Wonder of Wonders: A Cultural History of Fiddler on the Roof (74 page)

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Moscow State Yiddish Theater

Gould, Elliott

Goz, Harry

Graham, Martha

Grand Prize, The (Dos Groyse gevins)

Grand Theater (New York)

Grand Theater (Poland)

Granovsky, Alexander

Grant, Lee

Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People

Great Fair, The

Green, Gilbert

Greene, Graham

Greene, Milton

Grim, M.

Group Theater

Gruza, Jerzy


Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Guthrie, Tyrone

Guys and Dolls
(Loesser, Swerling, and Burrows

(Styne, Sondheim, and Laurents)

Habima Theater (Tel Aviv)


Hague, Albert


Hammerstein, Oscar, II

Happy Hunting
(Karr, Dubey, Lindsay, and Crouse)

Harburg, Yip

Hard to Be a Jew
Shver tzu zayn a yid
) (Sholem-Aleichem)

Harlem on My Mind
(art exhibition)

Harnick, Choni

Harnick, Sheldon

Harrington, Michael

Harris, Barbara


(Jewish Enlightenment)

Haskins, Sheila


Hausner, Gideon

Heart Is a Lonely Hunter

Hebrew Actors’ Union

Hebrew Bible

Hebrew language

Hebrew Lesson
(Capa photograph)

Hecht, Ben

Hello, Dolly!
(Herman and Stewart)

Herberg, Will

Herman, Dovid

Herman, Jerry

Hersey, John

Herzl, Theodor

Herzog, Elizabeth

Heschel, Abraham Joshua

“High School, The (Gymnasia),” (Sholem-Aleichem)

High Spirits
(Martin and Gray)

Hildyard, David

Hirsch, Stephan


Hitchcock, Alfred

Hitler, Adolf

Hoberman, J.

Hochhuth, Rolf

Hodel or Hodl (character)

“Hodl” (Sholem-Aleichem, fourth Tevye story)

Hoffman, Dustin

(Sholem-Aleichem / Perl)

Hollywood Ten


Holofcener, Larry

hometown societies (


House in Vitebsk
(Chagall drawing)

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Hovey, Serge

Howard University

Howe, Irving

How to Succeed in Business

Hughes, Langston

Humphrey, Doris

I Can Get It for You Wholesale
(Rome and Weidman)

“If I Were a Rich Man” (song)

“If I Were a Rich Man Tour”

“If I Were Rothschild” (Sholem-Aleichem)

If I Were You
Hard to Be a Jew
), (Sholem-Aleichem / Schwarz)

Imperiale, Anthony

Inbal Yemenite Dance Theater

Inspector General, The

International Folk Music Journal

International Fur and Leather Workers Union

In the Heat of the Night

In the Heights



Six-Day War (1967)

Jacobson, Matthew Frye

Jaffe, Sam

James, Charles


Jaruzelski, Wojciech

Javits, Jacob

Jazz Singer, The

J. B.

Jefferson, Thomas

Jerusalem Post

Jewish Community Centers

Jewish Cultural Festival of Kraków

Jewish Currents

“Jewish Dances of the Year Round” (Lapson)

Jewish Defense League (JDL)

Jewish Education Committee

Jewish Festivals, The

Jewish Frontier

Jewish Heart, The
Dos Yidishe harts
) (Lateiner)

Jewish Heritage Celebration (Philadelpia)

Jewish High Holidays

Jewish Museum (New York)

Jewish Theological Seminary

Jewish Welfare Board

Jewish Woman and Her Home

Jewison, Norman

Jim Kooperkop
(ARTEF play)


Johnson, Lyndon B.

Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee

Jolson, Al

(Stein and Blitzstein)

ski, Lech

Kael, Pauline

Kahana, Tamara

Kahane, Meir

Kahn, Albert

Kallen, Horace

Kalman, Nadia

Kaminska, Ida

Kander, John

Kanin, Garson


Karnilova, Maria

Katyn massacre

Katz, Aron

Kaufman, Jonathan

Kaye, Danny

Kazan, Sandra

Kazin, Alfred

Keith, Nancy

Kellin, Mike

Kellman, Ellen

Kennedy, Jackie

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kepten, Moshe

Kerr, Walter

Kessler, David

Kessner, Carole S.

“Khave” (Sholem-Aleichem, fifth Tevye story).
See also

Berkowitz translation of

Sholem-Aleichem’s screenplay of

Schwartz’s film adaptations from

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

King and I, The
(Rodgers and Hammerstein)

King Lear

Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara

Kishon, Ephraim

Kiss Me, Kate

Kitowski, S


klezmer music

Knitting on the Roof

Kohner, Hanna Bloch

Kollek, Teddy

Kopit, Arthur

Koufax, Sandy

Kraft, Hy

Krajewska, Monika

Krajewski, Stanislaw

Kramer, Stanley

Krim, Arthur

La Guardia, Fiorello

Lampell, Millard

Landau, Ely

Lapson, Dvora

Lardner, Ring, Jr.

