Working Man (7 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schuster

BOOK: Working Man
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Dakota didn't notice that he was a lot closer to her than he'd been a few minutes before, but somehow they were sitting next to each other. His arm was around her shoulders and he was angling her face to his so she could better concentrate on what he was saying. “You know what you know and you like what you like,” he said firmly. “And I like a woman with something for me to grab and hold onto, something I can feel. I like big legs, soft thighs and a big behind. I like breasts, baby, nice round ones like yours, the kind I can rub and kiss and massage until you come in my arms,” he said softly.

At her look of disbelief, Nick chuckled. “Oh yeah, baby, I can do that. I can make you melt, sweetheart, without taking off a stitch of your clothes. When I make love to you, you're going to feel it all over, like you've never felt anything else. You're going to think you're a virgin again when we get to make love the first time. And you're going to love every minute of it, just as much as I will,” he promised.

Dakota tried to pull her eyes away from his, but it was impossible. “You sound pretty sure of yourself. What makes you think I'm going to let you put your hands on me? I don't know you from Adam and I'm not trying to get to know you, either,” she said in a game attempt to put him in his place. His only answer was to kiss her, a soft gentle kiss that grew into the same kind of heated tempest that had overtaken them the night before. With a deep, shuddering sigh, Dakota put her arms around his neck and arched her body into his, letting the sweet passion take her where it would.

His lips caressed hers, cajoled them and teased them until she opened her lips to receive the luscious tribute of his tongue. Somehow she ended up in his lap and her fingers were tangled in his curly hair as she returned his kisses with a fervor she didn't know she possessed. The licking and sucking and nibbling might have lasted for hours but the tensions that were building wouldn't allow it. Nick had to call a halt to their loving, gently pulling away from her eager mouth and holding her close against his heart until their breathing had slowed a little and he was able to speak. “Now what were you saying about putting my hands on you? You don't seem to mind,” he teased her gently.

Dakota put her face in the crook of his neck and inhaled his fragrance while his long, clever fingers massaged her breast through her shirt. “I think I'm supposed to be embarrassed right about now,” she murmured. “This is the part where I slap you silly and run out of the room.” She did no such thing; she just cuddled closer to him and played with the hair at the nape of his neck with her free hand.

Nick laughed a deep comforting laugh that shook his whole frame. “Well I'm glad you're not acting all shame-faced and girly because you have nothing to be ashamed of. We're going to be together soon, Dakota. I'm not trying to rush you, but I believe in making things real plain. You're going to be mine sooner or later, so you may as well get used to the idea now. I'm not going anywhere, baby, and neither are you.”

Dakota rallied the last of her senses and raised her head to issue a protest at his cocky, overly-confident words. Instead, Nick fixed her with a look so warm and tender all she could do was part her lips for another kiss that was as sweet and thoroughly arousing as the first one. She could tell him off in just a minute but right now it didn't make sense to waste a perfectly lovely kiss, she thought as she laced her fingers through his hair again and moaned softly while he continued his tender assault on her breasts with his long fingers. She gasped and her eyes flew open as she discovered that Nick Hunter was indeed a man of his word. He'd made good on his first promise to her and he was right, she hadn't taken off one stitch of clothing. But he really had made her melt into his arms. Her last conscious thought was that Nick Hunter was not only dangerous, he was deadly and if she planned to stay intact she needed to stay far away from him.

But not before they shared one more kiss…

Chapter 5

his time it was Dakota who ended the kiss, delicious as it was. She abruptly pushed Nick away and glared at him. “Looky here, buster. You need to find something else for your mouth to do because you can't go around kissing me every time you take a notion. I told you before, I don't know you from Adam and I'm not about to get involved with you or anyone else,” she said hotly.

Her words might have carried more weight if she hadn't been sitting in his lap letting him kiss each of her fingers in turn. He finished kissing her hand and leaned back on the sofa looking quite pleased with himself. “You sure like to hear yourself talk, don't you?”

“Yes, I actually do,” she admitted. “Mostly because I make more sense than a lot of people, especially you. We don't know each other at all and we're sitting her pawing each other like a couple of teenagers.”

Nick had to exert a mighty effort not to kiss her again. She looked so sexy and adorable that he wanted to pick her up and carry her off to the bedroom, but he knew there'd be hell to pay if he tried it. So he decided to go another way. He removed her from his lap and sat her next to him on the soft cushions and smiled when she scooted away from him. “Okay, so we don't know each other. How do you suggest we remedy that? Since you don't want to be involved with anyone, I figured you wouldn't mind a little happy sex on the side. Getting to know each other implies a relationship, you know. Is that what you want?”

Dakota was relieved when Cha-Cha launched herself onto Nick because it gave her a chance to get her bearings. “You seem pretty fond of the sound of your voice, too,” she said as she straightened her rumpled shirt. “And you're rather good at twisting my words. No one said anything about a relationship, I was merely pointing out that I'm not the type to cavort around with men I don't know.”

