Year 501 (64 page)

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Authors: Noam Chomsky

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Young, Alfred, ed.
The American Revolution
(Northern Illinois, 1976)

Zeman, Z.A.B.
The Making and Breaking of Communist Europe
(Blackwell, 1991)

Zwick, Jim, ed.
Mark Twain's Weapons of Satire: Anti-Imperialist Writings on the Philippine-American War
(Syracuse, 1992)




Abrams, Elliott, 127, 287

Acheson, Dean, 60, 62, 64, 101

Adams, John, 30, 34

Adams, John Quincy, ix, 33, 196–97, 314, 336

Afghanistan, 32, 353

US invasion of, xiii

AFL-CIO, 289, 386

Africa, 194–95, 197, 247, 319

colonialism in, 6, 9, 166, 185

in New World Order, 40–42, 48, 60, 76, 134, 217, 229, 231, 250

slavery and, 30, 274

See also
individual countries

Agee, Philip, 224

AIFLD, 289

Albania, 231

Albert, Michael, 372

Algonquins, 362

Allen, Max, 306

Allende, Salvador, 49–50, 252, 254, 261–62

Altgeld, John, 392

Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers (AAISW), 389–90

American Enterprise Institute, 157

Americas Watch, 41, 231, 291–92

Amnesty International, 170, 181, 260

Amsden, Alice, 142, 144–45

Anderson, Roger, 87

Angola, 39, 100, 129–30, 206

Apaches, 32

Arab League, 58

Arafat, Yasser, 367

Arevalo, Juan José, 239

Argentina, 244, 257–58

Arias, Oscar, 246

Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 272, 284, 287–96, 298–302

Armour, Norman, 277

Aronson, Bernard, 300

Arruda, José J. de A., 19–20

Asia, 6, 20, 87, 165, 174, 178, 314, 340–41

Asian immigrants, 336

colonialism in, 9–11, 13, 23, 168

in New World Order, 47, 50–51, 60, 72, 127, 143–45, 195, 231

See also
individual countries

Asian Development Bank, 354

Asia Watch, 140

Aspin, Les, 251

austerity measures.
structural adjustment policies

Austin, Stephen, 37

Australia, 76, 181, 187–90, 208

Avril, Propser, 288


Bailey, Thomas, 29

Baker, James, 61, 148, 195, 260, 348

Balaguer, Joaquín, 272

Ball, George, 173–74

Bangladesh, 15–16, 18, 86, 231, 354, 383

See also

Baring, Evelyn (Earl of Cromer), 26

Barkin, David, 259

Barruel, Father, 243

Batista, Fulgencio, 198–99

Battuta, Ibn, 16

Bazin, Marc, 4, 288–89, 300–301

Beecher, Henry Ward, 393

Bekken, Jon, 394

Belgium, 28

Flemish colonialism, 28

Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 38

Bengal, 10, 15–16, 18, 26, 280

See also
Bangladesh; India

Benjamin, Jules, 199

Bentinck, Lord William, 17

Berle, Adolf, 198, 220, 229

Bernstein, Richard, 39

Bils, Mark, 145

biotechnology industries, 149, 158–61, 164, 208, 306

Bix, Herbert, 343

blackness, 5–6, 75, 274–76, 281–82, 302, 307

colonialism and, 30, 32–33, 37, 105, 193–194

first black republic, 271

in New World Order, 383

See also
race; slavery

Blaine, James, 214, 336

Blassingame, John, 282

Blatnik, John, 310

Blixen, Samuel, 242–43

Bohlen, Celestine, 111–12

Bohlen, Curtis, 161

Bolívar, Simón, 194–96, 215, 275

Bolivia, 107, 115–16, 214, 222

Bolts, William, 16

Boston Globe,
80–81, 154, 205, 210, 320, 351

Boucher, Richard, 148

Bourne, Peter, 117

Bowles, Chester, 200

Bradley, Omar, 62

Brady, Thomas, 8–9, 23

Brands, H.W., 172–76, 179, 184

Brazil, 7, 111, 135, 13–215, 280, 296

in New World Order, 58, 81, 143, 195, 208, 218–21, 223–33, 236–37, 254–56, 262–63, 392

