Wrapping Up (Novella) Mitchell Family 4.5 (Wrapping Up Novella 4.5) (10 page)

BOOK: Wrapping Up (Novella) Mitchell Family 4.5 (Wrapping Up Novella 4.5)
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“Who’s a piggy, Daddy?” Izzy climbed up on the back of my chair, hanging onto my neck.

“Your brother.”

She took one look at Jax and laughed as Miranda walked into the kitchen. The boys looked up when they heard her coming and their little feet started moving a million miles a minute.
“There’s my cutie pies.” She leaned over and kissed their heads. Then she scooped up Iz and spun her around. “And what does the princess of the house want for breakfast?”

“Mimi said she would make me pancakes.”

“Do you want to go over now by yourself?”

She ran toward the door and started slipping on her shoes. Our eager daughter grabbed the door knob, but Miranda was faster to recognize some steps she’d missed. “You need a coat on and to tell us goodbye before you go flying out of the

She reached for her coat, but couldn’t get it off the hook. “I need help! Mommy, can you get this down for me?”

Miranda walked over and helped Iz with her coat. She ran over and kissed me before she disappeared out the door. Once Miranda saw her go into my parents’ house, she sat down next to me. “Conner’s truck ain’t here again. Do you know where he’s at?”

I was pretty sure where he was, but Miranda didn’t want to know, in fact, I didn’t even want to know. The less I knew about Conner’s activities, the better. “He’s a grown man. If you’re that worried, why don’t you just shoot him a
text. He probably got up early and went somewhere.”

“Did you hear him come in last night?
” The gatekeeper wanted answers. These answers could determine my sex life for the next month. Miranda always caved when she was mad, but I hated when she cut me off.

“I was sleeping, Baby. He probably has a secret boyfriend and doesn’t want anyone to know he switched teams.”

“You’re dumb. My brother likes women.” I could tell I was getting under her skin.

“Have you ever seen how he stares at my ass? Sometimes I can feel his eyes on it.”

“He does not! Would you be serious for one second. I like knowing he is okay.”

“Just call him if you’re worried about it. I would ask him about his preferences though. He talks about anal way too much to be straight.”

She shook her head and started feeding Jake so I wasn’t doing both. “No, I’m not goin’ to call. He gets mad when I pry, and I don’t even want to know if that last statement was true. Lord have mercy!”

“Pry? Who you?” I rolled my eyes.

She smacked my arm. “Very funny!”

Once we got the boys to
my moms, we climbed in the SUV and started on our way to the mall, aka HELL.


Chapter 3


Since we lived near a small town, in order to shop, we had to drive to the city. It was a good forty minute drive if you hauled ass. I don't think either one of us minded the quiet time. Our life was filled with chaos, but I wouldn't have traded it. I loved my children and my husband, so much that I would endure everything life threw at me, as long as I knew they were with me.


I was playing with my phone and laughing at the messages I was getting. "Babe, you are never going to guess what Van wants to do as soon as they get here."

It didn't take a genius to figure it out. Van basically had one hobby. It was something she did well, and it was also the only thing she ever wanted to do.  I l
ooked over toward Ty and saw him smirk. "I am not wearing matching colors again." Last year’s Christmas picture on our wall was all of the kids dressed alike, which was cool, and all of the adults wearing green. It was cliché, and every year the pictures got worse. I wasn't saying we shouldn’t coordinate, but damn.

"Good thing she hasn't decided the attire yet."

"Tell her that since we are hosting Christmas this year that we get to pick the outfit."

I glanced over at him as I typed my message. I was shaking my head just thinking of his
idea. "You really think she is goin' to agree with you?" A few seconds went by and my phone chimed. I started laughing.

"What did she say?"

I giggled once more, before being able to tell him. "She says that you can choose what we are wearing for one picture and then she will decide on a second. Thanks Ty, now we all have to suffer twice."

He reached over and grabbed my
leg. "Hey, I got a plan."

Ty cackled and I was sure he was rolling his
eyes. "You don't have plans, you have ridiculous ideas. No offense, but I don't see her going for anything you come up with."

"She'll get over it." We were on a long stretch of road and from anyone else's standpoint it was just a midway point fro
m one place to another, but for Ty it was something completely different. He pulled over the car and leaned over to me. "Baby, do you know where we are?"

looked around the old country road and shook my head. "Am I supposed to know?"

He grabbed my hand and kissed my wedding ring. "This is where we pulled over the night of the ABC party. This is where you first told me that you had to sample my goods."

"I don't quite remember sayin' it like that." I remembered that night very well and I don’t remember using the word ‘sample’.

"That's probably because I had you so worked up." Oh, he was so sure of himself, that husband of mine.

I let out an air filled laugh. "Actually, I recall you being the one that was so worked up that he wanted to bust his load in his pants."

would go there, but only because I knew how Ty was. Two could play his game. He patted my leg. "Baby, you were wearing nothing but Saran Wrap. Do you have any idea how freaking hot you were? I bet ten guys busted a load at that party when they beat off to your image. Shit, they probably still do."

I smacked his
arm. "Eww, shut up!"

leaned over my seat and got close to my face. "It's true. You are the most beautiful woman on the planet. If they didn't then they were blind. If I were them I would beat off to you once an hour."

I kept looking at him, but squinted my
face up. "Is this meant to be romantic?"

"It was
, up until you messed it all up." He ran his fingers over my lips. "I'll forgive you if you lean over here and kiss me like you did that night." My husband was staring at my mouth.

