You Needed Me A Love Story (13 page)

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Authors: Shvonne Latrice

BOOK: You Needed Me A Love Story
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Seven: Lendsey

The next morning…

I woke up and wiped my eyes, before slowly looking over at a sleeping Matikah. The smell of her perfume was still in the air, but very soft. I stared at her for a couple moments, watching her chest go up and down slowly. She was so damn pretty that I could look at her ass all day.

I didn’t know what it was about her, but I liked her a lot. From the first day that I saw her, I could feel the difference in the energy she had. I’d been dealing with women for over ten years now, since I was fourteen, and I could eye ball when a woman was a hoe, gold digger, etc. When TQ invited she and her friends over, I immediately began feeling them out by watching their demeanor. Kimberlyn was off limits, but Matikah was the one who caught my eye anyway. I could tell by the way her friend Goldie walked over that she was damaged, so I completely ignored her despite her good looks. Matikah looked way better anyway… to me.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do with Matikah just yet, but I knew I wanted her to be mine. Girlfriend was something I’d never really taken seriously, but I knew that Matikah was not the type to allow me to do whatever the fuck I wanted, and for some reason I liked that. I needed that discipline.

After looking at my soon to be wife for a couple more minutes, I rolled out of bed and shook my head at the woody in my boxers. Walking into the bathroom, I pulled my electronic toothbrush from the drawer, and got to work. After rinsing my mouth with some oral rinse, I climbed into the shower and cleaned myself up.

Freshly showered, I sprayed some of my Axe body spray on, and then wrapped a towel around my waist before going to get my phone. I peeked into my bedroom to see Matikah was still knocked out, but now on her stomach.

“Hello?” the female answered.

“What’s good? I need some stuff to be dropped off in the next twenty minutes. Get whatever kind of soap women use, a toothbrush, and bring some outfits from Urban Outfitters.” I’d seen the tag in Matikah’s dress, and it was from UO, so I assumed she liked them.

“No problem, and what size clothes?”

“Numbers or letters?”

“Just give me both, just in case.”

“Small, 1’s, and early twenties.” I remembered the size was a small on her dress tag.

“Got it. Be there in twenty, boss.”

I hung up, and then padded back to my room to get dressed. I slipped on some boxers, then some dark jeans, a gray polo, and some gray Jordan Retro 3’s. After putting on my watch and subtle chain, there was a knock at my condo door. I peeked out the peephole, and smiled when I saw Dimitria, my dad’s assistant. She was really an assistant to the whole family, but her main focus was my father.

“Here is the stuff you asked for, Lendsey. There is some Dove soap, Vagisil, deodorant, panties, a toothbrush, and then the clothes.” She handed me a target bag and then two Urban Outfitters bags.

“Damn, I forgot to ask for half of this shit. Good thing you’re a woman D,” I replied as we chuckled.

“Yes, I know. The total was $488.56 for everything.”

“Cool.” I reached down into my jeans, peeled off ten fifties, and then handed them to her. “Oh, here’s an extra fifty just for being prompt.”

“Thanks honey, let me know if you need anything else.” She turned on her heels and switched down the hall.

I rushed to my bedroom, and then sat on the edge of the bed to tug on Matikah’s toe. My mother used to always wake me up that way, and I hated it so I wanted to try it on someone else. Matikah opened her eyes, and when they landed on me she smiled.

“Get up so we can go eat breakfast.” I lifted the bags in the air for her to see.

“What time is it?” she wiped her eyes.

“It’s 8:30am, so hurry up so we can eat at Thornton’s. You know they close early as fuck, shorty, and I’m starving.”

She nodded and then peeled back the covers to get out of bed. Her dress was up a little, and the glimpse I got before she pulled it down had my dick hard as a missile yet again. She pushed her long curly locks to the other side of her head, and then reached for the bags. She looked into the Target ones, and then grabbed the Urban Outfitters one.

