You Can See Me (19 page)

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Authors: A. E. Via

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Chapter Thirty-Six


It was day seven of Pres being in the hospital, and he was scheduled for discharge this afternoon. Ric was finishing his rounds and praying that he’d be able to get his next two days off to get Pres settled back in his place. He whistled as he made the last few notes in his charts.

“Well someone sure is happy today,” Nurse Maggie crooned from behind him, making Ric smile wider.

“Mmm hmm,” he hummed.

“Does it have anything to do with those hotties you’re getting ready to go home with in a couple hours?” she dug, obviously wanting more of a response.

“Get your mind off my men, Maggie,” Ric teased her.

He’d come to really like and respect the caring nurse. She took care of every need and want that Pres had during his admittance. Pres even had her cell phone number if he didn’t want to use the call button. However, Ric thought the woman just liked bathing his man more than anything, but he didn’t care. She didn’t have a chance in hell of wooing Prescott.

He, Pres, and Blair were so damn excited to get home and explore their new relationship. They’d barely been able to behave themselves in Pres’s hospital room, getting a little too carried away several times. Ric thought back to last night.

It was quiet and peaceful in Pres’s room at nine o’clock at night. Pres was lying on his bed reading one of the hundreds of
Food & Cuisine
magazines that Blair had bought him, while Ric reclined in the chair watching the game.

Blair came into the room without a word and jumped onto Ric’s lap like he was riding a horse. He hungrily maneuvered Ric’s cock out of his scrubs and began jerking him in tandem with his wayward hips.

“Fuck, baby. Hi, how are you?” Ric gasped as Blair slithered to his knees and engulfed his cock. Blair didn’t speak. He didn’t want conversation. He showed Ric exactly what he wanted…cock. Of course, Ric gave it up without a fight. His eyes squeezed shut at the speed and intensity of his building orgasm. Ric heard Pres moaning in his bed at the live sex show they were putting on.

With Blair’s talents and Pres’s moaning, Ric came faster than he’d ever come in his life. Blair didn’t miss a beat. He gulped Ric’s last spurt, stood, went to Pres, leaned over his bed, yanked his covers out of the way, pulled down his thin sweats, and swallowed Pres’s already extremely erect cock.

“Take what you need, honey,” Pres whispered.

Ric was recovered enough to stand and drape his body over Blair’s, giving the pretty Texan his weight. He placed wet, lazy kisses along Blair’s neck as he ravished Pres. Ric had discovered how needy Blair was during their few short days together. He was just like his Pres—he needed constant touch and attention.

Their deep conversations had been limited because of the lack of privacy in the hospital, but that would change when they were back in Pres’s condo. They’d talk, they’d learn, they’d fuck each other until they knew each other’s every habit.

Pres came with a hoarse shout, and Blair laid his head on Pres’s thigh, panting to catch his breath.

Ric scooped Blair into his arms and sat them both down in the recliner. Blair still hadn’t said a word. He just buried his head in Ric’s neck and went to sleep. Pres and Ric exchanged concerned glances as Blair held on to Ric for dear life. They sat like that for an hour before Ric had to get up to make his hospital rounds.

“Give him here, Sunshine.”

Ric cradled Blair’s sleeping form and got up to gently place him in bed with Pres.

“Is he all right?” Ric whispered to Pres, not wanting to wake Blair. He was concerned, to say the least. Blair was a sexual spitfire, but that display was something else.

“Yeah. Sometimes he just needs to vent,” Pres whispered against Blair’s soft hair and kissed him tenderly.

“That’s how he vents?” Ric frowned. “We’ll be talking about this soon.”

He bent and kissed his men, Pres on his soft lips and Blair on the top of his head, before leaving to go check in at the ER.

“What time are you leaving?” Nurse Maggie interrupted his thoughts, bringing him back to the present.

“Right now.” He got up and put the chart back in the bin. He kissed Maggie on her cheek and bid her a good weekend. He watched the girl blush a brilliant shade of rose. He winked and left out of the double-bay doors toward level five.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Scott, Pres’s driver, was waiting for them at the entrance with Pres’s brand-new, darkly tinted Suburban. Pres had on the medically prescribed UV-shield glasses, making him look seventy years old. Although they were not as stylish as his Kenneth Coles, they were necessary until he got better with the light sensitivity.

