Woman Bewitched (8 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Woman Bewitched
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Finally, she relaxed when he moved from between her legs and crawled up her body. She could rest, knowing that he wouldn’t bring her over the edge of another shattering orgasm anytime soon.

Her breaths came in short pants as he moved over her. “How do you feel?”

Cracking open one bleary eye, Marti groaned. “I feel like I’ve just finished running a race around the world in less than a day. I’m tired and I can’t seem to catch my breath.”

“Then I have done what I set out to do.” Kyl leaned down and took her left nipple into his mouth with a chuckle. His left hand searched out and found her right nipple, latching on to it with his thumb and forefinger to tug and twist the hardened bud.

Marti sucked in a sharp breath and let it out on a hiss. “That feels good.” She arched up into his caress, wanting more. Needing more, even though he’d just brought her to orgasm three times in less than an hour.

“I want to touch you.”

“In good time,” he said against the swell of her breast. “I’m waiting for you to come down right now.”

“Come down?” She frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m waiting for your feet to touch the ground again. You came so much and so hard, I’m afraid you need to be grounded before I let you sit up.”

“Get off me.” She growled as she pushed him off her and rolled them both over. Startled, she looked down at him and bit her lip afraid of what he might think of her now. “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“Don’t apologize. You are not a slave and you are certainly not a prisoner. Never apologize for doing what feels right.”

Did that feel right? Marti thought about it for a moment, only a little surprised to find that it
. She smiled at the realization.

“Just wait until I’m done with you,” she said with a laugh as she lowered her head to give his nipple a swipe of her tongue.

If she lived another three thousand years, Marti didn’t know if she would ever feel such triumph, such utter satisfaction as she did when she wrapped her fingers around Kyl’s cock and he groaned. If someone asked, she wouldn’t be able to describe how liberating it felt to feel his hips jerk as he threw his head back, drawing his breath in on a long, low hiss of pleasure.

Ever so slowly, she licked her way down, her tongue trailing down to his navel to follow the line of hair to the thicker patch that surrounded his cock. She eyed his hard-on with anticipation. First she would taste him, and then she would take him inside her.

Diligently, Marti continued to explore his body, learning it, mapping it with her lips and tongue.

Gently she cupped his sac, massaging it until he groaned and his cock grew even thicker and harder in her hand. Lowering her head, she swiped the glans with the tip of her tongue and lapped up the pre-cum she found there.

She smiled when his hips jerked. It gave her the confidence to do it again, just before she took him into her mouth. Encouraged by his groan, she relaxed her throat and worked him deeper while she gently massaged his sac.

It didn’t take long for him to lose what little of his control remained and grasp her head. Holding it in place, he thrust his hips up, repeatedly driving his shaft into her mouth and down her throat.

Marti actively sought to relax her throat. She wanted to do this for him, but she had the suspicion that if she gagged, he would stop. She didn’t want that. Right now, Marti wanted nothing more than to give as good as she got and she already had a lot of catching up to do.

Unfortunately, he lost enough of his control to drive himself too deep. Kyl stopped immediately when he felt her gag, no matter how slight.

“I’m sorry, love,” he said panting. Sweat beaded on his brow as he lifted his head to look down at her, his hands caressing her hair. “That’s enough for now.” He smiled, though a bit sheepishly. “I want this to be memorable for you.”

“And not for you?” she asked, raising her brow.

“It’s already memorable for me, sweetheart. Take my word for it.” Reaching up, he swiped the perspiration from his brow. Reaching down, he grasped her shoulders and drew her up for a kiss.

Palming the back of her head, he held her in place as his mouth ravaged hers, his tongue delving deep into the recesses of her mouth. She shivered as his hands slid down her back, his fingers squeezing her rear, pressing her into his hardness.

Her womb clenched, her clit throbbed with need and slick cream ran from her channel to coat her thighs. His cock rode against her, pressing ever so firmly between her thighs to stroke her clit with every forward thrust.

In one quick motion, Kyl rolled them over, pinning her beneath him as he continued to ravage her mouth with a heated kiss. Reaching down, he slid his fingers through her wet slit, grasped her still sensitive clit between his thumb and forefinger and tugged.