“How did you know I liked them?”

“Saw the tag in your dress.”

“Wow, a man who pays close attention, I like that.” She bit down on her lip, and then sauntered to the bathroom to get ready.

While she showered, brushed her teeth, and got dressed, I pulled out my laptop to handle some business. I’d processed a couple new identities, and wanted to check my system to make sure they’d gone through already. I made about $6,000 per identity that I created, and I created about sixty per week. The only time I charged less was when it was a single mother who didn’t have that kind of money. In that instance, I took whatever they could spare. I got a pretty nice income from this shit, and on top of that, I got paid from helping my dad run Quinton Workforce Solutions, an unemployment agency. All in all, I was doing very well.

“I’m ready,” Matikah walked in, and I could tell her hair was a bit damp in some areas.

“You washed your hair?”

“No, you forgot to get me a shower cap, but it’s cool. It’s time to redo it anyway. Let’s go eat.” She walked over to me, and then kissed my lips slowly.

I gripped her ass in my hands, and squeezed so hard I thought I would burst it. I then hugged her small frame in my arms as our kiss became more passionate, but she finally backed way.

“Come on, Lendsey,” she tugged on my wrist, so I got up from the chair in my room so that we could leave.

We got to this place called Thornton’s, and I swear I ate breakfast here almost every morning. Because I always woke up early, I enjoyed the luxury of sitting down and enjoying a big ass meal before starting my day. The staff knew me around here since I came so much, and because I did, Matikah and I were seated immediately and in my favorite spot.

“You ever been here?” I inquired as Matikah looked over the menu. I already knew what I wanted because I got the same thing every day.

“No, I usually just go to McDonalds, I’m obsessed with the McGriddle. But I can see you love it here.”

“I do,” I smiled, just as a waitress came to our table to take our order. “Can I get my usual?” I said to Deanna, the waitress who always took my order.

“Sure, the French toast with chocolate, and the omelet?” she asked as she wrote it down.

“That’s right.”

“And for you, pretty lady? I’ve never seen Lendsey bring someone with him in the three years he’s been coming, so you must be special.” I told her to say that if I ever brought a girl here, because if I did, it meant I really liked them. Deanna would be getting a nice tip for doing what I’d asked.

“I must be,” Matikah grinned.
Yep, I got her little mean ass
. “I will have the breakfast burger please, but I’d like Swiss cheese on it instead of cheddar.”

“You got it, and orange juice for the both of you?” Deanna questioned and we both nodded our heads ‘yes’.

“I’m starting to like your ass,” Matikah spat and twisted her full lips once Deanna walked away.

“Of course you do, I’m Lendsey Quinton.”

“Negro, bye!” she threw her hand up as she laughed.

As I reached across the table to take her small, soft, hands into mine, I felt someone staring at the side of my face. People were piling in already, so I waited until a couple walked passed the person eyeing me, before looking over discreetly.
Dania, fuck

Dania knew she was on thin ice ever since she took off on my cousin, so she wouldn’t dare act a fool right now. The most she may try to do is run off at the mouth, but she would keep her hands to herself, I hoped. If she decided to get buck in this restaurant while I was working on Matikah though, I would dead her ass and sleep like a baby at night. I let her slide with bullshit in the past because honestly I didn’t care about them other hoes, and usually by the time Dania had fought them, I’d already fucked. But Matikah was different, and she’d better realize that without me having to tell her.

“So when are we going to the movies?” Matikah asked as I kissed the backs of her hands and then let them go.

“I got some shit to handle tonight and tomorrow, so what about Sunday night?”

“That’s fine. Since it’s summer I don’t have to worry about waking up for class in the morning on Monday.” I liked that she went to school.

“What are you in school for?”

“I’m in cosmetology school.”

“Oh you do hair, or am I wrong? I think that’s hair, ain’t it?” I frowned and sipped my juice that Deanna had set down.

