Womanizer (Spoilt) (4 page)

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Authors: Joanne Ellis

BOOK: Womanizer (Spoilt)
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Her confusion still hadn’t abated as the water cooled. Isabelle needed a second opinion. Aft
er getting comfortable in her pajamas and warm fluffy robe, she checked on the sleeping Jesse, then sought out Carol and found her in the kitchen doing the dishes. She picked up a towel and started drying. Several minutes passed without a word. Sensing she had something to say, Carol waited till she was ready.

“Mum, do you remember the photographer I told you about from the

She nodded and a small smirk surfaced. “I believe your words were: the gorgeous blonde that couldn’t be trusted.”

Isabelle frowned. “I’m glad you find it amusing.”

Carol’s smile widened and Isabelle couldn’t help but return it. “Yeah, that would be him.”

“What about him?” Carol’s tone sounded light and uninterested but Isabelle knew different.

“I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“This is a problem because …?”

“You know why.”

“Then why are you wasting your time thinking about him?”

“I’ve heard he’s stopped
... and I wondered -”

“Whether you were too hasty dismissing him?”

Isabelle nodded. Carol raised her eyebrows and the twinkle appeared in her eye, the familiar expression she adopted when Isabelle leapt to conclusions. What astounded Isabelle over the years was how untainted her mother appeared to be. After everything they had been through, Carol never seemed to judge anyone.

“Maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt. He might be nice. Are you actually regretting your decision?”
Another eyebrow raise.

“Is that so hard to believe?” She knew she sounded defensive but didn’t care. How could Carol be so amazed and not jaded like her?

“No, I’m sorry, Isabelle. I’m just surprised.”

Isabelle shrugged. She couldn’t blame Carol. Her track record proved how unforgiving she could be. “I’m hoping he’ll be at the shoot tomorrow
... even though I know I shouldn’t. I really want him to not be a creep.”

“There is only one way to find out. I know you are worried about Jesse. You can’t live like this forever either. If you like him

“I hardly
know him but there is something … oh, I don’t know.” Isabelle leaned against the counter and shrugged, dishes forgotten. “If he’s there tomorrow ...”

“It can’t hurt to try, Isabelle. What’s the worst that can happen?”

“He’s a creep.”

“Then you are in the same position you’re in now.”

“I suppose.” Isabelle resumed her drying duties and they fell into another comfortable silence.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Carol said. “A letter came for you today but it was unmarked. It’s over on the bureau.”

Isabelle abandoned the dishes again and walked over to retrieve the letter. It was rather strange to be receiving a hand-delivered letter. She examined it for a moment and wondered who it could be from as there was no return address. One way to find out. She tore it open. The single white sheet was typed.


Dear Isabelle,


Would you know who I was if I spoke to you? Would you ignore me or welcome me? I despise who you are but love you all the same.




Signed A: Adrian? Why did it have to be A? He’s dead, yet here it is in black and white. A ... Who could it be?

Isabelle re-read the letter to herself again before reading it aloud to Carol. She had no idea how to feel about its contents and it seemed by Carol’s expression that her sentiments were the same.

“What a strange letter,” Carol said.

“I’m not even sure what it means.”

“He - well, let’s presume it’s a he,” it was Isabelle’s turn to raise her eyebrows, “knows where you live, which is worrying.” Carol frowned and her mouth set in a thin line typically associated with rare displays of anxiety. “What should I do?”

“Report it to the police?”

“I think that is a bit hasty. It could be nothing. Maybe I should just ignore it.”

“Be careful, Isabelle. T
here are a lot of crazy people out there.”

“I will. I have to admit though, it is strange.”

“Funny it’s signed A.”

“You know, Mum, I was thinking the same thing.”


* * *


Lying in bed later that night Isabelle found sleep difficult. Thoughts of Mitch and the letter filled her mind. Pushing aside her worries for the moment
, she wondered why she couldn’t get him out of her head. They had only met once and that was over two weeks ago. Surely he’d forgotten about her by now anyway.
It’s just loneliness
, she decided. It would be nice to have someone special in her life. It had been a long time since she’d felt love, companionship and passion.

Over the years she’d buried the passionate side of her
, knowing she couldn’t succumb to it because of Jesse. Was it time to set it free again? Was she reading far too much into their one meeting? Probably. There were also the rumors of his reform and she wondered why. Perhaps he had met someone. This thought bothered her more than she cared to admit.

Life could be complicated sometimes.

She pushed aside these thoughts as well. There was nothing she could do until she saw him again and who knew when that would be? The letter flashed through her mind. Should she be nervous about the content? Perhaps she should ask some of her colleagues whether they’d received or dealt with anything similar. If another letter came she would decide what to do. Until then she vowed to put it out of her mind. She needed to sleep so she wouldn’t look like she had bags big enough to travel around Europe with. As she attempted to relax, thoughts of blue eyes and blond hair overran her mind again before she drifted off into a restless sleep.

Chapter Six




As soon as Isabelle arrived at the studio, she glanced around to see if Mitch would be the photographer. Nerves tickled her skin and sent her heart into a flurry. When she spotted him setting up, a jolt of electricity shot up from her toes to her neck. Her memories of him hadn’t been anywhere near as good as the real thing.

Now what?