When they got outside, Pres was relieved that there were no cameras or lingering medical journal reporters asking for interviews. He didn’t want to answer any questions or stop anywhere. He just wanted to go home with his men and be alone and loved on for the next few days, until Ric had to go back to work.

“Okay, Pres honey, we’ll meet you at your house,” his mom yelled on their way to their car.

“No, Mom, that’s okay. You don’t ha—” Pres was cut off with a flick of his mother’s wrist as she continued walking to her car.

He sighed and looked at his father. His father winked at him on his way by. “I’ll handle it, son. Go on home with your fellas.” His dad looked at him knowingly.

What the hell?

Pres just shook his head in a silly attempt at denial, not really knowing what else to do. He wasn’t ready to discuss his ménage relationship with his folks yet. Had his father figured it out? He thought they’d been careful. He knew his folks were accepting of Ric, but how far did their conservatism extend to?

His father had let him off the hook, for now.

“See you next week, son.” His dad caught up with his mom in time to open her door for her. His father never ceased to amaze him. His twenty-five years as a white-collar crime detective had left the man sharp as a tack. Pres should’ve known he couldn’t pull one over on him.

“You feeling all right, baby? Is the sun too much?” Ric fussed, trying to usher him into the SUV.

“No, I’m good. Just feeling a little tired is all,” Pres confessed.

“Well, let’s get you home, Strawberry, so you can rest.” Blair got in behind him, while Ric got in on the other side, putting Pres in the middle.

When Scott pulled up, Ric didn’t waste time ushering Pres through the lobby quickly. Pres needed to remember to talk with the management staff later. He’d limited his conversations on his sight recovery to his staff only.

They rode the elevator in silence, his men probably wondering how he felt to be looking at his familiar—and yet not-so-familiar—surroundings. He knew these halls, the elevator, the lounge…and then he didn’t. It was hard to understand and put an exact word as to how he felt about it. In all honesty, Pres didn’t give a damn about the lobby. He wanted to see his kitchen.

Pres paused at his front door, his men at his side.

“You sure you’re ready to—”

“Ric, open the goddamn door,” Pres gruffed. Jesus, his Sunshine could fuss.

“Don’t get your ass spanked as soon as you get inside,” Ric growled.

Pres snorted indignantly. “Save that for Blair. He likes that kinky shit.”

“Sure as fuck do,” Blair chimed in shamelessly.

They laughed as Ric opened Pres’s front door. He stepped into his condo, laying eyes on it for the first time in five years, his men close behind him. No one spoke. The silence was too much.


“Yes?” they both hurriedly responded in unison.

Pres laughed at their nervousness. “Relax, babes. I’m all right. You don’t have to be so quiet, is all.” He looked around as he continued to make his way into his kitchen. Everything was pretty much the same in his den and living room as when he’d had it done seven years ago. He stopped suddenly when he entered his kitchen.

Everything was earth toned and stainless steel, and the sight—oh my God, the sight of it all—took his breath away, and his legs gave out, but Ric was right there.

“It’s okay, baby. I got you.” Ric hugged him close as Pres continued surveying the immaculate room…his sanctuary. He could see it again.

He was going to cook again with sight, and he’d be able to cook in someone else’s kitchen, too, if he wanted. So many opportunities were opening up right before his very new eyes. He didn’t think he would…but he lost it.

A guttural cry left his mouth right before he dropped all his weight onto Ric, no longer able to support himself. Harsh sobs racked his body while Ric struggled to keep him upright.

“Pres, it’s all right,” Ric tried to assure him.

Blair looked like he was hurting as much as he was. His beautiful hazel eyes were glossy with tears as he ran his hands through his hair repeatedly at watching Ric try to calm him down. Pres stared at his beautiful men, his home, and couldn’t help but reflect back on where he was two months ago. Next thing he realized, he was being lifted by strong arms and moved to the back of his home.

Ric gently laid him on the bed and crowded in behind him, keeping him wrapped tight. He rubbed his face against the back of Pres’s neck, giving him his wonderful scent as well as his warmth. Blair closed the drapes and turned down the lights in the room. He removed his light jacket and shoes, molded himself perfectly against the front of Pres’s body, and began to warmly stroke his cheek, his neck, his chest, and anywhere else he could reach, until his breathing was back to normal.

