Wrapped in Lace (18 page)

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Authors: Prescott Lane

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Wrapped in Lace
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She moaned, “
.” The vibration felt incredible, causing me to release a little, but she simply slid up my shaft, flicking her tongue over me.

“Take a break if you need to, and I’ll make sure to tell you when I’m coming, so you can move,” I said, wanting her to know I didn’t expect her to swallow.

She released me from her mouth with a pop. “Don’t be a wimp,” she said with a naughty glint in her eyes. Then she slid me back inside, placing her hands on my ass this time, pulling me forward and encouraging me to fuck her mouth. I gently thrust in and out of her warm, wet mouth as her tongue glided across me. I had to keep reminding myself I couldn’t go fast. It was so hard not to just lose my mind and pound myself down her throat. She felt so incredible, and every so often, she’d moan, sending that wonderful vibration down the entire length of me.

I slowed myself down, but she took hold of me, her soft, smooth hand moving up and down me in perfect rhythm with her mouth. And God, she was doing this twisting motion with her hand as she slid up and down that felt incredible. I looked down, watching her head bob, her pink lips now glistening and red. She flashed me a look, and I felt my toes start to curl, my balls tighten. Her wet, warm tongue licked my head, her hand pumped me, and she gently tugged my balls all at the same time. “Shit, I’m gonna. . . .” Before I could warn her, I shot off in her mouth, and despite all the sex we’d been having, I could tell it was a lot. I looked down at her and opened my mouth to apologize, but she locked her blue eyes on mine and licked her lips. Jesus H. Christ, I just hit the jackpot with her.



I looked over
at Drew resting on the hotel room bed, his eyes closed, that sexy smile on his face. He’d been so sweet and gentle with me in the shower. I couldn’t believe I told him all that stuff, and I couldn’t believe how patient he was with me, talking me through my first blowjob. I’d heard enough stories from girlfriends about the how-to’s, but nothing can quite prepare you for eight inches pointing right in your face, or the power I felt when he shot into my mouth. And for the first time, he actually looked sated laying there in his boxer briefs with his hands behind his head. His brown hair was still wet from our shower, and his tan body was stretched out, showing off his ripped abs and hard chest. His blue eyes flashed open, and I felt my body tingle under his gaze.

“I’m starving,” he said, smiling at me. “I want to take you out for a nice dinner.”

“I didn’t bring anything for a nice dinner out,” I said, digging through my bag.

“Then I’ll buy you a dress on the way.”

We agreed not to leave the room, and I didn’t care about fancy dinners. I just wanted to cocoon with him under the covers until checkout tomorrow. “Let’s just order room service.”

“I’m beginning to think you’re just in this for the sex,” Drew said, flashing me his smile.

“Well, yeah,” I teased before straddling him on the bed, wearing nothing but my white bra and panties.

He sat up and ran his fingers over my skin. “I like these.”

“No ripping these. I only packed one pair.”

He fell back on the bed, laughing. “When we shop for a dress, I’ll buy you new panties, too. I enjoy ripping them too much.”

I leaned over and kissed him, my hair falling around his face. “Thanks for today, for bringing me here.”

“You’re welcome. I hope this is the first of many Charlotte hotel stays.” He sat up holding me, running his fingers down my arms and onto my stomach. I tried not to flinch. I’d managed not to think about being pregnant all afternoon, but now it all came flooding back.

“Me, too,” I said and planted a quick peck on his lips then started to get up, but he held me to him.

“So, I was thinking about something and wanted to see what you thought. I’ve had this idea for a while, but I needed to find the perfect person to do it with.” For the first time ever, he didn’t hold my eyes, glancing down like he was nervous or worried.

“Ok,” I said, tilting my head to catch his eyes again. I didn’t think there was any idea he could have that would upset me. After all, the man practically lived between my legs the past two days.

“What do you think about baby. . . .”

I almost jumped out of my skin. I thought I’d just died. Does he know? “Baby? You want a baby?”

He chuckled out, “Cradles. I’m thinking of making a line of nursery furniture.”

“Oh!” Ok, I started to breathe again.

“It would have my same trademark of using vintage reclaimed wood, but I was wondering if you might consider partnering with me?” Drew asked.

Breathing stopped again, I’d need CPR soon. “You want me to make baby furniture with you?”

“Yeah, I was thinking you could do some paintings on the pieces. I have this idea for one of a night sky lit by fireflies.” He looked up at me, flashing his little smile. I think he knew I couldn’t refuse him when he smiled at me like that. “Of course, you’d be in charge of the paintings. They could be your vision. And it would all be custom. Cradles and cribs have gotten to be so mainstream, disposable. They used to be treasured, passed down from generation to generation. It should still be like that.”

“That’s a beautiful thought.” He looked so excited about the idea. I couldn’t believe he wanted us to do this together.

“I’m glad you think so because I have this idea for a whole line.”

“Drew, I’ve never painted furniture. I’m not sure.”

“So, you’ll practice.”

He took my hands, and I could see the wheels turning in his head. It’s so sexy when a man is passionate about something. I don’t know if I’d ever wanted him more than I did at that moment, and his enthusiasm was contagious. I had a ton of ideas swirling around in my mind. “We could use old window frames and turn them into collage picture frames. You know, for the three, six, nine, and twelve months photos,” I said then bounced on his lap a little. “What about children’s furniture, too? The pieces should be able to grow with the child. This stuff is expensive. You don’t want to buy a dresser for a baby and then a new one five years later. It should be able to grow.”

