Wolf's Promise (Caedmon Wolves) (13 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Promise (Caedmon Wolves)
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Selene slid her hand between them to cup him through
his briefs
. A groan escaped from his lips as she stroked him.
She burned, hot and eager,
between her legs. He was large;
she could tell as he grew hard and long against the fabric. She
fumbled nervously against
the opening and slipped her fingers

His cock
fell into her hand
, and she gasp. Not
only was he long, but heavy. The
skin felt like soft leather against her sweaty palms.

He growled softly against her
shoulder, and it only made her aching pussy clench tightly with need.

She slid the tip of his finger against the silky crown.

Not only a second later, he
pulled her shirt over
her head and captured her wrists
above her head. She panted
bewilderment, meeting his wild hazel gaze.
His large manhood pressed against her stomach. Hard muscle against soft flesh. The thought of him pushing inside of her sent her into a dizzy spell.

Her breasts were barred to his inspection and his touch, and he took advantage as he brought his free hand up to caress them. The nippl
es grew taut when he explored the plump flesh

“Lovely,” he whispered, just before he took one between his lips.

This time, she could not hold back her cry of pleasure. She pushed more of herself into his mouth, but he still held her hands up and firm against the wall. He licked and suckled each breasts, with slow excruciating tugs. Her clit pulsed
and the sensations carried throughout her entire being.

“Nick, please…”

He paused. “Do you want me to stop?”

“No.” She swallowed. “More.”

He slipped his hand down the waistband of her pajama pants, instantly making contact with her mound. Her face grew hot in embarrassment. It wasn’t like her not to wear undergarments, but it wasn’t something she wanted to borrow either.
This gave him an advantage as h
is fingers slipped down into her folds, dipping into her wet heat.

“Gods,” he hissed.

He teased her. Stroking the lips and circling her clit. Her legs became weakened and she braced herself against the wall.

Nick let go of her wrists then, and assisted her out of her pants. Her whole body was exposed to him. She felt liberated, and yet reserved at the same time. When he stood back to obs
her, her gaze fell to the ground.

“You’re beautiful.” His body covered hers again, providing the security and warmth that she’d come to covet. He lifted her chin, and kissed her mouth gently. “Don’t be shy.”

“I’ve never done this.”

“Done what? Offered your body to a wolf?” He nipped at her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it easy. I know what you need.”

Before she could speak again, he dropped to his knees and connected his mouth to her
belly button. She shivered
at the unfamiliar stirring in her belly. Her hands instinctively went to grab the top of his freshly shaved head.

His hands went to either side of her hips and he brought her pussy to his mouth.
She nearly swooned when he took her clit between his lips. He kissed her there, like they’d kissed only moments ago. His touch had her aching even more as a sensation so strong began to build inside of her. Her held her bare ass to the wall and lifte
d her thighs
onto his shoulders.

She cried out in pleasure when his tongue entered her.
Her body shook in excitement and anticipation of her pending climax.
Feelings of wanton desire consumed her, ridding
of any shame she felt earlier for wanting him like this.
If being with a man intimately felt like this, she wanted more of it. He sipped and lapped at the folds of her sex and then lashed at her clit. He held her open, taking all of her and leaving not a centimeter of her pussy untouched.

She gripped his head tighter as her orgasm ripped through her. He teased her clit until she was spent.
As he moaned softly against her pussy, butterflies danced within her belly. He dipped a tongue deep insider her, taking her over the edge once again. It was like one roller coaster ride on top of the other. Her body quaked against him.
His tongue stroked at her softly
, tasting her,
as she came down from the climax.

Selene slid off his shoulders, and pulled him up. Her breathing was uneven, and she couldn’t utter a word.
He carried her, and placed her at the foot of the bed.

His dick was
still hard and long
. He pushe
d himself back inside his briefs

“What are you doing?”
She was still hot and horny with avid hunger.

“I can’
t take you, Selene.”

“Why?” The feeling of pleasurable satisfaction was replaced with hurt. He didn’t want her.

“Please understand.”
He turned, and started to walk away.

“I don’t understand,” she said, firmly.
“Is it because I’m human?”

He slipped off his bathrobe and draped it over her shoulders.
It was the first time she’d seen him nearly naked. His skin was nearly flawless despite the intricate tattoos on either side of his arm. She remembered how gentle his body felt against hers despite hardened muscles. Nick defined perfection, and she wanted him…badly.

“I want you with every fiber of my being.”
He bent and kissed her on the forehead.

Trust me on this.”

She grabbed hold of his forearms.

Then tell me what’s wrong, so that I can understand.”

He frowned, shaking his head. “I need time to think.”

He turned this time, but she made no moves to stop him.

ll be back,

he said.

When the door closed behind him, her heart fell to he
r stomach.

