Read Wrapped In Shadows Online

Authors: Lisa Eugene

Wrapped In Shadows (20 page)

BOOK: Wrapped In Shadows
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“Harry isn’t as efficient as the army you have protecting your building. He seems to not realize that he has to announce guests
he sends them up.”

She smiled fully then and my gaze drank in her pink lips. “I don’t know about that. My doormen seemed to buy your disguise as a Chinese food delivery man.”

“Ah, yes!” I snapped my fingers at the memory, then held her gaze steady. “I guess we’re both living with a false sense of security.”

She tilted her head and regarded me and I wondered if she realized I’d taken a shot at her relationship with Josh. I wanted her and it was killing me. I’d worn her gift the other night to remind her there was
between us, but I was starting to think I’d been kidding myself—seeing something that wasn’t there. I’d stupidly allowed hope to breathe life into the dead spaces of my heart. I’d been good for a quick fuck, but nothing more. She’d made her choice.

I leaned a hip against the granite counter and folded my arms across my chest.

“So what brings you by, Kay?”

She started fidgeting with the fur collar of her coat, and her chest expanded with a deep breath.

“I wanted to let you know where I spent my day.”

I quirked a brow, giving her my full attention.

“I’ve been at the District Attorney’s office. I told him everything.”

I pushed off the counter, my body going rigid.

Oh God, Kay!
You didn’t need—”

She raised a shaky palm, halting my words. “Yes, I did need to. It was the right thing to do. Luke, I see what this has done to you and your business. I can’t let it go on.”

I walked quickly to her. “I would have found a way.”

“I should have done this sooner. I’m sorry.”

She stared into my eyes and the power of her emotion dissolved my fortitude. I desperately wanted to hold her, to feel her. Instead, I speared my fingers through my hair, grabbed a chunk, and squeezed my eyes shut.

So fucking frustrating…

“They have to investigate my story,” she continued. “Since I was registered under an assumed name, it makes things more complicated, but
has copies of my medical records in the system under the alias. It will match. They’ll know it was me.”

“What was your alias?” I asked, staring down at her. Disbelief still clouded my vision. She was indeed full of surprises. What about her reputation? The foundation? She was a courageous woman with inner strength I never imagined. She had her own dragon.

She hesitated a fraction then bright red splashed across her cheeks and she groaned. “Ivanna Gettof.”

I was silent for a moment, thinking I’d heard wrong, then turned it over again in my head. I bit my lip, trying to hold back my amusement. “Seriously?”

She groaned thickly and pushed on my chest, causing laughter to spill from my throat. I liked her touch on my body, though she was barely able to budge me. Her impulsive maneuver had seemed almost flirty, and I had to stop myself from grabbing her hands and pulling her into my arms. God, she was beautiful, even though she was clearly mortified.

“Eddie, Michelle’s boyfriend, has a weird sense of humor.”

“Apparently.” I folded my arms across my chest, needing to do something with my hands. “Katie, word can get out. The foundation may suffer from a scandal.”

“I had my attorney with me. He promised me this matter will be handled as discretely as possible. Either way, what’s important is clearing your name.”

I took a deep breath and stared her down hard, trying to invade her head and analyze her motives. Why had she done it? This week I’d taken so many hits, I needed to know she truly believed I didn’t do it, that she had unequivocal faith in my innocence. I knew she must have also heard the rumors about Roslyn.

“Are you sure about your statement, Kay?” I asked softly.

Her forehead gathered. “Of course.”

“We fell asleep. I wasn’t there when you awoke. How do you know I didn’t do it, that I didn’t leave in the middle of the night and kill Ms. Carmen?”

Her gaze never wavered from mine. “Because I know. I know in here.” She placed her fist against her heart and I wanted to weep. “There’s no way you could have done it. And that’s what I told the police.”

I stared for a moment, then I inclined my head and my lips twisted wryly. There was something in the way she’d said that. I tried to subdue my smile. “What exactly did you tell them?”

Now the blush rushed back to her cheeks and she became preoccupied with a spot above my head. “That we were…ah…busy all night long. That we didn’t sleep.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded, trying not to laugh. I could tell this was difficult for her. I couldn’t imagine what it had been like with the DA and her lawyer.

