Yield to Love (15 page)

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Authors: Chanta Jefferson Rand

Tags: #african american, #interracial romance, #interracial erotica, #costa rica, #handyman, #mulitcultural romance, #multicultural series

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Marlowe couldn’t believe it. This had to be
a record for the fastest orgasm for her. She stood on unsteady
knees. She should have known Roque Coleman would deliver on his
promise to fulfill her fantasies. The man’s technique should be
trademarked. She’d never been fucked so good in her life. No, it
had to be the newness of it. The first time with a man was always
exciting. It was a time for exploring each other’s bodies and
finding each other’s hot spots. Well, Roque had found hers!

She watched as he turned the water on. He
had the right idea. A hot shower was just what she needed. She was
already naked. Somehow, she’d ended up with no clothes on. It might
have had something to do with Roque hastily unsnapping her dress
and ripping her panties off. He, on the other hand, still had his
shirt on, and had pulled his trousers up.

No fair,” she admonished.
“If I’m butt naked, then you have to be as well.”

He chuckled. “Your wish is my command.”

Before he could strip out of his clothing,
she was at his side, disrobing him. She took her time, peeling away
his shirt and kissing the flat nipples on his firm pectoral
muscles. He sucked in a breath as she licked his salty flesh. His
body was gorgeous.

What’s your fantasy,

He growled with pleasure. “You.”

Hmm…you have me here.
What are you going to do with me?”

Fuck you,

He pulled her into the shower with him. Hot
needles of water sprayed over her body. Ooh, this felt so good. She
loved shower sex.

Roque grabbed a bar of soap and began
lathering her body. The erogenous way he stroked her skin with the
soap made her nipples hard. He took his time, his big hands soaping
her smooth skin, creating big filmy bubbles everywhere.

You’re doing a great job
with that soap. Too bad I’m just going to get dirty

Roque slid his tongue inside her mouth. He
cupped her ass and slid the bar of soap over her buttocks.

Umm,” she moaned into his
mouth. “Don’t stop.”

I don’t plan on

He turned her around so her back was to him.
She braced her hands on the shower wall as he continued to lather
the fragrant soap across her body. His hands trailed a soapy path
past her shoulder blades, down her back, and to the smooth globes
of her buttocks. He set the soap down and slid his soapy fingers
along the cleft of her ass. She felt him on the back of her neck,
placing tiny kisses on her nape. Wetness gushed between her

Spread those legs, baby,”
he ordered.

Marlowe did as he instructed, opening her
legs wider. Anticipation swept through her as Roque’s fingers
played with the sensitive area around her backside. She gasped as
the tip of his finger penetrated her anus.

Easy, baby. I won’t hurt
you,” he cooed.

She knew he wouldn’t. She just hadn’t
expected him back there.

He reached his other hand around and fondled
her clit. He was giving it to her from the front and the back.

Ooh,” she moaned with

You like


Relax, let my fingers do
their thing.”

She loosened up, relishing the feel of his
fingers filling her most intimate places. One finger was in her
ass. The other stroked her clit. She bucked back and forth against
his hands, enjoying the all-consuming pleasure. “Oh, God. That
feels so good.”

I know. I can tell you
love it by how wet you are.”

More,” she begged. “Give
me more.”

He stroked her clit harder and slipped his
finger deeper inside her butt. She’d done this before, but it had
never felt so good as it did now. Roque was a master of pleasure.
Soon, she was whimpering with the first stirrings of an orgasm.

Yes, Yes!” she

Roque increased his rhythm. A red-hot fire
spread through her, erupting into a burning inferno that demanded
to be quenched. Her body felt like it had exploded into a million
tiny pieces of pleasure. She was powerless to do anything but lay
there as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

Afterward, her legs were shaking so hard she
could barely stand. Roque had to hold her. He slipped his tongue in
her ear. “I’m not finished with you yet, Marlowe.”

He had her coochie humming like a machine.
He wanted more?

But I’ll wait until after
dinner,” he promised.

She exhaled a breath of relief. After
dinner, she’d be ready to handle him.





The Altimara Restaurant in
boasted a menu of live seafood. Marlowe and Roque were served a
delicious dinner of palate-pleasing dishes. Marlowe chose the Mahi
Mahi in white wine sauce with seasonable vegetables. Roque, being
the meat and potatoes man he was, selected rib eye steak and
asparagus tied with bacon.

Marlowe watched as Roque attacked his food.
And to think, she’d pegged him for an uptight dude who dined on
escargot. He was shattering a lot of her misconceptions. He looked
so handsome in his linen shirt and pants. She’d changed into a long
sundress and sandals, not sure of what he had planned next.

Too bad it’s too late to
see the volcano,” Roque murmured between bites.

Marlowe smiled. “Oh, I saw a very impressive
volcano. And it left me more than satisfied.” Roque had delivered
on all of his promises so far. They’d had hot, mind-blowing sex in
the oversized tub—twice. She figured nothing could match the
intensity of round one, but she was proved wrong when Roque gifted
her with two successive orgasms.

He chuckled. “I’m glad you liked that
volcano, but I have something else in mind.”

I’ve seen your plans. If
they’re anything like the ones you made in my bathroom, I’m

He grinned. “So, are you ready?”

What do you have

A walk.”

A walk?”

Yes. You have a problem
with that?”

No, I was expecting
something else is all.”

Well, you’re going to
need to change into something more comfortable.”

Ooh,” Marlowe got
excited. Was he ready for round three? “Don’t tell me you’re
getting all romantic on me.”

He grinned harder this time. “No such



The walk Roque had planned
was not a normal walk. The Night Forest Walk was located on the
outskirts of La Fortuna in the Eco-centro Danaus. It was a small
nature reserve that boasted a fantastic night tour. When Roque told
Marlowe to slip into something more comfortable, she had no way of
knowing it would be long pants and hiking boots.
They joined a private tour with a group of ten
other people, and after spraying themselves liberally with insect
repellent, they were ready.

