Working On Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 6) (7 page)

BOOK: Working On Love (The Griffin Brothers Book 6)
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“Xandy, are you

“Umm, yeah.”

Miles opens the door
before I have a chance to react. “What’s wrong?”


“We both know that’s
not true. Are you regretting what we did?”

“What? No. God no. It
was perfect, and I think I’m the definition of insatiable when it
comes to you.”

“Ditto. So what’s
bothering you?”

I might as well get it
out. He’ll see later, anyway. “I wasn’t expecting you to come
on this trip with me, so I didn’t pack anything sexy. My bra and
panties are just plain cotton. Boring. I’m sorry.”

“Well, my underwear’s
plain cotton, too. So I’m also sorry. We’ll just have to rip it
all off faster so neither one of us is embarrassed.” He kisses me
hard and then swats my butt. “Out you go,
woman. I need to shower.”

I walk out into the
bedroom with a smile on my face. It grows even bigger when I see
what’s on the bed. There’s a big Ziploc bag full of lemon jelly
beans. My favorite. He remembered and sorted them. Just like he used
to do for me in Florida. Tears are running down my face as I clutch
the bag to my chest.

I’m still standing
there when he comes out of the bathroom. “Xandy? Do you not like
those anymore?”

“I love them,” I
sniffle. “I can’t believe you remembered.”

“Of course I

“You probably
could’ve bought them instead of sorting through bags.”

“I know, but I wanted
you to see that I’m willing to work for you.”

“You did that last

“I remember that,

“I wish we had more

“We have forever.”

“I love you, Miles.”

“I love you, too.”

He holds my hand as we
walk to the elevator and doesn’t let go when we walk into the lobby
and see everyone waiting for us.

“We were just going
to send a search party for you.”

“We’re right on
time, and you know it, Chloe.”

Everyone laughs and
then I get a round of hugs and kisses for my birthday. We get on the
monorail, and it’s a short ride to Disneyland for our Character
Breakfast. Yes, I know. I’m an adult now. But it’s still fun to
see the characters and eat Mickey Waffles.

It’s an hour later,
and I’m about to eat my last waffle, when I notice it’s gone off
my plate. “Did you steal my Mickey waffle, Miles?”

“You always give me
your last waffle.”

“When I was thirteen
I gave you my last waffle, jerk. I was going to eat that.”

“Sorry. I thought I
was being cute. I’ll go get you another one.”


“Yes, ma’am,” he
tells me with a salute.

He comes back with
waffles and a
smirk. “Three?”

“Yeah. Then I can
still eat your last one.”

“You’re so damn
cute,” I tell him as I kiss him lightly.

“No. Just no. No
kissing. I’m gonna be sick.”

“Shut it, Owe. You
kiss your man as much as you want, Alex.”

“I plan to, Candi,”
I respond as I give Miles a longer kiss.

My uncles all groan,
but keep their mouths shut. I think they realize that the more they
complain, the more I’m going to kiss him in front of them. We all
finish eating and then head out to the park. It’s going to be crazy
when the park opens to the public. It
summer after all. But, that’s the best part. Plus, we have VIP
access to get on the rides easier. It’s just like old times for me
and Miles. Well, with hand holding and kissing this time. So it’s
actually much better.

The day goes by fast in
a whirlwind of rides, snacks, and food. And yes, we did go on It’s
a Small World ten times. Oh, and shopping. Lots of shopping that
Miles refused to let me pay for. I tried to argue that I’m a
billionaire, too, but he was having none of it. We took Landon with
us for a couple of hours, and then I let them spend an hour alone
while I snuck back to the hotel to pick up my surprise from the
concierge desk.

Miles also slipped me a
couple more presents during the day. A Tiffany key necklace and a
Swatch watch. I was obsessed with both of those things when I was
thirteen, and, once again, he remembered. I wanted a Tiffany key, but
my mom and dad refused to spoil me saying I was too young. I never
bought one for myself when I could. However, I did have a Swatch and
thought I was so cool. Miles indulged me then, just as he did today
as I flashed it around like it was the crown jewels. I feel like I’m
in one constant swoon around him and his romance.

