Young Orson: The Years of Luck and Genius on the Path to Citizen Kane (132 page)

BOOK: Young Orson: The Years of Luck and Genius on the Path to Citizen Kane
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and Hearst newspapers, 94–95, 226, 735

in Hollywood, 558, 574

influence of, 233–34, 236, 238, 515, 588

as newspaperman, 94–95, 152, 265

and Orson’s teen years, 186, 188

and Tavern Club, 174, 251

and Woodstock summer theater, 275

Stevens, Mrs. Florence “FloFlo” (Katherine Krug), 186, 188, 233-34, 235, 273, 276, 327, 574, 728

Stevens, George, 558, 588, 589, 668, 669, 743

Stevens, George Jr., 743

Stevens, Landers, 558, 668

Stevens, Thomas Wood, 149, 185, 230

Stevenson, Robert (director), 644

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 180, 278, 467, 468

Stewart, James G. (sound man), 678

Stewart, James “Jimmy,” 689

Stewart, Paul, 198, 498, 501

American School of the Air
, 324, 326

The Campbell Playhouse
, 518, 531, 545–46, 642

Citizen Kane
, 359, 649, 665, 686, 704, 744

Stinson, Eugene, 94

Stoker, Bram, 467–68

Stony Creek, Connecticut, 480–81

Stony Creek Playhouse, 472, 473, 478, 483–84, 485, 489

Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The
(home movie), 278

Stranger, The
(film), 133, 452, 454, 596, 640, 726, 727, 737

Stravinsky, Igor, 113–14, 724

Straw Hat, The
An Italian Straw Hat
; later
Horse Eats Hat
), 354

Streets of New York, The
(stage play), 358

Strictly Dishonorable
(film), 712

Strindberg, August, 211, 327

Stronger, The
, 211

Sturges, Preston, 153, 623, 712

Suber, Howard, 713–14, 743

Sullavan, Margaret, 517–18, 531, 576, 618, 638

Sullivan, Ed, 608

“Summing Up, The” (Welles and Houseman), 460–61, 462

Svengali, 276, 282

Swiss Family Robinson, The
(film), 608

Synge, J. M., 188, 192

(film), 589

Taft, Lorado, 86, 93, 120, 280

Tagore, Rabindranath, 99, 102

Taibhdhearc theater, Galway, 192, 195

Tarbox, Hascy, 164, 173, 179, 279

Tarbox, Todd,
Orson Welles and Roger Hill: A Friendship in Three Acts
, 136, 739

Tarkington, Booth, 498

, 517

and Orson’s father, 24, 146

, 497

The Magnificent Ambersons
, 23–24, 25, 65–66, 106–7

Tasca di Cuto, Prince Alessandro, 738

Tavern Club, Chicago, 152–53, 174, 185, 201, 227, 237, 238, 251, 280, 554

Taylor, Davidson, 508, 649

Taylor, Laurette, 94

Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich, Piano Concerto No. 1 in B Flat Minor, 471

