Wounds - Book 2 (14 page)

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Authors: Ilsa J. Bick

Tags: #Space Opera, #Science Fiction, #General, #Adventure, #Fiction

BOOK: Wounds - Book 2
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  • Gold and Gomez encounter each other while each is paying a condolence call to Duffy’s mother, and Gomez realizes that Duffy’s death wasn’t Gold’s fault. [#28:
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido]
  • Gold gathers the remaining crew of the
    da Vinci
    at his home for a feast cooked by Gilman, and also granting promotions to Nancy Conlon, Songmin Wong, Anthony Shabalala, and Vance Hawkins. [#28:
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido]
  • The
    da Vinci
    is fully repaired, with several modifications engineered by Duffy before his death, and computer upgrades supervised by Soloman. [#20:
    Enigma Ship
    by J. Steven York & Christina F. York, #28:
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido]
  • Several new personnel join the
    da Vinci,
    among them new second officer Lt. Commander Mor glasch Tev, a Tellarite recommended by Scott. He is heavily involved in their first mission out of McKinley, when several Cabochons in San Francisco expand from ball-bearing size to the size of buildings, and also contain entire cities within—the devices are also claimed by hostile aliens. Both Scott and Chief Miles O’Brien aid the S.C.E. [#29:
    by Christopher L. Bennett]
  • The
    da Vinci
    aids the Venus Terraforming Project. Soloman encounters a “proper” bonded Bynar pair for the first time since 111 died, and is met with severe prejudice. [#30-31:
    Ishtar Rising
    Books 1-2 by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels]
  • The
    da Vinci
    encounters temporal disturbances that turn out to be an ancient time machine that Lant is using to go back in time and make a fortune on the market. Tev, Gomez, Abramowitz, and Corsi travel back in time to stop him. [#32:
    Buying Time
    by Robert Greenberger]


  • The
    Dancing Star
    appears again, which surprises the S.C.E. crew, since they thought they’d destroyed it. They manage to do so successfully this time, while also keeping the ship out of the hands of the Androssi. [#33-34:
    Collective Hindsight
    Books 1-2 by Aaron Rosenberg]
  • Gomez deciphers a distress signal coming from the event horizon of a black hole. The
    da Vinci
    discovers a Resaurian prison camp there, one that the Resaurians would rather remained a secret. [#35-36:
    The Demon
    Books 1-2 by Loren L. Coleman & Randall N. Bills]
  • The
    da Vinci
    is assigned to aid the non-aligned Tellarite colony of Kharzh’ulla in fixing the planet’s massive orbital ring. Gomez learns that Tev, who grew up on Kharzh’ulla, wrote the definitive study of the ring, but his work was stolen by Eevraith, who now has a successful political career on the basis of his stolen work. [#37:
    Ring Around the Sky
    by Allyn Gibson]
  • A generation ship that has gone out of control is investigated by a joint team that includes the S.C.E. team on the
    da Vinci
    and a Klingon team of engineers on the
    I.K.S. Qaw’qay’
    . The teams are able to put the ship on course and also solve the occupants’ fertility crisis. [#38:
    by Kevin Killiany]
  • As part of the terms of a disarmament between two planets in the Rhaax system, the
    da Vinci
    is ordered to make sure both worlds’ weapons systems have been disarmed. [#39:
    Grand Designs
    by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore]
  • Bajor joins the Federation. [DS9:
    by S.D. Perry]


  • The
    da Vinci
    crew determine that neither side in the Rhaax conflict has any intention of truly disarming. [#39:
    Grand Designs
    by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore]
  • Gomez, Stevens, Abramowitz, and Deputy Security Chief Vance Hawkins go undercover to Teneb to disarm an observation device that has crash-landed on this pre-warp civilization. All four team members are almost killed. Afterward, Hawkins and Abramowitz decide to start a relationship. [#40:
    by David Mack]
  • Gomez, Corsi, and Lense try to determine what happened to a ship that is bereft of all save a lone two-hundred-year-old child named Dobrah. Lense learns the crew died of a disease that she cannot cure. [#41:
    Bitter Medicine
    by Dave Galanter]
  • While clearing out a “sargasso sea” of derelicts, the
    da Vinci
    encounters a ship powered by manipulating probabilities—a drive system that is malfunctioning and endangers reality itself before Soloman is able to shut it down. [#42:
    Sargasso Sector
    by Paul Kupperberg]
  • The S.C.E. is called in to repair the weather system on Risa, and find themselves discovering a new life-form. [#43:
    Paradise Interrupted
    by John S. Drew]
  • The
    da Vinci
    travels to the “Delta Triangle” in order to provide a cultural service for a member of the community that has been trapped in that region of space for centuries. [#44:
    Where Time Stands Still
    by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore]
  • Non-aligned tycoon Rod Portlyn asks for the S.C.E.’s aid in setting up a research-and-development facility, but they soon uncover Portlyn’s shady dealings. [#45:
    The Art of the Deal
    by Glenn Greenberg]
  • The Lokra request the S.C.E.’s aid in stopping a seeming derelict that is heading for their planet, but the “derelict” is actually a ship occupied by a dormant silicon-based life-form. [#46:
    by J. Steven York & Christina F. York]


