XXX - 136 Office Slave (9 page)

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Authors: J. W. McKenna

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BOOK: XXX - 136 Office Slave
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"Hi,” she said brightly and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Is it true?"

El turned. The question had come from Darlene, a heavy-set woman who worked the day shift.

"Is what true?"

"That you've resigned from your position as CFO so you can ... um, er..."

El flushed. “Yes?” She wasn't going to let Darlene off the hook.

"That you, um, provide favors for workers?"

"Yes, but only with Jack's permission."

"Why?” The woman was baffled.

El shrugged. “I like it."

"You like to display yourself too,” said one of the other men, an immature young man she knew only as Steve. “I was there yesterday when you came down."

"Sometimes,” she said simply. It wasn't true. She only did that at Jack's order. Being on display, naked or half naked in public, had proven to be much harder than simply fucking someone, she'd found.

"Prove it. Show me your tits."

El almost refused the boy's impertinence. Then she remembered Jack's edict and the result of her rudeness toward Jim. She put down her cup and pulled up her top, giving him a brief display of her bruised tits.

"God! What happened to them?"

This from the third man, Ed, who's eyes seemed to bulge from his head.

"I was ... punished."

"Why?” Darlene asked.

"I was rude to one of the workers."

"Really, how?” Steve again.

"I ... He slapped me on my ass and I glared at him.” El knew her face was red. She tried to cover it up by taking a sip of coffee. She regretted coming in here. All she wanted to do was retreat to her office. She started for the door.

Ed grabbed her arm. “So if I wanted to slap your ass..."

"Or grab your tits,” the boy put in.

"'d have to let us?"

"I ... I think so. Mr. Sawyer just said not to be rude."

"But if I wanted to bend you over the table and fuck you, Jack would object to that?” Ed moved closer.

"Ahh, yes. Jack's in charge of all that.” She realized she'd forgotten to call him by his proper name.

"So if Jack says you have to do it, you have to do it, right?"


"But short of that,” the boy said, moving close to her other side, “we can fondle you, make you show us your body?"

"Um,” El's confusion registered on her face. “I think so. I'm not sure. I'd have to ask Ja—, Mr. Sawyer."

"But you just said you have to be nice to us,” Steve said. He reached out and stroked one of her breasts through the thin material.

"It would be nice,” Ed said, emphasizing the word, “if you would show us your pussy.” He turned to look at Darlene, as if seeking approval.

"Yeah, sure, I'd like to see it too.” El suspected the rumors about Darlene being a lesbian were probably true.

El felt defeated. “Okay, but only for a second. Mr. Sawyer's expecting me back to meet a client."

That elicited a lot of derisive comments about what she was going to do with the client. But they stepped back slightly to give El some room. She put her coffee down on a nearby table and hooked her hands under the hem of her skirt.

"No grabbing, okay? I don't want to be late."

She pulled up the cloth and let them see her bare pussy and bruised bottom. Steve and Ed whistled. Darlene looked wistful.

When she pushed down her skirt, Darlene said, “It's not fair."

"What's not fair?” Ed asked.

"You guys get all the breaks. What about us girls?"

El felt dizzy.

"Yeah, what about the girls,” Steve asked. “I mean, if Jack told you to go down on Darlene here, would you do it?"

She stared at the floor. “I guess so."

Darlene brightened. “Really? You swing both ways?"

"I've never done it before...” The way she said it made it clear that she'd be willing to try it.

"So in this contest with the night shift, you'd let the guys fuck you, but for me, you'd do what I wanted?"

"Yes, I guess so. I mean, if Mr. Sawyer said so."

"All right, Darlene!” Steve cheered.

Darlene nodded, her face beaming. “Well, that's all right then.” She turned to the other guys. “So what say we beat those sluggard's on night shift and get us a piece of ass?"

They laughed and El walked out, returning to her office. It was nearly ten. She sat and waited nervously. At ten exactly, she got up and returned to the lunchroom. Thankfully, it was deserted. She fetched a pot of coffee and two clean mugs with the Sawyer Metalworking logo on them.

She returned and knocked on the interoffice door, then entered. Jack was sitting in one of the easy chairs across from a well-dressed man in his sixties.

