Wolf-speaker (18 page)

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Authors: Tamora Pierce

BOOK: Wolf-speaker
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It will do no good to moan, ‘What have I done?' as you have been. (Only Frostfur can be that charming, thought Daine.) It is time for us to think this way. Men bully us all our lives. It is time for some revenge.

Only a little, Brokefang cautioned. Avoiding two-leggers is still best.

“What of you?” Daine asked the squirrel, knowing there was nothing she could say to change the wolves' minds. “How did you get pulled into this madness?”

You told me to listen to nonwolves, Brokefang reminded her. Surely listening means speaking, too.

The big fellow here told me they fight tree cutters, the little rodent said. If
fights them, I will help. Do you know how many of my kind lost homes and feeding grounds this year? The
Highbranch family
, in the growing season, because their nesting places were cut down! And the big fellow—

My name is Brokefang, the wolf said, looking up at the squirrel.

I am Flicker, replied the squirrel. My family is Round Meadow.

It is useless to get excited
,—Tkaa said to Daine, not unkindly.—
As you told me, you did not ask them to do this. They thought of it themselves, and perhaps it is not such a bad thing to think

Daine sighed. Tkaa was right. Also, there was nothing she could say to the pack that she had not said before, clearly with little effect. Instead she looked at Flicker. Squirrels had nimble forepaws, as good as hands in their way, and quick reflexes. They had keen eyes and ears, and a great deal of curiosity. Flicker was perfect for her needs.

“How would you like to go for a walk in the morning?” she asked him.

Often during her ride south Daine cursed the need for secrecy that kept her, Cloud, and Flicker high on the mountainsides, rather than on the road by the lakeshore. They stopped often to rest Cloud, although the mare argued that she was not a soft valley pony, to be coddled every step of the way. By the time they reached the woods near the southern fort, the afternoon was half gone.

Daine cared for Cloud before taking a seat under an old willow. Its long branches swept the earth, screening her and her friends from view. With the mare to stand guard, she was as safe here as anywhere in Dunlath. Making herself comfortable against the bole of the tree, she asked Flicker, “Ready?”

The squirrel finished the nut he was eating and launched himself into the willow's branches. Ready! he replied.

Daine closed her eyes. Before she could draw an entire breath, she was in Flicker's mind. Swiftly they climbed high on the bole, then leaped for the next tree. He seized what looked like a clump of leaves and little more, and fell.

Daine opened her eyes. She was in her own body again, shaking. Flicker dropped to the next branch down and scolded. How are we to do
if you go away on the easiest jumps? Come back at once, and don't be such a baby. I thought you went flying with a bat just the other night.

The bat was
, not falling and missing his grip! she retorted silently.

I did
miss my grip. That was a controlled drop. Now are you coming?

Just a moment, Daine replied. Finding her water bottle, she had a drink.

Back so soon? asked Cloud, wickedly.

“Very funny. I'd like to see you leap through trees.”

But I don't try. That is why
kind has horse sense, and yours does not.

Daine made a face at the mare and settled back against the willow. This time all she did was close her eyes, and she was inside Flicker.

You can trust me, he said as he set out once more. I've done this all my life.

The rest of the trip was a blur. Flicker used jumps as she might use large steps over puddles, whipping his tail for balance, then racing to the next leap.

The trees were cut for a hundred yards around the fort, but the grass was tall enough to screen a gray squirrel. The fort's long walls were easy to climb. At the top Daine made Flicker check for guards. The two they saw were distant and not looking their way: she urged him over. He dropped onto the walk and climbed headfirst to the ground as Daine cringed. You won't make a good squirrel at this rate, he informed her when they were safely on the ground.

They checked the inner enclosure: it was nearly empty. Horses were picketed in front of a low wooden building Daine guessed to be the commander's office. A horse-boy dozed near his charges under the single tree allowed to grow inside the wall. He was the only human in view, though they heard others in the buildings.

