Worcester Nights - The Boxed Set (34 page)

BOOK: Worcester Nights - The Boxed Set
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He glanced at Sean. “When Francesca met with Sean Friday night, she passed to him a key to my car. An emergency backup for him, in case something went wrong. The Mustang has LoJack in it, so we could have traced him if he’d taken it. Besides, he only has that bike of his”

Evan took my hand in his. “As soon as I realized you and Sean were missing, I sprinted back to my car. I found him, Seamus, and Jimmy there.”

Sean nodded. “Seamus got us out a back way, and said he knew where Bridgit might have run to, to hole up. When Evan showed up, Seamus almost shot him – but we convinced him that Evan’s brotherly feelings trumped any job-related ideals he might have. Seamus took his cell phone and handgun, but he let him come along with us.”

I gave Evan’s fingers a squeeze. “Thank you.”

He held my gaze, his look steady. “You know I’d come for you, no matter what.” He glanced at Sean. “No matter what hair-brained situation you manage to get yourself into.”

I smiled, leaning against Sean. “Well, but now we just wait until tomorrow, right? Surely the police are planning their action this very minute. They must have followed us, or tracked us, or
. In the morning they’ll see that the O’Malleys are leaving without us, and just snag them after they pull away. Nobody’s at risk, everybody is caught, and we’re done.”

Sean pressed his lips to my forehead. “That’s the hope, anyway.”

Jessica yawned. “Well, I think we could all use some sleep, so we’re fresh and alert, just in case there is trouble. Is there anything else? If not, I’m heading in.”

Evan patted her on the shoulder. “Thank you for watching after my sister. You need anything at all, in the future, you just let me know.”

She grinned. “I’ll remember that.” She nodded and headed back into the house.

I looked after her, a smile playing at my lips. “I think she likes you, Evan.”

He flushed and turned to look at me. “Kay, I’m with someone.”

My eyebrows raised. “You, the man with a stream of hot dates, is finally settling down? When did this happen?”

His lips curved into a smile. “About a month ago. She’s amazing, Kay. I’m sure you’ll love her. When all of this is over, I’d like for you to meet her.”

I gave him a nudge. “She must be pretty special, to have caught the most eligible bachelor in Boston. All right, then, it’s a plan. Maybe you’ll bring her down to Thanksgiving?”

He nodded. “I was planning on it.” He looked over at Sean. “And maybe, if this all wraps up, you could come as well?”

Sean held his gaze. “You’re saying I’d be welcome?”

Evan clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll still say that you could have found a way to keep Kay out of this – but I know how my sister can get. Stubborn as a mule. I don’t know where she gets that from.”

Evan’s eyes sparkled for a moment, then grew serious. “You’ve risked your life for her, several times. You’d go through fire for her. I’m trusting you. I’m trusting you with her life.”

Evan put out his hand.

Sean took it, and the brilliant stars glistened, shimmering against their ebony velvet blanket.

Chapter 7

he barest hint of golden glow edged the room as I blinked my eyes open. I was sprawled across Sean, his rippled chest beneath me, and my hand slid down his side in a languid caress. I reached the firm muscles of his abdomen and grinned.

What was it with guys and morning?

I crept my fingers down through his dense hair, slid them along his shaft, and gave a gentle squeeze.

He groaned, shifted, and his arm drew around me in an automatic motion as his eyes came open. He looked down the length of my body, his mouth widening in a smile.

“Now this is the way to wake up.”

I cupped my hand, sliding it more firmly down his length, and his hips rose up off the bed. His breath came out in a sigh.

I reached over to pull myself more fully on top of him, but he shook his head, lifting me and gently rolling me to the side. “Uh, uh,” he scolded. “It’s barely twenty-four hours since you’ve been shot, my darling. None of that riding-me-like-a-wild-stallion is going to happen this morning.”

I pursed my lips in disappointment. “You’re going to let me languish in carnal craving?”

He chuckled at that, then reached over to the drawer beside the bed. He slid it open and put his hand inside. “Look at what I found.”

My eyes lit up in anticipation …

He drew out a roll-on fragrance, shaped sort of like a thick magic marker.

My brow creased in confusion. “What are you going to do with that? Tickle my nose?”

He popped off the cap and brought it near my face. “Smell it.”

I closed my eyes and gave a soft sniff. It was indeed quite lovely. Some sort of combination of jasmine and ripe peach.

He gave me a gentle pat on the hip. “Roll over onto your stomach.”

I dutifully obeyed. The clean sheets felt crisp and nice beneath my body.

He moved near my feet, there was a long pause, and then he placed the roll softly, with the lightest of touches, against my left ankle.

He began tracing a line, slowly, languorously, up the back of my leg, as if he were painting on a pinstripe from one of those pairs of elegant black French pantyhose. I could feel every movement of his hand, and the liquid in the fragrance left a shimmering sensation behind it, cool and alive.

I moaned, and he gave a soft chuckle.

The line traced its way up against the tender skin of my inner knee, and he lingered there for a moment, exerting soft pressure. My body arched in response.

His voice was a murmur. “Slow and gentle,” he reminded me. “The colors of dawn revealing a beautiful, rural sunrise. The blossoming of amethyst, tangerine, and deepest crimsons before day begins.”

His line moved up, up, along my thigh, and came to rest in the crease just before the swell of my buttocks.

The pen lifted up, and a sigh eased out of me.

A pause, an inhale of jasmine and ripe peach, and the slightest of pressure against my right ankle.

He went slower this time, the seconds stretching, the swirl within my inner knee a sensual slow dance of skin and slickness. Then the line was moving … approaching … delving …

It lifted away.

