Wolf Sirens: Forbidden: Discover The Legend (20 page)

BOOK: Wolf Sirens: Forbidden: Discover The Legend
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23. Elysium

I drifted off to sleep. I awoke to a scratching on my
window and I jumped up dazed in the dim light.
Squinting, I couldn’t make out who it was, the
possibilities made more difficult now that Sky had
been up once before, or could it be Cresida, suspicious
of my plan, because she had been watching? But when
I saw the hair I knew who it was and my heart jumped
into palpitations. I squeaked the window open slowly
which was as always now unlatched, shushed my guest
and went to close the door as I’d given up religiously
closing it. When I returned to him he was dripping
wet and I noticed it was raining outside. “What are
you doing here?” I whispered accusingly.

“I don’t know,” he said. “Do you want to talk?” He
frowned, glancing into my eyes.
“If this is about Reid, I-”
“Shh, no, I know you guys weren’t serious, I
overreacted.” He looked at me seriously then, eyes
smouldering: “I’m sorry.”
Now it was me who eyed him up and down critically. I was stunned but I hid my feelings as I so often
did now. “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” I said, and
there wasn’t. I had been glad for him to have a reason
to come up when he did weeks ago.There was no bitterness, not really, especially not in comparison with
the other emotion I felt. I breathed in his smell.
“Why haven’t you been at school?”
He changed the subject. “Shit, you’re built. I had
to do a double take tonight. What are you doing to
yourself? You know Cresida will be protecting you,
there is no need to–”
I cut him off defensively. “This isn’t for anyone!”
I gestured to my body. I blushed. Yes, it
, and he
was standing here.
“Are you going for heavy weight champion, or
something?” he teased as though he had always done.
“No,” I replied. I wanted to know why he was
here, really. My heart skipped a beat. I was scared to
ask incase he left.
We stared at each other. “Are you going to get me
a towel?” He smiled wryly.
I turned to get one whilst taking a jab.“Don’t
dogs just shake,” I muttered sneaking out to get a
towel, whilst I wondered if I was dreaming. I had to
steady my breath as I quietly snuck back in the room,
gently thudding the door shut. I turned to see the
most beautiful specimen ever to grace my vision reclining on my bed, a cheeky smile across his face. I
wanted to ask him a million things, not least what
he was thinking. But all I could do was stare at him
unbelieving, as though I was now seeing things.
“Is your mum awake?” He looked alarmed and it
endeared me that he should be concerned about my
“No, it’s okay, just be quiet,” I lifted my finger to
my lips. “She’s a light sleeper.”
“Are you going to give me that?” He gestured. I
looked down at the towel. Bravely I walked over to
him, threw the towel on his lap and sat on the bed
in front of him, my back to his legs. I pondered if he
felt the same as me, if this insane nervous fluttering
could be mutual.
“Does Sam know you’re here?” I swallowed hard
not looking at him. I was tense. I couldn’t look at his
eyes. I felt helpless, I was terrified of touching him
yet an electricity flowed through me. He grabbed my
arm and he came up to sit beside me, then. I was
almost visibly shaking though I couldn’t move. His
smouldering touch shook through me and burnt
where his tanned flesh touched mine. I still did not
look at him. He dried off shaking the towel over his
head. He couldn’t have been closer to me. The wet
towel touched my nightshirt; my autonomic nervous
system went into overdrive. I reminded myself that
this is all I had wanted for so long and here he was,
and it wasn’t a dream.There was no one watching, no
eyes on us in the dark and I could smell his sweat. I
didn’t want to know anything, I just knew I wanted to
touch his burning warm caramel skin and I let myself
believe that if he was here, he wanted that too. He
had been banned like the rest of them to stay away,
like Reid, yet he was here, for no reason other than
he couldn’t stay away. He rubbed my leg and he ran a
finger over my thigh. We sat with bated breath, silent,
breathing heavily. Finally I couldn’t bear it any longer.
I faced him. I couldn’t look into his eyes, I placed my
cold lips on his warm lips. He did not resist, quite the
opposite. I pulled away, fearful of his reaction gasping
for breath. I threw my head into my lap, squeezing
my eyes shut; I felt his large warm hand stroke me.
“Is it too much?” he asked softly.
I could only assume he meant all of it, the kissing,
everything, and him being here. I wasn’t sure I could
stay conscious.
“Yes,” I sniffed truthfully; it was all too much
emotion for one body to contain. More unbearable
quiet followed, where only my heart beat out of my
chest and at the same time, I thought I could hear
his heart beating just as hard. That he felt it too, and
that blood pounded through his veins with the same
intensity as mine. He hadn’t left, he stayed close to
me, hot against me in my room. What was he doing?
“I thought you hated me,” I confessed. “You’re