“That’s better, Strawberry. Ric and I are right here, and always will be. Hold on to me.” Blair spoke softly.

Pres squeezed his eyes shut and shivered. “I need you so much. God, I need you both. Show me this is real. Show me I’m not dreaming. Blair, Ric, please, make me know this is real.”

Blair didn’t wait. He pulled Pres in close to him and began to make slow, sensual licks to his face with his silky tongue. Pres was smothered with Blair’s clean, sexy scent. He rolled his head back on his shoulders only to be overwhelmed with Ric’s spicy scent. It was enough to make his head buzz.

Pres felt Ric thrusting his strong hips into his ass, and he automatically began to rock back into it.

“Yes, Sunshine. Fuck. Like that. Make me feel you.” He cupped the back of Blair’s head when he felt him sucking hard enough to leave marks on his neck. “Ugh. Take this shirt off,” Pres growled, needing more of Blair’s mouth.

Ric helped Pres out of his shirt and relieved himself of his own.

Ric was so warm. The body heat he gave off was amazing. It made Pres feel safe, like nothing would harm him ever again. He’d already begun to trust Ric with his heart again. Their time in the hospital was not only time for them to learn and connect with each other, but also time to mend any rifts between them. However, as of right now, this was what Pres needed most from his men.

“Ric?” Pres whispered.

“Right here, baby,” Ric responded between thrusts.

“Let me make love to you again. Need to be inside you,” Pres pleaded. He was being deliciously assaulted from all angles, and he didn’t know if he was coming or going.

Right when he’d decided he needed more, Blair began to undo his jeans button and inch them over his hips. While his pants went down lower, so did Blair.

“My sweet Blair.” Pres gripped a handful of Blair’s soft hair while the talented man engulfed his entire cock. “Oh my God!” Pres yelled into the dim room. Blair was doing it again, sucking him hard and long with the strongest jaws in the fucking world. “Jesus Christ, baby.”

Blair pulled off with a loud pop, making Pres’s hips jerk back into Ric’s gyrating hips.

“This real enough, Strawberry? We’re right here, darlin’. Always will be.” Blair went back to work. Pres was going to have to stop Blair soon if he planned on fucking Ric.

“That’s good, honey. That hot fuckin’ mouth of yours, you make me wanna come deep down your throat. Get up here.” Pres pulled Blair back up to his chest and kissed him with passion and fury. “Want you to suck our Sunshine while I fuck his sexy ass, honey. Can you do that for me?” Pres asked, breathless, while peppering kisses on Blair’s collarbone.

“Mmmmm. Fuck yeah.” Blair rose up and peered over Pres’s shoulder. “Come here, my sexy Bear.”

Pres felt Ric shiver behind him as he made his way over to Blair. Pres lay on his side and settled in behind Ric, making quick work of getting him out of those tight jeans. With Ric in the middle now, he watched him and Blair kiss like horny teenagers, and it made his cock leak onto his thick tan comforter.

He reached into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a tube of slick and couldn’t help but notice the lamp on it that was given to him by his mom last year. She told him it was a rusty wrought-iron color, but actually it had a more mahogany, russet look.

Pres smiled hard at noting that difference.

This is real. This is my life now. In bold, live color.

He fully relaxed his mind and let himself bask in his happiness, knowing it wasn’t going to be ripped away from him.

Pres focused his line of sight on the details of Ric’s defined back muscles. He ran his hand up and down those ridges, relishing the sensation of being able to feel and see this man. He had studied Ric—both his men—from the first day he’d opened his eyes and saw them. He couldn’t look away. They were fascinating, and even more fascinating to watch together.

Blair was assaulting Ric’s hard nipples, pulling and tugging on them like they held nourishment.

“Blair, fuck! Don’t tear ’em off, baby.” Ric stroked Blair’s back in slow circles. “Shhh. That’s it, sexy boy. Gently. Mmmm. That feels good.”

The two of them were gorgeous together. Pres popped the cap on the lube and squeezed a generous amount onto two fingers. He felt Ric begin to shake with anticipation.

“Want me to fill you up, honey? Tell me how much you missed my cock,” Pres whispered into Ric’s ear. He didn’t need him to answer with words. The way Ric was moaning and pushing his ass back into his probing fingers was answer enough. Pres propped himself up higher to study Ric’s facial expressions as he pushed one finger in halfway and hooked it.

