Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition (3 page)

BOOK: Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition
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I feel it is important to point out that this verse deals with unity and equality in regard to the covenant of salvation. That is to say, God is no respecter of persons. He tears down barriers that would promote prejudice and separation in the Body of Christ. Yet it is important also to note that while there is no distinction in the manner in which we receive any of those groups, there should be an appreciation for the uniqueness of the groups’ individuality. There is a racial, social and sexual uniqueness that we should not only accept, but also appreciate. It is cultural rape to teach other cultures or races that the only way to worship God is the way another race or culture does. Unity should not come at the expense of uniqueness of expression. We should also tolerate variance in social classes. It is wonderful to teach prosperity as long as it is understood that the Church is not an elite organization for spiritual yuppies only, one that excludes other social classes.

If uniqueness is to be appreciated racially and socially, it is certainly to be appreciated sexually. Male and female are one in Christ. Yet they are unique and that uniqueness is not to be tampered with. Let the male be masculine and the female be feminine! It is a sin for a man to misrepresent himself by conducting himself as a woman. I am not merely speaking of homosexuality. I am also talking about men who are feminine in their mannerisms. Many of these men may not be homosexual in their behavior, but the Bible says that they must be healed of feminine mannerisms, or vice versa. It is equally sad to see a masculine woman. Nevertheless, God wants them healed, not hated!

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind….
1 Corinthians 6:9

The word
here comes from Strong’s #3120: “
(mal-ak-os’); of uncertain affinity; soft, i.e. fine (clothing); figuratively, a catamite:—effeminate, soft” (
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
, Hendrickson Publishers, n.d.).

I realize that these behavioral disorders are areas that require healing and prayer. My point is simply that unity does not negate uniqueness. God is saying, “I don’t want men to lose their masculine uniqueness.” This is true racially, socially and sexually. God can appreciate our differences and still create unity. It is like a conductor who can orchestrate extremely different instruments into producing a harmonious, unified sound. Together we produce a sound of harmony that expresses the multifaceted character of God.

Having established the uniqueness of unity, let us now discuss some aspects of the uniqueness of the woman. By nature a woman is a receiver. She is not physically designed to be a giver. Her sexual and emotional fulfillment becomes somewhat dependent on the giving of her male counterpart (in regard to intimate relationships). There is a certain vulnerability that is a part of being a receiver. In regard to reproduction (sexual relationships), the man is the contributing factor, and the woman is the receiver.

y nature a woman is a receiver.

What is true of the natural is true of the spiritual. Men tend to act out of what they perceive to be facts, while women tend to react out of their emotions. If your actions and moods are not a reaction to the probing of the Holy Spirit, then you are reacting to the subtle taunting of the enemy. He is trying to produce his destructive fruit in your home, heart, and even in your relationships. Receiver, be careful what you receive! Moods and attitudes that satan would offer, you need to resist. Tell the enemy, “This is not me, and I don’t receive it.” It is his job to offer it and your job to resist it. If you do your job, all will go well.

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7 (NIV)

Don’t allow the enemy to plug into you and violate you through his subtle seductions. He is a giver and he is looking for a receiver. You must discern his influence if you are going to rebuke him. Anything that comes, any mood that is not in agreement with God’s Word, is satan trying to plug into the earthly realm through your life. He wants you to believe you cannot change. He loves prisons and chains! Statements like, “This is just the way I am,” or “I am in a terrible mood today,” come from lips that accept what they ought to reject. Never allow yourself to settle for anything less than the attitude God wants you to have in your heart. Don’t let satan have your day, your husband or your home. Eve could have put the devil out!

Neither give place to the devil.
Ephesians 4:27

It is not enough to reject the enemy’s plan. You must nurture the Word of the Lord. You need to draw the promise of God and the vision for the future to your breast. It is a natural law that anything not fed will die. Whatever you have drawn to the breast is what is growing in your life. Breast-feeding holds several advantages for what you feed: (a) It hears your heart beat; (b) it is warmed by your closeness; (c) it draws nourishment from you. Caution: Be sure you are nurturing what you want to grow and starving what you want to die.

urture what you want to grow and starve what you want to die.

As you read this, you may feel that life is passing you by. You often experience success in one area and gross defeat in others. You need a burning desire for the future, the kind of desire that overcomes past fear and inhibitions. You will remain chained to your past and all the secrets therein until you decide: Enough is enough! I am telling you that when your desire for the future peaks, you can break out of prison. I challenge you to sit down and write 30 things you would like to do with your life and scratch them off, one by one, as you accomplish them. There is no way you can plan for the future and dwell in the past at the same time. I feel an earthquake coming into your prison! It is midnight—the turning point of days! It is your time for a change. Praise God and escape out of the dungeons of your past.

hen your desire for the future peaks, you can break out of prison.

And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.
Acts 16:25-26

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to communicate with people who will not give you their attention? Pain will not continue to rehearse itself in the life of a preoccupied, distracted person. Distracted people almost seem weird. They do not respond! Every woman has something she wishes she could forget. There is a principle to learn here. Forgetting isn’t a memory lapse; it is a memory release! Like carbon dioxide the body can no longer use, exhale it and let it go out of your spirit.

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.
Philippians 3:13-15

Jesus set the infirmed woman free. She was able to stand upright. The crippling condition of her infirmity was removed by the God who cares, sees and calls the infirmity to the dispensary of healing and deliverance. You can call upon Him even in the middle of the night. Like a 24-hour medical center, you can reach Him at anytime. He is touched by the feeling of your infirmity.

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
Hebrews 4:15

In the name of our High Priest, Jesus Christ, I curse the infirmity that has bowed the backs of God’s women.
I pray that, as we share together out of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit would roll you into the recovery room where you can fully realize that the trauma is over. I am excited to say that God never loosed anybody that He wasn’t going to use mightily. May God reveal healing and purpose as we continue to seek Him.

~ 1 ~

What are the three main characters in the account of the infirmed woman in Luke 13:11-12? How do these characters relate to each other?







~ 2 ~

What is the prescription for any problem, even one rooted in the past? Explain using Scripture.






~ 3 ~

When Jesus “loosed” the woman, He spoke to the femininity of women. Discuss the importance of this action in light of today’s society.







~ 4 ~

True or False. An emotional infirmity can be just as difficult to deal with as a physical infirmity.

~ 5 ~

When a person is hurting, how does she tend to use other people? What are the problems of doing this?







~ 6 ~

True or False. An infirmed woman always lacks effort and fortitude.

~ 7 ~

What was the root of the disappointment and depression in the life of this woman in Luke 13:11-12?





~ 8 ~

One of the great healing balms of the Holy Spirit is

_____________________________________________________________ .

~ 9 ~

Is there anyone in your life whom you need to forgive—including yourself?

Take a moment and express your forgiveness for yourself and any other person.







~ 10 ~

How can a person who is damaged by her life’s events be completely transformed into a whole woman?





~ 11 ~

Discuss the grace and truth found in Jesus’ statement, “Woman, thou art loosed.”





~ 12 ~

Discuss male/female relations in the light of uniqueness and unity.






~ 13 ~

By nature a woman is a ________________________________________ .

What are the spiritual aspects of that truth?






~ 14 ~

Explain this principle: Forgetting isn’t a memory lapse; it is a memory release.






Follow through on the book’s suggestion to write down 30 things you would like to do with your life. Then check them off, one by one, as you accomplish them!

















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