Wolf Six's Salvation: A Shifter Love Story (9 page)

BOOK: Wolf Six's Salvation: A Shifter Love Story
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Power started to build within her, an ache that craved satisfaction. Her legs started to shake, her body taking control and leaving her mind to spin in bliss. She opened her eyes to see his, glowing with golden want, and it sent her over the edge. White hot pleasure seared through her core, spreading out to her fingertips and making her dizzy with lust. Her moan seemed far away as he kept up his relentless rhythm, forcing her to shake and spasm once again.

The ache to be filled was too great to ignore. Chloe reached down, threading her fingers through his dark hair, her eyes bright with pleasure.

I need you now
. The words were never spoken but they hung in the air as if she had shouted them. He grinned, moving up onto the bed, his body only inches from hers. She licked her lips, eyes focused on the thick, swollen member positioned at her entrance. She would give anything to have him fill her. To complete her.

He slid into her easily. Her shriek of pleasure met with his growl of satisfaction as their bodies joined, writhing and begging for more. His hips worked back and forth, filling her again and and again, her moans of pleasure filling the air. This was heaven.

He looked down at her and grinned, cupping the back of her neck with his hand and kissing her as he spun. Chloe was now on top of him. She licked her lips, sitting up straight. Her hands went to his masculine chest, his nipples pebbling under her palms. Using her legs, she started to bounce, sliding up and down the length of his shaft.

Jackson's eyes rolled up into the back of his head, his mouth twisting in beautiful agony. A whine of pleasure escaped his throat, spurring her on. His hands dug into her hips, guiding her motions up and down.

He opened his eyes. A fierce hunger and lust shone out, the golden glow returning and lighting his eyes as if a fire were building inside of him. Chloe couldn't look away. Knowing that she was responsible for this level of want, that she was turning him on and giving him unfathomable pleasure made the heat in her own core grow. He looked at her like she was the most beautiful and amazing creature on the planet.

His hands tightened on her hips, his manhood swelling within her. Chloe felt her body respond in kind, wanting to match his pleasure to her own. It was so easy to climb the mountain of pleasure with him, so easy to find herself ready to come with him.

Jackson's eyes went wide, his entire body arching as he groaned with release. He exploded inside of her, tipping her over the edge of her own pleasure to follow him. Her hips rocked against his and satisfaction she had never known before filled her.

Slowly, she remembered how to breathe again. Her heart was ready to beat out of her chest as she leaned forward, pressing her breasts into his chest. She kissed his cheek, the stubble rough against her lips. His heart pounded against hers as they both gasped for air.

He kissed the tip of her nose. His eyes were back to brown, but they held such lust that Chloe felt her stomach flip with desire.

Chloe asked silently, raising her eyebrows.

He grinned, looking down at where they were still joined. She could feel him begin to harden again.

He laughed, deep and throaty, setting her world on fire again. She was glad the night was just beginning...


hloe lay in bed, her eyes still closed and her cheeks flushed. She didn't know it was possible to have such vivid dreams. She could have sworn that Jackson had been in her bed, their lovemaking the real thing and not just a nighttime fantasy. Her body even felt sore in all the right places. She didn't want to open her eyes, afraid to spoil the illusion. Maybe if she kept them shut, he would walk out of the shower and tell her it wasn't a dream.

A heavy pounding on the door made her groan.

"Chloe? It's me," called a masculine voice through the wood. Jackson.

Her eyes shot open and she bounded out of bed, grabbing the gun he had given off the nightstand and peeking out a hole in the curtains and then the peephole before unlocking the door and letting him in. She flung open the door, and she almost launched herself into his arms before remembering that he hadn't actually been there for her dreams. He drew back as she stepped forward and she thought of how he had left suddenly after their kiss and left her to sleep alone. She wrapped her arms around her, more to keep herself from doing something regrettable than from the cold.

"I may have found something on your brother," Jackson said, locking the door behind him. Excitement bubbled up in Chloe's chest. Maybe his disappearing for the night hadn't been a complete waste after all.

