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Authors: Nichol-Louise Andrews

Wrong Kind of Love (5 page)

BOOK: Wrong Kind of Love
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s fine honestly” he lifted himself up off the sofa and walked over to her and kissed the top of her head “Go right ahead, have a goodnights sleep”

I hope I can sleep from watching all them films I

ll wake up screaming, just you wait” she laughed stretching her self out.

If your scared just come wake me. I

ll be right here and I

ll come chase away your demons”

Such a hero, goodnight” she closed the bedroom door and left Lucas slumped back on the couch.

Lucas was not what she had expected, truthfully she hadn

t really known what to expect, he was kind and caring and though he had scared her at the theatre it had at the same time been chivalrous, he was defending her, protecting her, she liked that. Amelia felt safe around him. She liked him, she

d not expected too though and she felt something more too. Was it a one off. Though they

d not had sex would he spread it round school that she was tight, would he speak to her at school, will he want to know her. Amelia tossed the night through, she was a thinker. Before she dozed off she heard Lucas

s phone ring, she tried to listen in but sleep overcame her.

Hello” answered.

Lucas its your father. I hear you

ve done an excellent job today. I

m grateful. I

m proud” Valentino spoke “How are we on the O


s any information?”

No father not yet, I

m looking over the estate now, the lights are on and there does seem to be an unusual amount of cars there, I

m gonna go check it now.” he whispered.

Why are you whispering Lucas?”

I have company and I don

t know if she

s asleep yet”

She, hey. Defiantly a Valentino. You fuck her?” Valentino asked.

No, father it

s not like that, she

s not like that”

Jesus Christ! Lucas don

t you go all soft on me, you wanna be tapping that ass and tossing her to the side. Don

t go all googly eyed no broad is worth that. Go look around the O

Doud estate and report back to me if and when you find something out ”

Yeas father I will”

Oh and Lucas, lose the broad” Valentino disconnected the line.


Chapter Eight

Lucas shrugged on a jacket and stepped into his vans. He sneaked out of his apartment so not to disturb Amelia. He jogged once around the O

Doud estate perimeter to establish his bearings and to find a good entry point. He pushed his way through the shrubbery and made his way up to the lit window. He saw five men two of which he recognised as the O

Doud brothers; Vinnie and Jimmy, Vinnie been the older of the two and three other men a short chubby man with a bald head and mean expression, a tall man with short scruffy black hair and an eye patch over his left eye and the third an old man with grey tinged hair a grey moustache and a walking stick maybe the head O

Doud but Lucas was not sure he

d never seen his picture. The rooms window was slightly open and he could just make out what they were saying.

When are we expecting the call?” the chubby one asked.

Not for a while yet. Our friends over seas are finding it difficult to find a freight ship that

s willing to carry such a large quantity of narcotics” Vinnie O

Doud replied.

What about the Valentino

s, I hear there not liking our business”

Yeah I hears that Colleti got off

ed today he

d been shouting his mouth off about the Valentino

s, now he

s dead. I thinks that the Valentino

s had something to dos with it” the man with the eye patch commented.


s impossible the Valentino

s are on the East coast they don

t have any of their guys out here if they did I

d know about it. The Valentino

s are has been

s, Colleti was right in what he said about them he

s just got a big mouth always shouting it off to anyone and about anyone, I think it was just a coincidence. Like I say they have no one on the West.” Vinnie replied.

I agree but maybe to be sure we should do some checking, put the word around.” the old man inputted.

Yes father I agree, I

ll put a call into Andonetti and Cowter they

ll find out for sure.” Andonetti and Cowter were on the list, maybe he should get to them before they got to him. Lucas had heard enough he looked at his watch, eight thirty am, Amelia was sure to stir soon. He jogged back to the main path outside the estate and jogged up to hill towards his apartment. At the bottom of his apartment like with most apartment blocks was a Starbucks, he ran in ordered two coffees and a selection of muffins to go and made his way up to his apartment, he let himself in and was immediately greeted by Amelia, he could get used to this he thought, she looked so fresh her face was free of make up, only a sprinkle of freckles lay upon the bridge of her nose and what looked to be a two inch scar on her left cheek he

d never noticed before her make up must of covered it up. She looked a vision of beauty.

