Wolf Tracks (6 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

BOOK: Wolf Tracks
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Of course she still planned on making him suffer. She should be able to get a few backrubs, maybe even a foot massage, out of him if he felt guilty enough.

She spotted a broom in the corner and took a few passes, but there wasn’t anything underfoot that shouldn’t be there. She checked the cupboards, looked under the bed…no dust, no signs of mice. The cupboards were full with dry goods and snacks. It was the cleanest cabin she’d ever seen. Cleaner than her apartment since Maggie moved out, if she was honest.

Heavy footsteps landed on the porch boards and she hurried out of the bedroom to see TJ shoulder his way into the front room, his arms around a paper bag. He watched her closely and she sighed.

“I’m not going to hit you over the head with the cast-iron frying pan I found, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

He grinned. “Good, ’cause we’ll need that for breakfast, and pancakes cook better in undented pans.”

She laughed. “Okay, we’ll talk about the abduction in more detail later. Can I help you put things away?”

The bottom of the paper bag he held gave way, sending the contents to the floor in a cascading avalanche. They both scrambled to catch things but in the end most of it ended up in a heap at their feet. She bent to help gather the scented candles, chocolates, massage oil, extra-large box of condoms… Heat raced over her as she held it up, staring at his bright red face.

“Got plans?”

He swallowed a few times nervously. “Only if you do.”

Oh lordy.
She needed to regain a little control, and holding the evidence of what could happen very shortly was not making this any easier. She stepped back. “I think…I need some fresh air.”

“Why don’t you let me clean up and put stuff away? You can go…”

“I’ll check out the lake…”

They spoke simultaneously. It was too much and she fled, racing out the door to where the evening breeze carried over the water.

Two more seconds and she would have had him using one of the condoms.

The trail straight in front of the cabin led her to a tiny dock extending over the water. She pulled off her shoes and dangled her feet in the water. She worked hard and played hard, and this being out of control was not what she liked in her life. She’d sworn long ago that she would be the one to call the shots. Yet here she was, totally out of her comfort zone, and the sensation creeping up her spine wasn’t fear, or dismay, but delight.


She reclined back on the dock and closed her eyes. The sunlight hit her face, its fading heat still enough to help her relax. She was trapped here for the week. There was no way she would be stupid enough to try to get out of the bush alone, so she had two choices. Whine about it, or hop in with both feet. Have a great time with the guy, then take the memories with her when she left.

She needed a break right now anyway. With her partner retired, she had to train a new one, and she had a month’s leave coming. Time to set some new goals for her life. Twenty-six, and already feeling like she might be alone forever.

But not this week. Whether he realized it or not, TJ had hit her right when she needed this most. She sat up and kicked the water, splashing and raising a ruckus. Life should be enjoyed, and she had every intention of enjoying it to the hilt for this week. The sun slipped behind the mountaintop, casting a shadow across the lake and she breathed in the clear air. It was definitely a place to make some memories.

TJ watched her, his wolf poking him to go to her side. She seemed so small and alone sitting on the dock, and he was a little worried he’d pushed it too hard bringing her here. Hopefully the next days would be enough for him to convince her he was a forever kind of guy.

When she threw back her head and laughed, splashing like a child, he had to fight back the urge to run and join her.

All his life he’d longed to have the kind of connection he’d seen in others of the pack. How it would work with him being a wolf and her human, he still didn’t know, but there was no one else who had ever made him feel this way.

Groveling about to commence.

He approached slowly, but she heard him. Turning her body, she pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around her knees. She smiled at him and the warmth hit him like a two-by-four between the eyes.

“You getting hungry?” he asked.

She nodded. “By the way, are you going to tell me where we are?”

“Northwest of Haines Junction, on one of the northern arms of Kluane Lake. The cabin is a friend’s, and he and his wife have gone south visiting family.”

“How did you get everything here? It’s clean and stocked and everything.”

“Shaun, the helicopter pilot. He came in earlier, brought supplies and cleaned up for us.”

The streak of mischief lighting her face was slightly frightening. “You seemed to have brought a few supplies of your own.”

