You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three (5 page)

BOOK: You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three
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Chapter Four

organ had managed to make it through the entire day without once bumping into Shaun. It took a lot more effort on her part than she wished, but the result was what she wanted.
A day without seeing his handsome face.

That didn’t mean she didn’t think of him throughout the day. Each time her phone rang she secretly hoped it would be him asking her to come to his office. Once there he’d tell her he’d been thinking of her all day, pull her into his embrace, and kiss her until she forgot her name.

Morgan felt her cheeks warm.
Easy girl. This is a man I swore I wanted nothing to do with. So why the heck am I fantasizing about his lips and running my hands down his rock-hard abs? I don’t even know if he has abs. For all I know he wears a man girdle and has a huge beer belly.

Her laughter filled the small office and seemed to echo down the hall.
I wish he were butt ugly. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel the need to stand in front of the air conditioner all the time.
Still laughing, she closed her eyes and fanned herself with a sheet of paper to cool the blush on her cheeks.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying your new job. Would you care to share what you find so amusing?” Shaun asked, appearing out of nowhere.

Really? How does he keep sneaking up on me?
His body filled the doorway. She knew he was tall, but seeing him in the doorframe showed how broad his shoulders were as well.
Stop looking at him. It’s only going to make it worse.
Her pulse quickened as he stared at her.
Darn, you, Shaun. Another few minutes and I would’ve made it out of here.

“Do you need something, Mr. Henderson?” Morgan asked, the laugh and smile no longer existing.

“No. I haven’t seen you so I thought I’d check to make sure everything was okay. No issues.”

Her first two days had been filled with such scrutiny she flinched each time she heard his name. He was casual and calm with her today, and it threw her off. Her mind instantly went through the list Lexi had given her. Had she missed something?
Or could I have done something incorrectly? People’s lives could be affected if payroll hadn’t run properly. What the heck was I thinking, taking a job so critical to the employees?

“Is everything okay? You seem . . . nervous.”

He didn’t move from where he stood, so there was no way she could make a hasty getaway even if she had a viable excuse to leave.

She’d mentally made it through the checklist. Nothing came to mind that would’ve brought the boss down to her tiny office.

“I have no issues. Was there something specific you are inquiring about?”

He nodded and finally left the doorway and came to sit on the corner of her desk.
Don’t you want the seat across from me? Farther away from me?

“Why are you here?”

The question was too general. How was she to answer him? Did he mean in her office, in this building, in Boston? Shaun didn’t appear to be the type to ask something just for small talk, so what exactly was his agenda?

“Because I work here.” She knew that wasn’t the answer he was looking for, but ask vague and receive vaguer. If there was something more he needed, he better speak quickly because the clock was ticking, and it was just about quitting time. Although she was enjoying her role in HR, she still had to get home for Tyler. It was important to keep to a strict routine. Any variation upset him, and she avoided that at all costs.
Dinner at six, then homework, shower, and bed by eight thirty.

Morgan looked at the clock on the wall. It was already five past five.
Darn. I better get out of here quick, or it’s not going to be a good night for us.

“I was looking for more.”

She met his eyes and thought for sure she’d see sarcasm, but there wasn’t any. Did he really want to talk to her? And if so why now? What changed?

“Sorry Mr. Hen—”


I know your name. It haunted my dreams last night. But I don’t want to get that comfortable with you. The last thing I need is to be more attracted to you than I already am.
Morgan could challenge him by continuing to call him Mr. Henderson, but if she did she would never be home in time for Tyler. Answer the question and get out. He was there for a purpose; she just needed to figure out what exactly that was.

“Shaun, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re asking. There haven’t been any issues that weren’t handled in the allotted time frame. Was there something I’ve overlooked that I could address tomorrow?”

Morgan was sincere. She might not understand all the ins and outs of HR, but she wanted to perform her duties correctly.
I’m getting paid to do a job. I expect to do it right.

All her life she’d been so critical of herself. Her parents always told her they didn’t expect perfection from her. But she did. If she said she’d do something, she wouldn’t stop until it was done better than anyone had expected.
Whatever I’m lacking on this job, I’ll figure it out and fix it right away. I just need to know what it is.

“Nothing has been brought to my attention.”

“Then why are you here?”

He laughed softly. “That was my original question.”

And back to square one. This can go on for hours, and time is not something I have right now.
She really didn’t want to break the civil moment they were sharing, but it couldn’t be avoided.

“Shaun, not that I’m not enjoying this conversation, but I need to be somewhere and have to leave now, or I’ll be late. Can we pick up where we left off tomorrow?”
Since we’re talking in circles, it won’t be too hard.

“A date?” His brow arched and his tone changed slightly.

Oh, wouldn’t that be nice? But in reality, I do have a date with the most amazing young man, and I’m about to miss it.
Her personal life was just that. She wasn’t about to share it with him or anyone else at Poly-Shyn. It would only open her up to the same criticism she’d faced all those years ago. No understanding why someone with her potential didn’t want to climb the cooperate ladder, why she would throw away a successful career, and for what?
The best thing that ever happened to me. Being a mother. It’s a very hard job, but he is so worth it; he’s such a loving boy. Coworkers can’t understand this choice. Shaun comes from exactly what I left behind, and that’s where it needs to stay. In the past.