“Alrighty then. Perhaps that’s a rumor that will work to my advantage.”

I saw her lips twitch, but she still kept her gaze averted. “I also told them you were with me the night of Mr. Kotobuki’s party. That’s easy enough to corroborate. The doorman at my building saw you. I hope that will help.”

“Thank you for doing this, Kay,” I said softly. “I know things must be difficult now with Josh and the wedding.”

She wrinkled her nose at the sound of Josh’s name and hope awoke again from its slumber, ears perked and eyes wide.
Damn fool…
I watched her throat work down a swallow and squished the urge to press my lips against the pulse at her neck.

“There is no wedding,” she said slowly.

I found I was too tongue-tied to respond. I stared silently, my posture stiff, my sluggish heart in my throat.

“I—I can’t go through with it.” She sighed heavily, her voice rippling like water over pebbles. “I—I thought I could, but I know now it would be a big mistake. Josh has issues. Issues that can’t be easily fixed. I can’t marry him.”

I cleared the gravel blocking my parched throat. “Is that the only reason?” I had to know. I watched her gaze ramble around the room, searching for a foothold, then it landed on my open laptop. She was quiet for a minute before she drew her attention back to my face.

“Uh…I can’t marry him because I have feelings for someone else.”

“Go on…” My whisper was breathless, barely audible. Her gaze flickered back to the screen of my laptop and I wondered what had caught her eye.

She shook her head, seeming to clear it, and brought her gaze back to mine. She dragged her plump bottom lip through her teeth and I almost groaned aloud.

“You once said you wanted to get to know me.”

I nodded.

“You once said that you wanted me.”

I do,” I choked.

She swallowed hard. “I—I want you too. I want—”

She hadn’t finished the sentence before I had her crushed in my arms. I pinned her to my body and sealed my lips over hers, sucking that bottom lip into my mouth and tasting the promise that flavored her soul and seeped into my senses. I brushed my lips over her lids and kissed the bridge of her nose. Not wanting to leave an inch of skin unattended, I sprinkled kisses along her jaw, gentling at the bruise, then tasted the curve of her ear. She was here. In my arms. She wanted me. She’d chosen me.

I’d so longed to hear those words from her. I’d been so afraid to trust, to hope. My heart squeezed tight in my chest with my feelings for her, feelings I’d planned to lock away in a box deep inside and never give freedom to. I had known, though, that they might slowly eat away at me. I’d been through so much, and Katie affected me like no other woman had.

We stood holding each other for a few minutes, the cadence of her breath matching with mine. She pulled back and rubbed the tip of her nose against mine then gently kissed my lips. The little moans rumbling from her throat were driving me crazy and I grew instantly erect, my cock knocking against the seam of my pants.

“Kay,” I groaned impatiently, as if surfacing from a dream, still afraid to believe. “What about your parents? All the pressure?”

She pulled back and cupped my face, looking into my eyes. “They’ll just have to deal with it. I told them the wedding is off—again. This time I’m not changing my mind. Michelle once told me I’m always trying to please everyone. I’ve decided to think about what
want for a change. And I want you, Luke.” She swallowed hard. “I want you.”

I closed my eyes for a minute, drinking in her words.

“Michelle and I spent yesterday making phone calls and canceling the vendors my mother hired.”

I lifted my lids and stared, loving the passion that burned in her eyes. “I always did like Michelle.”

“She’s a true-blue.” Katie gave me a sloppy smile.

I pulled her against me, hating the barrier of clothes between us. Quickly releasing the buttons on her coat, I peeled it from her shoulders and tossed it on the couch, then drew her back into my arms. I saw her eyes flare and knew immediately she’d felt my arousal. Like a siren she arched into me, pushing a groan from my throat. I cupped her buttocks and molded her hips to mine, letting her feel what she was doing to my body. My lips found hers and I suckled her sweetness. I found pleasure in her arms and tasted happiness in her kisses. I hadn’t been kidding when I told her I wanted her, that I wanted Livy to get to know her.

My finger traced over the discoloration marring her jaw and I gritted my teeth, trading my happiness for anger and fear.

