Wyatt (13 page)

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Authors: Susan Fisher-Davis

BOOK: Wyatt
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“Can I help you? I’m Becca Stone. I own this bed and

Olivia stepped up beside her and glared at Sharon.

“I was on my way out when you stopped me, Mrs. Stone. I
don’t need…” Her words faded off when her eyes shifted to the doorway behind
Becca and Olivia. A grin suddenly lit her face. “Well, hello gorgeous. Who are

Both Olivia and Becca turned to see Wyatt leaning in the
doorway staring at Sharon with a not so friendly scowl on his handsome face.

Olivia slapped her hand on the desk. “Do you want
something?” She watched as Sharon ran her eyes over Wyatt and it pissed her

“You could certainly say that, Olivia.” Sharon’s eyes didn’t
leave Wyatt.

He stepped up alongside Olivia and wrapped his arm around
her. Sharon grinned.

“Well, well. It seems you’ve done pretty well for yourself,

Olivia strode around the desk. “I’d like to know why you’re
here. For once in your life, tell the truth.”

“I told you. I came to see you—my daughter.”

“You don’t have a daughter,” Olivia screamed at her.

Sharon stepped back but straightened her shoulders. “Whether
you like it or not, I’m your mother. My name’s on your birth certificate.”

Olivia gritted her teeth.
“Oh yeah?
Who’s my father then, or did you forget which one it was?” She wasn’t ready for
the slap but once she recovered, she raised her hand to hit her back only Wyatt
stopped her. Olivia glared up at him but then the air went out of her. He was
right. Hitting Sharon wasn’t worth it.

“Well. I’ll be here for two weeks. So there’s plenty of time
for us to get to know each other again.”

We never knew each other before and I have nothing to say to you now or ever.”
Olivia spun around and left the foyer with Becca following right behind her.


Chapter Twelve


Wyatt stared at Sharon Winters. She was an attractive woman
and he could see where Olivia got her looks, but this woman was up to
something, and he planned to find out what it was.

here?” he asked her.

Sharon smiled. “She must get her good taste in men from me.
If I were ten years younger, I’d give her a run for her money over you.”

He smirked. “You’d never get the chance.”

“Never say never, gorgeous. I usually get what I want.”

Wyatt never moved. He stood with his arms crossed and didn’t
take his eyes off her. Then he jerked his head toward the door, telling her to
go. After a slight hesitation, she turned and left through the front door. He
returned to Olivia’s apartment where he found her on the couch with Becca beside

“You can go home, Becca. I’ll stay with her. You and Jake
have to leave early tomorrow morning.”

Becca stood. “But so do you. You’re going to the sale,
aren’t you?”

“I can leave from here. I’ll have Lucky pick me up.”

Becca hugged him. “You’re a wonderful brother-in-law.”

He chuckled and sat down beside Olivia.

“Call me if you need anything, Liv. I mean anything. Perhaps
even a shotgun?” Becca grinned and after kissing Olivia’s cheek, left.

“Are you really staying here?” Olivia asked him.

“I am.” He kissed her forehead.

“I only have a queen size bed. It’s not like your big king,”
Olivia teased.

He made a face. “I guess that means I have to sleep right
next to you.”

Olivia threw her arms around him. “If you have to, you have

A few hours later, Wyatt heard something in the main
kitchen. Olivia was asleep beside him. He eased out from the bed and pulled his
jeans on. He zipped up but didn’t snap them. He crept through the apartment,
opened the door quietly, and stepped into the B and B’s kitchen. He flipped on
the light and saw Sharon Winters standing there in her robe. She started, but
then grinned when she saw him.

“You’re not allowed in the kitchen. None of the guests are,”
Wyatt told her.

Sharon smiled at him and slowly walked toward him. “You really
are something—tall, dark, and gorgeous. Those eyes are amazing.”

Wyatt leaned back against the fridge and folded his arms
across his bare chest. “You need to go back to your room.”

“How about you?
Would you like to
go back to my room?”

His mouth twitched in distaste. “Not likely.”

Sharon moved closer to him. “I’m really not that much older
than you. I’m only forty-six—a cougar.” She laughed.

“I’m not into…cougars. But I will tell you this…if you hurt
her, you’ll deal with me.”

Sharon ran her fingernails down his chest and smiled when he
stiffened. “I’d love to deal with you, gorgeous.” Her fingertip trailed through
the hair surrounding his belly button which arrowed down to disappear inside
his jeans. “I’d love to follow this happy trail,” she whispered.

Wyatt sneered and pushed her hand away.

“Not a chance.” He straightened up and glared down at her.
“Now, get out of the kitchen and don’t ever come back in here again or you’ll
be asked to leave the B and B.”