Good morning” she beamed eyeing up the Starbucks bag and cups “Please tell me you have coffee and an oat bran muffin in there”

As a matter of fact I do” he smiled “But your not having any”

Please” she begged holding her hands out as if in prayer.

Nope” he laughed holding the Starbucks goodies over his head out of her reach, he was taller then Amelia by at least a good five inches “What

s in it for me?”

Errm…” she thought “I know, red hot sex out on your balcony” she replied straight faced.

Really?” he sounded surprised.

As if” she laughed “But I guess the thoughts your having now have earned me my breakfast”

I guess so” he smiled passing her a coffee and muffin.

Thank you. You can stop looking at me like that now”

Like what?” he mocked.

Like, you know”

What like I wanna rip your clothes off and fuck you good and hard on the kitchen work top” he smirked, Amelia

s expression went flat. He forgot she wasn

t any normal girl he was talking to, she was different, she was the type of girl you made love to not fuck. “Sorry, I meant no disrespect”

I told you Lucas I

m not like that, I wont be that kind of girl for you, for anyone” her words were harsh.

I know, I do and I

m sorry” he kissed her forehead and hugged her she melted into his arms again, he liked that feeling, he felt turned on.

Ok good”

I have to make a call are you ok here? I

ll just nip onto the balcony to have a smoke so I

ll pull the door shut”

Sure will but don

t expect these muffins to be here when you come back” she bit into a muffin as Lucas walked over to the balcony.

He shut the door behind him so Amelia could not hear him and lit up a smoke, inhaled it deeply and dialled his fathers number.

Hello Lucas” Valentino answered “What can I do you for?” Lucas filled his father in on the O


s plan and that they were going to Andonetti and Cowter to find out if a Valentino was on the West coast. “We need to eliminate them now before they get a chance to find out. It needs doing soon Lucas, today maybe I

ll get my commission to find out there whereabouts and get them to let you know. Are you ok with this?”

Yes father let me know and I

ll do it today for you” his father hung up. Lucas threw his cigarette butt over the balcony and went back into his bedroom. She

d made the bed he noticed. He showered and changed, slicked gel through his hair and went back into the kitchen. He noticed out of the five muffins he bought only two were left; pecan toffee and banana.

Charming, leave me the crap ones” Amelia grinned at him “You did warn me though. So what

s your plans for today?”

Nothing much my cars at a lock up so I should go move it then I

ll drop that and my bag off at The Hotel and I guess do some school work. What about you anything fun?”

The Hotel, why?”

I told you my father has company I spend at least two weekends a month at The Hotel and drive from there to school on the Monday” she fingered around the crumbs on the kitchen top.

Stay” he exclaimed a little over egar, he didn

t want her to leave.

You sure?” she cocked her head to one side “I don

t want to impose on you anymore”

I insist stay here tonight and tomorrow night and I

ll drive you into school on Monday” she looked a little un easy “It

s your call, I like your company. I gotta pop out later but your welcome to stay do your work here”

Ok if your sure”



s real sweet of you, I like your company to” she hopped off her stool and kissed his cheek, he felt himself harden instantly, he wanted to kiss her, touch her. He yearned to feel himself inside her. He placed his hands lightly on her waist and drew her into him, he stoked her cheek, traced the outline of her lips with his finger and edged forward, his lips floated above Amelia

s but again she pulled away. “Sorry”


s ok” he let his hands drop from her waist to his sides. “Why do you do that, pull away from me?”

I don

t know, I

m sorry”

Stop apologising, your always fucking apologising” his voice was raised.

Sorry I….” a tear rolled down her cheek.

Amelia, shit sorry don

t cry. I

m sorry ok.”

Now who

s apologising.”

I just wanna kiss you so bad and you keep pulling away I wanna know why that

s all. Tell me is it me?”

No its not you. Its me I…” she broke off.

Amelia what tell me please” he placed his hand on her shoulder but she flinched under his touch “You gotta tell me, I like you and I wanna get to know you more so I

m gonna wanna kiss you”

I don

t know you”

I wanna know you though”

Me too its just I was I mean I cant” she walked over to sofa and sat huddled in the corner her eyes were puffy and she seemed nervous and afraid.

Amelia” he walked over and sat next to her “Your worrying me, please you can trust me”

Can I?” she looked him in the eye.

Of course I really like you and I don

t say that to just anyone, I

ve only said it to you. Baby please tell me”

BOOK: Wrong Kind of Love
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