“You’re right,” he agreed with a huge grin.

I could tell he was happy with my reaction. He really wanted this—and wanted it with
. “And there’s this chalk paint that I could use. The kids could actually write on it and then wipe it clean. Wouldn’t that be cute on a kid’s headboard?”

“It would.” He grinned again. “What do you think about the firefly scene?” He was putting me on the spot, but I was up for the challenge. I hopped up, grabbed the hotel notepad off the nightstand, and started to doodle. I knew we weren’t going out to dinner, which was fine with me. Once I got inspired while sketching, I rarely stopped. I needed to bring his firefly scene to life. “That’s exactly what I was thinking,” he said, looking down over my shoulder.

“And you really think we can do this?” I asked.

“I know we can,” he said as he took my hand gently. “I was thinking I’d like it to be called
The Piper Collection

This time, I know my heart stopped. I softly said, “No, that’s too much.”

“We’ll be partners, Piper. It should have your name.”

“What about your name?”

“It will be under Landon Designs. Everyone will already know it’s my design and quality. My name will already be behind it.”

“It’s your company, Drew.”

“You want to call it Piper Landon?”

Did he just refer to me as Piper Landon? That would be my name if we were married. Did he know what he just said? “We can worry about the name later.”

“I’m not going to let this go. This is important to me.” He grabbed the pencil from me and sketched out a logo. “I was thinking this for
The Piper Collection
logo.” It was a vintage, shabby chic design, so it fit perfectly into Drew’s brand. The title was in the center surrounded by a circle of tiny flowers and fireflies. It was a beautiful blending of both Drew and myself.

“I love it. But. . . .” He pinned me down to the bed, grinding his hips into mine. If his dick was any indication, he was really excited.

“I have a good feeling about this,” he said, tickling me slightly.

“How am I supposed to do this? I don’t live in Raleigh.”

“Weekends and holidays. And if we need to, we can get you a studio in McAdenville. We’ll split everything down the middle and. . . .”

I darted up. Had all the orgasms gone to his head? “What?”

“I want you to be my partner in this.”

“But you’re taking all the risk.”

“It’s a small risk. We need a few sample pieces, that’s it. You’ll be doing most of the work initially. You’ll need to come up with several designs we can put up as options. Plus, you’ll need to be available to consult with people who may want you to design something specific for them.”

I finished up my sketch and slid it over. “What do you think about this?”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking. Nana was right. We are a perfect match.”

“You’re sure about this?” I asked one last time.

He stroked my hair. “Piper, you’re the only person I’d want to do this project with.”


Drew’s arm rested
on my belly as he slept next to me. I’d been watching him for hours. He didn’t know it, but he would be on my canvas soon. I needed to capture the way his lips turned up in that sexy, boyish smile. After the multiple sex adventures and hours of talking about furniture design, he’d passed out in my arms. I still couldn’t believe he wanted me to work on his new nursery collection with him. And not just work on it, he wanted me to be his partner and name it after me. It was amazing. It was commitment.

I rested my hand on top of his over my belly. There could be a very big commitment coming soon. We could be designing our own child’s cradle in the very near future. At twenty-four, I was hardly ready, and I couldn’t imagine Drew was prepared to be a father. I had no idea what to do. How long should I wait to talk to him about this? Should I take the test I bought first, or do that with him? How many days did I have to wait to take the thing? He’d be leaving in a few days, so could I really let him go without knowing? Would he still leave if he knew I could be pregnant?

I looked over as the sun peeked through the gap in the curtains. I was exhausted and overthinking everything. I needed to slow down. The only thing I knew for sure was that Drew would be leaving in three days. I told myself to enjoy the time we had left together. New Year’s would bring lots of answers—Am I pregnant? And what’s going to happen with Drew and me? It was too much to think about, too many unknowns. So until then, I just needed to enjoy the present because soon enough my life could be different. I’d take the test on New Year’s Eve, before Drew left. Maybe my period would start before then.

I closed my eyes, finding some peace with my decision.


I stretched
my arms above my head and widened my legs, my eyes flying open to find Drew’s head between my legs—a perfect little coy smile covering his lips as his tongue worked its magic across me. I’d never woken up like this before. I reached down and ran my fingers through his messy brown hair, and he deepened his kiss. I got lost watching him for a second, his eyes closed, his tongue moving so slowly, his fingertips grazing my thighs. It was as if he was kissing my face, so intimate, so sweet. And I could tell he loved doing this to me, loved watching me.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, enjoying the moment, the feel of his tongue grazing me so tenderly. He slipped his tongue inside me, and I felt myself clench around him. He groaned, and the vibration sent shockwaves through my body. I gripped the sheets, tightening my muscles, clenching his tongue inside me. He lifted my thighs to his shoulders, pushing deeper into me, his morning stubble creating the perfect friction. He slid his mouth to my sweet spot and sucked down hard. “Drew!” I cried out.

My legs fell open, and he slid up my body, kissing a path on his way. I laid there with my eyes closed, my body a limp noodle. He nuzzled my nose with his and whispered, “Open your eyes.” I slowly lifted my lids, still heavy from the lack of sleep and mind-blowing orgasm. “Good morning.”

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