not supposed to be here.”
He didn’t speak. Finally he broke the painful silence. “What do you want to do?”
I didn’t know if he meant now or forever. Was he
just as scared as me, that if I sent him away we would
never have, or be allowed this moment again?
“No, don’t go,” I whispered hastily, as he went to
move away, perhaps to leave. I touched his hand delicately and he came closer then, kissed me once on the
lips and then hugged me tight. I withered beneath
his hands and although he was so warm and throbbing, I shivered.There had been so much waiting and
hoping. He felt the same and now it was happening
so fast, I struggled to keep up. He released me then
and brushed up and down my arms as if to warm me.
“Cold?” he asked.
“No, just sort of in shock,” I huffed weakly after
more silence in which I could hear only the rain
pounding on the roof and the blood in my veins.
“We’re not supposed to be doing this,” I whispered,
whilst in my head I was screaming for him and
asking myself what the hell I was saying? “I didn’t
know if you felt the same way or if I was mad, the
way I felt…”
In the silence he answered, “It’s different than
you and Reid isn’t it?” he asked hopefully.
His pack brother’s name pricked a nerve. “Yeah.”
I looked at him, my words not doing my feelings justice. I wondered if this was more to him than Cresida
or Sam, but I dared not ask. There was so much to
say. Words would have broken the spell; he held my
wrist to his chest. My palm rested over his heart, my
cold nose nuzzled the crest of his neck, my lips rested
against his flesh, soaking up his warmth, breathing
in the smell of his skin. I swallowed nervously. His
neck seemed to goose bump, but was burning hot,
and I pulled away from the embrace and tilted my
lips close to his and kissed him. Energy buzzed between us.
And when we finally parted his husky voice whispered, “Your hair’s different.” He touched the ends
between his fingertips. I was glad he had an excuse to
feel more of me.
“Does Sam or the others know you are here, with
me?” I reached my fingers for him.
“No.” He shook his head, leaning in towards me
further, our fingers twisting around one another, his
warm skin making my mortal flesh tingle.
“Will they be angry?” I wondered what would
happen to him if they did find out.
“They know something’s up,” he admitted, but it
sounded like he didn’t care.
We giggled then. “We won’t be in any
we?” I breathed, almost unable to apply the word to
“No.” He shook his head again.
“Because of Cres?” I asked.
“Yeah.” I loved the way his mouth moved when
he talked, the way his bottom lip moved lop-sided
when he spoke.
I wanted him to say more reassuring things, but
I didn’t care either. It wouldn’t have made any difference. This was our moment and the night wouldn’t
last forever. I inhaled the wet heat and musk from his
pores and hoped it would permeate into my sheets.
We lay on the bed cuddling all of the sleepless night.
He left before dawn, kissing me goodbye, long and
soft, and again after he got up. He smiled – his perfect row of white teeth and large canines. “See you at
I must have looked worried. “Shh,” he cooed.
“I’ll deal with Sam, don’t worry,” he hushed, pleading
me to calm, with his luminescent eyes. But I knew
it might not be that easy, that simple. I shook when
he held me. Each excruciating moment could be the
“Don’t see Sam,” my voice rasped, terrified she
would brainwash him.
“Don’t worry.” He smiled sadly and bent to touch
my cheek. He ran his fingers over my lips looking at
me longingly, as though I was a portrait he adored. I
wanted to ask him everything that couldn’t be said
and I
worry. We hadn’t devised a plan, as though
both our brains were too full of endorphins to realize
the magnitude of our union, the repercussions.
I felt like he had left me a million times before,
and each time it had felt like a hunger. The moment
he leapt out the window carelessly my mind turned
to the immediate logical concerns. I was nervous to
even be seen with him; rightfully so. I still wasn’t
like him, beautiful or indestructible. Still shaky and
clumsy, due to tiredness, I knew I would be a zombie by the early afternoon but I couldn’t stay home
– not while adrenaline thrashed around inside me. I
dressed for school earlier than was necessary, thinking of how I was human and I wouldn’t be the only
one who wondered what he saw in me; maybe he
would ignore me and forget this night ever occurred.
I struggled to believe he had come up in pursuit of
me and that he could feel the same insane feelings –
that he would pursue me tormented by the lust I had
been suffocated by, and still painfully was.
I didn’t know for sure if he would be at school.
I felt as though maybe I would never see him again,
and at the same time wondered how I could survive
his excruciating presence. Surely that was all I could
have wished for; those few hours in his hands, against
him, feeling his chest rise and fall, my own chest
panting alongside his. Maybe I’d had my fix and I
could walk away now and leave it all behind me, get
out with my life intact, go back to my old school – a
life of safety and obscurity.