Marteeka gasped and arched her back. “Gods, that feels good.” He knew his way around a woman’s body, that much was certain. Part of her felt jealous of the women he’d been with before, another part was grateful for their instruction, for without which she may have found him lacking—though somehow, she doubted it.

Another few tugs on her clit and Marti came again. She screamed, her head thrashing on the pillow as Kyl settled himself between her legs, the tip of his cock pressing into her. Kyl rocked forward, easing himself within her with slow, deliberate thrusts. Each stroke took him deeper and deeper. Each thrust dragged his thick erection over her tightly strung nerve endings.

Reaching down, he pulled her legs up. “Wrap your legs around my waist, love.”

The new position changed the angle of his thrusts. His thick cock rubbed the sensitive nerve endings within her. She moaned, raising her hips to meet his every thrust.

Over and over he rammed into her. Harder and harder he pushed until she screamed out another release and he growled with satisfaction above her. Warmth filled her as his thick cream filled her.

Pressing his lips against her forehead, he sighed. “I can’t tell you how good that felt, or how good you make me feel.” He rolled off her, taking her with him, to tuck her beneath his arm. “As impossible as it sounds, I believe the Fates are right. You are my mate. It’s the only explanation for how I feel.”

“How you feel?” she asked, her heart hammering against her ribs.

He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead again. “I love you.”

Smiling, she snuggled deeper into his embrace. “I think I love you, too.” Closing her eyes, she surrendered to sleep, trusting the Fates to watch over them both.

Chapter Seventeen



“Are you ready to go?” Ga’briel asked when they entered the breakfast room. Every one of the defenders sat around the long table.

“I didn’t realize everyone would be here.” Marti turned to Kyl and smiled.

It was amazing how big his heart felt, not to mention how much it seemed to swell, every single time he glanced her way.

“Go where?” Kyl asked as he took Marti’s hand and drew her to the head of the table where two empty seats awaited them.

“Well,” Artu said as he threw Kyl a dirty look. “While you two were…otherwise engaged, the rest of us determined that we have a need to visit Katkari and free those who are held against their will.”

“Even the Katkari women?” Marti asked as she sat on the edge of her chair.

“Yes, Marti. Even the Katkari women,” Lena said with a smile.

“As long as it is what they wish,” Artu added.

“How will we go about freeing them?” Marti asked as the wait staff entered the room with large trays filled with food.

“We will all take a holiday,” Artu said, giving his sister a look that told Kyl that the man’s plans excluded his sister. “No one will know we are defenders. We will stay a few days and then, after we learn the lay of the land, we will mount an attack to free the women. After which, we will place anyone who helps us in charge. It will most likely be rebels.”

“Why the rebels and not the women?” Lena asked with a frown.

“It just might come to that,” Ga’briel interjected. “However this ends, we must maintain at least a part time presence there once it’s over.”

“You’ll have to. Otherwise the ruling class will kill them all and take over again once you’re gone. They have somehow brainwashed most of their guards to serve them until death. It’s what they do and all they do.” Marti stared down at the plate one of the servants sat in front of her. “I’ll never be able to eat all of this.” She glanced at Kyl. “This is more food than a slave gets all day.” She cleared her throat. “Sometimes two days.”

Kyl clenched his fists. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on the people who mistreated his mate. He watched Marti, his temper flaring as he thought about what she’d been through.

“We’ll have to be careful, though.” Marti said after taking a sip of her juice. “I have no idea how they stole my abilities.”

“Yeah, and it wouldn’t do to have that happen to the rest of us.” Lena pushed her plate away. She looked a little green. Apparently, this world’s food didn’t agree with her.

“You aren’t going, Marti,” Artu said in a voice that brooked no argument.

“Yes, I am.” Marti glared at her brother. “You’ll need someone who knows who’s sympathetic to the slaves. You can’t trust just anyone, you know.”

“She’s going to have to go, Artu.” Lena took Artu’s hand. “I know if you tried to stop
from going, you’d piss me off. She needs closure. Let her go.”