“It’s all things beauty, but no, I’m there for massage therapy and to be an esthetician.”

“An esti what? The fuck is that, shorty?”

“Basically, I’m gonna be waxing people’s bodies, mainly women’s pubic area. Also, I’m gonna be able to do massages too.”

“Oh word? I would love to do the waxing shit,” I cheesed, and she playfully rolled her eyes.

“You’re disgusting. I don’t even think like that. It’s just work to me, and I’ve seen plenty of vaginas already just from learning.”

“Well we have that in common because I’ve seen plenty of pussy as well,” I laughed and she playfully rolled her eyes. “So what, you want your own spot or something?”

“Eventually, but right now I was promised a job at a local salon, so I will be a waxing specialist there once I take my final.”

“That’s dope.”

Right when I said that, Dania walked by us, but there were two tables between us when she did. She then went back and sat down, before continuing to stare. I knew she was salty because I’d never taken her here, but she knew I loved it. I also knew she was here because she was hoping to run into me since I hadn’t talked to her in a couple days.

I pulled my personal phone from my jean pocket, and then went into my texts to hit her up.

Get the fuck out of here right now. I ain’t fucking around and you know that.

Out the corner of my eye, I saw her look down at her phone screen. She looked longer than she needed to, before getting up and rushing out dramatically.

“So are you spending the night again? You have clothes at my condo now,” I smirked. “I have to do some work, but I will only be away for a couple hours.”

“I guess another night wouldn’t hurt.”

I was determined to make Matikah mine, and I would clear out anyone and anything who tried to get in the way of that shit. Hopefully, I wasn’t the one who got in the way of us becoming an ‘us’.


Seven: Kimberlyn

A few weeks later…

Tonight the Quinton’s were having a party. It was the youngest brother, Britain’s birthday. Although a big time party, only a select amount of people were invited, which is why this was the first year ever that I’d heard about it, as well as all the other parties they threw. Unfortunately, I wasn’t invited by TQ, because he and I hadn’t talked in about a month. Lendsey and Matikah had gotten pretty close, so he told her she could bring anyone she wanted. I didn’t want to come because technically I wasn’t invited, and then to make matters worse, Matikah was coming with Lendsey. But thank God Goldie agreed to come, because she was gonna be my date for the night.

“This is it? Damn,” Goldie giggled as she pulled into the driveway of a huge ass mansion. There were a bunch of luxury vehicles parked outside, and a few valet attendants.

“I wonder whose house this is?” I questioned as I stared out the window.

“You would know before me, you’re the one fucking one of them. Excuse me, I mean you used to.”

“Thank you for reminding me,” I said as the valet attendant opened the door for me.

“I don’t mean to be like that, Kimberlyn, it’s just I told you his ass wasn’t shit, and only good for some dick, but you refused to listen to me.” She shook her head as we walked up to the door to two big ass bouncers.

We gave them our names, and let them know we were on the guest list for Matikah Jacobson, before he let us into the party. Immediately, we were greeted by some waitress holding a tray of champagne filled flutes. She had on the skimpiest outfit, but she filled it out well. Goldie and I took a glass, and bobbed our heads to “Tongue Out” by Smoovie Baby that was blasting.

Although I didn’t want them to, my eyes instantly began scanning the room, looking for TQ. My heart began beating fast, and my stomach dropped as if I were on a big ass rollercoaster when I spotted him with some bitch in his lap. He was saying something to her, and another girl sitting beside him. I watched him grope them both while biting his sexy lip. He looked so good tonight in a black polo shirt, black jeans, black Nike Huaraches, and a black bucket hat. I hadn’t seen him in so long, and it was like I needed him. He sported a gold chain link watch with diamonds that I could see from a mile away, a gold bracelet, and a gold chain.

“Let’s mingle, don’t get caught up in staring at him. You see he ain’t tripping off of you,” Goldie said. I nodded my head and then polished off the champagne in the glass.