To be honest, I was
sure he was already getting hard thinking about that night. It was so intense and I had wanted him for so long.

got closer to me so that I could feel his lips almost touching mine. "If I kiss you like that night, we aren't going to be drivin' anywhere for a while."

"I'm okay with that."
I nuzzled my lips over his.

The moment his
tongue drug over my bottom lip, I was done for. His penis was probably in his pants yelling, 'twice in one day, twice in one day', while I leaned over more to grab his hair and pull him deeper into our kiss. I knew he was going back to that night and thinking about holding me at that party and the body language that I was giving off. I thought about him finally getting me home and ripping off all of that plastic, to finally see me naked for the first time. I didn’t just want him that night, I needed him.

ur tongues mingled together as he brought his hand down and ran it between my folded legs. With one slip, I spread them for him to explore. He rubbed my sex from above my jeans and I pushed my body against his hand. It was broad daylight and we were making out in the family car, on an old farm road.

It was kind of hot.

He pulled away and started kissing my neck. "Don't stop Ty."

He started unbuttoning my
jeans. "I'm just getting started, Baby."

Things were becoming intense and the windows to the car were rapidly fogging up. Ty wasted no time getting his hand down my pants. He started moving it over my panties, causing just enough friction to make me ready and willing.

Ty's hot lips brushed over my ear. "Take off your pants and climb over here."

I wasn't going to argue, so I let myself slide back into my seat and started removing my jeans as I watched Ty unfastening his belt and opening up his own pants. Once I saw how hard he was, the tingling between my legs intensified. I started climbing
over to straddle his seat and I felt the electronic mechanism adjusting the seat to allow me to fit between Ty and the steering wheel.

A car passed just as I sat down on my husband's erection, letting it slid into my wet heat. I leaned back against the steering wheel allowing him enough room to reach a hand up my shirt and play with my breasts.

"I feel like a teenager."

Ty reached both hands up my shirt and pinched both of my nipples at the same time. He groaned and licked his lips. "I can assure you this is way better than any kind of teenage experience I ever had. This pussy is all mine."

I leaned forward and pressed my lips over his, pulling away slowly. "Say it again, Babe."

Ty's hands traveled down either side of me until he had a handle on both of my ass cheeks.
He squeezed them and began grinding me into him harder. I lifted my hands up and used the ceiling to push off of. "You're all mine, Baby. Don't stop!"

I teased his mouth until he gave me his tongue and let me suck it hard. I ran my hands up his shirt and drug my nails down his chest. "You like that, don't you?"

He closed his eyes for a second before giving me that look I knew so well. He was close, and just knowing it, sent me into a frenzy. I reached for the ceiling again, pushing myself into my orgasm more. Ty gripped my ass hard and thrusted several more times before finally relaxing his body completely.

I leaned back on the steering wheel and we both broke into a laughing fit. We'd made it about fifteen minutes from the house and already stopped to have hot sex in our car. I started to slide back over to my side of the car when Ty let out a startled sound. I immediately turned to see what he was looking at. He had cleared a circle on the fogged up
driver’s side window to reveal a police officer standing outside the car. Ty looked down at his pants and started fastening them as fast as he could before pushing the button for the window to go down.

"Hello officer!"

I kept my head down and stared at my shaking hands.

"License and registration please." I looked over toward the officer and noticed he was checking out the back of the car, paying close attention to the two
cars seats. He looked from the back then toward the front of the car. "Might I ask why you are pulled over?"

I wanted him to make something up, perhaps tell the officer I was sick, but that wasn't how my husband did things.

"Well Sir, after having twin boys and a five year old at home, the wife and I don't get much time to ourselves. We have to seize the moment whenever we can. If you have to give me a ticket for making out with my wife, so be it, but if loving her is wrong then I don't want to be a right."

Oh yeah, he really said that.

The cop cocked his eyebrow and let out a laugh. "I have four girls. To be honest, I can't tell you the last time I had a whole day to spend with my wife."

"Yeah, we are on our way to get all of our shopping done in one trip. I got carried away with hunting season this year and now she tells me how much we have to do before the family gets here." His sarcasm made me want
to punch him. Why did guys always find it easier to blame everything on their wives instead of saying that it was partly their fault?

"Did you hear about that fella that got the eighteen pointer on ope
ning day?" When the man started talking to my husband about deer hunting, I knew we weren't going to get a ticket.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard about it. In fact, my dad was showing everyone a picture of it at Thanksgiving."

For the next ten minutes Ty and the police officer talked about hunting. I played with my phone until the officer said his goodbyes and walked back to his car. Ty patted my leg. "Bet you thought I was going to get a ticket."

"I'm speechless. If that were a girl cop it would have gone differently."

"Oh, come on; let's get into the spirit of Christmas, Baby. Don't let some old cop ruin our day. Before he approached us, we were having a great time." He grabbed my hand and kissed it again. "I love you so much. Especially when you give me sex more than once a day. I feel like a kid at a candy shop."

“That sounds like a rap song.”

“Seriously, Baby, I do love you.”

I leaned over and puckered my lips waiting for him to kiss me. Once he kissed me back, I pulled away and smiled. "I love you too, even enough to agree to have hot sex with you on the side of the road. Let's get goin' we have a lot of people to buy for."

“Anything for your sweet ass.”

So after a pit stop that took nearly forty minutes, we were back on the road.


Chapter 4


Having a quickie in the family vehicle was probably a bad idea, but it didn’t stop us. I wasn’t about to tell Miranda, but I was scared shitless when I saw that cop knocking on the damn window. I thought for sure I would be facing a hefty fine and a court date.  Thank God I lived in a small town where hunting and family could change a whole conversation.

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