Worcester Nights - The Boxed Set (21 page)

BOOK: Worcester Nights - The Boxed Set
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His voice was hoarse with need. “God, Kay, you are so amazing. I could pleasure myself with you every morning and still be hot for you before lunch. I could climb on you at sunset, ride you all night long, and still want more when dawn came around. You are … God, you are … God, Kay …”

I could feel his climax coming, and my body craved it, wanted it … it took every ounce of my energy to keep my hands against the wall, not to bring one down, not to give that faint touch to my clit which would send me soaring with him. My body brimmed with golden energy, with desperate desire, and then he stuttered, pressed, and warm jolts of cum cascaded on my back, flowing like a life-bringing river.

My breath was coming in heaves now, and I balanced on the edge, wanting him, wanting his hand or mouth or I didn’t care what to come around and finish the job.

His cock was still pressed against me, the throbbing gentling, and his breath in my ear began to settle. He reached to a rag on a shelf and wiped down my back.

I half turned my head. “Sean –”

He smiled, putting a finger to his lip. “Shhhhh.” He turned me around, looking me over as if deciding what to do next. Then he knelt on one knee before me. My body quivered in anticipation as his hands moved forward to –

He hooked my panties, sliding them slowly, attentively back into place.

My heart pounded in confusion. “What are you -”

“Shhhh,” he said again, his grin growing.

He slid my jeans up next, and the motion of the zipper against my pubic area nearly sent me over the edge. He gave a slight tug as he buttoned the button, and I groaned, sinking back against the wall. My nipples hardened even further, craving him, craving –

He reached down and picked up the bra, sliding the straps on my arms, then clicking the closure in place. My nipples pressed hard against the fabric, trying to impale their way through it.

My top was drawn on next, and I felt as if I had been swaddled in my clothes, so tight did they seem. I wanted to burst out of them, to shred them, to climb on top of Sean and find my release.

Zeke’s voice came as a weary sigh from outside. “Yeah, yeah, Ma. I love ya too.” There was silence for a moment, then the noise of the bar’s door opening and closing.

Sean did up his own pants, then went to the door, opening it for me. I glared at him while I stepped through, every motion sending new waves of longing through me. He locked the shed back up, then guided me through the bar door. The regulars barely looked up as we returned to our spots. It didn’t look as if Joey had even moved.

I leant over the bar at Sean. I pitched my voice low, but the hoarseness made my throat tight. “I will get you.”

He moved his hand, reaching for mine, but as it went the edge of it skimmed the edge of my breast. I bit down on the groan which shuddered through me. My whole body was teetering on the edge of an explosion.

His eyes sparkled, and he lifted my hand to his lips. He turned my hand palm side up, and brought the delicate skin of my inner wrist to his mouth. Slowly his tongue traced at the soft skin there.

I was lucky I was leaning against the bar. The sensations he created made the room whirl. My lips parted, and my breath came in shallow draws. I glanced around the room. The others hadn’t noticed in the least. Their attention was still glued to the pool table and the TV.

Sean glanced at my free hand, and then down, to my waist.

I flushed with heat. Surely he couldn’t be serious? Not –

His tongue moved, and now he had my finger in his mouth, slowly sucking on it. My eyes nearly rolled back in my head at the intense pleasure. It took every ounce of self control I possessed to soften the groan of pleasure into a silent exhale of breath. My breasts were swelling out of my bra, craving even the gentle slide of the fabric against them.

My other hand went to my jeans button of its own accord, releasing it, and my sex throbbed with hot desire. I undid the zipper, then eased the jeans a bit down my hips.

Sean’s voice was a low command. “Look at me.”

I brought my gaze to his, and his look was dark, full of passion, a deep craving that could never be filled. I could feel its echo within my own soul.

My finger slipped into my panties.

His voice was hoarse. “Not yet.”

My heart nearly pounded through my ribs. My finger was so close, only an inch away, nestled in the thick, moist curls. I could feel my juices soaking my thighs. Every part of my body tingled with want and need and a deep-seated craving that I could never have imagined.