He coughed. “About that… I didn’t mean to presume, and it’s totally up to you if we…”

Pam rose to her feet and stretched, and his mouth watered. Her breasts pressed against the front of her T-shirt, the muscles of her arms reflecting the glowing light of the setting sun. She stepped nearer.

“Don’t presume, but I do like you. I’m pretty interested myself, as I think you could tell from the other night. So don’t get all shy and shit on me. Do you want me?”

Oh my God.
“More than you could possibly know.”

She licked her lips as she checked him over. “Looks like we might have an interesting week ahead of us. Only your list of activities? I want to see what you’ve got planned. I wanted a northern experience, and you’re going to give it to me, right?”

Oh yeah, he’d give her anything she wanted.

He held out his hand. “Supper first? Then we’ll plan tomorrow?”

She took his fingers into hers and clasped them tightly.

Dishes were done, the fireplace crackled and TJ couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

“Thanks for supper.”

He snorted. “I should have warned you, I’m not that good a cook.”

“Hey, mac and cheese with all the ketchup I wanted? What more is needed?” She held out her wine glass and he topped it up. “Your buddy Shaun did a fine job with the supplies.”

He stared at her a little longer. The smooth sweep of her cheek, the way her hair hung over her skin and shone with the light. She was gorgeous and he ached for her.

“You want to play a game?” He needed something to distract him from stripping her and burying himself in her body before she was ready. Her scent filled the room, and he had to concentrate hard to stop from drooling.

“A game? Sure.” She put down her wine glass and crawled into his lap, and he nearly swallowed his tongue.

“What…what are you doing?”
Holy shit.
She unbuttoned the top of his shirt and leaned in to press a kiss to his neck.

“Trying to decide what game to play.”

It was hard to hear with the blood rushing past his ears en-route from leaving his brain to congregate in more southerly regions. When she sat up and stripped off her T-shirt, he squeezed his eyes shut tight, locking his fingers through the belt loops on her shorts. He was not going to rush her. She could set the pace.

“Hmm, I’d say strip poker, but I’m really bad at cards, so that wouldn’t last very long.” He didn’t dare peek, but her hands were back on him. She finished the rest of his buttons and slipped the shirt from his shoulders. He leaned forward to let her maneuver the garment the rest of the way off, and his chest hit her breasts. Her naked, hot, bare breasts.

His eyes popped open. “Oh, sweet mercy, you’re killing me.”

“Why would you say that?” She cupped herself, rolling her nipples between thumb and forefinger, and stars floated in front of his vision.

“Pam, are you sure? We don’t have to do this, not tonight.”

That wasn’t him talking. Some stranger had abducted him.
would have been touching her, smoothing her skin, reaching out to lap at the pale pink circles peaking her breasts. He wouldn’t be stupid enough to try to slow her down, or heaven forbid, stop her from shifting slightly upward and bringing her nipple in contact with his lips.

Just a taste.
He licked lightly and the tip hardened under his tongue. Her flavour rolled through him, intoxicating and rich. He closed his lips and sucked.

“Yes. Oh, yes.” Pam dragged her fingers through his hair and held him close, and there was no stopping the train. He switched from side to side, feasting on her body, the crackle of the fire fading as her cries increased in volume. She was loud and vocal, and while he’d never had trouble making the ladies happy in bed, knowing what turned his mate on was the most awe-inspiring feeling he’d ever experienced.

He cupped her butt and stood, shuffling toward the bedroom as she latched onto his lips. Walking blind, he bumped into the doorframe a couple of times until he made it through and backed to the edge of the bed. He lowered her to the firm surface and stepped back to stare.

Her dark hair spread over the light-coloured comforter, her lips wet from their kisses, her bare torso enticing. She unsnapped her waist button and opened the zipper, and he couldn’t breath. Could barely think as she wiggled out of her shorts and undies.



His wolf howled with delight. His mate wanted him. Was waiting for him. He stepped closer and fell to his knees. One firm pull brought her hips to the end of the mattress. He opened her legs and kissed her intimately. She laughed, and it turned into a moan as he extended his tongue and licked her slit, separating her curls and finding her wet and ready.

