Yes, Justin (9 page)

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Authors: Michele Zurlo

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Bdsm, #erotic romance

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Reaching down, he wrapped his hand around his dick and dragged it through her slit, coating it with her juices. Internally, he breathed a sigh of relief to find her so aroused. Justin and his morning erection loved having this kind of control over her.

She squirmed as he rubbed the head of his cock over her clit. Before too long, his patience ran out. He thrust into her, deep and hard. She closed her eyes, and her mouth opened to emit little panting breaths. She wrapped her legs around his hips.

So fucking sexy. He didn’t bother with finesse or teasing. Morning sex, he decided, would be all about fucking.

Still, he wanted her to have an orgasm. Feeling her silky walls squeeze around him as kittenish moans and squeaks issued from her mouth left him feeling almost as good as an actual climax.

“You’d better get there before I do, Trish. Bad girls who don’t climax when they’re told get spanked.”

Her pupils dilated, and she came hard. Her legs, wrapped so firmly around him, squeezed to the point of pain, and her back arched up from the mattress. Justin thrust once more and followed her over the cliff.

He collapsed onto her breasts. After a minute, the rapid rise and fall of her chest slowed. He lifted his head, a precursor to removing his weight, and saw her brief frown.

“What’s that about?” In the past, he would have pretended he hadn’t seen her displeasure. It would have only led to some kind of criticism, and that would develop into a full-blown argument. No more.

In a lot of ways, those dom classes were better than marriage counseling. He learned not only why communication was important, but how and when to push the issues.

She blushed, but she didn’t break eye contact. “I’m sorry, Justin. I was just thinking I should have held it off because I think I really want that spanking.”

Laughing, he planted a firm kiss on her lips and released the restraints around her wrists. Before yesterday, she wouldn’t have admitted to anything like that. It made him feel great to know she wasn’t censoring her thoughts. “Maybe later, if you’re very, very good. Right now, we’re going to have breakfast. You have fifteen minutes to get your naked ass to the table.”

Her eyes lit. “Or I’ll get a spanking?”

Never give a sub the punishment she wants. Give her what she needs
. They needed to talk. “No. You won’t get breakfast. I already told you how to earn a spanking, Trish.”

With that, he left the room. He couldn’t take the chance she might do or say something to derail his plans. Fifteen minutes later, she sat on the towel he had spread over a chair. He set a steaming mug of coffee in front of her and served waffles with bacon.

She inhaled appreciatively. She absolutely loved weekend mornings when he made breakfast. It meant time off for her. He had been so busy at work that these mornings had become rare, and she vowed to appreciate them more in the future. “Shouldn’t I be doing the cooking?” She bit into a slice of bacon.

“Why?” He sipped coffee and waited for her to verbalize the response he knew was coming.

“Because I’m the submissive.”

“You’re not a servant, Trish. You’re my wife. The fact that you’ve discovered your submissive side doesn’t mean I expect things to change.” He meant to assure her that he didn’t intend to treat her as a servant. From the way she frowned, he knew he’d said the wrong thing.

He tried again, using plain words. “I mean, I don’t find it sexy or fulfilling to have you wait on me. I like to do things for you too. Maybe we’ve both forgotten what that’s like. That’s something I want to change.”

She stared at her waffles for a minute. Her jaw moved as she ground her teeth. He waited for her to voice her displeasure, to remind him of the reason they’d both forgotten what it was like to have him pamper her, but she merely took a bite of waffle.


She didn’t look up from her plate, but she froze in place.

“None of this. We’re changing the way we’re doing things. I’m working less. We’re being honest and talking more.”

Now she looked up. “Is that really what you want? I know how much your career means to you. I don’t want to take that away. I want you to be happy, Justin.”

“I am happy. I want to be with you and the girls more than I want anything else in the world.” His chest puffed with an emotion that couldn’t be gained through work. Only his family could make him feel like a complete man.

“And now you’ll be home for dinner? We’ll really have weekends together?” Fragile hope made her brown eyes a few shades lighter.

He nodded, and the pride inflating him from the inside fizzled out when he saw the tears tracking down her cheeks. Rounding the table, he pulled her onto her feet and into his arms. “Don’t you want that?”

She buried her face in his chest. “Yes, Justin. I want that very much.”

He held her for a few moments, and then he eased her away a bit so he could see her face. “Trish, we really need to talk about how things are going to change when we get home. I would like you to finish eating and get dressed so we can do some negotiating.”


Trish pulled the plain pair of sweats from her bag and pulled a white shirt over her head. Big fish swam in her stomach, churning her delicious breakfast until it threatened to reappear.

Justin had worked so hard to achieve all he had at work. With a demotion, his dreams for a partnership in the law firm would never come true. Part of her felt guilty for making him feel he needed to do this. The rest of her floated on clouds of elation. She missed her husband. She missed the man who laughed and joked, who liked to pick her up and swing her in circles no matter where they were, who gazed lustfully at her breasts and ass. She hadn’t seen that man in years.

By the time she made it into the living room, only forty minutes remained until they had to leave their little cabin. Justin sat on the couch in jeans and a white dress shirt. He’d left the top three buttons open. His knee waved restlessly from side to side, and she realized he was just as nervous about the coming discussion.

She paused between the chair and the sofa, wondering where he would want her to sit.

He stood. “I thought we would go for a walk, unless you had strong feelings about staying here.”

She nodded, and he held out his hand. The tentative smile on his face grew more confident when she put her hand in his.

