Written By Fate (21 page)

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Authors: K. Larsen

BOOK: Written By Fate
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Dominic and I weren't just all rosy and happily ever after.
We had a lot of shit to work through, mostly my absurd baggage. He was still
hesitant and kept his guard up for the first month that we dated. And let me
tell you, dating only was damn hard! We saw each other maybe twice a week and
actually went out for proper dates.


I couldn't even remember the last time I’d been on a date
with a man. A real date. Where they pick you up, open doors for you, take you
somewhere to just talk and flirt and then drop you at home with a chaste kiss
goodnight. It’s been interesting, that’s for sure. In some ways it’s really
nice getting to know each other this way and in others, it’s the most
frustrating thing in the world. I know what he feels like, how his touch drives
me wild, and I want that back. The heat in his eyes some nights is almost too
much for me to handle but he’s stuck to his guns and hasn't done any more than
kiss me.


“Clara, wake up.”

“Mmmm. I told you, I’m only a morning person on December twenty-fifth,”
I grumble and pull the blankets over my head further. The blankets lift
slightly and Dom burrows under. When his lips find my hip, fire ignites and my
body practically hums with need. A smile creeps over my face as I let him wake
me up in this delightful way.

A year ago, if you had asked me if I would be living at the
lake house with Allie and Dom, I would have told you you’d lost your mind. Yet,
here we are, going strong. Dating slowly turned into trusting which slowly turned
into a real, live, honest-to-God relationship. We’ve had bumps in the road but
mostly we’re able to talk through everything and mostly those bumps are still
my hang-ups. Dom has time and time again proven to me that he is everything I
want, everything I deserve, and that I’m everything to him. He’s amazing. The
heat...oh the heat hasn't fizzled out at all; if anything, it’s amplified. Who
knew actually trusting someone with your heart could make hot sex even hotter?!
I’ve definitely been missing out over the years. “Don’t stop, babe,” I moan,
“I’m almost there.”

His lips pull away and his head pops out from under the
covers. “Oh good, you’re awake,” he grins. The laugh that bubbles up and out
from my belly is loud and boisterous as I push his head back down to the place
I want it most.


Per Dom’s request when we moved into his lake house full
time, we had a housewarming party. Marg, Amanda, and even Sawyer came. It was
the party of all parties. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dom laugh so hard or be
so relaxed in front of so many people, but he definitely won everyone over.
Sawyer pulled me aside and we had a heartfelt moment together where he finally
forgave me and let me know he was happy for me. The relief I felt at his words
was indescribable. I was still carrying so much guilt over our relationship and
fallout that his words truly set me free. After our chat he’d dragged me over
to his date and introduced me. There was a pang of jealousy that initially shot
through me but she was a lovely girl and I really hope they work out. I want,
no, I
Sawyer to be happy.


I still drive into the shop three days a week to take
clients by appointment only, which makes me happy, but now I also get to be
home with Allie and Dom the other two days of the week. It’s a luxury I never
truly thought I’d have. Dominic Napoli cut his office days down to three a
week. Something that, well, blew my mind. We have game nights and family
dinners--things I just thought I couldn't have so didn't look for in life. I’m
even less crass than I was, which is a total feat in itself and something that
makes Dom laugh every now and again. It’s hard to be so crass when you wake up
grateful every morning.


Of course I’m still seeing my therapist--you don’t get rid
of a lifetime of baggage with any sort of speed but I’m leaps and bounds ahead
of where I was just a year or two ago. But possibly the craziest thing that’s
happened took place just last night.


“How’s my girl today?” Dom asked when he breezed through the
door, looking extra dashing.

“Fantastic. How 'bout you?” I’d replied, smiling at him.

“My day was good but it’s about to be better,” he smirked at
me devilishly.

“Oh?” I’d asked as he prowled over to me. My breath hitched
when he reached me and dropped to a knee, grabbing my hand before I could tug
it away from him.

“Clara Lord, will you do me the great honor of sharing all
my obscene wealth and social standing by being my wife?” his voice rumbled
through me as he pulled out a honking diamond solitaire. I stared at the
sparkling monstrosity and blinked twice, unable to do anything else.

“Breathe, Clara,” he whispered. Slipping the ring on my
finger, a gigantic grin erupted on my face and a swirl of happy emotions swept
through me. This life was finally everything I’d ever dreamed it could be. All
my senses came rushing back to me as I realized he was staring at me, waiting
for an answer.

“HELL YES!” I screamed, tugging him up and leaping into his
arms before raining kisses all over his face and head while his laugh boomed
through the air. He held me tightly to him as he started towards the bedroom
for a proper celebration.



To those I thank…Thank you. This story is my favorite. It
was challenging to write but oh so much fun… and the characters, I hope, were
real and true and relatable.

Emma, thanks a million for reading over this with your crazy
editing eye. Tara- you were a fantastic beta reader and your feedback was so
helpful to me!

To my family for supporting me and being encouraging on this
crazy journey!

And, of course to my two good friends (wink) for giving me
so much fun inspiration!! I love you both!


I hope to continue the Bloodlines story with Sawyer’s story,
so keep those eyes out for more books coming! I love hearing from you, please
review, comment or reach out to me with feedback, questions or comments!

Try another book by K. Larsen

30 Days


Saving Caroline

Dating Delaney

Tug of War

If you appreciate your romance with snark and spice, perhaps try:


By Aubrianna Hunter

She is an architect;
successful, professional. So when she meets Jake Morgenstern she refuses to let
the stubborn, sexist, obnoxious pig of a man disrupt her calm demeanor. No

matter how strong, gorgeous
and ridiculously appealing he is.


He is expecting a man. So
when Jess Wythe turns out to be Jessica, he is thrown off. When he finds that
the somewhat frumpy architect is hiding a beautiful woman behind those boxy
suits he is even more surprised. Imagine his utter shock when he finds that not
only is she gorgeous, but he is drawn to her on an almost visceral level.
The attraction between these two explodes in
more ways than one. You're never quite sure if they are going to make love or
war. Will they ever find a way to make the fireworks work for them?



By Eve Newton

Liv Nelson has a history that
spans a millennium. She has everything a girl could want. A global empire,
money, power, eternal youth, beauty, a car for every day of the week, a wall
full of shoes, and men who worship and desire her - Just some of the perks of
being a thousand year old Vampire. But with the good comes bad, and she
realizes that even with eternal life she may not be able to escape the demons
created by her past.


Caught in a web of love and
desire, she is torn between the three men with whom she could share forever.
Constantine, her maker, Devon, the immortal she made, and Cole, a human actor
who has also stolen her heart.


As the demons of her past
reveal she is the object of a shocking revelation, which brings with it an
uncertain and unwanted future, will she make the right decisions?



About the Author

I am an avid reader, coffee
drinker, and chocolate eater who loves writing. I received my B.A. from Simmons
College-a while ago. I currently live in Maine, The Way Life Should Be!


I'm working on my sixth novel
currently. I've published Saving Caroline, 30 Days, Committed, Tug of War and
Dating Delaney.

I have a weird addiction to goat cheese
and chocolate martinis, not together though.

I adore my dog. He is the most awesome
snuggledoo in the history of dogs. Seriously.

I hate dirty dishes.

I like sarcasm and funny people.

I should probably be running right now...
because of the goat cheese....and stuff.

I love hearing from you so
please feel free to contact me!






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