His cock ached behind his clothing, but he was glad for the distraction. He wanted to make this special for her. Their first time, first of forever as far as he was concerned. He tasted her again, reveling in her gasps, the breathy moans escaping her throat as he circled her clit with his tongue.

When he slid a finger into her sheath and suckled at the same time, she cried out and came, her body responding far too quickly. It wasn’t enough, not nearly enough pleasure. He refused to stop, holding her down when she wiggled. One hand stilled her hips as he continued to lick and suck, pumping two fingers into her core, massaging her sheath.

“You’re killing me. Too sensitive, it’s too much.”

He lifted his head to soak in the sight. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glazed. She took a deep, shaky breath and his heart expanded. That response was because of him. Because of what he was doing to her.

“Never enough. I want you to come again before I sink into you. Before it’s not my fingers filling you up, but my cock joining us together.”

She screwed her eyes shut and hissed. Her pussy was wet and the intimate sounds of his fingers thrusting into her filled the air. When she came this time, it was with a contented sigh, and he dropped his head on her belly and shivered with how intensely satisfied it made him feel to please his mate.

He slowed his fingers, caressing the entrance to her body softly. Circling the delicate tissues as she continued to convulse under him. He rose and joined her, kissing her tenderly, rolling her to the side as she buried her hands in his hair.

Long breathless moments later she pulled back, stroking his cheek, her gaze darting over his face.

“Thank you, that was amazing.”

“We’re not done.” He lowered his head and took her lips again. He couldn’t get enough of her mouth, the scent and taste of her filling his head and making him crazy. She tugged on his pants, pushing the fabric over his hips, her soft hands caressing the bare skin of his butt. His cock touched her warm leg, and he shuddered, fighting for control.

“Lift up,” she whispered, and then, sweet mercy, she had her hands on his cock and he was going to die. He nestled his face against her throat, soaking in every sensation—the scent of her skin, the aching pleasure in his balls as she somehow, from somewhere, rolled a condom onto his shaft.

He wished the damn thing were a million miles away. He wanted to take his mate, skin on skin. Needed to feel her wetness around him. Her warmth enclosing him, but he’d known that wouldn’t work. So the condom it was, and even as he ached for what he couldn’t have, she shifted under him, opening her legs, and the head of his cock breached her pussy.

“Take me.” Pam arched against him and he slid in a tiny bit farther.

With pleasure.
He slipped in slowly, savouring the sensation of her clasp around him until he was buried to the hilt. She was tight and wet and holy-fucking-moly nothing had ever felt like this before.

He stared into her big brown eyes. Anchored on his elbows, one on either side of her, their bodies joined together, a slow and seductive dance of pleasure. The hint of a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and he kissed it. Kissed his way across her cheek and back to her neck. He wanted to bite her so badly his gums ached. Wanted to mark her as his and make sure no matter what happened he would have that connection with her, but he couldn’t. Not until she knew everything. Somewhere he found the strength to simply lick her jugular, ignoring the pounding pulse under his mouth. He concentrated on dragging his cock in and out of her sweet body.

Pam wrapped her legs around him, and on the next pass, he sank a little deeper and she made a little sound that made his balls tighten.

“So good. Oh yeah, right there.” She swore a couple of times and he laughed.

“What’s good, this?” He slid over her clit. It must have been sensitive from his earlier ministrations, and her eyes rolled back a little. “Yup, that’s what I thought.”

“Faster,” she demanded, tugging with her feet against his ass.

He chuckled and dropped to suck on her nipples, nipping lightly with his teeth, soothing the rigid peaks with his tongue. “Slower.”

He was going numb for the waist down, which, when added to how confused and crazy she made his mind, turned the whole situation a little cloudy and surreal. He didn’t want it to end, didn’t want to speed up, but the tingling ache at the base of his spine warned he wasn’t going to last forever. He kissed her again, taking her mouth and commanding her attention. He plunged as deep as possible, pressing her against the bed so hard it squeaked, her breath rushing past his cheek as he reached down and slipped a hand between them.

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