kimona | kimono |
kindergarden | kindergarten |
kindrid | kindred |
kinkijou | kinkajou |
kinnetic | kinetic |
kirn | kern |
kiromansy | chiromancy |
kiropractik | chiropractic |
kirrography | chirography |
kiser | kaiser |
kismett | kismet |
ki-square | chi-square |
kitsh | kitsch |
kittchen | kitchen |
klannish | clannish |
klarion | clarion |
klasp | clasp |
klaut | clout |
klavays | claves |
klaw hammar | claw hammer |
kleeg | klieg |
kleet | cleat |
kleff | clef |
kleptamaniac | kleptomaniac |
klezzmer | klezmer |
klone | clone |
klorene | chlorine |
kloride | chloride |
kloroform | chloroform |
Klu Klux Klan | Ku Klux Klan |
klutch | clutch |
knapsac | knapsack |
kneid | knead |
knickname | nickname |
knicnack | knickknack |
knockneed | knock-kneed |
knowlege | knowledge |
koax | coax |
koche | coach |
Kodeak | Kodiak |
koen | koan |
koeshur | kosher |
koff | cough |
koffer | coffer |
kofferdam | cofferdam |
koko | cocoa |
koleslaw | coleslaw |
kolesterol | cholesterol |
kolleric | choleric |
kolrabi | kohlrabi |
konk | conk (a blow) |
konk | conch (a shell) |
kookoo | cuckoo |
koop | coop (pen) |
kooskus | couscous |
koot | coot |
koo-ture | couture |
korale | chorale |
kord | chord |
koreopsis | coreopsis |
korgy | corgi |
korm | corm |
korneesh | corniche |
kornet | cornet |
korniss | cornice |
korr | corps |
korragraf | choreograph |
korrea | chorea |
korrus | chorus |
kortaje | cortege |
koupe | coupe (car) |
kowl | cowl |
kracken | kraken |
krampun | crampon |
kranny | cranny |
Kremmlen | Kremlin |
krepuscular | crepuscular |
kresh | creche |
krick | crick |
kript | crypt |
kripton | krypton |
krisanthamum | chrysanthemum |
krisote | creosote |
krissalis | chrysalis |
krocuss | crocus |
kromatic | chromatic |
kromatin | chromatin |
kromatograffy | chromatography |
krome | chrome |
kronic | chronic |
kronnical | chronicle |
kronograf | chronograph |
kronollogy | chronology |
kronological | chronological |
krotch | crotch |
krout | kraut |
krunch | crunch |
kudose | kudos |
kue | cue |
kurchif | kerchief |
kusp | cusp |
kuspid | cuspid |
kwala | koala |
kwalm | qualm |
kweasy | queasy |
kwell | quell |
kwench | quench |
kwest | quest |
kwetzel | quetzal |
kwid | quid |
kwid pro kwo | quid pro quo |
kwidnunk | quidnunc |
kwietuss | quietus |
kwill | quill |
kwince | quince |
kwinella | quinella |
kwip | quip |
kwirk | quirk |
kwirt | quirt |
kwonsit | quonset |
kwote | quote |
Incorrect | Correct |
labarynth | labyrinth |
labborious | laborious |
laber | labor |
Laberador | Labrador |
laberatory | laboratory |
laberinth | labyrinth |
lable | label |
labrinth | labyrinth |
labrynthine | labyrinthine |
lacconic | laconic |
laccuna | lacuna |
lach | latch |
lachramose | lachrymose |
lackadasical | lackadaisical |
lacker | lacquer |
lacktate | lactate |
lacktose | lactose |
lacluster | lackluster |
lacross | lacrosse |
ladel | ladle |
laeth | lath (strip) |
laety | laity |
laff | laugh |
laffable | laughable |
laffter | laughter |
laggerd | laggard |
laggoon | lagoon |
lam | lamb |
lamda | lambda |
lamma | lama (priest) |
lamma | llama (beast) |
lammanate | laminate |
lammanation | lamination |
lamment | lament |
lampoone | lampoon |
landaw | landau |
langarus | languorous |
langauge | language |
langwid | languid |
langwish | languish |
lanjeray | lingerie |
lanlubber | landlubber |
lannia | lanai |
lanniard | lanyard |
lannolin | lanolin |
lanse | lance |