She stared up at him, and then licked her lips. Wyatt
clenched his jaw and gave her a terse nod. She fled from the kitchen. He blew
out a breath, turned to go back into the apartment, and almost ran over Olivia.

“How long have you been there?” he asked, hating the thought
of what she’d seen.

“I came out right when she said she’d love to follow your
happy trail. I wanted to filet her.”

I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault that you’re tall, dark, and gorgeous,”
Olivia snickered.

Wyatt growled, picked her up, throwing her over his
shoulder, and returned them to her bed.


* * * *

The next morning, Olivia stepped into the kitchen and smiled
at Evelyn. She poured herself a cup of coffee and turned to go back into her
apartment when out of the corner of her eye, she saw Stan outside talking with
a man who had his back to her. Frowning, she walked to the door and looked out.
She knew that back all too well.

She opened the back door. Wyatt turned toward the door. He
smiled when he saw her. She narrowed her eyes at him with suspicion.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were going to the

Wyatt strolled over to her. “I decided not to.”

“I don’t need a babysitter, cowboy,” Olivia snapped, knowing
he’d stayed behind because of what had happened the night before.

Wyatt halted and raised an eyebrow at her. “I didn’t say you

She glared at him before stepping back inside and slamming
the door. She grumbled as she sat down at the table and scooped up some of the
scrambled eggs Evelyn had made for breakfast. She was shoveling a forkful into
her mouth when the back door swung open. Wyatt pulled out a chair, turned it
around, and straddled it.

“Get up on the wrong side of the bed, sweetheart?” he
remarked with a sneer.

“No. I got up just fine. The bed was empty and I thought
you’d gone to the sale.”

Wyatt reared back. “I stayed because I didn’t like leaving
you alone with that she-devil who calls herself your mother,” he said. His
voice became a growl when he said the word

Olivia pushed her chair back, stood, and glared at him. “As
I already said, I do not need a babysitter.”

Wyatt stood. “It seemed like you needed one last night.”

“That was low, cowboy. I was in shock last night. She is not
going to run me out of here.”

I’m out of here,” he said
through gritted teeth.

“Good! Go catch up with your brothers at the sale.” She
clenched her jaw so hard it ached.

They stood glaring at each other until Evelyn cleared her
throat. Olivia had forgotten about her being there and cringed at her
witnessing the spat. Wyatt narrowed his eyes at her, spun on his heel, and went
out the door, slamming it behind him.

Olivia blew out a breath, and then sat back down. “Damn him.
He makes me so angry. Why would I need him to stay here with me?”

“If I was your age and had a man who looked like that
wanting to
me, I would
definitely let him,” Evelyn said.

Olivia didn’t say anything but simply shook her head and
returned to her apartment. She had work to do and she didn’t want to think
about Wyatt. She was sure that once he calmed down, he’d see her side and know
he was wrong. She smiled thinking about how they’d make up. She hoped anyway.


* * * *

A few days went by but there was no word from Wyatt. Olivia
didn’t have the time to go see him. The B and B closed in a week, and they
seemed busier than usual. She was in the kitchen helping Evelyn when Stacy came

“There’s a woman at the front desk asking for you, Olivia,”
she announced. “She says she’s your mother.”

Olivia rolled her eyes and walked out front to the foyer.
Sharon stood at the counter. A smile came across her lips when she saw Olivia.

“Were you busy?” she asked.

Olivia shrugged with annoyance. “I do have a job to do here.
You know what a job is, don’t you, Sharon?”

Sharon burst out laughing. “
You’re calling me by my name now?”

Olivia leaned over the counter. “Well, I’m sure as hell not
going to call you
she said
in a fierce whisper.

Sharon shrugged. “Could we talk?

Was it possible she was finally going to tell Olivia what
she was really doing there? Olivia motioned for her to follow her and led her
through the kitchen to her apartment. She waved a hand toward the couch, while
she took a seat in the chair.

“Where’s that gorgeous man of yours?” Sharon smiled, slyly
glancing around.

Olivia leaned forward gripping the arms of the chair. “Is
that what you want to talk about? Wyatt?”

“Wyatt.” Sharon seemed to purr his name.
name for a sexy man.”

“Get out,” Olivia told her coming to her feet and pointing
toward the door.

“You’re in love with him, aren’t you?” Sharon laughed. “Oh,
Olivia, you’re such a fool. Don’t you know men only want one thing? Of course,
if that man wanted it from me, I’d be more than happy to give it to him.”

“I will not discuss Wyatt with you,” Olivia shouted. She
didn’t care if every person in the B and B heard her.

