Wrong Alien (TerraMates Book 6) (30 page)

Read Wrong Alien (TerraMates Book 6) Online

Authors: Lisa Lace

Tags: #Romance / Fantasy

BOOK: Wrong Alien (TerraMates Book 6)
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It took him a second to work out what she was saying, but
when he did, he grinned at her. One of his hands came up to cup the back of her
neck, and with a hum of contentment, he pulled her closer once again, going
slower this time.

Kissing was somewhat instinctive, and that was good for him.
He knew how to follow his instincts. Asher leaned into her, letting his lips
move with hers, in no hurry.

She was kissing back this time, and it sent heat shooting
through him. Her kisses were just like the rest of her, bold and beautiful, and
Asher didn't want to stop. He wanted to touch her and make her feel good, but
he wasn't going to push for that. Not now. Kissing was more than enough, and he
let himself sink into it.

When she panted for breath and broke away, he watched her
with wide eyes.

"I didn't expect you to be so good at that," she murmured,
licking her own lips, and Asher smiled at her in return.

"Hidden talent, maybe?"

She grinned brightly and pulled him down until they were
both lying on the bed, him on top of her. Her hips bucked up, and she rubbed
against him a bit, making him gasp softly.

"You… do you…" The words were somehow stuck in his throat,
and he couldn't push them out for fear of what would happen if he was
interpreting this wrong. They were so close right now, and the last thing he
wanted to do was ruin it by jumping the gun.

But Mia was wonderful, amazing, and a million other synonyms
for being more than he deserved, and the look she gave him was full of heat and
the answer to his question.

"Do you?" she asked, arching an eyebrow and biting her lip.

Asher couldn't nod fast enough. Saying that he wanted to
have sex with her was something of an understatement in this case.

She reached up and brushed some hair out of his face,
sliding fingers down his cheek. With a grin on her face, she moved lightning
quick, flipping their positions so he was flat on his back blinking in surprise
with her straddling his hips.

"Creators," he gasped at the picture she made, grinning and
bracing herself above him.

"Just Mia is fine," she teased, dipping down to kiss him

Asher was more than content to let her be in charge if that
was what she wanted. He pressed up into the kiss and gave as good as he got,
though, unwilling to lie there and be completely passive.

It didn't take long at all for them to be shedding their
clothes, and Asher watched as Mia pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her
body to him.

She was beautiful, every curve and dip in her body drawing
his eyes and making him want to spend time just touching her and kissing her
all over. His approval must have shown in his eyes because she was blushing
lightly under his gaze, averting her eyes for a moment before she smiled and
slid her hands up his chest.

They had to separate in order to take off their pants and
underwear, but it was momentary, and no sooner had they gotten themselves naked
than they were coming right back together, hands moving over warm skin and
mouths moving together.

When Asher tentatively slid his tongue along the seam of
Mia's lips, she smiled against his and parted them, letting him inside.

It only took minutes for her to up the ante, though,
breaking away from the kiss and kissing her way down his body, lingering at his
neck and collarbones before continuing to his chest, circling each nipple with
her tongue.

Asher gasped and arched, heat rushing through him like
nothing he'd ever felt before.

Of course, that was nothing compared to how it felt when her
mouth moved lower, skimming up the shaft of his rapidly hardening erection
before sliding over the head of him with precision.

," Asher groaned, and then followed it up
with some explosive swearing in his native language just to make sure he got
the point across that what she was doing was very good. He'd never had a mouth
before, and the slick, wet heat was so amazing that he was shuddering and
gripping the covers in his hands.

He didn't want to come like that, though, in her mouth while
she didn't get anything out of it, and he said so with the little bit of breath
he was able to draw. "I wanna make you come," he panted.

Mia pulled off of him and smiled. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," he replied, nodding earnestly.

And for someone with no experience under his belt, he made
it work. He changed their positions on the bed, and loomed over her, pressing
inside of her slick heat with slow precision.

Every little sound she made for him was amazing, and he was
determined to get more of them out, determined to make her feel just as good as
being around her made him feel.

In the end, it was all instincts. He rolled his hips,
watching her face for any sign of discomfort, and when all he saw was pleasure,
he kept going, moving faster, pumping into her with an almost desperate need to
be closer.

"Asher," she moaned, clinging to him, and there wasn't
anything better than that. Than hearing his name on her lips as she trembled
under him.

Her hips lifted, meeting him thrust for thrust, and it was
all ragged sighs and mingled breaths, the two of them trying to kiss and
breathe and touch each other at the same time.

When she came, she went tight around him, and Asher
shuddered, following right after and burying his face in the crook of her neck
as he tried not to make too much noise. It felt amazing, warmth and bliss
floating through him as he laid there on top of her.

"You're heavy," Mia said, voice a bit raspy.

"Sorry," Asher panted and rolled off her, pulling out
carefully and flopping onto his back. "That was…"

There was a smile in her voice when Mia spoke. "Are you
going to do more of that when I go with you to space?"

Asher was pretty sure life didn't get better than this.

Chapter 9: Momentum

It took them a while to get moving after that. There was
kissing to be done, and Mia was apparently very affectionate after sex, and
there was no way that Asher was going to try to persuade her not to be, when
she had her head tucked against his chest and her fingers threaded through his.

He had never shared a bed like this before. With someone he
had just been inside of, someone who even smelled like him, and he sort of
loved it. Loved it enough that there was no way he was going to ask her to move
just yet.

They had time. Abon had been gone for ages, making his way
back to Quantari and apparently taking the scenic route to get there. He could
wait a little longer for them to show up.

He carded his fingers through her hair, relishing the
softness of it and the way he could feel her warmth seeping through to him.
Neither of them had bothered to get dressed after they'd finished, and Asher
had expected laying there sweaty and sticky to be uncomfortable, but it was
sort of amazing.