“Glad to hear it,” Nick said as he stroked the blissful cat. “I don't like loose women. They'll do anything with anybody and I'm not down for that. I don't think you're whorish or wild, I just think you're cute as hell and I plan to make you mine. I figured all the getting to know you would come naturally, but if you want to force the issue, we'll set up a schedule. First date, second date, romantic weekends, however you want to play it,” he said, then grimaced as Cha-Cha nipped his finger.

Dakota just stared at him. He had just made one of the craziest statements she'd heard in years and he was acting like it was nothing. She had to get the upper hand in this situation and soon. “Look, Nick, the only schedule I'm interested in is the one involving my house. When are you going to get started on it and how long is it going to take?” She didn't care that she sounded snippy and cold, she had to distance herself from the pleasure she knew awaited her in his arms.

“It's already started, baby. Two of my best men went over there today and I thought tomorrow we'd go look at some paint and stains. That okay with you?”

Suddenly Dakota felt ashamed of herself. Nick had been going out of his way to take care of things for her and she was showing him no gratitude whatsoever. She was acting like it was some kind of homage owed to her and nothing could have been further from the truth. He'd housed her, fed her, gotten her car in the shop, rented one for her and was already hard at work on her home. And had she said thank you one time? No, she hadn't.

“Nick, I'm so sorry,” she said softly. “You've been doing all these nice things for me and I'm not behaving like I appreciate any of it. I'd love to go look at samples tomorrow, if you can spare the time. And I'll take you out to eat, too. I haven't had a minute to go to the grocery store.”

Nick was warmed by her sweet apology, but he was curious about one thing. “Can you cook? 'Cause it sounds to me like I might rate a home-cooked meal one of these days if you know your way around a kitchen.”

Dakota raised one eyebrow. “Yes, I can cook. I'm no cordon bleu chef, but I won't poison you. And once I get settled in my new place I will most certainly make a meal for you. If you accept my apology, that is.”

Nick dislodged the protesting Cha-Cha and rose, holding out his hand to Dakota. “I can't take anything I haven't earned. You don't owe me anything, baby. Except maybe a walk to the door.”

Dakota found herself clinging to Nick's big comforting hand and once again they were facing each other in the foyer. He looked down at her to see what she was going to do, and was immensely pleased when she put her hands on his shoulders and stood on her tiptoes for a kiss.

“See? You like this as much as I do. We have a long time to get to know each other, but there's no reason we can't enjoy this here while we're doing it,” he said in a deep, teasing voice.

Her mouth was against his and she murmured, “You talk too much,” before giving him a good-night kiss he'd remember for a long time.


The next day was a busy and productive one, due in no small part to Nick. Dakota was able to get all of her personal things moved to her new office thanks to his foresight in making sure that her car was being repaired and she had a rental to drive. Since she didn't have the tedium of a regular deadline to adhere to, she was free to leave the
for a few hours to go with Nick to look at paint and stain samples. She insisted on meeting him at the home-improvement store but he was equally firm about insisting he pick her up.

“You'll get lost, trust me. This place isn't that easy to find, even for somebody who's been around here for years. I'll come get you and show you how to get there,” he said reasonably.

Dakota agreed to let him chauffeur her around, and she was glad she did because the place he took her to was way off the beaten path. It was fascinating, full of unique fixtures and fittings of all types. They spent a long time looking not only at paint and stains, but at cabinetry and wallpaper. By the time they left, Nick knew exactly what Dakota wanted and he'd made some excellent suggestions that she agreed to with no hesitation. She insisted on taking him to lunch and they went to a small seafood restaurant that Nick assured her was one of the best in town. It wasn't fancy, but the appetizing aromas that floated around in the small space made her believe him. After they were seated and the server had taken their orders, she gave him a dazzling smile, one of the first real ones he'd seen on her face.

“What's that smile for?” he asked, giving her one in return.

“I just wish I'd met you before I got involved with that crook Bernard Jackson,” she said candidly. “If you'd been in charge of the construction it would have turned out beautifully and I'd be all moved in and happy as a skunk in a pea patch.”

Nick burst into laughter. “So what does a big-time city girl like you know about a skunk in a pea patch? Where'd you hear that one?”

“My granny and my daddy say it all the time. For your information, my daddy is from Edgewater, Alabama. He grew up on a teeny little farm, the same farm where I spent most of my summers until we convinced his mother, my Meemaw, to move up to Pittsburgh with us. So I'm not just a big-city girl,” she told him. “You don't know anything about me, why don't you just admit it?”

“You're right, Dakota. We don't know much about each other at all. So why don't you tell me about yourself?” Nick's voice was warm and persuasive, and so were his eyes. Looking at her with unmistakable interest, he suddenly asked, “Did you know there was a singer named Dakota?”

