World Enough and Time (44 page)

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Authors: Nicholas Murray

BOOK: World Enough and Time
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Chapter 30: The Island's Watchful Sentinel


I should like to express particular gratitude to the British Library Centre for the Book for the award of the first Gladys Krieble Delmas Fellowship in 1997, which greatly facilitated access to and use of the British Library's collections. The Local Studies Library at Kingston-upon-Hull Central Library has a special collection relating to Marvell, containing some unique items, which was of exceptional value. I am also grateful to staff of the London Library, the Bodleian Library, and Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (the National Library of Wales). Mrs Pat Dyson of Greenland Farm, Patrington, kindly opened up for me the Parish Church at Winestead-in-Holderness. In writing this book I have found myself repeatedly in debt to the work of a number of twentieth-century Marvell scholars and historians who have greatly added to biographical knowledge about the poet: Pauline Burdon, Elsie Duncan-Jones, Hilton Kelliher, J.P. Kenyon, Pierre Legouis, H.M. Margoliouth, D.I.B. Smith and L.N. Wall are among the most prominent.


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Account of the Growth of Popery, An

Acklam, George

Ad Regem Carolum Parodia

advice-to-a-painter genre

Aitken, G.A.

Allin, Sir Thomas

Alured, Catherine

Alured, John

Alured, Matthew

Alured, Thomas

Angell, Justinian

Anglesey, Earl of

Anne, Princess: collection of verses to celebrate birth of

Argyle, Bishop of

Arlington, Lord (Henry Bennet)

Arnold, Matthew

Ascham, Anthony

Aubrey, John; on Fairfax; on Hales; life of Milton; on Marvell; and Rota Club

Bacon, Francis

Barnard, Edward

Bates, William

Baxter, Richard

Bayes, Mr

Belasyse, Lord Thomas (Viscount Fauconberg)

Bennett, Henry
Arlington, Lord

‘Bermudas, The'

Birkenhead, Sir John

Birrell, Augustine

Blake, Sir Robert

Blaydes, Anne (nee Marvell)

Blaydes, James

Blaydes, Joseph

Blood, Thomas

Bloodworth, Sir Thomas

Bloome, Mayor Robert

‘Bludius et Corona'

Bodleian Library (Oxford)

Booth, Sir George

Bradshaw, John

Bramhall, Bishop John

Brewster, Anne

‘Britannia and Rawleigh'

British Library: exhibition of Marvell's life (1978)

Brook, Sir Robert

Browne, Sir Richard

Browne, Sir Thomas

Buckingham, Duke of (George Villiers); alleged homosexuality; marriage to Mary Fairfax; sent to tower; writes play entitled
The Rehearsal

Burdon, Pauline

Burnet, Bishop

Burnet, Father Alexander

Burrough, Edward

Busenello, Giovanni Francesco

Butler, James
Ormonde, Duke of

‘Cabal' administration

Cable, Mrs

Callander, Alexander

Calvin, John

Cambridge University

Campbell, Thomas

Capel, Sir Henry

Carew, Thomas

Carey, John

Carlisle, Earl of (Charles Howard)

Carr, William

Catholics (Catholicism); attempt to flush out of public positions by Test Act; and Declaration of Indulgence; Marvell's attack on in
An Account of the Growth of Popery;
paranoia over influence of;
see also

Cavalier Parliament

Chaloner, Thomas

‘Character of Holland, The'

Charing Cross statue

Charles I, King; birth of Anne; and dissolution of Parliament; escape from custody; execution; statue of

Charles II, King; and Catholicism; and Cowley; and Declaration of Indulgence; defeat by Cromwell; demand for money from Parliament; and Duke of York; fondness for intrigue; given Freedom of the City of London; Marvell's view of; and nonconformists; presentation of statue on birthday by Lord Mayor; return to London (1960); secret dealings with Louis XIV; and
The Rehearsal Transpros'd;
view of in Marvell's poem; visits to the House of Lords

Charles XI, King

Charlton, Sir Job

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Christina, Queen

Church of England; anger at Marvell's criticism of bishops in pamphlet; attack on in
Mr Smirke;
and Croft's
Naked Truth;
enforcement of uniformity within; Marvell's anticlericalism; reaction to Declaration of Indulgence

Civil War; causes of; Clarendon's observation on; Marvell's absence during; Marvell's view of

Clare, John

Clarendon, Earl of (Edward Hyde): background; and Dunkirk House; and Dutch War; flight to France; on Great Fire;
History of the Rebellion;
impeachment and downfall; Marvell's speeches on treatment of; portrayed in ‘Last Instructions to a Painter'

‘Clarendon's House-Warming'

Clark, G.N.

clergy: Marvell's attack on and criticism of

Clifford, Sir Thomas; clash with Marvell; resignation

Clipsham case

‘Clorinda and Damon'

Coates, Thomas

Coleridge, Hartley

Committee of Safety

Constable, Sir William

Conventicle Act


Convention Parliament

Cooke, Thomas

Cooper, Ashley

Cornewall, Humphry

Cornewall, Theophila (née Skinner)

‘Coronet, The'

country house poems


Coventry, Henry

Coventry, Sir John

Cowley, Abraham

Croft, Herbert (Bishop of Hereford); defending of
The Naked Truth
pamphlet by Marvell;
The Naked Truth

