Yearning for Love (13 page)

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Authors: Alexis Lauren

BOOK: Yearning for Love
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:  I leave the B&B when it’s barely light outside. I had called a day or so earlier to have an engagement ring delivered, and I have to pick it up – just in case. The sun is out, and it’s blindingly bright, so I slip my sunglasses on, as I carefully drive to pick up the small, velvet-covered box. Before I go back to the B&B, I decide to walk around outside, trying to calm down my pounding heart. When I get back, it’s close to nine. I see the silhouettes of both Corey and Brenda as they eat breakfast. Thank God! She’s still here. I’m walking through the already-disturbed snow when I hear Corey tell Brenda that she’s in love with me. I can’t quite believe it, so I want to talk to her myself. I open the door as Corey is hugging Brenda, who tells Corey that I’m back. Brenda is the soul of discretion – she leaves the room and goes to another part of the house.

Corey spills her heart. She looks as exhausted–
her eyes are heavy, and she has circles under her eyes. She tells me that she’s always fought her attraction to me – I knew I was right! She lets me know that because I hadn’t acknowledged how I feel about her, it was too hard for her to continue being around me, working for me. She gets a bit mad again – she has that same sweet little way of tipping her head as her mother. She brings up the “necessary” and “need to be with her” that I used last night. Then, she says it! She loves me! She’s in love with me, just like I am with her!

We talk about our first lovemaking and going to Germany, where we really fell in love with each other. Corey talks about being alone with me in the cabin and in Munich, and about the day we got the call about my dad. Then . . . that horrible moment in El Paso, when I screwed up so royally. That’s when I take over, and tell her that I know how badly I screwed up. We talk about my reaction to her letter of resignation. I tell her that yes, she’s necessary to me, like breathing. I let her know that I’ve fallen in love with her too, and that I want to get to know who she is, and what experiences she had that make her “Corey.” Then, the thought that’s been bouncing around like a beach ball inside my skull – what will we do if she is pregnant? Her eyes widen, and she covers her mouth and shakes her head. She looks like a little girl when she does that.

“Corey, my love, we’ll deal with it if you are pregnant. The idea actually excites me . . . I imagine holding a little girl who looks just like you, and having her wrap me around her little pinky. Because . . .” Here, I reach into my jacket pocket, and pull out the little box. Getting down on one knee, I smile at her, open the box and ask, “Corey Temple, will you please marry me? Take me out of my misery, and make me the happiest man on earth?”

Corey giggles like a little girl, with her hands covering her mouth.

“Oh, my God, Nate! Yes! Yes, I will marry you!” Tears begin running down her pale cheeks, as I take her left hand – it is her left hand I have, right? I carefully slip the ring on her ring finger, and we both look at it. It’s an engagement ring that matches her fiery personality and looks – rubies and diamonds. It winks and sparkles on her finger, as we both look at it and grin.

Corey says, “I need to show this to Mom. Would you come with me?”

“Let’s go!”

Grabbing my hand, she moves to the living room, where she finds Brenda straightening out.

“Mom, we’re engaged!” She holds her left hand out in front of her, and wipes tears away with her other hand. I hold my hand on her shoulder as she shows the ring to Brenda.

Brenda gasps and says, “See, Corey? I told you so! This man is head over heels in love with you. Now, you two sit down. We need to talk.”

I look at Corey, who suddenly looks apprehensive.

“Mom, what is it?”

“I heard the two of you arguing and . . . well, uh, working things out in your room last night. Now, I’m as modern as any mom, but I’m going to say, I’m relieved to see that ring on your finger. What are you going to do about your job at Drummond Oil, Corey?”

“I . . . don’t know yet. I’ll make a decision about that soon . . .” Corey stumbles.

“Well, once you have, it will be time to plan your wedding.  I would be very pleased if you decide to hold the service and reception in our area.  There’s a quaint little church not far from here, and I know the minister well.  I’m sure he would be willing to marry you.” 

Brenda continued,”Another reason I am so happy about this is that I can’t wait to be a grandmother, not that I want to pressure you guys!”

With that comment, all Corey and could do was look at each other and wink.





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