Brenner, Robert, 23, 91

Bretton Woods system, 69, 76

See also

Brewer, John, 12

Brezhnev, Leonid, 66, 123

British East India Company, 8, 10, 13, 15, 21, 313

Brittain, Victoria, 129–30

Brock, William, 132

Brooke, James, 236, 256

Brookings Institution, 142, 147

Bruce, David, 65

Brumberg, Abraham, 107, 112

Bryan, William Jennings, 276–77

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 350

Buckley, Kevin, 359

Budiardjo, Carmel, 183

Bulgaria, 81, 112

Bundy, McGeorge, 367

Bunker, Ellsworth, 172

Burke, Melvin, 115–16

Burkina Faso, 86

Bush, George H.W., 122, 147–48, 157, 212, 245, 286, 326–27

drug war and, 80

Gulf war and, 31, 52–53, 253

Haiti policy, 292–93, 295–97, 301

health care policy, 320

Latin America policy, 118, 125, 127–28, 134, 210, 251, 268

New World Order and, 61, 82–83, 114–15, 130–31, 141, 164

Vietnam policy, 347–50, 370, 372

Butler, Smedley, 278

Butterfield, Fox, 359


Caffery, Jefferson, 198

Calderón Guardia, Rafael Ángel, 248

Callejas Romero, Rafael Leonardo, 249

Calleo, David, 71

Calley, William, 358–359

Cambodia, 104, 176, 187, 369

child labor in, 241–242

Khmer Rouge genocide, 238, 348–51

Vietnamese invasion of, 349–51, 349–52, 369

Canada, 77, 180, 194, 366

colonialism in, 30, 33

health care in, 320–21

in New World Order, 79–80, 133, 217

Canning, George, 194

Carey, Peter, 189


colonialism in, 7, 30, 34, 194, 215, 275–76

in New World Order, 133, 250, 330

See also
individual countries

Caribbean Basin Initiative, 114

Carnegie, Andrew, 78, 106, 389–93

Carr, Caleb, 363, 420n48

Carter, Jimmy, 71, 105, 117, 157, 166, 201–02, 348–51, 382

China policy, 369

Korea policy, 140

Latin America policy, 59, 299

Vietnam policy, 346

Castro, Fidel, xi, 199–200, 202–11, 225

Ceausescu, Nicolae, 141

Center for Defense Information (CDI), 102, 104

Center for Defense Trade, 147

Center of Latin American Studies, 119

Central American Committee on Water Resources, 247

Central America Report (CAR),
41, 119–21, 248–49, 264–66

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 40, 54, 57, 98, 104, 105, 408n17

actions in Brazil, 223–24

actions in Cambodia, 350

actions in China, 410n3

actions in Cuba, 199, 202–03

actions in Indonesia, 169–71, 173–74, 182

actions in Nicaragua, 246

actions in Vietnam, 176

in New World Order, 55, 63, 215–16

Chalabi, Ahmad, 126

Chamorro, Violeta, 119–20, 263, 266, 300

Chandler, Alfred, 146

chemical warfare, 42, 189, 277, 346, 355–57

Cheney, Dick, x, 68, 149, 348

Cherokees, 36–37, 315–16

Chicago school, 254, 261

Chicago Tribune,
118, 382, 384–85

child labor, 82, 111, 232, 241–43

Childress, Richard, 347

Chile, 57, 105, 171, 208, 214, 225, 392

coup in, 49–50, 169

neoliberalism in, 254–55, 260–61, 269, 344

China, 18, 31–32, 95, 175, 178

colonialism in, 7, 10, 20

Cultural Revolution, 293

Japanese invasion of Manchuria, 328–31, 341

in New World Order, 47, 103, 104, 140, 143, 149, 154, 369

opium trade in, 19, 313–14, 410n13

rape of Nanking, 329

support for Khmer Rouge, 349–51

Christian Science Monitor,
119, 180

Chun Doo-hwan, 140–41

Churchill, Winston, 32, 45, 84, 98, 163, 277

Civil War (US), 33, 366

Clairmonte, Frederick, 18

Clapham, J.H., 18

class war, 61, 70, 74, 78, 156, 379, 384, 386

Cleveland, Grover, 392

Clinton, Bill, 320

Clive, Robert, 10, 16

Cobban, Alfred, 28

Cockburn, Alexander, 372

Colby, William, 40–41, 182

Cold War, 46, 60, 93, 101–06, 220

end of, 52, 112, 121–25, 130–31, 141, 147, 291, 294, 349

relation to North-South conflict, 91, 98, 212

US policy in, 64, 223, 234, 251–53, 269, 331, 340

Collins, Joseph, 261

Collor de Mello, Fernando, 111, 256

Colombia, 119–22, 244

colonialism, 48, 91–92, 101, 216, 307, 343

British colonialism, vii–viii, 4–6, 8–22, 26–28, 274–75, 314, 361–62

Dutch colonialism, 7, 9–11, 13–14, 19, 26, 168, 362

Flemish colonialism, 28

French colonialism, 28, 95, 271–75, 281, 341, 345, 369, 374

Japanese colonialism, 4, 341, 343

neocolonialism, 3, 60–61, 76, 130, 172, 219

Portuguese colonialism, 6–7, 9, 11, 19, 180

settler colonialism, viii

Spanish colonialism, 6–7, 9–10, 17, 42–44, 195, 273–74

US colonialism, ix, 14, 30–38, 43, 105, 197, 276–82, 314–19, 328, 334–38, 372

See also

Columbus, Christopher, 6, 271–74

Colombian era, 3, 42, 215

Native American policy, 44, 364–65

Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars, 339

Communism, 49–50

in Brazil, 220, 223–24, 230

in Chile, 50

in China, 143, 341

in Cuba, 199, 203–05

in Indonesia, 168–170, 174–75, 177–86

in Italy, 56

in Japan, 142

in Poland, 108

in Soviet Union, 111–13

in Spain, 101

US policy toward, 54, 66, 81, 93–98, 131, 150, 217, 235, 320, 331, 381, 388

in Vietnam, 346, 359–60, 366–70

See also
Marxism; Soviet Union

Conniff, Ruth, 384

Constable, Pamela, 205, 263, 295

Conyers, John, 300

Cooper, Marc, 269

Cortés, Hernán, 9, 15

Costa Rica, 119–20, 208, 245–48

Costigliola, Frank, 65

Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), 272, 288, 293, 299

counterinsurgency, 40, 235, 247, 331, 372

Cowell, Alan, 126

Cromer, Lord.
Baring, Evelyn

Crossette, Barbara, 195, 251, 301, 346–48

Cuba, ix–xii, 49, 105, 122, 214, 235, 257, 329

racialization in, 274

South Africa policy, 100, 129

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