Worth Everything (19 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Worth Everything
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The water clung to her in a hot embrace and she shivered as she slid in, reveling in the steamy goodness. Gavin reached over and pressed a button, switching the jets on. The water bubbled and frothed, tickling her skin and she sank deeper, until the water reached her chin.

“Feel good?” He sat on the edge of the tub and watched her beneath hooded eyes.

She nodded and sighed, closing her eyes. It felt too good. The arousal coursing through her, the way he looked at her, the water soothing her skin. It was all too delicious, too overwhelming.

“I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.” He leaned over her, pressed a sweet kiss to her temple. “And then I’ll make you feel even better.”

Chapter Fourteen

Gavin arrived in the bathroom a short while later as promised, wearing a pair of black boxer briefs and nothing else. She watched in awe as he padded across the room toward the tub, his gaze still hooded, his steps still predatory. Stasia’s gaze dropped to the front of his boxers, noticed the telltale bulge there.

Her mouth watered. She wanted him. Needed him to make her feel good, take her troubles away, however briefly. She wanted to forget everything that had happened today. The open hostility in Hunter’s eyes, how nervous Rhett seemed and how imposing Alex was. No wonder Alex had that scarily intense reputation in the business. She’d wanted to cry every time he’d set eyes on her, and he’d been nothing but polite.

Not necessarily positive, but always polite.

Closing her eyes for the briefest moment, she banished all thoughts of her meeting with the Worths. Concentrated instead on Gavin again sitting on the edge of the tub as he turned off the whirlpool jets, then pulled the plug so the water started to drain. Standing, he held out a towel to her, encouraging her with a nod to come to him.

She did so, the water cascading down her naked body in long streams. Keeping her gaze locked on his, she stepped out of the tub and into the towel. He carefully wrapped it around her wet body like an embrace.

“Want me to dry you off?” The question held a suggestive tone and she smiled.

“Only if you promise to keep me wet where it counts.”

He chuckled. “I promise.”

She smiled. “Then yes, please dry me off.”

She stood still on the thick rug, savoring how Gavin rubbed her with the towel, his grip firm, his touch sensual. He moved down her body, over her breasts, along her stomach, crouching before her so he could dry her legs. She closed her eyes as he dried the back of her legs, her backside, her belly again…

The soft press of his mouth against her hipbone startled her eyes open, and she gazed down at him, watched in silent wonder as he slid his mouth in a meandering path across her belly. He’d discarded the towel, his hands skimming up and down her legs, going higher, spreading her thighs the slightest bit just as his mouth hovered over her sex.

“Let me taste you,” he murmured against her flesh, waiting for her permission to continue.

A strangled sound escaped her, and she jerked her head yes. Without hesitation, he slipped his tongue between her legs, sampling her, teasing her clitoris, circling it in a delightful motion that had her quivering where she stood.

She was primed from his wicked mouth, already hanging on the edge of orgasm. When he slipped one finger, then two inside her, pumping deep again and again, his lips latched onto her clit, tongue teasing the swollen bit of flesh, she lost all control and came with a sob.

Wave after delicious wave washed over her body, consuming her. She set her hand on top of his head to steady herself, overwhelmed by the quivery sensations the climax brought her. He gentled his mouth on her sensitive skin, slipped his fingers from within her body and stood, reaching for her. Cradling her face in his hands, he tilted her head back for his kiss, his mouth softly seeking.

Stasia opened to him, tasted herself on his lips and tongue. She grabbed hold of his shoulders, tugging him close so their bodies collided. He growled against her mouth and hauled her into his arms, carrying her out of the bathroom toward the giant bed that dominated his bedroom.

He deposited her on the bed and followed after her, positioning himself so he was above her, his hips cradled between her legs, his cotton-covered erection brushing against her center. She slid her hands down his chest, marveling anew at the hard muscle and sinew, the faint bit of hair that grew between his pectorals. He was beautifully built, all restrained power and strength. A buzz jolted through her when he reached for her, his fingers curled about one breast, his thumb brushing across her nipple back and forth.

She fell back against the bed with a moan of submission and closed her eyes. Allowed to be swept away by his touch, his nearness, oh, and his soft, soft lips. He pressed open-mouthed kisses to her neck, his tongue sneaking out to lick, tease. Taste.


“I want to help you forget everything,” he murmured close to her ear just before he sank his teeth into her flesh. “Everything they said, everything they did.”

She shivered and gasped, wound her arms around his neck, clinging to him. “Yes, Gavin. I need that.”

He lifted away from her. “Open your eyes.”

She lifted her lids, found him watching her, a fierce gleam in his eyes. “Why?” She was breathless, more than ready to be consumed by him once again. He knew exactly what she wanted, what she needed and she appreciated that. More than he would ever know.

“Look at me.” His gaze never left her as he struggled out of his underwear, which made her smile. He was sweet and sexy, demanding and in control. A combination she found intoxicating. “You’ll get what you want. You have to believe in that.”

More than anything, at this very moment, she wanted him. Only him. “Gavin…”

“I believe in you.” He pulled away from her, grabbed a condom from the bedside table and sheathed himself, his gaze locked with hers. “Don’t let them get you down.”

She wrinkled her brow. “Are you giving me a pep talk in the middle of sex?”

Gavin smiled, looking embarrassed. “Maybe.”

Her heart cracked. She wasn’t supposed to let her heart get involved in this, but it was too late. And despite how macho and gruff he tried to be, he really was sweet. Endearing.

“Come here,” she whispered.

He bent his head, his mouth brushing hers, and she opened to him, wanting his invasion, her tongue sneaking out to meet his. The kiss turned instantly hot, carnal, and she pulled him close, spreading her legs, eagerly waiting for his cock to slip inside her body.