Tonight I was dressed simple but still sexy. I made sure to use the money given to me by TQ to get the works, which included my hair, eyebrows, nails, and even a full body wax. I got a massage too, so I was happy he hadn’t snatched his money back out. I was walking on sunshine until I just witnessed his hoe ass. Anyway, I had on a white dress that hugged my slim thick frame perfectly. It was just the right length, giving a perfect view of my smooth golden legs.

“There’s Matikah,” I smiled and pointed to my cousin who was in Lendsey’s lap, smiling and laughing like she was living life. “Heeyyy!” I walked up and she stood to her feet to hug Goldie and me.

“Hey, you guys look nice. Did Grandma say anything about me not coming home last night?” Matikah whispered to me, and I shook my head ‘no’ as I grabbed another flute containing champagne. I needed all the alcohol I could get.

“Nah, she knew where you were. Did you guys…?” I raised a brow.

“No, almost, but no. No offense but, after the way TQ played you I’m a little scared to go that far. I feel like as long as we don’t fuck, if he leaves I will be good.”

“Thanks for that, Tikah,” I chuckled, although I was real fucking irritated. Not with my cousin, but with my dumb ass choices.

“This party is crazy!” Goldie smiled as she eyed Britain. She liked him way more than she let on, and when she finally admitted that to herself, maybe she would get off my head about TQ.

“It is,” Britain licked his lips as his eyes ran amuck all over Goldie’s body. He looked like he was a dog, and I knew he was. I was just waiting for him to bark. I mean, why was his girlfriend
at these events?

Britain was cute as fuck just like his three brothers. He was light skinned, had dreads, a lot of facial hair, dimples, and those same pretty blue gray eyes. He was about 6’5” like his brothers, and was built like a muthafucka.

“Hi Kimberlyn, Goldie, nice to see you guys again,” Summer stood up to hug us. She was so pretty and I loved that she kept her dreads intact.

All of us began to make conversation, and as I was getting to know Summer, TQ came up with a whole new bitch under his arm. She wasn’t even one of the girls he was with prior, but she was really pretty too. She had brown skin, a long ass expensive weave, DD-cups, and a big butt that I could’ve set my glass on.

After dapping his brothers up, this nigga had the nerve to say, “Hi Kimberlyn.” He flashed his gorgeous smile at me, and that one dimple appeared. His bluish gray eyes were glazed over, letting me know he was lit, and his caramel complexion was vibrant as always.

“Hey,” I waved lazily before turning my attention back to Summer.

“Hype” by Drake came on, and everyone began to dance with someone; even Goldie was freaking on some random, and the other bitch was working on TQ. I was so mad that I knew if I squeezed my glass any harder, it would burst.

I just sat there like a fool, before pulling my phone out to scroll on Instagram. Some guy came and stood by the velvet rope, and flailed to get my attention. He was a nice looking guy, but he was no Tarenz Quinton. Nobody was as good looking as him, except his brothers, and still TQ was number one to me.

“Wanna dance ma?” he asked.

“Sure,” I half smiled and got up.

We made it to the middle of the dance floor in the huge ass mansion, and before I could even press my ass against his pelvis good, I was being snatched the fuck up by none other than TQ. He pulled me through the crowd, and down some hallway that had a door, which he closed right after.

“What the fuck? Why did you pull me back here?” I frowned and folded my arms. Little did he know, I was happy to be getting any of his trifling ass attention.

“So you gon’ dance on old boy like I’m not here? That’s disrespectful as fuck, shorty,” he grinned and clasped his hands at his pelvis. Why the fuck was he so bomb?

“Excuse me? Do we really wanna list shit that’s disrespectful, TQ? How about the fact that you were in South Carolina with some bitch! Or the fact that you were just all up on three different bitches in a matter of an hour!”

“Aye! Who the fuck you yelling at, ma? Lower your muthafuckin’ voice and show me some fuckin’ respect up in here! You better act like you know, Kimberlyn, don’t nobody raise their voice at me!” he hissed, and the floodgates between my legs broke.

