Read Yes, No, Maybe Online

Authors: Emma Hillman

Yes, No, Maybe (3 page)

BOOK: Yes, No, Maybe
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* * * *

Half an hour later and he wasn’t feeling the pain any longer. The medication she’d administered had

started working, of course, but it was mainly because of the woman currently straddling him.

“Close your eyes,” she admonished and he did as ordered. “Very good. Now think of something

relaxing, like the beach or your favorite place on earth. Anything that will make you unwind.”

“That’s gonna be difficult,” he couldn’t help but comment.

“This isn’t a request, Mr McIntyre!”

“Yes, m’am.”

“That’s better.” She settled down onto his lap, her dress riding up on her thighs exposing the lacy tops of her stockings. “Close your eyes and let your mind wander.” Her voice was soft, her fingers even

more as she started kneading his scalp.

He sighed as he let his head hang down, loving the way she was massaging his tension away. He loved

his wife really. Loved the fact she’d gone and bought a nurse costume, just for his pleasure. Loved that she was role-playing with such splendid aplomb. For someone who was usually shy in unknown

environments, she was amazing.

“That’s it. Think of something that makes you happy.”

“I am.”

“Shush!” She squeezed her thighs around him. “Do not talk.”

“I’m not allowed to talk?” he asked, opening his eyes to stare at her.

Her lips were pursed at his disobedience. “No! Close your eyes and do not talk until I tel you so!”

His left eyebrow rose. “Really?”

Her eyes turned dark. “Do not make me punish you, Mr McIntyre.”

He wouldn’t have thought it possible but her response made his cock grow even harder. “Or what?”

She leaned down until their mouths nearly touched and said, her voice low, “Or I’ll go upstairs and

leave you here, unable to move. And I’ll get myself off and make you listen to my moans of pleasure,

knowing it could have been you making me come.”

“Fuck.” His hands grabbed her hips.

“No touching!” she admonished yet again, jerking his hands off of her. “Now, where were we? Ah yes,

close your eyes, Mr McIntyre.”

He thought about contradicting her, pretty sure he could climb up those stairs if he put his mind to it.

His body had seen worse after all. This was just the latest injury in a long string and it was nothing

compared to the one time he’d been stuck in a cast for months on end. The team’s physio had said

he’d be back on his feet in a couple of days and he was fine with that. It meant he’d be able to be at

the newbies’ next training session. But what the hell? If Mia had gone to al that trouble for him,

waiting for the perfect moment to unveil her costume, he should at least play along. And so he

followed her orders and closed his eyes once again.

Stopping himself from touching her, he leaned back against the sofa’s soft leather and sighed. Her nails racked through his hair, making goosebumps appear all over his body. He loved it when she did that.

“Very good, Mr McIntyre. I see you’ve decided to listen.”

“I have,” he said, not bothering to open his eyes.

“Then I guess you’re allowed your first reward,” she replied just before her lips brushed over his.

He growled, the sound lost as the tip of her tongue traced his mouth, slipping inside for a quick taste.

His fingers clenched around her hips, his nails digging into the soft satin. He wanted nothing more than to claim her mouth and kiss her hungrily but he knew she was expecting him to stay put. And so, as

he’d decided he would play along, he resisted the temptation and stayed passive under her caresses.

Mia drew back a little and frowned. What the hell? Why wasn’t he kissing her back? She stared at his

impassive face, at his wet lips just begging to be kissed but…Oh. Of course. He was waiting for her to

make a move. She was the one in control after all. Duh, she rolled her eyes at herself before leaning

down and making sure her breasts brushed against his chest. She felt his body tense and smiled. There

you go. This was going to be fun.

Except that when she tried kissing him again, he didn’t counter her caresses with his own. His tongue

never came out to play, his lips open and unmoving. “Kiss me back,” she whispered, nipping his lower


“Are you sure? I won’t get punished if I do?” His Southern accent had grown thicker, a clear sign he

was getting thoroughly aroused.

“You will get punished if you don’t do anything.” She pressed her lips against his and waited with bated breath.