Sharon waved her hand. “Fine then…I want money.”

Olivia’s mouth dropped open. “What makes you think I have

The woman snorted. “I know the Daniels’ left you money. I
know your little coffee shop sold and you have a job here. You have money,
Olivia, and I want some of it.”

Olivia marched over to the door and opened it. “Get out.

Sharon stood and moved toward the door, stopping in front of
Olivia. “You will give me what I want. Trust me, because I can make sure you
never see Wyatt again.” She leaned close to Olivia. “Don’t underestimate me and
don’t go to the police. I know all the wrong kinds of people. People who will
have no problem making things happen. Do we understand each other?”

Olivia nodded, and then slammed the door behind Sharon as
soon as she was in the hallway. She walked to the couch, collapsed on it, and
started shaking as Sharon’s words sunk in. Would she really do something to
hurt Wyatt? She really didn’t know anything about the woman who had given birth
to her. That was, nothing other than she’d gotten herself pregnant at sixteen
and two years later decided she didn’t want the child around anymore.

She wrapped her arms around herself and rocked, suddenly
frightened by this stranger. She didn’t know how much money Sharon wanted but
she was sure it was way more than what she had. Despite what Sharon thought,
the coffee shop hadn’t been a big payoff. After she paid off the mortgage,
there hadn’t been much left. The Daniels’ had left her money, but she didn’t even
know how much. She hadn’t wanted to know. All she knew was she felt she hadn’t
deserved it. Sure, she had loved them and they had loved her but she wasn’t
their blood, and she’d been terrible to them for a while.

Sitting up, she came to a decision. No. She might not
deserve the money she had inherited but she wouldn’t touch it, especially to
satisfy this bitch. She wasn’t going to let Sharon run all over her. She was
going to tell the bitch she wouldn’t get money from her and she wouldn’t hurt
Wyatt or anyone else Olivia loved. With that in mind, she pulled herself up
from the couch, squared her shoulders, and went to her little kitchen to get
something to eat. Sharon Winters was not going to ruin anything for her.


* * * *

Wyatt stopped along the edge of the corral when he heard a
truck coming up the drive. When he realized it was Jake’s, he knew this
couldn’t be good. Jake rarely came over without calling first. He figured it
had something to do with Olivia. He watched as the truck came to a stop but was
surprised when Becca hopped out.

He watched as she marched up to him, stopped, and then stood
with her hands on her hips and glared at him. He sighed.

“Why haven’t you gone back to see her?”

“She’s the one who said she didn’t need me. I left. What was
I supposed to do, Becca?”

“You know how she is. She blows up, and then it’s over. I
want to tell you about her life,” Becca said.

“I know all about it. She told me. It doesn’t excuse the
fact she threw my help back in my face.” Wyatt shook his head. “I’m done,
Becca. I’ve had enough.”

“You’re going to let your relationship fall apart because of
her temper? Her mother has her so confused right now. She sure as hell doesn’t
need you leaving her,” Becca said with anger.

He put his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes. “First
off, there is no
to let
fall apart. It was only sex between us. Second, I’m not leaving her. She told
me she didn’t need me.”

You think it was just sex?”
Becca grabbed his arm when he started to move away.

“Yes, damn it. It’s what we agreed it would be. Otherwise,
it never would have happened. I’ve told everyone over and over again that I’m
not looking for any kind of relationship other than sex, but none of you can
get it through your heads. I had a relationship and look how that turned out.”
He spun on his heel and stalked away from her.

“You’re an idiot,” Becca yelled. He turned to look at her.
“Yes, you are, Wyatt Stone.” She ran toward him and halted in front of him.
“You want to live alone the rest of your life and let a woman like Olivia go,
then you’re an idiot. She’s crazy about you. She has been since she first saw
you and now you want to end it.
Do that, but let
me tell you something, you are going to break her heart. You think
just sex
would do that?” She whirled
away from him, climbed into her truck, and drove away, leaving him standing


* * * *

Olivia was covering the counter when Sharon walked up to it.
Olivia swore under her breath.

“I’d like to take a drive. Where should I go?” the woman asked.

Olivia burst out laughing. “You don’t need me to tell you
where to go.”

“I could always go find that man of yours and take his mind
off you. I know I could get him, Olivia.”

Olivia shrugged. “You’ll be happy to know we aren’t seeing
each other anymore.”

“You aren’t a very good liar. You’re just saying that
thinking I’ll leave him alone. If it really is over between you then I’d love
to find him.” Sharon leaned across the counter. “I don’t care if you’re seeing
him or not. If I want him, I’ll have him.” She laughed. “You get me the money I
want and I’ll leave you both alone. Of course, that saddens me.”

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