And when he did, it felt as if he belonged there. Forever.


Damn, she felt amazing, all velvety tight hotness gripping his cock like a fist. Gavin paused his shallow thrusts, sweat beading his brow, that familiar tingling at the base of his spine threatening to take him straight into orgasm.

It was too soon, he wasn’t ready, and Stasia was most definitely not ready. He needed to prolong this, make it perfect for both of them, because damn it, he wanted to take care of her.

He cared for her. Far too much. His runaway emotions were venturing into a territory that scared him, but he was doing it anyway. Blithely ignoring the warning bells clanging in his head because he never did this, never allowed himself to become too close to a woman, to actually feel something for her.

Stasia made him feel too much. He literally ached for her, wanted to nurture her, make sure she was okay. He wanted her to feel safe when she was with him. But how did he tell her? He had no problem showing her, but letting the words fall from his lips? That was a whole different category altogether.

“Gavin.” Her sultry-sweet voice pushed him from his thoughts, and he focused on her pretty face. The dreamy smile curving her lush mouth, the hazy glow in her eyes, her flushed, shimmering skin. Christ, she was beautiful. “Are you all right?”

She was the damaged one, and
asked if he was all right? He must be doing something wrong. Instead of answering, he kissed her. Took the kiss as deep as he could, thrusting within her velvet depths just as deep. Wanting so far inside her he wanted to be consumed by her. She moved with him, both of them straining and when she whispered she was close, his movements became frenzied. Out of control.

Sending them both into complete oblivion.



He held her close, his arm slung around her shoulders, her head nestled beneath his jaw, cheek pressed to his chest. She drew her index finger across his chest lazily, their harmonious, labored breaths calming with each second that ticked past.

There were no words for what they’d just experienced together. There was sex and then there was…that. So completely far and above the normal sexual interlude, it belonged in a different stratosphere.

Yeah, he was gone for her. Which was crazy, but he was tired of fighting it. Knew it was ridiculous, because first, she was his client, and second, they hardly knew each other.

But he couldn’t deny it. They’d grown close in a short amount of time, and if he had his way, they’d grow closer. He wasn’t ready to let her go.

Squeezing her close, he kissed the top of her head, breathing in the subtle floral fragrance of her shampoo. None of his worries mattered. He cared for this woman. If they continued on this path, he’d no doubt fall in love with her. Whereas before that thought would’ve scared the shit out of him, now…

Now he embraced it. Wanted it, even.

Gavin kissed her again, too overwhelmed to speak. Afraid he might say something stupid and botch the entire evening. She snuggled into him, a contented sigh escaping her and at this one single moment, all felt right in his world.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said. About my brothers.”

Stasia’s sweet voice startled him from his thoughts. “What about them?”

“Maybe I should forget about the Worths and go back to Italy,” she murmured against his chest.

His perfect world crashed into burning pieces. “You don’t mean that, do you?” he asked warily.

She glanced up at him, her thick wavy hair in disarray, painfully beautiful in the aftermath of their explosive moment. “I’m not wanted here. Clearly. I can go back to the villa, nurse my wounds and figure out a new plan.”

“You mean give up.” He couldn’t believe she was saying this.

Stasia arched a delicate brow. “I’m not giving up. More like…taking a step back and reassessing my plan.”

He couldn’t stand the thought of her leaving. What if she never came back? “Don’t let them get the best of you. You already took the DNA test. The results will be back in two weeks, tops. You should stay here and try to approach the Worths again.”

“No thank you.” She sighed bitterly and shook her head. “I’m not a glutton for punishment.”

“I bet Rhett would be open to seeing you again,” he suggested.

“This from the man who discouraged me from talking to Rhett at a cocktail party.” She pulled away from him and laid flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling. “I need to get away and clear my head for a bit. Alone.”

Fuck. That single word hurt more than he’d believed it could. “Your mother is still at the villa, right?”

“She’s too busy wallowing in her own misery to bother me. Besides, it might be good to spend more time with her and try to heal these wounds between us, like you suggested.” She nibbled on her lower lip, her face screwed up in concentration. “I need to get away, Gavin. I hope you understand.”

He hated that she threw his words back at him. She was right, she did need to heal the rift between them, but she couldn’t leave yet. Couldn’t just…give up.

Was he being selfish, thinking like that? Thinking only of himself?

“I don’t understand.” He climbed out of bed, rested his hands on his hips as he glared at her. He couldn’t give a shit if he was naked or not—he was pissed. “You’re running away, Stasia. I want you to reconnect with your family, but you need to take care of things here first.”

“I’m not running away.” She sat up and glared right back at him.

“Looks like you are to me.”

“Listen, you don’t know what this is like. How it feels. They hate me, Gavin. They will do everything they can to keep me from infringing on their family money. If they reject me, the media will grab hold of this and spread it everywhere. I’ll look the total fool.” She climbed out of bed, taking the sheet with her as she headed toward the bathroom.

“I know what it’s like to feel alone. To feel like no one wants you, that you’re worthless,” he said softly.

Her eyes dimmed. “I know you had a rough childhood. I have no right to complain when really my plight is so superficial.”

“I never said that.” Irritation flowed through him, making his head pound. “I can’t prevent what’s already been said, but if that happens, I’ll do whatever I can to protect you.” He grabbed her by the shoulders, stopping her from going into the bathroom. “Don’t run away, Stasia. You’re better than that.”

She jerked out of his grip. “Please, don’t patronize me. You can’t protect me from any of this. I can’t deal with my problems here any longer. I feel like I’m spinning my wheels. I just want to go home.”

“I promise it will all turn out in your favor.” He had no idea if it would, but he was grasping at any reason to keep her here versus watching her vanish from his life. “Isn’t my word good enough?”

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