  • The
    da Vinci
    returns to Earth for the wedding of Gold’s granddaughter Esther to Khor, son of Lantar, the first-ever Klingon-Jewish wedding. At the wedding, Mark expresses interest in marriage to Faulwell. [#47-48:
    Creative Couplings
    Books 1-2 by Glenn Hauman & Aaron Rosenberg]
  • Stevens and Tev aid in the holodeck test of a prototype Starfleet vessel, the
    which is victimized by practical jokes gone horribly wrong. [#47-48:
    Creative Couplings
    Books 1-2 by Glenn Hauman & Aaron Rosenberg]
  • While testing a new warp slipstream, the
    da Vinci
    comes to the aid of a Koas who is holding his planet in a box. They manage to figure out the controls to the box before aliens known as the Silgov destroy the
    da Vinci
    to get the technology for themselves. [#49:
    Small World
    by David Mack]
  • Two crewmembers, security guard Ken Caitano and engineer Ted Deverick, are killed by unknown means. Eventually, Corsi learns that they were victims of a “sonic bullet” embedded in a padd holding a Gamma Quadrant-based novel. The
    da Vinci,
    with the help of personnnel on DS9, trace the novel to a renegade Vorta in the Gamma Quadrant. [#50:
    by Terri Osborne]
  • Upon their return to DS9, Lense learns that her paper on Dobrah has gleaned her a nomination for the Bentman Prize. Since Bashir is up for the same prize, they depart together on the Runabout
    Lost Time
    by Ilsa J. Bick, #54:
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido, #55-56:
    Books 1-2 by Ilsa J. Bick]
  • In an alternate universe, the crew of the
    commanded by David Gold, attempt to learn the location of the Celestial Temple of the Bajoran Prophets by querying other universes. This has devastating effects in the mainline universe, as it’s done through an Androssi security device left behind on Empok Nor. The S.C.E. team and DS9’s crew manage to communicate with the other universe—Soloman is stunned to learn that 111 is alive in that universe, and Gomez is likewise floored by learning that Duffy’s alive there—and solve the crisis before the Bajoran system is destroyed. [#51:
    Lost Time
    by Ilsa J. Bick]
  • The events on Empok Nor also activate a long-dormant alien device that opens gateways into parallel universes. The
    encounters one, and crashes on a planet in that universe. Lense and Bashir are separated, each thinking the other dead. Lense falls in with Jabari rebels, who resist cybernetic replacement of body parts, while Bashir is captured by the Kornak military. [#54:
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido, #55:
    Book 1 by Ilsa J. Bick]
  • The
    da Vinci
    returns to Earth for Caitano and Deverick’s funeral. [#50:
    by Terri Osborne]
  • Gomez takes a one-week leave on Rec Station Hidalgo. During that week, the
    da Vinci’
    s attempts to decipher an alien device in the Artemis system are complicated by the arrival of the Androssi. [#52:
    Identity Crisis
    by John J. Ordover, #54:
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido]
  • The
    da Vinci
    arrives at Hidalgo to pick up Gomez, only to find that Gomez has gone crazy and taken over the station. This is revealed to be a complex AI program designed to help a treasury minister on Sigma V steal a lot of money. [#52:
    Crisis by John J. Ordover]
  • The S.C.E. team is split up in thirds. Two teams go to pre-warp planets, Coroticus III and Sachem II, that were conquered by the Dominion during the war to examine cultural contamination and set up new observation posts. The
    da Vinci
    performs upgrades on Avril Station. Sachem II is uneventful; however, an insane Vorta remained behind on Coroticus and has been killing the natives over the past year. [#53:
    Fables of the Prime Directive
    by Cory Rushton]
  • On Avril Station, Tev goes behind Gomez’s back regarding a diagnostic program. Tev’s program later crashes the station’s system, resulting in Gomez giving him a severe reprimand. [#54:
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido]
  • Lense becomes the medic for the Jabari rebels, and starts to form a relationship with the rebel leader, Saad. The doctor in charge of the military hospital where Bashir is imprisoned is trying to help him, but is facing resistance from the security director. [#56:
    Book 2 by Ilsa J. Bick]
  • Caitano’s replacement is from Izar, and his presence is like opening an old wound for Corsi, who finally tells Stevens about Ableen, the first time she’s ever talked about it. The two of them, after dancing around each other for
    , finally become a proper couple. [#54:
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido]
  • The S.C.E. and DS9 learn that Bashir and Lense never arrived at the awards ceremony. Both the
    da Vinci
    and the
    engage in search operations. The former ship finds the alien device, and are able to determine which alternate universe the
    entered. They go in just as the Jabari are attacking the hospital, and Lense and Bashir are reunited. The
    da Vinci
    beams them both out. [#54:
    by Keith R.A. DeCandido, #56:
    Book 2 by Ilsa J. Bick]
  • Bashir examines Lense and discovers she’s pregnant. [#56:
    Book 2 by Ilsa J. Bick]

Coming Next Month:
Star Trek™: S.C.E. #57

by William Leisner

Centuries ago, the
S.S. Mariposa
transported two sets of colonists—one a “back-to-nature” group called the Bringloidi, the other a collection of scientists—to new worlds. Over a decade ago, the
Starship Enterprise™
brought the colonies back together as a solution to two problems—the Bringloidi had lost their home to solar flares, and the Mariposans faced a breeding crisis brought about by their use of cloning.

However, the union has not been as fruitful as Captain Picard had hoped, and now the S.C.E. team of the
U.S.S. da Vinci
has been called in to solve the Mariposans’ difficulties—but will the solution be even worse than the problem?



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