Tchelitchew, Pavel, 375, 403, 445

Teapot Dome scandal, 684n

Teichmann, Howard, 256

Temple, Shirley, 558, 583

Ten Million Ghosts
(stage play), 357, 359, 365–67, 368, 370, 416

Tennant, Barbara, 4

Thackeray, William Makepeace,
Vanity Fair
, 572

Thalberg, Irving, 266–67

Theatre Guild, New York, 116, 149, 164, 165, 175, 196, 201, 385, 417, 452

Five Kings
, 463, 490, 515, 519, 522–24, 527, 530, 531, 533–35

and Mercury Theatre, 519, 535

, 336

Theatre Royal, Dublin, 205

Third Man, The
(film), 160, 607, 737–38, 745

“This Can’t Be Love” (song), 680

Thomas, Edna, 297, 336, 337, 340, 343, 344, 347

Thompson, William Hale “Big Bill,” 79

Thompson, Dorothy, 512

Thompson, Woodman, 262

Thomson, David, 352, 376

Rosebud: The Story of Orson Welles
, 407, 439, 525, 737

Showman: The Life of David O. Selznick
, 407

Sight and Sound
essay by, 744–45

Thomson, Virgil, 522

Antony and Cleopatra
, 428

The Cradle Will Rock
, 385

The Duchess of Malfi
, 442

Four Saints in Three Acts
, 305

Horse Eats Hat
, 356

and John Houseman, 305, 307, 332, 333–35, 355, 385, 386, 419, 611–13

, 307, 308, 310

The Second Hurricane
, 382

The Shoemaker’s Holiday
, 433

and Voodoo
, 332–33, 341, 343, 344, 345, 356

Thornton, Cherokee, 335

Three Comrades
(film), 517

Three Stooges, The, 690

Three Weekends
(film), 571

Thucydides, 195

Thurber, James, 577

Thurston, Harry, “The Great Thurston,” 87–88, 127, 334, 713

Tichacek, Stephen Jan, 492–93

, 453–54, 459, 462–63, 464, 512, 524–25

Tis Pity She’s a Whore
(stage play), 318–19, 320, 324, 327, 328, 446, 464, 583

Todd, Richard Kimball, 135

Todd School for Boys, Woodstock, Illinois, 133–39, 316

arts curriculum of, 149–50, 165–66

“Big Bertha” history tour to New York, 219

Everybody’s Shakespeare
, 302–4

expansion of, 166

graduates of, 183–84

and “Marching Song,” 235

Orson as drama coach in, 217–18, 219, 253, 271, 272, 320

Orson’s time in, 131, 132, 135–39, 141–45, 150, 152, 156–58, 162–66, 179–81, 329, 331, 475, 519, 683

Red & White
(school newspaper), 141–44, 150, 156, 158

and Richard Ives Welles, 78–79, 82, 131

Roger Hill as headmaster of, 115, 147, 149, 164, 320

school performances of Orson, 136–39, 150, 156–58, 165–66, 172–74, 175, 179–81, 196, 214, 217–18, 242, 253, 277, 320–21, 329, 360, 362, 412, 444, 739