"What did you find?" she asked, hope creeping into her voice. She handed Jackson back his gun and he carefully holstered it and then crossed his arms.

"I found some top-secret orders for your brother to go to Afghanistan."

Chloe sat back on the messy bed and ran her fingers through her hair. It was tangled from thrashing in her sleep, and so she untied it and combed it with her fingers. It gave her something to do while she digested the information.

"Afghanistan? What about the file?" Chloe frowned and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. It was still tangled, but at least it wasn't as bad.

Jackson's brows came together, emotions darting across his face faster than Chloe could register them. Finally, he sighed and dropped his arms to his side.

"I don't think the orders are authentic. Something about them is fishy and it doesn't correlate with the other intel you've dug up. It may just be a false report to keep the info classified, but it is possible that he's just in theater," Jackson said. His mouth was a thin line. He hadn't wanted to tell Chloe they were fake, but he couldn't lie to her either.

"I see," she said quietly, looking down at the floor. She took a breath and looked up. "Thank you for looking. I appreciate it."

"Of course." Jackson nodded and went to reach for the door.

"Where are you going? You just got here." Chloe tried to keep the pout out of her voice. Even if he obviously didn't want to kiss her, she didn't want him to leave. Just having him in the same room made her feel better. Safer.

"I can't stay," he said. His voice was low and his face troubled. He took a small step toward the door.

"Why not?" Chloe stood. She didn't want him to leave. They had shared a magical kiss. Chloe had never felt anything like it in her entire life; they had a connection and she knew it. She wasn't about to just let him walk out and leave her hanging without at least a decent explanation.

His brow tightened. "I just can't. It's not safe." His eyes pleaded with her to understand and betrayed that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. She stepped forward, slowly approaching him as though he were an unfamiliar dog.

"I don't want you to go. Ever." She gave an embarrassed smile, and bit her lip.

"Chloe," he started, his voice husky. "This won't work.
won't work."

"I disagree. The past two nights, I've barely slept because of dreams of you. I close my eyes to sleep, and there you are. And the weirdest part, is that I know they're true."


"I know that you like to sleep on the right side of the bed. I know that you have a scar on your shoulder and one on your back. I know that kissing your ear drives you crazy. I know you have nightmares about fire, but that you aren't afraid of them when you're with me." She stopped just short of touching him, her green eyes wide and searching his. With every word, his eyes had grown a little wider and told her that she was right.

She reached out and touched his chest where the bullet had entered his shoulder. Electricity traveled up her fingers, igniting a hot flame in her core. She looked up at him and his eyes flickered golden. The change was startling, but it didn't frighten her. The wolf wanted her as much as the man.

"Chloe... please, I don't want to hurt you," he whispered, desperation and desire dueling in his voice. She smiled and moved her hand to his cheek, feeling the stubble under her fingertips.

"You'd never hurt me."

He shook his head, but didn't pull away. His eyes were golden and mesmerizing. "You don't know that."

"Yes, I do. I dreamed it." This time, Chloe didn't hesitate. She just moved her hand to the back of his neck and pulled down, and rose to her tiptoes to kiss him. The moon and the stars spun in her mind as their lips met. Galaxies collided and twirled, their light paling compared to the heat growing inside of the two of them. It was even better than their first kiss, and Chloe lost herself to it completely.

She pulled back after a moment, breathless and shaky. Jackson's eyes still glowed with a golden light and his body was pressed against hers, warm and hard. He searched her face, concern flitting across his features as he struggled to find words.

"You saw what I did to those men," he finally whispered, but he didn't let her go. His arms were wrapped around her, pulling her to him. She nodded and nestled her head into the hollow of his shoulder where she could hear his heart.

"Yes. I saw."

He pushed her gently away, putting his hands on her shoulders and peering into her eyes. "I can't control what's inside of me." The gold in his eyes glowed brighter for a moment. "The wolf is howling to get out, and I can't keep him caged.

"Then don't," she said softly and reached a hand to his cheek. She smiled. "I think the wolf likes me."