“I certainly do,” Dakota replied. “I was named after her. My daddy loves music, jazz and blues in particular, and he named my brother after Johnny Hartman, my sister after Billie Holiday and I was named after Dakota Staton.”

“So what did your mama have to say about that? I hope she likes music as much as your daddy does.”

“She loves it. She was a singer for a while when she was putting herself through college. She became a nurse, though. And then a college instructor after she got her master's degree. She teaches nursing,” Dakota said, then smiled brightly as the server arrived.

He presented her with a big bowl of gumbo and a basket of hot cornbread. Nick had ordered catfish and coleslaw with a side of greens and both meals looked and smelled delicious. She tasted the gumbo and her eyes closed in rapture. “This is the best I've ever had,” she said. “And I've eaten plenty in my time. It's incredible. Would you like to taste it?”

She took the spoon from his place setting and dipped it into the bowl and then held it to his lips. He tasted it and agreed it was superb. He returned the favor by letting her taste his catfish, feeding it to her the same way she'd fed him. “Nick you were right, this food is amazing. If I don't watch out, I'm going to weigh a ton from eating out in Chicago,” she sighed.

“You need to let that go,” Nick said sternly. “I'm not going to tell you too many more times, you're a beautiful woman and you look good. Healthy and sexy, the way a woman's supposed to look.”

Dakota was surprised by the quick heat she felt in her cheeks. Luckily, Nick changed the subject. “So are you the baby of the family? The little spoiled princess?”

“I certainly am not spoiled,” she protested. “I'm the middle child. Billie is the youngest and she's not spoiled, either. Daddy was good to us, but he wasn't up for any little bratty kids. We had to behave or else. He wasn't afraid to spare the rod, believe me!” She laughed fondly.

“So, tell me about your father. Seems like you like him a lot,” Nick said thoughtfully.

“I love him to death. He and my mother are the best parents in the world. Daddy left Alabama after he got out of the service and moved up to Pittsburgh because he could get work in the steel mills. After he worked in the mills for a while he got involved in the union, and he eventually did union work full-time. He's on the executive board now and he still does a lot of negotiating and organizing. He's very well thought of and I'm very proud of him. He's an amazing guy,” she said with pride.

Nick looked deep in thought and then stared at her for a minute. “Your daddy wouldn't be Boyd Phillips would he?”

“Yes, he sure is. You've heard of him?”

“I most certainly have. And you're right, he's something else. So that's where you got it from,” he mused.

“Got what?” Dakota asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“All that backbone,” Nick replied. “I was wondering where a little princess like you got all that spunk from and now I know. You got it from your daddy,” he said with a grin that angered Dakota for some reason.

“How dare you call me that? You don't know me at all and you have the nerve to call me a princess? Do you get any exercise other than jumping to conclusions?” she asked hotly.

Nick just laughed, which made her even angrier. “See how you're reacting? I pay you a compliment and you get all bent out of shape. That's what I mean, darlin'. You're all regal and refined, but you got this edge to you that makes you tough and smart. That's a good combination, baby. You got heat in your blood; it makes you a real woman, that's all I'm saying.”

Dakota wished with all her heart that she had a double martini in front of her instead of the glass of sweet tea. Nick was rattling her badly and she didn't like it. To be perfectly honest, she liked the way he talked to her because he was down-to-earth and confident and said whatever was on his mind and that was a rarity among the men she knew. But there was something about the tone of his voice and the damnably sexy twinkle in his eyes that affected her deeply and that's what she really didn't like. She couldn't afford to get caught up with a man like Nick. Nothing but trouble could come of it and she'd already experienced enough man trouble to last her the rest of her life.

She was trying to think of the right words to put Nick in check once and for all when he said something that made whatever she was going to say vanish like a puff of smoke.

“By the way, I found Bernard. You'll have your investment returned within forty-eight hours, and I don't think he'll be trying his old tricks on anybody else.”

Dakota had never quite understood the meaning of the word
until then. She couldn't have said a word if her hope of salvation depended on it.


Two weeks had gone by since Nick's amazing announcement and Dakota was still stunned by its impact. She was grateful that a big story had come across her desk and she had something to keep her mind occupied, but she was still rocked by the casual way Nick had told her that he'd kept his word and run Bernard Jackson down like the sniveling weasel he was. She couldn't get Nick out of her mind and the thoughts she was having about him were most inappropriate. Nick Hunter was keeping her awake at night and she didn't know what to do about it. But for the moment she could direct her wayward imagination and concentrate on work.

Zane was seated in her cubicle, chatting about the investigative article on which she was working, and she was actually able to keep her mind off Nick for a while, something which was a great relief to her. She had grown to like and admire Zane more and more as she got to know him. He was warm and friendly with a dry, self-deprecating humor that she found adorable. And he was also brilliant. She was totally engrossed in their conversation when Toni Brandon popped her head over Dakota's cubicle and gave the two of them a long stare.

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