“Sorry,” I said as I backed away from him slowly.

“I tried to explain to you what was going on that night, but your hard headed ass wanted to hang up the fucking phone and shit! You lucky I ain’t come through your hood and bust a cap in yo’ ass for being rude as fuck!”

“I-I’m sorry, TQ,” I whined, praying he didn’t kill me. His sexy face was knotted up like crazy, so I knew he was mad.

“I was about to go to bed, but my fucking brothers invited some hoes over. One of them was on me and that’s who the fuck you heard, Kimberlyn. I told yo’ ass beforehand that if you were gonna be mine, you were gonna have to be mature, have my back, and ride for me. Having my back is believing me when I tell you some shit, or at least giving me the chance to! I ain’t scared of no got damn body but God, so ain’t no reason for me to lie to you, aight?”

“So you didn’t sleep with her or anyone that night?”

“Yep! I did! I had a foursome with some pretty ass bitches in that hotel since you wanted to act like a little ass baby!”

“Fuck you, TQ! I knew you would be doing shit like this.” I tried to walk around him, but his tall sexy ass kept moving around, blocking me. “Let me by, I’m done here.”

“Oh you done?” he moved closer to me, making my breath become shallow.


He backed me into the wall, and ran his strong tattoo covered hands up my dress while kissing me hungrily. I missed the nights we shared where he would show me all the things he enjoyed in the bedroom, and talking to him about the places he’d traveled and the people he’d met. He would even speak Russian for me sometimes.

He gripped my ass, and then began running his fingers across my center. I moaned softly into his mouth as he kissed me, letting our tongues dance. Suddenly, he lifted me up after unbuckling his pants, and then slid me down onto his dick after moving my flimsy thong to the side. He had me pressed against the wall, so I was forced to take every powerful stroke he delivered.

“Who you done with?” he asked me, squinting his eyes as he thrust into me slowly. There was no reason why something should feel this good.

“Nobody,” I whimpered like a little child as I felt my orgasm building.

“I missed my pussy,” he grunted and sucked on my neck, which made me cum immediately. “I can tell you’ve been saving it for me.”

“I have,” I said before planting kisses on his lips.

He sped up his pumps, and soon enough he was filling me up with his semen. Once we caught our breaths, he slid out of me, and let me down slowly. We then went into the bathroom together to clean ourselves up.

“You forgot a condom,” I said in a low tone as I wiped between my legs.

“You’re coming home with me tonight?” he ignored my statement, as he buckled his jeans back.

“I can, I just need to get some clothes from my grandma’s.”

“Nah, you got some shit that I bought you still at my crib.” He washed his hands.

“I thought one of your new hoes would’ve taken it or thrown it out,” I scoffed. He turned around and backed me into the wall so fast that my foot shifted to the side. That shit hurt!

“What kind of nigga do you think I am?”


“Seriously, honestly. What kind of punk bitch ass mark do you think I am, that I would allow some bird to be throwing shit out of my condo like she lives there.”

“Well, when girls see my Dove body wash, they may not have wanted to fuck with you,” I smiled and so did he as he stared down at me.

“Nah, they don’t care. I always get the pussy no matter what, except when with you, because you had rules for me. I kind of liked that.”

“Can we leave now? I want you to show me some more ways to please you.”

He raised a brow in response as if he was saying
oh word?

Without another peep, I washed my hands and then we left out. I said goodbye to my cousin and Goldie, and I saw they both were giving me half smiles since I was holding hands with TQ’s crazy ass.

As we were leaving, I peeped Gang, Peel, and Peel’s girlfriend, Hayden, staring at us. Gang was wearing a deep scowl, and funny enough, so was Hayden. I followed her eyes, and they were definitely on TQ. Something was up with them, but right now I didn’t care. I wanted to celebrate being back with my boo.


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