He finally took control, his tongue tangling around hers in a hard kiss. His hands never moved from her

hips but she could feel his cock press against the front of his shorts. She fought the need to rub herself against it, her thong already drenched with her own juices. She was more than ready for him, she

thought as she broke the kiss and stood up. She had to get back into character fast or she was going to

jump him in the next second or so.

She moved so she was standing behind the sofa, her hands pushing on his neck until his head was

hanging down. And then, when he couldn’t touch her, when her body wasn’t pressed tight against his,

she started up her massage.

By the time she finished long minutes later, he was nearly a puddle on the floor. All the tension had left his body, even his arousal had gone down. Oh, he still remembered what she was wearing and what

she was doing but really, he couldn’t focus right now.

“Right, Mr McIntyre, now that’s done, let’s move to something more serious.”

He opened his eyes and leaned back against the leather seat, trying hard not to fall asleep. “Uh?”

Mia’s eyes narrowed. “Are you sleepy, Mr McIntyre?”

“No,” he replied but a yawn betrayed him.

“I see,” she hissed, obviously furious with him.

He winced. Shit! She’d done all this to please him and here he was, falling asleep as she attempted to

seduce him. “I’m sorry, Nurse. I think the painkiller was a bit strong.”

She snorted at his excuse. “Whatever you say. You shall be punished for that breach of protocol, Mr


“Protocol?” He couldn’t help but enquire. “What protocol? I haven’t been—“

“Hands behind your back!”

“What the hell?”

“I said, hands behind your back!”


“Did you forget your first lesson, Mr McIntyre? No talking until I give you leave to do so. Hands behind your back now or…” she let her voice trail and watched as he fought with himself before finally giving

in. As soon as he’d assumed this new position, she unhooked the rest of her dress, leaving it to hang

open before straddling him once more. Then she pushed down the cups of her bra, her breasts

popping free.

He licked his lips, his eyes irremediably drawn by the lovely sight. His cock rose at once as he imagined pushing it between the two soft mounds, her tongue coming out to lick his tip.

“Play with them until I tell you to stop,” she said before brushing her right nipple against his mouth.

He didn’t need to be told twice!

* * * *

She didn’t know how long she could keep this up. Mia nibbled on the head of his cock, loving the groan

that rang above her head. His hands were still behind his back and she knew he wanted to grab her

head and push her down. Wanted her to take him fully into her mouth, her fingers running circles

around his balls. But this was her show and this just wasn’t what she had in mind.

Her breasts were still aching from his earlier administrations; he’d sucked and tugged and pinched

them with his teeth until she’d nearly come. She’d never had such a strong reaction before and it’d

shocked her so much she’d climbed off of him and had pushed down his shorts, ready for more. But

now she wasn’t sure. Giving him a last lick, right from where his cock met his balls to the leaking tip, she drew up and stood between his legs.

“Baby,” he grunted, his eyes catching hers. “Suck me, please!”

Her eyebrows snapped together. “Who do you think you’re talking to?”

He blinked. “I mean, Nurse, please.”



“I said no, Mr McIntyre!” she repeated just as an idea popped into her head. She couldn’t help but grin

as she let her hands glide down her front, parting the dress until they encountered the sides of her

thong. She slowly drew it down her legs, kicking it off before standing back up. She didn’t want to take the dress off so her bra would have to stay as it was, pushed down under her breasts. It wasn’t very

comfortable but it would do. “Legs together!”

He moved his right foot off the coffee table and sat back on the sofa. “What about my arms, Nurse?”

“Did I say you could talk?”

“No, Nurse.”

She straddled him and said, “You can bring them back forward but on one condition.”


“To touch me.”

His left eyebrow cocked, he slid his hands under the parted dress before asking, “Touch you, Nurse?”

“You are to give me pleasure.”

“Like this, Nurse?”

She gasped when fingers glided between her thighs, encountering wetness and spreading it across her

throbbing clit. “Yes!”

“Or this?” His smirk was mischevious as he entered her with one long finger before pressing it against

her inner wall.