lantanna | lantana |
lanyap | lagniappe |
lappadary | lapidary |
lappis lazooli | lapis lazuli |
lappse | lapse |
lappstrake | lapstrake |
lapracaun | leprechaun |
laquer | lacquer |
laringitis | laryngitis |
larinks | larynx |
larjess | largess |
larreate | laureate |
larres and pennates | lares and penates |
larrva | larva (singular) |
larseny | larceny |
larvee | larvae (plural) |
larynks | larynx |
lasar | laser |
lascivvious | lascivious |
lasserate | lacerate |
lassez-fair | laissez-faire |
latecks | latex |
latere | later (afterward) |
latere | latter (last of two) |
lathar | lather |
latine | lateen |
latint | latent |
latitudinarrean | latitudinarian |
latreen | latrine |
lattise | lattice |
lattitude | latitude |
laudible | laudable |
laughtar | laughter |
laun | lawn |
laundrymat | laundromat |
laural | laurel |
lavetory | lavatory |
lavva | lava |
lawd | laud |
lawdable | laudable |
lawnch | launch |
layet | layette |
laythe | lathe (machine) |
lazanga | lasagna |
lazzaret | lazaret |
leasure | leisure |
lechary | lechery |
lecturn | lectern |
ledd | led |
lede | lead |
ledgerdemane | legerdemain |
leeche | leech (worm) |
leegue | league |
leeotard | leotard |
leesay | lycee |
leesure | leisure |
leetmotif | leitmotif |
legaslation | legislation |
leggality | legality |
leggato | legato |
legibel | legible |
legitimet | legitimate |
legoom | legume |
leich | leach (drain) |
leige | liege |
lein | lien |
lekchure | lecture |
lembo | limbo |
lemen | lemon |
lemmeng | lemming |
lemmur | lemur |
lempid | limpid |
lench | lynch |
lenght | length |
lengua franka | lingua franca |
lenoleum | linoleum |
lentill | lentil |
lentisimo | lentissimo |
lenyunt | lenient |
leonnine | leonine |
lepard | leopard |
leperous | leprous |
leppard | leopard |
lepresy | leprosy |
lerch | lurch |
lesbean | lesbian |
lespedesa | lespedeza |
lessez-faire | laissez-faire |
letharjic | lethargic |
lethel | lethal |
lether | leather |
lettis | lettuce |
leud | lewd |
leveredge | leverage |
levitty | levity |
levvatate | levitate |
levven | leaven |
levvy | levee |
lexacon | lexicon |
lianna | liana |
liarbird | lyrebird |
liason | liaison |
libbertarean | libertarian |
libeedo | libido |
liberel | liberal |
liberry | library |
liberteen | libertine |
lible | liable (responsible for) |
lible | libel (defamation) |
libral | liberal |
librery | library |
libreto | libretto |
licence | license |
licentishus | licentious |
licorish | licorice |
lieble | liable |
liederkrans | liederkranz |
lier | liar |
lieutenent | lieutenant |
liggature | ligature |
ligiment | ligament |
likelyhood | likelihood |
likker | liquor |
lilack | lilac |
lillee | lily |
lillipushun | lilliputian |
limbec | limbic |
limelite | limelight |
limenal | liminal |
limm | limn |
limmitation | limitation |
limmrick | limerick |
limozine | limousine |
limph | lymph |
linchpen | linchpin |
lindin | linden |
linement | lineament (outline) |
linement | liniment (medicine) |
linin | linen |
linjerie | lingerie |
linkidge | linkage |
linneage | lineage |
linnear | linear |
linnen | linen |
linnidge | lineage |
linniment | lineament (outline) |
linniment | liniment (medicine) |
linnoleum | linoleum |
lintell | lintel |
lipp | lip |
liqudate | liquidate |
liquer | liqueur |
liquify | liquefy |
liric | lyric |
liscense | license |
lite | light |
litening | lightning (bolt) |
literatti | literati |
literery | literary |