I’m going to have to take
a shower to wash this bug spray off,” Marlowe observed.

Roque arched his thick
brows. “I do some of my best work in the shower.”

She laughed. “I’ve

Hello, everyone,” a man
with jet-black hair and a heavily accented voice spoke. “I’m your
guide, Enrique. I’ll be assisting you tonight.”

Two teenage girls giggled
and passed him admiring looks.

He flashed them a toothy
grin before continuing. “Everyone will need one of these.” He
passed out flashlights. “Watch where you’re walking. The path has
been cleared, and it’s well-lit, but you don’t want to stumble upon
any tarantulas or snakes.”

Roque elbowed Marlowe.
“Try not to kill any this time.”

She smirked. “Don’t press
your luck, sweetheart.”

Tonight,” Enrique announced, “you’ll
have the pleasure
observe a variety of plants including orchids, bromelias, palms,
bushes, ferns, heliconias and others. All these plants also attract
more than one hundred and fifty species of birds, two and three
fingers sloths, bats, caymans, iguanas, basilisks, snakes, frogs
and butterflies.”

Wow,” Marlowe murmured.
“Jade would think she’d died and gone to heaven here.”

Roque chuckled. “That’s why she must never
find out this place exists.”

I can keep my mouth
shut—for a price.”

He stroked her cheek. “I’ll pay you later.
You can choose the form of payment.”

Ooh, I’m liking this trip
more and more with every passing moment.”

He kissed her on the forehead.

Be sure to stay
together,” Enrique cautioned. “We wouldn’t want to lose any of you
on the tour.”

Are there dangerous
creatures out here?” a tall brunette asked.

He shrugged. “You never know when some wild,
nocturnal creature might be craving a tasty midnight snack.”

Enrique winked at Marlowe as she spoke.

What? I know Enrique is not trying to flirt
with me!

She was saved from replying when Roque spoke
up. “Any wild creature, whether four-legged or two-legged, will
have to compete with me for a tasty snack of this woman.”

His fingers entwined with hers, and she felt
his reassuring squeeze.

Enrique turned away, a tight grin on his

Marlowe smiled at Roque. “My hero,” she

He brought her hand to his lips and
playfully nipped at her knuckles.

She felt a familiar tingling between her
legs. She couldn’t wait for this tour to be over. She had an itch
badly in need of scratching.





Roque wrapped his hands around Marlowe’s
waist and hoisted her over a fallen log. He did it more out of a
need to touch her than anything else. She didn’t need his help. She
was holding her own on this hike. He silently thanked Brett for
booking him on this adventure tour. Roque had no intentions of
lying on his ass or sunning on the beach. He preferred to be
active. And by the looks of things, Marlowe felt the same way.

So far, they’d seen reptiles, sloths, and a
host of other night crawlers. The trail wasn’t arduous, but they
did have to watch for exposed tree roots and the occasional toad
along the dirt and gravel path. Thank God for the insect repellent.
Mosquitoes were rampant in this humid environment. While he enjoyed
the outdoors, he did not relish the idea of being eaten alive by

They walked for miles through the trails and
dense thicket of trees. Somewhere in the distance, a creature
howled, making one of the females yelp in surprise. When the woman
clutched Enrique’s arm, he chuckled.

Do not worry,” he said.
“It is only a spider monkey. I will not let it carry you to its
home, the way it did with a woman last week.”

The woman smiled, her fear obviously put at

A few moments later, the group passed a
river with a film of vegetation floating on top.

Ugh,” Marlowe remarked.
“I wonder what’s living beneath those murky waters.”

Only a few flesh-eating
crocodiles,” Enrique answered.

Marlowe involuntarily took a step back.
Unfortunately, Roque was standing directly in back of her. The heel
of her boot collided with the toe of his shoe. She fought to retain
her balance, grappling empty handfuls of air. Roque caught her, but
not before her foot twisted sideways.

She cried out in pain.

He held her in his arms. “Are you okay?”

I think I twisted my

Enrique rushed to her side. “Does she need

Roque glared at him. “No, but you will if
you don’t back off.”

He held up his hands in mock surrender. “A
dry sense of humor, my friend. Misplaced, but I meant no harm.”

Marlowe smiled. “It’s all right, Roque. He
was just making a joke.”

Roque nodded. “Can you walk?”

She tested her walk, putting her full weight
on her foot. “Yes, but very gingerly.”

He turned around and knelt with one knee on
the ground. “Get on my back.”

Are you

Unlike Enrique, I don’t

I can’t get on your back.
I might hurt you.”

Woman, if you don’t get
on my back, I’ll have to put you over my shoulder.”

Look, Harold.” A
full-size woman nudged a scrawny man standing next to her. “That
guy is so romantic. Why don’t you ever give me piggyback rides

The man smirked. “Vera, I never gave you
piggyback rides.”

Well, let’s try it

Hell no. Not with this
bad back.”

Roque looked up at Marlowe. “If you don’t
hurry up and get on, you’re going to start an argument between
Harold and Vera. I know you don’t want that.”

Marlowe laughed. “Fine. If you insist.”


Hours later, Roque and
Marlowe relaxed with a cocktail on the patio of her suite.
He didn’t know why he’d gotten separate villas.
It appeared he would not be using his. He’d instructed Brett to
book two villas because although he was confident, he didn’t want
to make any assumptions about Marlowe. Booking two suites assured
him the privacy of retreating to his own room if things hadn’t
worked out the way he’d planned. He smiled to himself. He needn’t
have worried about Marlowe. She’d more than exceeded his

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