“I want you to stay away from Josh. If he comes near you, call the police, then call me.”

She nodded quietly then rooted her face into my neck.

Was she sniffing me?

On tiptoe, she brushed her lips against mine, then dragged her tongue down my neck. Boldly, she reached down and palmed my eager cock through my jeans, then roved lower and massaged my balls. I groaned, fighting the hunger that braided ribbons of lust through me. I needed her to listen. I couldn’t stand the idea of something happening to her. Pulling back, I cupped her shoulders and locked our gazes. Her eyes were big and dilated with desire, the blue almost obliterated by black.
So fucking beautiful…

“Kay, I’m serious. I don’t want him near you.”

“Don’t worry. After what he did, I know he’s dangerous.”

“Good. I want you to let me know if he tries anything. Let me know if he tries to see you.”

She nodded and pushed into me, snaking her arms around my waist.

“Promise me, Kay.”

She smiled reassuringly. “I promise.”

I captured her lips again, greedily swiping my tongue deep into her mouth. With a low groan she gyrated her hips against my aching cock, pushing her mound into me and lighting me up in flames. I was so damn hard.

I took her hand and started tugging her toward my bedroom when my front door pushed open and Livy burst through with a squeal of excitement, Mrs. Rogers in her wake.

I’d forgotten all about them.

Lorri said that Santa doesn’t like chocolate cookies!” Livy ran toward me and caged my legs in her arms, her curls bouncing around her head. “We have to make more! The ones we made are chocolate, and now he won’t come!” Her gaze shifted to Katie as I hoisted her into my arms. “Hi, Katie!”

“Hello, Olivia.” Katie’s smile was wide.

“Can we, Dada? Can we? Can we make different ones?”

I laughed. “Livy, does Santa look like he’s ever refused a cookie?” I watched Katie’s face split into a grin, but Livy started to pout.

“What if he really doesn’t like chocolate? Lorri also said he’s allergic to milk and lacto in—in—torment.”

I caught Mrs. Roger’s gaze over Livy’s head, and the woman shrugged.

“Lactose intolerant. Lorri has quite an imagination,” Mrs. Roger’s supplied.

I frowned.
No more play-dates with Lorri. Every time Livy came home from one of their play-dates,
was in torment!

I made quick introductions between Katie and Mrs. Rogers, then turned back to my daughter.

“Okay, we can make another batch, but don’t believe everything Lorri tells you, okay?”

“Katie, will you help? Mrs. Rogers has to leave now, and Dada’s not too good at making cookies.”

I threw my head back and laughed loudly as Livy wiggled down from my arms.

“That’s because he eats all of them,” Mrs. Rogers chimed in, smiling.

“Thank you both for throwing me under the bus.” I tried to looked wounded, but shot a wink at Katie.

Livy tugged off her coat and ran toward the kitchen, Mrs. Rogers following. “We’ll take everything out!”

Left alone, I laced my fingers through Katie’s and pulled her against me, feeling her warmth. God, I wished we were alone. “Will you stay and help us bake?”

She smiled up at me and I loved what I saw in her eyes. “Absolutely. I love making cookies. Just call me Betty Crocker.”

I grinned. “I like your other name better.”

She looked confused.

“The one from
What was it?” I smiled, baiting her.

Her cheeks pinked, but I could see mirth drifting into her blue eyes. “
” she groaned.

I leaned forward and sealed my lips against hers, whispering, “Ivanna what?”

“Gettof,” she said reluctantly, but smiled fully against my lips, causing me to smile back.

“It would be my pleasure.”

She rolled her eyes and issued a dry chuckle. “Funny.”

“Katie! Dada! Cooome!” Livy bellowed from the kitchen.

“I’ll be right there!” I gave Katie’s lips a quick peck and watched her make her way to the kitchen as I turned to shut down my computer and save my work.

I paused for a moment, looking at the screen and the campaign tagline I’d been working on.

If you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted. One moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?

I stared blindly at the spot where Katie had been standing, my thoughts preoccupied. A wave of laughter flowed from the kitchen, reminding me I was needed. I turned off my computer and headed into the other room, feeling unusually hopeful.



BOOK: Wrapped In Shadows
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