The second I saw him at the school bus stop waiting for me every thought disappeared. If I did leave,
it would be kicking and screaming. He was my

I ran off the bus and bounded into his arms inhaling his smell. He held me close as he had last night,
my head against his chest.

“Sorry,” I said pulling away. “Is Sam going to kill
me?” I searched his eyes.
“More like
,” he replied. “Maybe we should
keep it tame for today, play it down a bit.” I must
have looked devastated. He quickly added, “It’s just
while we’re here. Unless you don’t want to?” he said,
concern wrinkling his forehead.
“No, you’re right, we should be careful, I don’t
know what’s going to happen.” Admitting the truth
of it made me shake, but I couldn’t pull away, not
while he held me. This was the longest sentence I
had ever spoken to him in public. I rested my cheek
against his t-shirt inhaling the scent.
“I’ve talked to Cres,” he said low. I winced inside
at hearing her name on his lips. So that’s where he’d
been early this morning.
“She’ll keep an eye on you and Sam.”
For very
different reasons.
He looked deep into my eyes with
his sapphires burning. “I don’t know if I can keep my
hands off you, though,” he said as his mouth parted
in a smile. I trembled a little, unable to contain the
whirlpool of emotions inside me of fear, desperation
and love, all fighting within my body, inside my brain.
Cresida, even Sam, was pushed far away from my
mind; nothing mattered but him and me in our own
moment, our own world. The way he made me feel
was like nothing I had experienced in my short seventeen years of life. It was like I had been living in a
grey tunnel and all of a sudden every colour imaginable was revealed to me and I could look up and
see all around me. As though there were a million
directions to go, but all I wanted to do was walk towards him. I realized what it was to be alive and to
be happy. To be in love and to struggle for each and
every wonderfully excruciating breath of life, just to
stare into his vivid sapphire eyes.
We were stared at like never before as we entered
the high school atmosphere. Sky linked his fingers
in mine. His hands were too large, my digits were
stretched to fit tightly into his, they were warm and
dry. Kids tripped as they passed us in the hall, at
lunch we sat together near the clique. Sam was perhaps still too raw to accept us in close proximity just
yet. The others would have assumed I had stolen her
long-term boyfriend and that she was angry or even
jealous.That was normal, the normal human reaction
and subsequent conclusion. She stood her ground
despite the gossip and the glances in the lunch area.
How bizarre and dangerous our relationship really
was would have been invisible to all of them. Giny
waved a sly hand in our direction. She was flushed
and she smirked at me. Because she and I were both
human and Giny was surely as shocked or even more
so stunned than the rest of the town to see us as an
item, I took this gesture as a sign of her approval. I
was pleased, I knew she wanted all the details and I
was relieved she hadn’t reacted badly. Maybe it wasn’t
going to be all bad. This was a good omen, and the
rest of the school day went by in an overtired daze of
endorphins. Sky met me after my final class and we
strolled hand in hand to our amazed public’s continued adoration and ended up walking to the centre
of town through the park to the river’s edge under a
row of oak trees, which had shed acorns all over the
ground.The priestess was now covered with a gazebo
to protect her and the wolf from the elements, which
had pitted the surface of the monument.
Sky sat on a boulder by the edge of the river and
we embraced in the way only new couples can, me
shaking with pleasure and disbelief that he loved me
too. I ran my fingers over his goatee, which had miraculously grown over the day. It was paler than his
chestnut hair and coarser, but soft to the touch and I
ran my thumb over his lips letting the hairs tickle me.
“I have to shave it almost twice a day.” He
grabbed my hand gently and pulled me close again
and the electricity coursed through us, our bodies
pulsed against each other. I wondered if this is what
love felt like.

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