“Would you like to schedule time with me tomorrow? I can check my calendar to see what I have open.” Morgan opened her laptop again and was about to sign in when Shaun reached out and closed it.

Her eyes flew up and met his gaze. They were dark and piercing. Had she upset him by ignoring his inappropriate question? If so that was his issue, not hers. She worked in HR, and it was her responsibility to maintain professionalism, and that included any form of sexual harassment.
Is it harassment if I want him? Probably not. Oh God. What if I’m the one doing the harassing? Could he be picking up on my little lustful thoughts? Could I be making him feel uncomfortable?

The answer was clear as he bent toward her and kissed her gently on the lips.
Oh shit! I can’t do this.
But she didn’t pull away. Instead, she found herself leaning into him. That was all the encouragement she needed to give him, and his lips took hers eagerly. His hand reached out to cup the side of her face, drawing her even closer.

Morgan moaned as his tongue traced her lips, begging her to open to him. Any strength to resist was overshadowed by the raw need within her. She wanted his kisses, to feel his touch, to feel alive as a woman again. She’d been alone since . . .

No. I can’t do this. I promised myself. It’s only going to end badly, and I can’t go through that again.
It was painful, but she forced herself to put a hand on his chest and gently push him away. His hold on her tightened, then suddenly he released her. The absence of his touch and lips left her feeling empty and filled with yearning.
Oh shit,
it’s already too late; I want this man.

He didn’t try to stop her as she opened the bottom drawer of her desk, pulled out her purse, and left him sitting on her desk. She was too flustered to speak to him.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. It shouldn’t have happened. How am I going to face him tomorrow and then the next day?
All the way home she lectured herself on keeping her distance.
Nothing like giving the man mixed signals. Moan with sheer pleasure as he kisses me and then push him away and say nothing when I walk out. If he didn’t have any concerns about me before, I’m sure he’s got them now.

When she arrived home her mother was just putting the plates on the table.

“I was beginning to worry you were working late and would miss dinner.”

Morgan kissed her mother’s cheek. “Mom you don’t know how much I appreciate you staying a bit later tonight. I was worried I was going to need to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Tyler.”

“Tyler wouldn’t ever complain about that. Sit down for a minute. You look like you’ve had a tough day. Want to talk about it?”

No way. But I know better than say nothing. Nothing is an admission of guilt.
“Starting a new job is always tough, Mom.”

Her mother, Elisabeth, sat down and patted the chair next to her. “Come on dear. Tell me all about it.”

Morgan forced a smile and caved in, taking the seat offered. “I am out of my comfort zone; that’s all.”

“Morgan, you’re brilliant. I’ve never seen you take on a challenge and not exceed everyone’s expectations. So why is this any different?” Elisabeth reached out and covered Morgan’s hands, which had been clamped together nervously on the table.

She was very close with her mother. They were beyond family, and over the last several years their relationship had grown to best friends.
If you can’t share this with a friend, then who can you share it with?

“Would kissing the owner’s brother on my third day of employment be considered being an overachiever?” Morgan shook her head as she spoke. Even saying it, the words sounded ludicrous. Not the type of behavior anyone would expect from her.

Elisabeth’s eyes widened, and her mouth gaped open before she burst out laughing. “Well, I guess your day wasn’t boring after all. Since you opened the door, spill the details about how you managed to kiss one of the most eligible bachelors in Boston.”

How do you know this, Mom? Oh yeah, you follow the gossip columns. You don’t miss much do you?
That didn’t mean she was going to tell her mother that Shaun had a girlfriend. Kissing a man who was attached, even if he was just dating, was a shame she was going to have to bear.
Of course, it’s a shame that should be shared. How could you even think about kissing me? And how could I kiss you back? Damn, this is going to get complicated. We cannot ever let it happen again. I’ll make that perfectly clear tomorrow.

Tyler walked into the room like clockwork. He didn’t say a word, just sat in his seat, waiting for dinner.

Thank you, Tyler, for saving Mommy from a very awkward explanation.
“Looks like we will have to finish this another time, Mom.”

Morgan got up and kissed her son on the top of his head.
I’ve missed you, my precious boy.

Tyler pointed to the dish of spaghetti and meatballs in the center of the table.

“Use your words, Tyler.”

It was a reminder that she may need to give him for the rest of his life, but every time he spoke the words touched Morgan’s heart.

“Mommy, I’m hungry. Time to eat.”

“Yes, Tyler. Time to eat.”

She kissed him again on the head before serving his food. He looked up at her and smiled.
Love you, Tyler.

Whatever her day was like, good or bad, coming home to her son made it a perfect night.
This is what my life is. And it’s a great life. Remember that. Life is not a romance novel. It’s not happily ever after.

Shaun resisted the urge to grab her wrist and pull her back into his arms. When he went down to her office, it wasn’t with the intention of kissing her. It was to gather information Bennett was reluctant to get for him.
Tasting her sweet lips hadn’t been on my list, but damn it should’ve been.

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