Cromwell, Frances

Cromwell, Mary

Cromwell, Oliver; admiration of by Marvell; consolidation of power; death; defeat of Charles II; and Dutton; Flecknoe's eulogy on; funeral and lying in state; Irish campaign; Marvell's correspondence with; Marvell's ‘Horatian Ode' on
‘Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland, An'; Marvell's Latin epigram on; Marvell's poem celebrating first year as Lord Protector; Marvell's poem on death of; Milton's eulogy of (
Defensio Secunda
); rejection of offer of crown; Scottish campaign; title of Lord Protector

Cromwell, Richard

Crown Jewels: attempt at stealing by Blood

‘Damon the Mower'

Danby, Earl of (Thomas Osborne); attempt at giving gift of money to Marvell from king; attempt at impeachment; bribery and corruption; erection of bronze equestrian statue by

Danby, Peregrine

Danson, Thomas

Davenant, William

Declaration of Indulgence (1672); cancellation of by king

Defensio Secunda

Denham, Sir John

Denmark: mission to

‘Dialogue Between the Resolved Soul, and Created Pleasure, A'

‘Dialogue between Thyrsis and Dorinda, A'

‘Dialogue between the Two Horses, A'

Digby, Sir Kenelm

Directions To a Painter

Discourse of Ecclesiastical Politie

Donne, John

Douglas, Archibald

Dove, John

Dover, Treaty of (1670)

Downing, Sir George

Drope, Francis

Dryden, John

du Moulin

Duncalfe, John

Duncan-Jones, Elsie

Duncombe, Sir John


Dutch War (First); British victory at Portland Bill (1653)

Dutch War (Second); inquiry into miscarriages of; humiliation by Dutch at Chatham harbour; peace treaty signed at Breda (1667); seeking of money for

duties: imposition of on goods

Dutton, John

Dutton, William: background; tutoring of by Marvell; view to becoming husband of Cromwell's daughter

‘Elegy upon the Death of my Lord Francis Villiers, An'

Eliot, T.S.; essay (1921) on Marvell; ‘The Metaphysical Poets'

emblem books

Empson, Sir William

English College (Rome); ‘Pilgrims' Book'

Evelyn, John

Eves, Rebecca

‘Eyes and Tears'

Fairfax, Anne

Fairfax, Edward

Fairfax, Isabel (née Thwaites)

Fairfax, Lord Thomas; ancestry; appointment of Marvell as tutor; background; and Dutton; love of literature and learning; Milton's sonnet on; misgivings over conduct of civil war; and Nun Appleton house; properties owned by; retirement;
Short Memorials;
in ‘Upon Appleton House, to my Lord Fairfax'; and ‘Upon the Hill and Grove at Bill-borrow'; ‘Upon the New-built House at Apleton'; withdrawal from Cromwellian cause

Fairfax, Mary; in ‘The Garden'; marriage to Duke of Buckingham; relationship with Marvell; tutoring of by Marvell; in ‘Upon Appleton House'

Fairfax, William

Farrington, John

Fauconberg, Viscount
Belasyse, Lord Thomas

Fifth Monarchy Men

Finch, Sir Heneage

‘First Anniversary of the Government under O.C., The'

Five Mile Bill

‘Fleckno, an English Priest at Rome'

Flecknoe, Richard

Folio (1681)

Foxley, Mayor William

France: attempt to break Anglo-French alliance; peace treaty with Holland; prospect of war with and moves towards peace; secret dealings between Charles II and Louis XIV; and Treaty of Dover with England

Franke, Richard

Friessendorff, Johann Frederick von

Frowde, Philip

Fuller, Thomas

‘Further Advice to a Painter'

‘Garden, The'

Geene, John

Gelson, John

Gent, Thomas

Gilby, Colonel Anthony; anti-Catholicism; tensions between Marvell and

Golden Treasury

Great Fire (1666); investigation into causes; rebuilding of city after

Grosart, Alexander

Hales, John

Halifax, Marquess of

Hall, John

Hall, Joseph

Hampton, Bess

Harcourt, Sir Philip

Harley, Robert

Harley, Sir Edward

Harmar, John

Harrington, James

Harrington, Richard

Harris, Lucy

Hart, Sir Richard

Hartlib, Samuel

Hastings, Lord Henry

Hatton, Viscount


Hazlitt, William

Hereford, Bishop of
Croft, Herbert

Herrick, Robert

Hewley, Sir John

Hickeringill, Edmund

Higgons, Sir Thomas

Hildyard, Henry

Hill, Christopher

His Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to Both Houses of Parliament

‘Historicall Poem, An'

Hoare, Mayor

Hobbes, Thomas

Hodgson, Edward

Holland; Fifth Column; Marvell's mission in; Marvell's poem on; peace with England under Treaty of Westminster (1674); peace treaty with France; treaty with England (1678);
see also
Dutch Wars

Holy Trinity Church (Hull)

Hopkins, Gerard Manley


‘Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland, An'

Howard, Charles
Carlisle, Earl of

Howard, Henry

Howe, John

Hull Corporation; advancing of interests by Marvell whilst MP; Marvell's correspondence with
Marvell, Andrew: Parliamentary and Political Career; and Marvell's death; and Spurn Head lighthouse; wages paid to Marvell

Hull Grammar School

Humber: erection of lighthouse at mouth of

Hume, David

Hunt, John Dixon

Hyde, Anne
York, Duchess of

Hyde, Edward
Clarendon, Earl of

In eandem Reginae Sueciae transmissam

In Effigiem Oliveri Cromwell

Indemnity Act (1660)

Indulgence, Declaration of
Declaration of Indulgence

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