"Oh, good, coffee's here."

El resisted the fleeting urge to strip off her clothes, remembering Jack's orders. That was strange. Yesterday, it seemed so odd to be naked in his office and today, the opposite is true. She poured two cups and placed them on the low table between them and stood back. When she looked up, she found the visitor staring at her. She blushed and looked at the rug.

"This is my assistant, El,” Jack was saying. “She helps me in many ways. She's part of our new ‘customer satisfaction’ effort."

El's color deepened.

The man didn't seem to understand. “Well, she's a pretty one, that's for sure. You married, honey?"

El looked up, startled that he would speak directly to her. “Well, separated.” It embarrassed her to tell this stranger about her crumbling marriage, but she suspected Jack would be angry if she didn't tell the truth.

"Well, that's too bad for your husband, but great for all the other young men out there,” the stranger said, smiling.

"Oh, she likes older men, too, don't you, El?” Jack patted her ass lightly, then rubbed it possessively.

"Yes, sir."

The man started to catch on—he just couldn't believe it. Jack jumped in to explain. “As you know, we've got the same capabilities as our competitors. Our prices are about the same, our work is excellent and so is our customer service. Others make the same claims, I know. But we have something they don't have.” He pulled El to his side and ran his hand slowly down her body, from her breasts to her pussy. El tried not to move.

"We treat our customers right. We want you to be completely satisfied. Are you interested in finding out what Sawyer Metalworking can do for you?"

The man's mouth opened. His eyes grew wide. “Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?"

"Only if you're interested. I wouldn't want to insult you."

"No, no,” the man waved a hand. “I'm not insulted. I'm sixty-one years old. My wife gave up on sex ten years ago. I just find it hard to believe that you'd offer this lovely girl to me as an incentive to get my business."

Jack turned to El. “Show him your charms."

El's mind went blank as she stripped off her top and let her skirt puddle around her feet.

"She's all bruised!"

"Yes,” Jack said with a show of regret. “She's still in training. She needs punishments on occasion. But she still fires on all cylinders.” Jack gave her a little push from behind.

El approached the man and sat down on his lap, then reached down to unbuckle her sandals. The visitor began rubbing his hands all up and down her body.

"So you're telling me that if I sign with you, you'll let me fuck this beautiful girl anytime I want to?"

"Well, not anytime. She has other duties she must attend to. But we can put you on her regular schedule."

The man rubbed El's sore tits, but he addressed his question to Jack. She was merely an ornament. “How badly do you want this contract?"

"Badly enough that if you agree to give us a portion of your business, I'll let you enjoy her talents right now."

The well-dressed man thought for a minute. “Tell you what, Jack. We've got a ball-bearing deal with Ashton that's coming up for renewal, and I'm not happy with their terms. If you can beat them, I'll give the contract to you."

Jack thought it over. “I'm familiar with Aston's overhead. They've got a lot of debt they're carrying. I'd want to look over the figures, of course, but I'd say we can beat them easily. You've got a deal, Walter."

El sat there, thinking how easy it was to do business when one side had a willing, naked female to use as bait. Her cunt had just tipped the scale for Jack. Idly, she wondered what the contract would be worth. Would he reduce her debt by that amount? It was something she hadn't thought of before.

Jack stood up and shook Walter's hand. “I'm going to step out for a while to give you two some privacy. There are condoms in the desk drawer, if you need them. Have El call me when you're done. I'll be on my cellphone."

He left, humming to himself.

Walter turned to El. “Okay, let's get started. I want a blowjob as a warm-up to get me hard, followed by a good fucking."

El thought: That's three-fifty off my debt!


Jack continued to hum as he strolled through the plant, checking on supplies and greeting workers. Many pulled him to the side to ask privately if it was true—that Ellen had gone from CFO to slut, available to them as a perk. Yes, it was true, he told them, but only if we can get productivity up and accidents down.

"She's not going to just drop her drawers for anyone in the hallway,” he cautioned. “You've got to earn it."

His cellphone rang after about forty-five minutes, and noted it came from his office, so he returned immediately. Walter was just leaving, promising him he'd send over the details of the contract for Jack to study. Jack told him he'd have an answer in less than a week.