She rushed in to have her hair and makeup done and see if she could find out exactly what was going on with him. It seemed he was a hot topic and a few questions might reveal why. Isabelle was thrilled to see Adele would be preparing her for the shoot.

“Good morning, Adele. I see Mitch is shooting me again today. I was impressed by his work and I’m glad to see him here again today.”

“Oh, are you now?”


“Is that the only reason, or would it be something else?”

“Like what?”

“Maybe you’ve got the hots for him.”

Adele smirked
, which Isabelle ignored. “He’s not my type, remember?”

“Well he wasn’t but that was before.”

“So it is true, then?”

“Is what true?” Her innocent expression wasn’t going to fool Isabelle.


“I thought you weren’t interested.”

“I’m not, just curious. Come on, I look forward to hearing all the latest news.”

“Anyone would think I’m some kind of gossip.” Their eyes met in the mirror and they both laughed. “Alright I am. It’s still true from what I’ve heard. Not for lack of trying from the girls though.”

“Do you know why?”

“No, not for sure.
I think he may have met someone.”

“Oh.” She tried to hide her disappointment. “I figured it might be something like that.”

“I haven’t heard any details, though.” Adele smothered a grin. It seemed that the hunky Mitchell had gotten to the impenetrable Isabelle. Well, not so impenetrable after all. “I don’t actually know if he’s seeing someone but this seems to be the general speculation. He hasn’t said anything to anyone about it. He just keeps turning down offers. It certainly is a talking point though.”

“Maybe he isn’t a creep after all.”

“I don’t think he is, just a guy making the most of what is on offer. He’s apparently nice and has a close family. Most of the models cracking on to him don’t just do it ‘cos he’s good in bed but because they think they’ll be the one to change him.”

“Maybe I was a bit hasty saying no when he asked me out
, then.”

Adele squealed and Isabelle thought she would poke out her eye with the mascara wand. “You are interested! I knew it!”

“Maybe.” Isabelle offered a brief grin.

“Go for it girl! You work too hard.”


Now go get him. We’re all finished here.”


* * *


Mitch checked the door periodically but had yet to see who had arrived for the shoot. Preparations took up his concentration so he thought it could be possible he’d missed whoever it was. The anticipation and suspense had built up so much he thought he would burst with it. So, to distract himself, he prepared thoroughly. As he checked the lighting he heard footsteps approaching from across the studio. When he turned and saw it was Isabelle, his breath caught. He’d forgotten just how beautiful she was and for a moment he thought his tongue would tie itself in knots again. He scoffed at his ridiculous schoolboy infatuation. This time he would make the right impression. Never had he been so nervous or excited over a woman before.

Be cool, Mitch.

He ran through in his head what he would say to her and found all he had were his usual flirtatious, charm-filled lines. All of a sudden he had no idea of any original conversation. Again. His pulse sped up and nerves caused his palms to sweat. When she smiled, all words were lost.

“Hi, Mitch.”
“Hey.” Her approach and friendly tone surprised him further. She’d acted like he was a leper last time. “Our billboard looks great. I’m impressed.”

Heat filled his cheeks. Was he actually blushing? Where was the confident, charismatic Mitch gone when he needed him? “Um, thanks
... It’s all you, though.”

“What is?” She was still smiling.
A good sign.

“The billboard.
You make it look good, not me.”

“Shall we say it’s a bit of both?”

He nodded.

“I wanted to apologiz
e for being rude.”

He shrugged. “No need.’

“Yes, there is. I want to make it up to you.”

“You do?”

“Yes. Is your dinner invitation still open?”


“Then I would like to accept.” Her smile was wide and mischievous, making his heart do flip-flops.

“Um, would you
... I mean … how is Friday night? I mean tomorrow night being Friday. I know this great place ...” Mitch stopped. He was rambling and discovered to his horror he was blushing again.

Her eyes twinkled and his mortification grew. Standing before him, asking him out was the woman who had been on his mind nonstop for weeks
and he stood there like a love-struck teenager blushing like a fool. He hadn’t behaved this way when he had been an actual teenager!

“Sounds great.”
She gave him her address and it took all his concentration to commit it to memory. “Now, where do you want me?” Images flashed through his mind and he struggled to gain composure. There were all sorts of inappropriate places he wanted her.

“Oh, for the shoot.”
Did he just say that out loud? “I have a few ideas. Did you have anything in mind?”

“I do
, actually.”

With a graceful turn she walked towards the set and struck a pose. Once again impressed by her professionalism and lack of ego, Mitch began shooting
, and before they both knew it, they captured the shot, both skilled at their professions.

“I think we got it,” Mitch said, reluctant for it to be over. At least through the camera he got to stare at her without looking like a crazed fool.

“Great.” She smiled. “I can’t believe how easy it is to work with you.”

He hoped he wasn’t staring again.

“So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”


She disappeared out the back. Mitch took his time packing away his gear hoping for the chance to chat to her again before she left. As he placed the last piece into his case
, she re-emerged fresh-faced and looking better than before, just like she had the last time. The opportunity to speak with her was fading fast as she waved then strolled towards the door. Closing the gap with long strides he caught her as she pulled open the door.

“I think today went well. I’m looking forward to tomorrow night.” Could he be any more eager? His inability to speak without appearing like a puppy lapping at the heels of his master caused him to groan internally. He needed to improve on this to get through dinner.

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