Artu gave his sister a level stare. “If you must, but please, stay near me or Kyl.” He glared at Kyl again.

Suppressing a grin, Kyl patted Marti’s arm. “Yes, love. Stay near us. We will protect you with our lives.”

“As all of us would protect her with our lives,” Ga’briel said as he stood abruptly.

“I meant no offense.” Kyl waved his hand. “I merely sought to make Marti feel safe.”

“Feeling safe is an illusion.” Marti stared down into her plate as she took a small bite of food.

“No. Their feeling of superiority is the illusion. We are about to shatter it.” Artu stood and held out his hand. “If we’re finished here, I think we should go. We’ll discuss our plans on the way.”


They had been on Katkari for two days when Kyl noticed the weakness. “I can barely lift this cup.” He glanced at the others who all looked worse for wear. “Do you suppose they have taken to kidnapping their victims directly now?”

“No,” Marti said. “They’ve recognized me.” She reached up to stroke the red hair they’d given her with the hope of hiding her identity. “The prince still wants me. They have targeted you all.” Tears streaked down her cheeks. “All of your worlds are defenseless now, because of me.”

“No, love. It’s not because of you. This is not your fault.”

Someone pounded on the door. “We are the palace guards. Open this door immediately!”

Marti dropped the glass she held when they pounded on the door again. It hit the floor, shattering into tiny pieces as one of the guards knocked the door from its hinges.

“You are all under arrest!” The leading guard held his weapon, a look of smug satisfaction on his face. “Since you are all powerless now, you are
our prisoners.”

Grinning, he moved closer to Marti and grabbed her arm. “You will come with me. Prince Valko has been awaiting your return.”

Kyl struggled against his captor, his strength waning, but not failing quite yet. As a defender, he still had superior strength, though it was failing fast.

He shook off the man and drove his fist into his face. He couldn’t help the feeling of immense satisfaction as the man fell to the floor unconscious.
One asshole down, a few hundred to go.
With luck, he might get to beat the shit out of a lot of the men responsible for mistreating his mate. “We have no choice but to move now. We’re running out of time.” He shook his hand, feeling pain for the first time in his long, long life. “It won’t be long before we all lose our advantage and become next to useless.”

He glanced at Marti. “Maybe you should have stayed on Torus.”

Chapter Eighteen



Marti struggled against the guard who held her. She felt stronger than she had in years. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that she’d had plenty to eat over the last several days. Whatever it was, she felt great.

“Take your stinking hands off me, you goon!” Drawing back, Marti fisted her hand and let it fly. She wasn’t giving up without a fight. Not this time. Not when her happiness was within her reach.

The guard flew backward when her fist connected with his jaw. Eyes wide, she stared at her fist for a moment, and then grinned. “It’s back!”

In a flurry of motion, she jumped into the air, drew back and laid into the men who attempted to subdue her mate. “I don’t know what was wrong, but I guess a few days away from here cured me of it. If we get you all off-world again, maybe we can have your blood tested and see what it is they do to people to capture them.”

“It must be some sort of drug,” Lena said with a frown.

“Or a virus.” Ga’briel drew his sleeve across his forehead. “I’ve been running a fever since we got here.” He glanced at Marti. “And she was ill when she first arrived on Torus. Perhaps her stay here helped her body produce an antibody and that’s why she is no longer affected.”

“Maybe I carried it to you.” Marti covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh, my Gods! This is all my fault.”

“No, love. We’re running fevers and we haven’t lost all of our strength. We’ve only lost some of it.” Kyl took her shoulders in his hands. “I think you gave us a form of virus, perhaps that the people use to keep others under control. Perhaps you gave us a weaker version that our bodies can fight like yours did.”

“I think so, too. I’m running a fever.” Lena reached up and felt her mate’s face. “And so are you, Artu. Whatever this is, it’s a virus that our bodies are making antibodies for. With luck, we’ll be back to our old selves soon.”

“And until then, I get to lead you out of here.” Marti gave another guard a kick that sent him flying. Immeasurable satisfaction filled her as she led her party out of the room and past those who would stop them.

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