Jack couldn't help but notice the big grin on Walter's face as he left.

El was facedown on the couch, somewhat breathless, her legs splayed apart. He went to her side, noticing the sheen of sweat on her body, the redness of her pussy, the bluish marks from her punishments. It bothered him that El bruised so easily. He'd have to come up other punishments. He didn't want clients being put off by her bruises.

"Give me all the details, so I can put it in your debt record."

El sat up gingerly, but made no attempt to close her legs or cover herself. She told him that as soon as Jack left, Walter had her suck on his cock until he grew hard. “It took a long time, master,” she said. “He was kinda old."

Jack knew she was finagling for a blow-job credit. That was fine with him. He never would have had a shot at the contract if not for her.

"Once he was hard, he had me climb up on the couch. I asked him to use a condom, but he refused, telling me that this contract is worth enough so that he shouldn't have to wear a raincoat.” She sniffled, as if it bothered her greatly. “I didn't know what to do, master, so finally I let him. I thought you might be mad if I didn't. He, um, fucked me hard, from behind. It kinda hurt, since my ass is still a little sore."

"You did fine. Is his sperm still leaking out of you?"

She bit her lip. “Yes, sir."

"Show me."

She reached down between her legs and brought up a glob of sticky fluids from her pussy. Jack could see the whitish mix of sperm within. “Okay, that's worth two-fifty, but I'm not so sure about the blow-job, since he didn't come."

"But master!"

"Tell you what. You scoop that from your cunt and swallow it, and I'll consider counting that as well."

She paled, but did as he said. For several minutes, she brought her hand from her pussy to her mouth until Jack was satisfied.

"Okay, come and look at how you're doing."

She got up eagerly and kneeled next to his chair while he called up the spreadsheet. So far, El had reduced her debt by twelve-hundred-fifty dollars.

"Um, master, may I speak?"

"Yes, slut."

"These new contracts, contracts that I helped bring to you, like Walter's and Bob's. Will I get any credit for that extra revenue?"

Jack had expected this. Sure, it would seem fair to reduce her debt—he never would've gotten that business without her. But that would mean a much shorter time that she was here, working for him, pleasing him, increasing productivity and bringing in even more clients. He hated to lose her too quickly. There was also her betrayal to take into account.

"No, El, you won't. You agreed to pay off your debt at two-fifty a fuck and one-hundred a suck. I think any extra business you bring in will be your penance for being a thief for the last three years."

"But that's not fair!"

"Fair? You want what's fair after three years stealing from me, betraying this company?” He felt a flash of anger and decided he didn't want to get into an argument over what was fair. Jack went to the safe and removed a videotape. “I'll show you what's fair.” He put it in the VCR.

El shook her head. “I don't need to see it. I remember it."

Jack smiled thinly. “This is a different tape. I edited it myself."

The images came up: El, on her back with Bob pounding away at her, her mouth open wide in ecstasy. Then another shot of her and Scotty as he fucked her, her legs up high in the air like an energetic whore. Another cut: Then an over-the-shoulder shot of El giving head to an anonymous penis under her desk.

El stood up, shocked. “You taped everything?"

"Of course. Consider it protection. You stick by your agreement. When you've paid off your debt, I'll destroy all the tapes and write a nice recommendation for you. If you make any more noise about what you're ‘owed,’ I'll have you arrested. While your trial is going on, I'll send an edited version of this tape—with the images of the men blurred, of course—to the news stations. I doubt they'll be able to use it, but word about your little adventures will get out and you'll become a laughing stock. You'll never work for anyone ever again—except maybe as a hooker."

She lowered her head and cried.

"I don't want to hear any more about this, all right?"

El nodded, tears streaking down her face.

"Now that that's out of the way, this little talk has made me horny. Lie on the desk."

She looked up through her tears. “But, Walter just fucked me..."

"That's all right with me. I don't mind."

She got up and splayed herself over the desk, ass in the air. Jack reached down to stroke her pussy, feeling the wetness there from her previous fucking. For some reason, it turned him on. He thrust himself into her immediately, then reached around to rub her clit while his cock sawed in and out.

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