Everything was fairly new, built from raw wood.
As well as the mess and command post, she identified a stable, a building that had to be a barracks, and the privy. One other building had only a roof, three walls, and a long, low railing. Straw was scattered on the floor; the rail was scarred with what looked like knife cuts.

What's that? asked Flicker. It looks strange.

it's a Stormwing roost. They're the only creatures big enough to need a rail that large to sit on.

Flicker's teeth chattered angrily. If they have their own perches like this, they had no business landing on
branch and almost killing me!

Too right. Now, let's try the command post, she suggested.

The squirrel raced to the closest building, the stable, and ran up the side. One leap: they were on the roof of the Stormwing mews. Even the wood between them couldn't keep the reek from Flicker's sensitive nose. He sneezed, then jumped onto the command post roof. Trotting to the edge, he swung down under the eaves and saw a broad window.

They climbed in and looked around. On the wall by the door, a large slate was mounted. Written across the top in white chalk was Duty Roster—Troops.

Daine examined it. Thirty privates were listed, as well as three sergeants, three corporals, and a captain, making a total of thirty-seven. She counted
twice, to be sure, then noticed papers in a stack on the desk.

Let's have a peek at those, she suggested to the squirrel.

Flicker jumped onto the desk and picked up documents one at a time for Daine to read. The first two were supply orders; the third was not. At its foot was a heavy wax seal that bore an image of a crossed sword and wand, topped by a crown and wrapped in a jagged circle. It was the seal of the emperor of Carthak: she knew it from histories and official papers Numair had shown her. The writing was bold and easy to read.

The criminal Arram Draper, also known as Numair Salmalín, is to be taken alive and transported to Carthak by Stormwings.

Try also to capture the young dragon. If this immortal is shipped to Us live for inclusion in Our menagerie, there will be a reward of 500 gold thaks. As to the dragon's handler, she is not required. Kill her.

The girl was so absorbed in her reading that she didn't notice something had darkened the window. When a wave of stench reached Flicker's nostrils, he sneezed and turned.

Rikash had landed on the rail outside and was looking in. “Well. A tree-rat. I think it's odd, a tree-rat going through papers. It's not the kind
of thing you little crawlers usually do, is it?”

Flicker's tail whipped savagely in anger and fear. Come here, he cried. I'll show you what a “crawler” can do!

Rikash slid until he could block the window if he raised his wings. “Only magic would let a tree-rat read.” He yelled, “Humans to the command post!
, ground pounders,
” Raising a claw, he pointed at Flicker.

The floor! Daine ordered. Flicker jumped as gold fire smacked into the spot where they had been standing.

What was
asked the squirrel, breath coming fast.

Magic. They don't use it much, but when they do…

Flicker leaped atop a cabinet as another fire bolt struck his last position. I'm getting angry, Smelly, he scolded. How would you like your nose bit off?

This is
the time to insult him, Daine warned, looking for an escape. She heard feet pounding: humans were answering Rikash's summons.

Their location had the Stormwing in a bind. His feathers got in the way as he tried to aim. What's wrong? taunted Flicker. Can't work yourself around to point? But one of you was limber enough when it came to
on me!

Someone banged on the door. “Hello? Is anyone there?”

“Yes, you dolts!” snarled Rikash. “Get in here now!”

“It's locked!” yelled the man outside.

“Out of the way!” the immortal cried. He
point at the door, and did, to loose a bolt of fire at the lock. Flicker jumped to the floor and ran over just as the door swung open.

Three men, two of them cooks to judge from their aprons, dashed in.

“Get that squirrel!”
shrieked Rikash as Flicker bolted past.

The cooks gaped at him. “Get the

The exit was open. Flicker darted though and raced for the fort's wall.

“Don't argue with me!
It's getting away!
” Rikash's voice was clear even through the command post walls.