My legs tingled with energy, with awareness, and I waited …

The barest hint of pressure, right on the lower center of my back. He lingered there a moment, then rose up and around as if tracing the bulbous curve of a heart. He came down, across the curve of my rear, diagonally angling in toward my inner thigh, and I wanted his hand, wanted the line, wanting the wet glistening to …

He came within a finger’s breadth of that sweet juncture, and lifted away.

My breath was coming deeper now, the waves of desire washing over me like an incoming tide. The pressure returned again, in the exact same spot at my lower back, but this time the line traced the opposite side of the heart, sweeping around, angling down, down, and I craved …

He slid his other hand along my hip, lifting with gentle pressure, and I rolled onto my back, looking up at him. His gaze was smoky with desire, and his cock throbbed with heat as he looked down me. My nipples stood out hard from my breasts, and I could feel the moisture building further below.

He lay propped up on one arm at my side, and slowly, attentively, he brought the tip of the pen down to rest in my navel. Again he brought it up, out in a curve, then angled down across my hip-bone delving, drawing closer …

The pen lifted away, and a soft moan drifted through my lips.

He chuckled at that. “Seamus took my phone,” he murmured, “but let’s see if this clock radio can pick up anything.” He pushed the button and turned the dial to the right.

There was a bit of static, a slow swell of guitars, and then the lyrics drifted out.

Home, home again

I like to be here when I can.

And when I come home, cold and tired,

It’s good to warm my bones beside the fire.

I chuckled.
Pink Floyd
– and I knew well which track came next.

A rich look came into his eyes. “Oh, this’ll do quite nicely.”

He brought the glistening line in a slow, wending path up my abdomen, through the hollow between my breasts, and carefully, slowly, drew a heart in the center of my chest.

With focused attention he began filling it in.

Another moan escaped me as he swirled the pen near my breast, and his breath was warm against my ear. “Let it out,” he softly urged. “Let each breath out sing.”

Clare Torre’s wordless cry bubbled out from the radio, drawing me in.

Sean leaned in against me and my sigh became a richer groan, my nipples hardening further.

He brushed his lips against mine. “Good girl.”

My sex heated, my eyes held his, and then his pen finished with the filling of my heart, and moved to circle, slowly, with absolute focus, around my right breast.

My breaths were now drawn-out moans, almost soft cries of helpless desire, merging in with the song.  He circled the pen higher, laying down an ascending spiral which shimmered with energy and jasmine. It climbed higher, higher, and my body lifted with every turn, every inch, and he was nearly …

The pen lifted away, and my cry was tinged with a deep-seated ache.

He brought the pen back to the base of my other breast, and his voice was thick with need. “God, Kay, you are stunning. I want you … I …”

He bit back on what he wanted to say, and renewed his focus on my curved breast, on the rosy peak at its tip. His breath came in deeper draws as he traced its fullness, as the glistening pen slid along my skin, and my groans of pleasure sent a tremor through his hand. When the tip reached the edge of the crimson circle, his finger nearly reached for the tip, nearly followed the desperate urgings of my soul.

He looked down into my eyes, and I knew he was teetering on the edge.

I rolled to my side, slid a hand along his hip, then wrapped my fingers around his firm ass and pulled.

His voice held the tightest edge of restraint. “Kay, you know you’re not ready for –”

I pulled again, angling up, and he groaned with understanding. He straddled my chest, I brought my other hand up to cup his other cheek, and then I brought my mouth over his head, already glistening with pre-cum.

I blinked my eyes up to look into his, I groaned with pleasure, and I pulled his length fully into my throat.

He threw his head back, biting down the groan which shuddered throughout his body. The radio echoed his emotion, the singer crying out her need and craving and release.

He balanced on his knees, his hands winding into my hair, and I drew back a bit before sliding down fully again, my chin pressing into his balls, the back of my throat enveloping him. My groan of desire was deeper, richer, and I could see into the very depths of his soul.

He was nearly there, now. I could feel it in the tremor of his fingers against my head, in the flutter in his lashes as he struggled to hold on for just one more stroke.

His voice was hoarse with need. “Spread your legs for me, baby. Spread them wide.”

I slid my legs open further, and then tension in them sent sweet agony through them, building with the tracery of glowing lines on my front and back, the lines all pointing to my sweet center, to where I wanted him, needed him, craved him with all that I was and ever would be.

His voice was a groan. “Feel me, my love. Feel me, as I … as I …”

I pulled him in, hard, squeezing down on his cock with my throat, digging my fingers into his ass, taking down every last inch of him. He threw his head back hard, groaning, the music crescendoing. Then the light of morning came blazing through the window, filling me with golden power, as his cum coursed down my throat.

In his abandon he reached a hand back, and with the gentlest of motions, he brushed my clit.

I was released. It was beyond anything I had ever felt before. I was a hot air balloon, and the final rope had been cut, sending me soaring into a cerulean sky. I was a hot geyser, and a dam had eased loose, letting me bubble, lift, release in a way I had never thought possible.

I was expanding, shimmering into a rich, fragrant cloud of jasmine and ripe peach, and I was one with the universe.

I floated, enlarged, gently spun, and then at long, long last I drifted, settled, and eased onto the earth, like a fairy’s layer of dew settling onto a field of forget-me-nots.

Time drifted away, slowly reformed, and at long last a fresh energy imbued into my very marrow, revitalized my inner core.

He came down to lie next to me, his eyes shining. He pressed a kiss against my lips. “Ready for coffee?”

BOOK: Worcester Nights - The Boxed Set
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