They didn’t speak as they exited the front door. Justin scanned the line of trees completely surrounding the house, broken only for the driveway. He tugged at her hand. She followed him as they turned left. She hoped to find a trail or something. Not only did she not want to get lost in the woods; she didn’t want to have to watch for branches and things. She wasn’t exactly dressed for a hike.

A small dirt path became apparent as they moved closer. Trish breathed a sigh of relief. They could walk side by side, holding hands. The narrow path would force them to walk close to each other. She smiled up at him just as he glanced down at her.

“Tell me the truth. What did you think of this weekend?”

This weekend had been the single best weekend of her life. “It was incredible. I don’t want it to end, not yet.”

“It doesn’t have to, honey. It doesn’t have to ever end.”

She knew they couldn’t stay there forever. Plus, she missed her kids. “We don’t have much time left here.” And he wasn’t exactly using it right up until the last minute.

“I’m not talking about here. I’m talking about at home. I like being your dom. I don’t want this to stop. I don’t want this to have just been a vacation. And there are classes we can take together to explore this new Dom/sub thing.”

A small wooden bridge, nothing more than a few planks connecting two banks, appeared ahead. Justin stopped on it and peered at the water in the small brook as it trickled downstream.

The wistfulness in his voice made her breath catch. She didn’t want to lose her dom. “The classes sound nice, but Justin, we have two kids. We can’t very well do this in front of them.”

“No,” he said. “And I’m very uncomfortable with the idea of anyone else seeing you naked. That’s something only I should see. However, there are things we can do. Domination and submission aren’t just a method of having a sexual relationship. We’ll have to feel our way through it and talk about it a lot, especially as we’re starting out, but I want to continue.”

Trish understood his point. Deep down, she wanted to submit to him. Not in everything. If he told her what to make for dinner or to clean the bathroom, he would face her wrath. But she wished he would take over and tell her what to do in the bedroom or force her to talk about things that bothered her. If he hadn’t forced her to talk to him this weekend, all of their problems would have remained bottled up inside her. Years spent repressing her displeasure wouldn’t fall away easily. She needed him to push her on these issues. “Yes, we’ll have to negotiate all those things.”

He brushed his palm over his chin. “About my job.”

“You wanted to make partner.”

“Not so much. Not anymore. I used to want that, but it’s taking too much time away from you and the girls. Being part of my family is more important than making partner. We’ll have to cut back on vacations.”

She didn’t care about that at all. “But we’ll be together more, so we won’t have to rely on those times as being the only family time we get. Are you sure about this, Justin? I don’t want you to wake up ten years from now, look over at me, and regret seeing me there.”

He laughed, a choking sound that made her look over to check his breathing. “If I change my mind, I’ll talk to you about it before I do anything. I should have talked to you before I did it in the first place. I’m sure about this, Trish. I haven’t been more sure about something since the night I asked you to marry me.”

A smile tugged at her mouth. He’d done a traditional proposal at a nice restaurant. He hadn’t knelt on the floor, and he’d been cocky and confident, two qualities that curled her toes in the most exciting ways. “You were that sure about me, were you?”

“You dropped hints for weeks, and you said yes before I finished asking. I had no doubt you loved me and you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me. Just like now. No doubts.” He lifted his brow as if daring her to argue.

“Some doubts.” She squeezed his hand. “But we’ll discuss those as they come up.”

He nodded. “As long as we’re talking, I’m okay.”

Wind rustled the tops of the trees, and remnants of the spring breeze carried the smell of promise. “What about sex, though? We’re pretty noisy, and I really don’t want to explain to a five-year-old why Daddy’s spanking Mommy.”

Justin laughed and pulled her into his arms. “I’m thinking the girls will spend mandatory nights out with their grandparents every other weekend. During those times, you will remain naked and possibly tied up.”

Hope grew, a strong vine wrapping around her body to hold her upright. “I’d like that, Justin. I’d really, really like that.”

He tipped her chin so that her gaze met his. “I won’t brook disobedience, Trish. When you disobey me or mouth off, you will be punished. And when I want sex, you will give it to me. If I wake you up the same way I did this morning, then you will spread your legs and let me have what I want. If I turn you onto your stomach or order you on all fours because I want to fuck your ass, then you will obey without question.”

Her thighs quivered, and cream soaked through the crotch of her sweats. Thankful Justin held her so close, she sagged against the solidity of his body. “Yes, Justin.”

“If I tell you to suck my cock or if I want to lick your pussy, you can’t say no. We’ll use the safe word, of course, but you can’t use it to control me. You can only use it if you need to use it. Do you understand?”

He promised to fulfill every one of her desires in a way that made it clear he desired the same things. Joy surged and swelled her heart. “Yes, Justin.”

He caressed her lips in a kiss that said just how much he loved her. When he slid his tongue along the seam of her lips, she opened to him. The tenor of the kiss changed as he plundered her mouth, claiming his possession.

She surrendered.

Loose Id Titles by Michele Zurlo



Yes, Justin

About the Author

I wear a lot of hats for someone who doesn’t like anything near my head. I’m a wife, mother, teacher, and when I have spare time, a writer. My childhood dreams tended to stretch no further than the next book in my to-be-read pile, and I aspired to be a librarian so I could read all day. Alas, that dream faded when I got a social life.

Years later, I happened upon a free laptop that didn’t come with games of any kind, which I figured was a good thing because I didn’t have that much free time to throw down the Minesweeper Black Hole. Staring at the brand-new computer, I thought it would be a shame if it went to waste, so I decided to write a novel. Once I started writing, steamy, sensual stories poured from my fingertips, and now I just can’t stop using that laptop. I hope you enjoy reading these tales as much as I enjoyed writing them.

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