My grandparents are
joining us for dinner with all my little cousins. The parks are too
much for them to spend all day at, especially the babies. We’re
dining at a place that will allow us to watch World of Color from our
seats. I can’t wait for Miles to see it. We have to make it out of
the room first, though.

We came back here to
change an hour ago and we still don’t have any clothes on. I’ve
gotten three more of my birthday orgasms as well as two more
presents. VIP Tickets to Justin Timberlake’s next Vegas concert and
nineteen IKEA milk chocolate bars. Two more things I was obsessed
with six years ago. The room was also filled with every kind of
flower possible, on every surface available. He’s going to swoon me
into the ground if he keeps this up.

“Is this the last of
the presents?”

“Nope. There’s one
more for right before midnight.”

“I love them, but you
didn’t have to do this.”

“Yes I did. You’re
getting a present for every birthday I missed. I know you love them.
I’ve seen you smiling all day. I like knowing that I put that smile
on your face.”

“You did. And it’s
not just the presents, I hope you know that.”

“I do. We better get
dressed before they really do send a search party for us.”

“We have a half hour
before we have to be downstairs.”

“Good. I’ll have
time to get pretty.”

“Oh? Are you trying
to pick someone up tonight?”

“No. I’m trying to
make myself look at least half as good as my gorgeous girlfriend. I
don’t want people to think I’m a pity date.”

I burst out laughing.
How can I not? Miles is the epitome of gorgeous. From the top of his
dark brown and blonde hair to his bedroom eyes, eight pack, and well,
a little further down. I can’t even talk about his cock without my
mouth watering. Not to mention the stubble he’s let grow out a
little. He’s like a 100 and I’m maybe an 8. On my best day.

“What’s so funny?
You think I can’t do it?”

“I think you’re
delusional. You are one of the hottest people on the planet, and
I’m…well, I’m not.”

“Alex. Don’t joke.
You have to know how gorgeous and
hot you are.”

“No. My hair was
boring until I added the red, my face is plain, my breasts are
average, and I’m just, well, on the thin side. Blah.”

He shakes his head and
grabs my hand, pulling me to the floor length mirror. I try to cover
myself, but he grabs my hands in one of his while using the other to
tilt my chin up. He makes me look at myself in just my necklace and
watch while he starts talking to me.

“I’m going to tell
you what I see, so look closely. Hair that’s so soft and sexy,
whether you keep it curly, sleek, or pulled back into a pony tail. I
can’t get enough of running my fingers through it. Your face could
launch ships, baby. You know you have those Griffin green eyes that
make people of all ages, religions, and sexual orientations fall to
their knees. You also have cheekbones a model would kill for and the
sexiest lips I’ve ever tasted. Your neck and shoulders just beg for
me to mark them, but I don’t want to embarrass you, so I’ve been
behaving. As for your tits, well, they’re perfect. They were made
for my hands. Seriously, look how they fit.”

I watch in the mirror
as he releases me to cup my breasts. He’s right. They do fit
perfectly. I gift him with a smile for showing me what I’ve refused
to see.

“There’s my girl,
but I’m not done yet. I love your flat stomach and the way your
hips just flare out slightly. Yes, you’re thin. But you’re also
healthy, and that’s what’s most important. Your belly button’s
sexy, too, and I could lick it for hours. Just like I could, and
will, lick your exquisitely beautiful pussy below it. I love the hair
you left on top of your mound, while keeping the rest of yourself
bare. I fucking love it. Beyond that, you have a perfect ass, thighs,
knees, calves, and feet. Oh, and I forgot to mention your back, arms,
and fingers. It’s all beautiful and so very sexy to me. You’re
those things, Xandy.”

“Thank you for
showing me.”

“Anytime you need it,
I’ll remind you. Now, I really do need to go prettify myself.”

“Prettify? Is that
even a word.”

“Yep. Look it up if
you don’t believe me,” he tells me as I walk into the bathroom.