“Damn it,” Mia moaned as he rubbed her G-spot to life.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you would enjoy that.” He instantly stopped, dragging his hands back up to

palm her thighs.

Her head jerked up and she glared at him. “This isn’t funny, Mr McIntyre. Get back to work!”

“Yes, Nurse.” He was obviously proud of himself and at another time she would have laughed with him

but her body was nearly vibrating with need. She needed to come. Soon.


His thumb flicked her clit. It was all it took for her to shatter.

* * * *

She’d just come down from her high when he’d grabbed her waist and pulled her up on her knees.

Before she could protest that she was in charge, he’d aligned himself and pushed her back down,

impaling her on his cock.

She sighed at the feel of him stretching her. “Kevin.”

“No more Mr McIntyre?” he grunted as he bumped into her cervix, rolling his hips and making her see


“I don’t think I have that much control. I’m sorry,” Mia said as she took up where he’d left off, knowing his ankle was still hurting even if he didn’t seem to care. She was going to do all the work.

Well, that was the plan anyway. Nothing ever went right with her husband, she mused minutes later as

he grabbed her hips and forced her to speed up her movements.

She was bouncing up and down on his lap, her ass slapping against his thighs. He bent down until his

teeth were clamped around her left nipple, biting at the hardened nub to the point of pain. She

gasped, her walls clenching around his pounding cock.

He looked up, grinning in triumph. He knew she was close, could feel it in the way her body had tensed.

“Come for me, Mia.”

“This is supposed to be—“

She never finished her sentence.

Chapter Six: Interlude


Mia looked up from her sketches, eyes blurry after hours spent drawing them over and over again.


“How was your day?” Kevin dropped a quick kiss on her lips before settling into the easy chair in the


“Okay. I’ve been trying to get these right but there’s still something missing.”

He looked at her, a smile playing on his lips. “Do you need my help?”

“No, thanks.” She was working on her first lingerie collection, the idea suggested by Kevin when he’d

noticed her overflowing underwear drawers. He’d pointed out she loved the stuff, loved surprising him

in sexy get-ups so why didn’t she sell any? Which was a very good point indeed. So she’d been trying to

draw ensembles that would appeal to her and her clientele but so far, nothing seemed to end up the

way she’d planned it. And even Kevin’s offer of helping, ie. undress her to do ‘research’, hadn’t made

her body react. Maybe she just wasn’t in the mood. She sighed. “So, how’s the ankle?”

“Perfectly fine.” He crossed his legs and stared at her across the room. “I met Charlie at the club and

we went out for a drink afterwards.”

“And?” She turned back to assess her sketches, trying to find what was wrong with them. Clearly she

had no experience with drawing lingerie but she sure as hell loved wearing it. She should be able to do


“Are you listening, Mia?”


“Babe,” he commented, waiting for the silence to grow between them.

Mia’s head jerked up five minutes later. “Sorry!”

Kevin shook his head. “I know how you are when you’re working, hon, and I get it but I was trying to

tell you something here.”

“Sorry!” she repeated. “What’s up?”

“I said I had a chat with Charlie—“

“Oh.” She refrained from scrunching up her nose. She really didn’t like the guy. He was an old team

mate of Kevin’s and he was the quintessential football player. Big, brawny, a huge ego and nothing up

there. All right so maybe that was a bit harsh but the guy was just not nice. If only the trail of young women who dated him would see this however… “And?”

“He’s invited us to a party.”

Shoot. “Really?”

“Don’t look so excited, Mia.”

“I’ll try.” She forced her mouth into a semblance of a smile. “What is it and when?”

“It’s a…sex party. Saturday night. His place.”

She jerked up in her seat. “A what?”

“A sex party. It was my fault, I admit it. I was telling him about the nurse costume and that List and he thought we’d be perfect for his party. I’m sorry, baby, but I couldn’t say no.”

“You said yes? Hold on, you told him about our sex life?” Her sentence ended up on a yell. “Kevin, for

BOOK: Yes, No, Maybe
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