He ran his teeth along my finger, and the sensation nearly undid me. My voice was a strained whisper. “God, Sean, let me –”

Jimmy came around the corner, putting on his coat, his eyes focused on the front door. My heart hammered against my ribs as Sean released my finger from his mouth, as Jimmy passed behind him, his eyes on the door, on Kelley Square beyond. “I’m going for some pizza,” Jimmy stated to the world at large. “Be back in about a half hour.”

Sean’s voice was even. “Sure thing, Jimmy, we’ll hold down the fort.”

Jimmy didn’t even bother to respond, beyond a grunt, before he pushed his way out into the dark night.

Sean swung his eyes back to mine, his gaze clouding with hot passion. “And where were we?” He took my hand up in his. “Ah, something like this.” He held my hand palm-side down, brought it to his lips, and then danced his tongue along the delicate webbing between my third and fourth finger.

I nearly lost control of my moan, of my ability to stand, of everything. I wanted him, I wanted him, and nothing else mattered.

Joey’s voice was lethargic. “I’m out of Bushmills.”

Sean’s eyes danced with amusement. “I’ll get that for you, Joey.” He released my hand and moved around behind the bar. As he reached for the bottle with one hand, the other slid down within my panties, along my ass, his finger easing forward to just tease the edge of my dripping opening. My body flared with heat, and I arched, desperate to have him within me. He grinned, stepping away, bringing the bottle over to pour Joey’s glass full again. As he turned to walk back toward me, he put his finger into his mouth, sucking on it, his eyes shining.

My body was aflame. I watched as he slowly put the bottle of Bushmills back into its place, watched the interplay of the strong muscles of his arm, the sleek, lean ripple of his stomach. I wanted him. I wanted every inch of him, and any second now I would push him up against the wall and ride him, ride him …

He stepped forward, looked at me for a long moment which seared my soul, and then with a quick motion he put his mouth hard on top of mine, driving his tongue into me. At the same time he drove his fingers into my panties, pushing my hand aside, his fingers landing exactly on the spot I had been craving, needing, desperately calling for.

The pleasure shook away all sense of time and place. I knew my body wanted to arch, to buck, but his firm muscles held me in place, sandwiched me between him and the bar. His mouth swallowed my cries, swallowed my breathing, and he took me in fully, absorbing my tremors, inhaling my passion. There were only his fingers releasing me, his body becoming my world, his mouth my air.

And I was gone.

Bit by bit, atom by atom, my consciousness drifted down from the ceiling, coalesced, drew together to reform my mortal shape. My clothes shimmered to fit again, my throbbing settled into a heartbeat, one that sung in tune with his.

His hand still cupped around my sex, possessively, and he looked into my eyes. His voice came low against my ear. “Are you ready for the main course?” His finger slid, and it pressed deep within me.

If he hadn’t been pressed against me, I would have slid down the bar. I couldn’t speak.

He chuckled, then withdrew his finger, holding his hand there for a moment before slowly sliding it from my panties. He did up my jeans, sealing the button, then brought the finger to my mouth. The taste of myself, the look in his eyes, took my breath away.

He withdrew his finger, then stepped back, his eyes swirled with passion. “Only a few more hours until you’re home in bed,” he murmured. And then he stepped around the bar, moving back to his stool. His gaze drew to my breasts, to my sex, and then back to my eyes again.

I groaned. It was going to be a long, long shift.

Chapter 6

had dark rings around my eyes when we walked into the bar the next day. I’d barely gotten an hour of sleep - but it had been well worth it. I had never even dreamt of half the things we did, and the other half seemed transported far beyond our mere mortal world.

Sean was a god.

He grinned at me as he slid onto his stool, and I swear the man looked as fresh as if he’d slept soundly all night long. His eyes glinted with energy, with a look that clearly indicated what he’d like to be doing to me right now.

I turned around, reaching for his whiskey. My body was being pummeled by warring factions, and the lustful part of me was billowing into wakefulness. With the sleepy state of my mind, I couldn’t afford that. Who knew what my lack of inhibitions would allow.