“Augh. Pres. Yeah, right there. More, give me more,” Ric moaned.

Pres watched Ric grip Blair’s ass hard and grind their weeping cocks together. Blair licked his neck, his lips, and nibbled his way to Ric’s cheek, then leaned in to lick Pres’s lips too. The three of them on Pres’s huge bed, together, in a mass of long limbs, sweaty chests, and hard dicks, was too damn erotic for words.

“Suck him off, honey, while I get him ready,” Pres told Blair.

Once Ric’s cock disappeared into heaven and Blair’s nose was buried in Ric’s bush, Pres pushed a second finger in as deep as it could go.

“Fuck! Fuck!” Ric yelled, and Pres didn’t know if he was hollering at the feel of his long fingers in his ass or Blair’s talented figure eights he was doing on his cock. All he did know was he was ready to fuck Ric again. He’d waited long enough.

Pres lifted one of Ric’s thighs and hooked it over Blair’s hip, opening him up all the way, and he was rewarded with a beautiful view of Ric’s budding star. It was shiny and wet and appeared to wink at him as he stared at it.

Fuck me.

He wanted to take his dick and bury it into this man, but he didn’t just yet. “Condom or no?” Pres hissed at Ric, silently hopping for him to agree to the latter. They knew they were clean. Since they were in the hospital for days, Ric had decided to get them retested just as a precaution.

“Don’t you fuckin’ dare. Want to feel only you,” Ric answered.

Oh, thank you, kind and generous God.

Pres placed his lips against Ric’s ear. “You ready, honey?”

“Yes. Need you now,” said Ric, his body still jerking at Blair’s skills.

“Ima fill you up, baby.” Pres twisted three fingers around in Ric’s ass, stretching him good and pegging his gland every few pumps. “I want you to come in our sexy boy’s mouth. Make him swallow all of you while I fuck your tight ass.” Pres moaned, and so did Blair. Pres was going to burst right there if he didn’t stop with all the nasty talk.

While lying on their sides, Ric continued to fuck Blair’s mouth as Pres placed the head of his cock at that hot entrance. He felt Ric slow down his thrusting, and he took that as his cue to get inside. Pres pushed in and immediately gasped at the tightness.

Baby, it’s been too long.

Pres felt like he was home again. He pushed in a little more, trying to give Ric time to accept the fullness. It was so goddamn good, and hot, and oh so snug around his cock that he wanted to bless the man who had discovered this blissful act and unselfishly passed it along to others.

Pres pushed in another inch and was met with resistance. He felt Ric tense up. Pres rubbed Ric’s thigh while he kissed his wide shoulders, working his way up to his ear. “Open up for me, honey. Let me in. All the way.” Pres pushed a little deeper, but Ric’s ass was clenched tight. “Stop fighting your orgasm. Come in his mouth. Give Blair what he wants.” Pres knew that there was nothing more wonderful to Blair than one of their warm loads shooting down his throat.

He felt Ric relax, and he took the opportunity to slide the rest of the way in. He had the urge to squeeze his eyes shut at the pleasure, but he’d had his eyes closed for five years. He needed to see it all.

“You are so damn tight. This ass belongs to us and only us,” Pres said, referring to him and Blair.

“Fuck yeah, claim my ass, Pres,” Ric moaned.

Pres pulled out halfway and slammed back into Ric, his self-control snapping at Ric asking him to claim him. He did it again, only this time aimed his stroke to the right and nailed Ric’s gland.

Ric bucked hard, almost throwing all of them off the bed. “Pres! Fuck! Aughhh, you’re gonna—aughhh—make me come. You’re gonna make me come right fucking now!”

Pres found a good rhythm and rammed his man’s ass with short, hard thrusts, claiming him the way he needed. Pres wasn’t going to last long either. They’d all waited forever to be with each other, and now that they’d come together, it was too much passion unleashed all at once.

“Suck on my balls, Blair. Get ’em in your mouth,” Ric ordered.

Pres leaned over to watch Blair. For the life of him, he couldn’t stop. He needed to watch it all. Blair was so beautiful when in the throes of ecstasy. Pres saw that long pink tongue lick around the base of Ric’s cock and snake down to his balls, tonguing and gnawing at them greedily.

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