"What are you thinking about?" Mia asked, lifting
her head enough so that she could see him. She laughed a second later.
"Listen to me."

"What?" Asher asked.

"That was like. One of the biggest cliché girl things
to ask," she said. "What are you thinking about? Especially after sex.
But I wanted to know. You looked like you were thinking very hard about

"Oh." Asher smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"I dunno. A lot of things. How nice this is. How we're definitely going to
do this in space. Maybe on the way to Quantari. The transporter has

Mia laughed and stretched. "Good to know. Are we
leaving soon then?"

"As soon as we pack if you want," Asher replied.
Now that he knew what he needed to know, he was ready to get back to his home
and find his uncle. There were still so many questions he wanted to ask him and
so much he needed to know, especially if Abon had it in his head that Asher
could be king.

"That's really soon," Mia said, but to Asher's
relief, she didn't sound afraid or even worried. She actually sounded excited,
and that made him excited, too.

"Yeah, it is. I mean, I know there's probably things
you want to do first. People you want to say goodbye to?"

That seemed to bring her up short and she actually thought
about it for a minute. The fact was that once she left, it was very unlikely
that she would be back. Maybe a visit here or there, but it would be dangerous
with the Shaddoc looming and looking for her. Asher waited patiently for her
answer, though. Part of him wouldn't believe that she was actually coming with
him until she was on the transporter and they were leaving Earth, and part of
him thought maybe that was okay.

If she didn't want to come, he couldn't force her, and her
decision earlier had been pretty spur of the moment.

"I'm going," Mia said firmly after a moment.
"I've said all I needed to say to my parents, and that's as much goodbye
as they deserve honestly. Cass...well. I don't think she has anything to say
that I want to hear. Other than that, there's no one who will really even
notice I'm gone."

Her voice was soft, and Asher could tell that she was trying
to be cheerful about it, but he could hear the sadness in her voice. The
loneliness. It never would have occurred to him that someone as wonderful and
giving as Mia could be lonely like that, but apparently he was wrong.

"Okay, then," Asher said with a smile. "Well,
then whenever you're ready. You should pack whatever you want to take with you
and then we'll go back to my place and I'll get my stuff and we can go."

That got her moving, and after a shower and something to
eat, Mia pulled out three duffel bags and started filling them while Asher
watched, fascinated. She seemed to have a process with which she went through
her things, putting them into three piles. Quickly, he figured out that one
pile was yes, one was no, and one was maybe. Clothes were instantly rolled up
and put into one bag, and Asher was impressed at the way she crammed several
things into one bag neatly.

It was almost like she had planned this, making an escape.
Already she didn't have much to go through, clothes seemed to be the bulk of
it, and Asher answered her questions about the weather and what she would need
to bring to keep warm or dry with an amused expression on his face.

Mia nodded at each answer like it was a matter of serious
importance and arranged her packing around what he said. She packed few
trinkets, clearly things she didn't want to be without, and the rest she seemed
to have no problems leaving behind.

"I should write a note or something," she muttered
under her breath, seeming for a second to forget Asher was even there. "So
they don't think I was kidnapped or abducted. Although…" she smirked.
"Maybe I won't. I have been trying to tell them something's going on for
years. Maybe now they'll believe me."

He didn't think she was serious, but just in case… "But
then they would be sad. And they'd worry and try to find you," Asher
pointed out. He knew her parents hadn't treated her well, but that seemed too
mean to even think about.

Mia sighed. "I know. I wouldn't really do that. It's
too cruel to make them think I was dead or something. I'll just tell them that
I left to find better things. That'll have to be good enough."

She sat down and wrote a note, tongue poking out of her
mouth while she debated over what to say. In the end, she seemed to get down
what she wanted because she nodded decisively and put the note on her bed.

"I'm ready."

Things moved at an almost breakneck pace from there. Mia
walked through her house slowly, collecting any other little things that she
wanted to take with her, and then they were loading up Asher's car and heading
back to his apartment.

"What's going to happen to your stuff that you can't
take with you?" she wanted to know.

"We have friends here who will take care of all of it.
They know what's been happening, and I'll send them all a message saying I'm
leaving finally. I can ask them to take care of your things, too, you know.
Just in case you decide you want to come back one day."

Maybe she'd hate his planet. Maybe she'd realize that she
didn't want to be with him after all and that she should have stayed on Earth.
He wouldn't try to make her stay.

"You worry too much," Mia said, leaning up to kiss
his cheek as they walked into his apartment. "It'll be fine. But having
someone make sure all my other stuff doesn't get repossessed or whatever sounds
like a good idea." And then she was moving through his apartment like she
belonged there, humming under his breath.

Asher didn't know enough about love to be able to say with
any confidence that it was what he was feeling, but by the creators, he was
feeling something.

It was easy for him to pack his things. Mostly he'd been in
some state of ready to go since Abon had disappeared. He'd known that at any
moment he was going to have to be ready to follow him, or flee because the
Shaddoc were getting too close, and so a good number of his things were already
packed and loaded in the transporter.

He got more clothes, though, and a few of the personal items
he'd collected in his time there. There were shells and beads and all manner of
little trinkets that he'd found interesting and beautiful, and he kept them in
a box that he wrapped delicately in cloth and then tucked into his pack.

"Is there going to be food on the transporter?"
Mia called, and Asher could hear her rummaging around in his kitchen.

He swore under his breath because he'd forgotten that bit.

"So you mean for us to starve for however long it takes
to get there?"

"No. I just...forgot."

She sighed, but there was a hint of fondness to it.
"I'm raiding your refrigerator then. I don't suppose there are things to
cook with on the transporter."

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