The squirrel didn't even pause. By the time a search party could leave the fort, he had reached the woods and was scrambling through the trees.

Daine returned to herself. She tried to get up, but something was not right with her feet or hands. They were squirrel paws. “Oh, no,” she whispered. “Not now.” Looking up, she said, “Flicker, are you all right?”

The squirrel climbed down the willow. You should have let me bite the Great Stinky, he snapped. Then
know what it's like! Looking her
over, he remarked in a milder voice, You know, parts of you are almost normal.

“Funny,” mumbled Daine. “Cloud, we have to go. I think Rikash will search for us. But—” She looked at her hands and feet. They were still paws. “Please change back,” she said wistfully.

Why? asked the squirrel. You don't have claws of your own—keep these.

If they are hunting you, it might be wise to warn the local squirrels, Cloud remarked. They'll just kill anyone they see, hoping it's you.

Daine winced. “You're right.” She called to the nearby tree folk, whether they were red, gray, or the shy black breed. When she finished, all were finding places to hide, and her hands were human. Teetering on human-size, clawed feet supported by her boots, she saddled Cloud and mounted, with Flicker on her lap.

They halted some hours south of the western pass when the light had gone. Stormwings had forced them under cover several times on the way: she dared not start a fire they might see. Instead she gnawed on waybread and jerky, trying to ignore a pounding headache. To complete her happiness, fog rose from the lake to cover the valley in a clammy shroud.

Flicker cleaned out her supply of sunflower seeds, dug up and ate all the nuts other squirrels
had cached within sight of their camp, and curled up in one of Daine's packs to sleep. Daine shoved herself under a rock ledge to get out of the damp, and gingerly removed her boots. Her ankles looked human, but the rest still looked squirrelish. “When will I get my toes back?” she asked Cloud.

The mare liked fog no better than her rider. I am a pony, she snapped. You have to ask that question of someone who understands magic. I do not.

.—Daine jumped, and banged her head on the rock over her. How the badger had crept up on her she could not begin to guess.—
I see you have learned the wider applications of the lesson I mentioned to you

“You could have warned me,” she snapped, rubbing her scalp. “I thought I was losing my mind.”

After the man said there was no madness in you? If you cannot trust your own instincts, you could at least trust his

“He has no instincts, only things learned from books,” she grumbled.

Why do you say that?

The question brought her to a sudden boil. “He walked us into a mess of traitors.” She knew she was being unfair, but couldn't stop. “
evil mages. He got stuck on one side of a magic wall with me on the other. He won't use a word of power on it 'cause the word might cause a mess somewhere, which I don't believe it will.
I have to
count soldiers at opposite ends of the valley. He thinks I'm safe because I'm inside Flicker. He didn't think of folk who'd see a squirrel looking at papers and know something was amiss!”

Her toes hurt, sending darts of pain up her legs that did nothing to help her thinking. She rubbed them. “I'm saddled with a two-legger who won't go home when she's only in the way. I'm running from Stormwings, hurroks, Coldfangs, and the Horse Lords know what else. I'm cold and hungry and tired and I have squirrel feet!”

The badger breathed on the afflicted parts. His breath was warm and soothing. Hair and claws melted, turned pale and smooth: Daine's toes were back. They cramped, and she winced. The badger breathed on them again. The cramps eased, and stopped. So did her headache.

You have been a foolish kit
,—he informed her.—
To return to your original state, you must do the same thing you did to begin to change, only in reverse. You have to think yourself into your two-legger form

“Oh.” She drew on stockings and boots, feeling ridiculous. The badger sighed, and lay beside her. The weight and warmth of his furred body against hers was pleasant, and the heavy badger aroma was comforting. “No matter what I say, the wolves are doing terrible things, things that will get them hurt if they're caught.' How can I help when they won't
to me?”

You don't grasp why you were brought here. Haven't you seen, in your travels, that you alone speak to all three kindreds: humans, immortals, and beasts?

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