He closed his eyes and leaned into her palm, turning his head slightly to kiss the soft flesh. She smiled and when he opened his eyes, he delicately took her chin in his hand and brought her lips to his again. The passion and the heat was there again, this time a slow burn infusing both of them instead of an explosion. Chloe found her fingers going to the bottom of his shirt, slipping under the soft fabric and skimming along his perfectly sculpted abs.

The shirt was almost up to his shoulders when a knock on the door made them pause. They both froze, hoping it was just the maid or someone with the wrong room. The knock came again louder.

"Will one of you two please let me in?" Quent's voice called through the door.

"We should probably get that," Jackson whispered into Chloe's ear and she nodded but made no effort to remove her hands. He kissed the top of her forehead along her hairline and disentangled himself from her grasp. She pouted as he stepped away and he grinned at her.

Chapter 18

have news!" Quent burst through the door as soon as Jackson had it open. He shook his head and carefully glanced about outside before closing it again. Chloe hoped the blush on her face and the thumping of her heart wasn't too noticeable to the older Were.

"I spoke with the council," Quent began as he shrugged out of his light fleece jacket, tossing it onto the single chair. Chloe still couldn't get over the fact that neither Jackson nor Quent ever seemed cold. In this weather, she was wearing a ski parka, not some flimsy little fuzzy thing. "Jackson, you are to present yourself at the next full moon."

"What's going to happen?" Trepidation made his voice quaver at the end of his question.

"Nothing bad," Quent assured him. "The alpha of our pack is interested in meeting you. You will need to take a lesson with one of the older Weres to learn the ins and outs of being a full wolf, but since you seem to be able to control yourself currently, it shouldn't be bad."

"And if I don't go?" Jackson's question hung in the air for a moment. Quent turned slowly to face him, his face serious.

"You are not of our pack. You are a lone wolf. You can do what you please as long as you are not in our territory. In our territory, you conform to the council and the alpha. The consequences are severe if you do not." Quent frowned until Jackson nodded.

"I guess I have no choice. I'll go."

"Excellent." Quent smiled and spun to face Chloe. His eyes were bright. "On your side of wolf business, I asked some questions around. There have been rumors of a rogue Were scientist at the base."

"Rumors?" Jackson looked skeptical. "You're excited over rumors?"

Quent gave him a withering look before turning back to Chloe. "There have always been rumors of genetic testing going on at Fort Baskerville, but what if they were true? What if they were experimenting with the Lycan gene?"

"Would something like that even be possible at that base?" Chloe asked Jackson. He thought for a moment, leaning back against the wall. She had to focus not to stare at his broad shoulders tapering down to his hips.

"It's possible... there are some pretty serious looking science station buildings set up across the compound from me." Jackson shrugged. "I guess I could see the appeal of a werewolf super soldier."

"But my brother's not a werewolf. Why bother with his inactive gene at all?" She looked back and forth at the two men. "Why not just find full Weres? I'm sure there are more than just our captain here in the military."

Quent looked thoughtful for a moment and then shook his head. "If you wanted straight Weres then, yes, a full active Lycan gene would be best. But, if you wanted to improve upon nature and were doing genetic modifications..." he paused and frowned. "The dormant Lycan gene would be much better. A full Were's genetic structure is already stable. The Lycan gene isn't. If you wanted to have genetic material that is primed to be modified, the Lycan gene is it."

"So they would be doing experiments on him then. Modifying him." Chloe paled and sat down on the bed. Jackson went over and put his hand on her shoulder, his warmth spilling into her and giving her strength. She reached up and held his hand, trying to keep the screaming voice of panic inside her head quiet. Her brother would be fine.

"Do you really think the orders are fake? I think I'd prefer him in Afghanistan now," Chloe asked, looking up at Jackson. He shook his head sadly.

"I figured. That would be too easy." Chloe sagged slightly then straightened. "Can you get us on base?"

Jackson stepped back, dropping his hand and looking surprised. "What?"

"Can you get us on base?" Chloe repeated. "We'll break him out."

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