Chapter 6


I walk out of the
bathroom ten minutes later and stop in my tracks. Alex is standing in
front of the dresser mirror putting on diamond stud earrings. But,
that’s not what stopped me in my tracks. It’s her dress, if you
can even call it that. It’s metallic, super short, and from what I
can see in the mirror, low cut. What the hell?

“You were coming here
to look for a guy, weren’t you?”

“What?” She whips
her head around and looks at me like I grew a second head.

“That dress. You
didn’t know I was coming, but you brought it.”

“Actually, I didn’t.
I was going to wear a knee length floral dress. I wanted to look good
for you, so I had the concierge get this for me today.”

“Oh. Wow. Thanks. I
love it.”

I reach for her, but
she slaps my hands away. “Asshole.”

“I’m sorry. I just
got jealous.”

“Of who? Some random
guy I’ve never met. I’ve spent almost the whole day with you.
Kissing you and making love with you.”

“I said I was sorry.”

“Whatever. Let’s

This time I manage to
grab her arm. “Don’t do this. Even if you had brought it, we
weren’t together when you packed. I shouldn’t have acted like
that. You look incredible. I love the dress, and your hair looks so
sexy.” It really does. It’s in a messy bun with curls hanging
down in different spots, just begging for me to pull on them.

“Let’s see who else
I can find who’ll like it. I still need two more orgasms tonight,”
she tells me as she pulls her arm away.

She just made a
mistake. A big one. I love her and I pretty much worship the ground
she walks on, but I have my limit. She just pushed past it. If she as
much as looks at another guy, it’s over. I’m not even kidding. I
won’t hesitate to walk away.

“I hope you
understand what you’re doing, Alex,” I tell her calmly as I open
the door and let her walk out in front of me.

I don’t speak to her
during the elevator ride or take her hand as we walk into California
Adventure and over to the restaurant. I see her looking at me out of
the corner of my eye, but I refuse to look back. The ball is in her
court, and now she has to choose what she wants. Who she wants.

I pull her chair out
when we get to the table—I’m not going to be a total ass, even if
I am mad. Quinn is looking at me, and I just shake my head at her.
We’ve become good friends and she can read me. She knows I’m
close to breaking, even if she doesn’t know why.

Alex makes her choice
when she flirts with a guy at the table next to us after we order.
flirts with
him. Even her family is looking at her like she’s crazy. When she
lets him rub her arm, I’m done.

“Excuse me, but I
seem to have lost my appetite. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your



We have a staring
contest for a minute until Alex starts giggling at something Mr.
Preppy says. Quinn closes her eyes and nods. She knows that it’s
over. I pull Alex’s last present out of my pocket and place it next
to her plate.

“Happy Birthday,

She doesn’t even
glance at me, but the asshole does. He smirks at me. Fucking smirks.
She reaches out to touch his face. It’s definitely over. I need to
get my stuff from the room and go to one of the clubs. Do what I
know. What I’m good at.

I’m making my way
through the crowd outside the restaurant when I hear Ryan calling my
name. I stop and move off the walkway, because I know he’ll catch
me anyway.

“What the fuck was
going on back there?”

“You’ll need to ask
your niece.”

“I’m asking you.”

“Fine. I saw her in
that dress and got jealous that she was going to wear it for some
other guy since she didn’t know I was coming here. She told me she
had the concierge get it today to surprise me. I apologized for
acting like a jealous asshole, and she told me she was going to find
someone else to fuck. I told her she needed to be sure about what she
was doing. You saw what just went on. She made her choice, and now
I’ve made mine.”

“Jesus. I know she’s
grown up, but I never expected anything like that from her. She
doesn’t play games.”

“Neither do I, Ryan.
I love her, but I won’t let her treat me that way.”

“I understand, man. I
wouldn’t put up with that shit, either. I’m guessing you’re
headed back for your stuff.”


“And then?”

“Honestly, I’m
heading out to look for a stiff drink and an easy lay.”

“I’m that easy to

Neither one of us saw
her approach, but Alex is there behind him. She looks more hurt than
angry, but I’m not the one who needs to apologize. Before I can
tell her that, Ryan does it for me.

“What just went down
in that restaurant is bullshit, Alex.”

“This is none of your
business, Uncle Ryan.”

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