László, Miklós

Lateiner, Joseph

Law and Justice Party (Poland)

Lazar Wolf (character)

“L’Chaim (To Life)” (song)

Lee, Madeline

Lee, Sondra

Lee, Will


Lennart, Isobel

Leonov, Yevgeny

Lerner, Alan Jay

Lerner, Sol

Le Roy, Ken

Lester, Julius

Le Sueur, Meridel

“Letter to America” (song)

Leveaux, David

Levene, Sam

Levin, Shmarya

Levine, Jack


Liebman, Ron


Life Is with People
(Zborowski and Herzog)

Lifetime of a Jew, The

Lindsay, John

Lipson, Paul

Litvak, Olga

Lloyd, Norman

Loesser, Frank

Loew, Marcus

Loewe, Frederick

Long Island Press


Los Angeles Times

Lubavitch Hasidim

Lumet, Sidney

Lutheran Church

Lyons, Leonard


MacArthur, Harry

Maccabees (teachers’ group)

MacLeish, Archibald

Mad Magazine

Madman, The
Der meturef
) (Gordin)

Maids, The

“Make the Circle Bigger” (song)

Man in the Moon
(Baird and Baird)

Man of La Mancha
(Darlon, Leigh, and Wasserman)

March on Washington (1963)

Marianowicz, Antoni

Marisse, Ann

Marks, Peter

Maron, Hanna



Mary Poppins

Masliansky, Zvi Hirsch

Maslow, Sophie

Massine, Léonide

“Matchmaker” (song)

McCallum, Gordon

McCarter, Jeremy

McCarthy, Joseph

McCoy, Rhody

McCullers, Duane

McGovern, George

McKern, Leo

Melting Pot, The

Membra Solo band

Memorial Prayer
(Sholem-Aleichem / Gorin)

Memories of the Shtetl
(film /
Ghetto Pillow

Menon, Rajiv


Merlin, Joanna

Merman, Ethel

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Meyerhold, Vsevolod

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A

Migenes, Julia

Mikhoels, Solomon

Miklasz, Magdalena

Mikoś, Mateusz

Milk and Honey
(Appell and Herman)

Miller, Alan

Miller, Arthur

Miller, Louis

Minsky, Louis

“Miracle of Miracles” (song)

Miranda, Lin-Manuel

Mirele Efros

Mirisch, Walter

Miron, Dan

Mitchell, Ruth

Mocher-Sforim, Mendele

Modelski, Peff

“Modern Children” (Sholem-Aleichem, third Tevye story)

Modern Jewish Canon, The

Moiseyev Dance Ensemble

Molina, Alfred

Morgenthau, Henry, Sr.

Morgn frayhayt

Morgn zhurnal

Morishige, Hisaya

Morris, Oswald

Moscow State Yiddish Theater (GOSET)


Moses, Robert

Mostel, Joshua

Mostel, Kate Harkin

Mostel, Tobias

Mostel, Zero


Harvard lecture by

health problems of

cover and

nightmare ballet and

not cast in film

painting career of

World of Sholem-Aleichem


Robbins and

Stein routines for

Tony Award and

Topol and

Ulysses in Nighttown

Motel the tailor or Motl (character)

Mother, The

Mother Courage

Motl, Peysi the Cantor’s Son
Motl peysi dem khazns
) (Sholem-Aleichem)


(Robbins ballet)

Moynihan Report

Moyshe the Tailor
(Yiddish play)

Mr. Wonderful
(Bock, Glickman, and Stein)

Muni, Paul (Muni Weisenfreund)

Museum of Modern Art

Music Theatre International (MTI)

My Fair Lady
(Lerner and Loewe)

Nahshon, Edna

Nasser, Gamal Abdel

National Public Radio

National Religious Party (Israel)

National Theater (New York)

National Theater School of Poland

“Nation of Immigrants, A” (Kennedy)

Nazi Germany

invades Poland

“Negation of the Diaspora”

Nelson, Marjorie

Netherlands (Holland)

Newman, Paul


Newton, Huey P.

New York Board of Rabbis

New York City Ballet

New York City Board of Education

New York City Police

New York City public schools

New York Civil Liberties Union

New Yorker

New York Herald Tribune

New York Human Rights Commission

New York Post

New York Review of Books

New York State Legislature

New York stock market crash (1907)

New York Sun

New York Times


New York World

New Zealand

Nine Gates to the Hasidic Mysteries

Nixon, Richard M.

Noces, Les
(Robbins ballet)

North Star Country
(Le Sueur)

Novak, Michael

“Now I Have Everything” (song)

Nuremberg trials

N. Y. Export: Opus Jazz
(Robbins ballet)

Oakland Jewish Community Center

O’Casey, Sean

Occupy Judaism

Ocean Hill-Brownsville community control battles

community school board

teachers’ strike

Ocean Hill Junior High

Oh Dad, Poor Dad

(Rodgers and Hammerstein)

Old Country, The
(Sholem-Aleichem / Butwin)


Orthodox Jews

Osmond Brothers

Oy!hoo Festival

Ozick, Cynthia

Page, Geraldine

Pale of Settlement



Papp, Joseph

Parents and Taxpayers

Parr, Jeanne

Partisan Review

Passover Haggadah

Pasternak, Michael

Pauker, Edmond

Pawnbroker, The

Pendleton, Austin

Penn, Arthur

“People of Dynów’s Past” (Wo
niak installation)

Perchik (character)

Peretz, I. L.

Perl, Arnold

Perón, Juan

Picon, Molly

Pilbrow, Richard

Pinczer, Justyna

Pinochet, Augusto

pintele yid

Pintele yid, Dos
The Quintessence of Jewishness
) (Yiddish play)

Piro, Richard

Pius XII, Pope

Plain and Fancy
(Bock, Harnick, and Stein)

Other books

The Last Novel by David Markson
Dead Dancing Women by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli
Lakota Flower by Janelle Taylor
The Scent of Apples by Jacquie McRae
Buried Evidence by Nancy Taylor Rosenberg