias froze with his tongue curled around her nipple.

He shuddered and then raised his head. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. She’d always regret if she let this opportunity slip away from her. She’d been married and had a child but she’d never felt sexual passion like she did when she was with Elias. She was old enough now to realize just how special and rare it was.

BOOK: Wolf on a Mission: Salvation Pack, Book 6
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