Chapter Eleven


Nick took his place
to the right of Devin, who was seated at the head of the long table.
The clock struck six thirty, indicating tha
t it was time for them to begin discussions.

and Devin exchanged nods, and Nick
owledged some of the other wolves
in the room
by doing the same
. There were six
of them on the Council
. The number had been set for decades. With each new Alpha, there was likely to be a new set of Counc
il members. Although
some members were honored to sit more than once. It just so happened that Devin reappointed everyone that sat on his late brother’s Council. Al
l except for Darius, of course, with Nick taking his place.
They were all men leading very different lives. But they’d also chosen to serve the Caedmon
people by being the decision makers on all issues regarding the Pack

Nick had no doubt that Devin could and would lead them to greatness, but as Second-in-Command, he strived to live up to that important distinction.
Having the ability to build a construction business from the ground up and ensuring that the Caedmon Pack did not fall to the ground were two different things. He thought so, at least.

, Devin’s half-brother,
was the next in rank. He always offered his intellect and had come to be known as the brainy one. He was accepted into
the early entrance program of an
Ivy League school at
and a half years old, and was projected to earn his Doctorate’
s in less than two
years from now at the rate in which he studied and excelled in college.

Then there was Blake and
who’d officially only joined them a few years ago from other packs, but their loyalty and dedication had earned them great recognition. And there was Jayson, who’d been born and raised within the village. His father had served on the Council under Daniel’s reign.
So, it was only natural
when he stepped up.
His family owned
a bank, and Jayson served as an accountant and fi
nancial advisor for many in the community

Jayson…where was he anyway?

As if on cue, Jayson burst i
nto the double doors
and took a seat at the other end of the table.
He plop
ped his helmet down and ran his hand through an unruly mess of black hair

“What time is it, Jayson?” Devin spoke from the other end of the table, straightening in his chair.

Everyone took their respective seats.

“Don’t know.”
Jayson shrugged.


“Look at your fucking
watch and tell everyone what time it is?”

Devin was pissed. Nick could tell by the way the other wolf gripped the pen in his fist. You could have heard a pin drop in the room, as Jayson lifted his wrist to peer at his watch.

thirty seven

The memo said six thirty, did it not?
What prevented you from arriving on time?”

Nothing. I was a little late, my gods.”

“And the last meeting we called, wer
e you not a
late as well?

Jayson shifted in his seat.

“Do you wish to serve or do you want to be removed?”
Devin asked.

“I’m honored to serve under your reign.

Jayson looked down at the table.
“I apologize for my late arrival.”

“From this day forward, you
will respect the time of the five
others who are on this Council. We don’t have time to waste. When I call meetings like these, the matters at hand
are serious. If you’re late
again without adequate excuse, you will be removed. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Alpha,” Jayson said between clenched teeth.

“When this meeting is over, I need to have a private talk with you about your late father’s estate.”

Jayson nodded. “Yes, Alpha.”

Devin exhaled, and dropped the pen on the table. “Now, let’s begin.”

He may have looked like the laid back and suave leader, but Nick knew Devin better than most anyone else at the table. He wasn’
t a wolf anyone should cross

They had a long night ahead of them.




Selene’s stomach began to growl the very moment the servers brought out platters of food. They came into the large d
ining hall with trays filled of
breakfast items. Bowls of fruits, trays stacked high of pancakes, biscuits, scrambled eggs, dozens of bacon strips and sausage links, and an assortment of
other dishes

She wasn’t surprised. Every meal at the Caedmon mansion over the last couple days had been considerable. She’d gotten u
sed to it. But t
he buffet before them that was probably adequate enough to feed twenty humans was intended for a party of
One thing she’d learned about both Nick and Devin was that they didn’t leave leftovers. They ate like their next meal wasn’t promised to them.

Selene had no problems digging right in this time. She and Tamara served themselves with the help of the servers as Nick and Devin waited patiently. At previous meals, she found it strange that they waited this way. According to Tamara, they were acting on instinct. It was natural for Caedmon males to wait until the women were served before they indulged. A way to show love and sacrifice for one’s mate, she’d said.

Devin and Tamara were mated. It was no surprise that he’d do something like that for her. It did not explain why Nick had done the same for her when they were imprisoned in a cell, in the hideout near the mountains, and while they’d had other meals alone.

Selene glanced at him, and he smiled.

Since he’d brought her to climax against the bedroom walls, nothing else that intense had transpired between them. That night had been difficult for her to get past. She’d felt used and unwanted at the same time. It wasn’t until yesterday night, that she finally realized that his refusal didn’t have anything to do with her.

He’d joined her in the bed last night and embraced her until she’d fallen asleep, but she could tell that he made certain not to touch her in any intimate places.

BOOK: Wolf's Promise (Caedmon Wolves)
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