I poured him his glass, my voice low against his ear. “You behave yourself tonight. I am past exhaustion.”

His mouth quirked into a grin. “I wonder why.”

I gave him a playful swat on the hand, then returned the bottle.

My phone rang in my pocket, and I pulled it out in curiosity. I rarely got calls and practically never during working hours. The phone number seemed odd, and I didn’t recognize it. Maybe it was a wrong number. I answered and put it to my ear. “Hello?”

A woman’s voice with a trace of an Irish accent spoke. “Hello, Kate?”

My brow creased in confusion. “Yes, this is Kate. Who is this?”

There was a long pause, and her voice was almost hesitant. “It’s … it’s me, Kate. It’s Eileen.”

My lips broadened into a smile; I leant back against the bar. “Eileen! It’s great to hear from you! I’d given up hope of you ever responding to me. How’s Ireland? How’s your grandmother?”

“Oh, she’s fine. She’s out getting us some
for tonight’s dinner.”

“Oh, so she recovered?”

Her voice echoed with confusion. “Recov – oh! Yes, right. Yes, she’s fine.”

I pursed my lips. “But I thought she –”

Eileen interrupted me. “Kate, Jimmy hasn’t … hasn’t … come on to you, or anything, has he?”

I blinked at the change of topic. “No, not at all, Eileen. He’s treated me like a daughter.”

Relief echoed in her voice. “That’s good. I was worried, but I didn’t know if I should call. I knew you could hold your own against him, if he did. Which, of course, he wouldn’t. He said he wouldn’t.”

I furrowed my brow. “Eileen, are you all right?”

“I’m … yes, well … no, not really … I’m …” A gulp, and the sound of soft sobs.

I held the phone closer to my ear. “Eileen, it’s OK. I’m here. You were right by my side when I had to face Derek. I’m here for you, no matter what it is. Don’t worry about me and Jimmy. There hasn’t been any trouble at all. I’ve been fine. Just tell me what’s wrong.”

She spoke between her sobs. “Oh, Kate, my grandmother wasn’t sick. I just had to get away. I was so confused. Jimmy was sweet, and I know he’s married. But his wife is like a Mack truck! Poor Jimmy, he’s so tender, and gentle, and did you know he likes Irish poetry?”

She gulped. “Oh Kate, he would whisper, ‘
Bid adieu, adieu, adieu’
and, God, Kate …”

The blood drained from my face. My fingers turned white against the phone in my hand. I could barely breathe.

My voice was a rasp. “What happened, Eileen?”

Her voice dropped low, as if she was whispering. “He treated me like a princess, Kate. Like a movie star. He told me that he could immortalize me, that he knew this place that was all set up but was empty after hours. We would go there, just him and me. He would set up the cameras, and, God, Kate, it was amazing.
was amazing. We were going to run away together, go live in Carrigaline, or Crosshaven, or even Cobb. Somewhere on the water, somewhere with live music and dart bars and fish-and-chips from the truck.”

I leant against the back of the bar. “And then what happened?”

“I … I … Kate, I’m pregnant.”

I closed my eyes for a long moment. “How far along?”

“About three months. Kate, I haven’t told him. I couldn’t. I didn’t know what to do. So I came out here to think, to talk to my grandmother, and to get my head on straight. I needed some time alone.”

I drew in a deep breath. “Have you decided something?”

“I think … I think I’m going to keep it, Kate. Whether Jimmy wants to acknowledge it, or be with me, or any of it.” Her voice became soft. “I can feel the baby growing inside me, Kate. My little son or daughter. And I love him or her. My grandmother says I can stay with her, and we can take care of my child together.”

Her voice calmed. “But I think Jimmy has a right to know. Kay, I think it’s time for me to come home.”

My eyes flared in panic, and I turned to stare at Sean with shock on my face. His brow was wreathed in confusion, and he mouthed

BOOK: Worcester Nights - The Boxed Set
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