and Woodstock summer theater, 272–75, 279

Tokyo Story
(film), 745

Toland, Gregg, 474, 667, 670–73, 683, 687, 701, 703, 704, 735

Tone, Franchot, 560, 600

Tonight Show, The
(TV), 709

Too Much Johnson
(stage play/film), 472–80, 481–84, 485, 486, 487

adaptation of, 472, 482, 484

cinematic aspects of, 474, 475, 479, 548, 565, 589

editing of, 473, 478-80

and finances, 478, 481, 490

and Mercury Theatre, 410, 475, 490, 521

opening night, 482–84

players in, 472, 473, 489, 492, 502

postponement of, 513, 515

scenes of, 472–73, 475, 477–78

screen rights of, 481–82

unfinished footage of, 551, 746

Toscanini, Arturo, 270

Touch of Evil
(film), 297, 642, 679, 728, 745, 747

Toumanova, Tamara, 439

Toussaint Louverture, 329

Towne, Gene, 608

Tozere, Frederick, 446

Tracy, Lee, 674

Tracy, Spencer, 576, 584, 623

Trader Horn
(film), 589

Treasure Island
(films), 247n

“Treasure Island” (radio), 467, 468–69

Tree, Herbert Beerbohm, 271, 529, 618

Tretyakov, Sergei, 205

Trial, The
(film), 710

(stage play), 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285, 295

Trotsky, Leon, 495

Truffaut, François, 312, 427

Tsar Paul
(stage play), 276, 277, 278, 279, 287–89

Tull, Clyde, 184

(stage play), 353

Twain, Mark, 315, 316, 572

“Twentieth Century” (radio), 531

Twentieth Century–Fox, 644

2001: A Space Odyssey
(film), 745

Tyler, George C., 229, 235–36, 239, 294, 295

Tynan, Kenneth, 249

UAW (United Auto Workers), 389

Un Chapeau de Paille d’Italie
An Italian Straw Hat
) (stage play), 354–57

Uncle Tom’s Cabin
(stage play), 320–21, 358

Underwood, Drury, 22, 27, 30, 75

United Press, 647

United Productions, 660

Universal Pictures, 462, 618

Alland, William

Valley Forge
stage play), 305, 308, 549

Van Anda, Carr Vattel, 636

Vance, William, 278, 286, 287, 474, 668

Vandamm, Florence, 261

Van Dyke, W. S., 587, 589

Van Vechten, Carl, 347

Van Zandt, Philip, 705

, 295, 404, 510, 533, 550–51, 557

Vassar College, Experimental Theatre, 327, 402, 423

Venice Theatre, New York, 393–95, 402

Verne, Jules,
Around the World in Eighty Days
, 358, 497, 498

(film), 744, 745

Victoria Regina
(stage play), 434

“Victoria Regina” (radio), 547

Vidal, Gore, 737

Vidor, King, 567, 587–88

Viertel, Peter,
Dangerous Friends
, 383

Vigil in the Night
(film), 589

, 339–54, 355, 362, 363, 618

backstage team for, 332, 334–35, 341, 373

black community backlash about, 341–42, 346, 352

casting of, 335–37, 352, 386, 586, 727

costs of, 351

critical reviews of, 348–49, 353

documentary film of, 348n

and Negro Unit, 329, 331–37, 339, 351–54

Orson as director of, 329, 331–32, 339–42, 343–45, 348, 382, 418, 513

premiere of, 346–49, 350, 353

rehearsals for, 339–43, 346

road production of, 351, 366

success of, 348, 349, 353, 401, 564

Virgil Thomson as composer of, 332–33, 341, 343, 344, 345, 356

WABC (radio station, NY), 337, 338, 415, 459, 499, 512, 547

Wade, Horace Takisson, 123

Wagner Act (1935), 388

Wakenight, Frances, 129

Waldorf, Wilella, 361, 376Walker, Vernon L., 673

Walk Together Chillun
(drama), 331–32, 342

Wallace, Edgar, 233

Wallis, Gladys, 237, 571, 637

Walsh, Raoul, 567

Walska, Ganna, 154–55, 238

Wanger, Walter, 563, 567

Ward, Lydia Avery Coonley, 108

Warner, Henry C., 128, 130

Warner, Jack, 567

“War of the Worlds” (Mercury Theatre), 499–512

audience for, 506, 508, 512

broadcast of, 503, 505–8, 681

cast for, 502

and CBS, 498, 501, 508–10, 511, 513, 516

celebrity as result of, 512, 562

considered too corny, 500, 501, 502, 505, 509

death threats as result of, 511

disclaimers for, 506, 508, 509, 512

film proposal for, 645

government investigation of, 511

as Halloween prank, 511

Howard Koch’s script for, 499–501, 504, 648–50

legal responsibility for, 509, 510, 511

media reactions to, 509–11, 513–14, 537–38

music for, 501–2, 503, 505, 506

Orson’s adaptation of the novel, 499, 501, 504, 508

panicked reactions to, 508–12, 513, 538, 561, 648

press conference about, 510–11

rehearsals of, 501–3

script auctioned off, 523

script passed by censors, 501, 509

special effects for, 501, 503

writings about, 503, 504, 648–50

Warrick, Ruth, 108, 685–89, 693, 734

Warring-Manley, Marian, 465

Washington, Fredi, 347

Washington Daily News
, 533

Watkinson, Eve, 206

Watson, Augusta Crafts Tolman, 9, 12, 72

Watson, Ben, 7–8

Watson, Dudley Crafts, 89, 102, 181, 321

and Art Institute of Chicago, 103, 110, 279, 280

and Beatrice Welles’s illness and death, 105

and Beatrice’s performances, 72, 73, 83, 97–98, 103, 161

family of, 106, 109

and Hillside estate, 108–9

and Milwaukee Art Institute, 83, 97–98, 103

and Orson’s future plans, 109, 110

and Ravinia Festival, 94

trip to Europe, 106, 159, 168

and Welles family, 82

and Woodstock summer festival, 280, 281, 282, 286

Watson, James, 7

Watson, William Weldon, 7

Watson, William Weldon III, 9

Watson family, 106, 110, 117–18, 129

Watts, Richard Jr., 364, 366, 376, 427, 428, 436, 513

Wayne, John, 585n, 5980

WEAF (radio station, NY), 338

Webster, John, 409, 410, 445, 446

Weidig, Adolf, 10

Weill, Kurt, 385, 415

Weissberger, L. Arnold:

The Campbell Playhouse
, 569

Citizen Kane
, 696

The Cradle Will Rock
, 392

and “First Person Singular,” 459

and Orson’s finances, 581, 605–6, 614, 616, 630, 656–59, 701

and RKO contract, 551, 559, 565, 597, 628

and “War of the Worlds,” 509

and Welles divorce, 608, 656–59, 702

Weissberger, Augusta, 335, 343, 370, 378, 391, 410, 423, 457, 476, 485, 554, 605, 657

Weitzenkorn, Louis, 571

Welles, Beatrice (daughter), 716, 729, 747

Welles, Beatrice Ives (mother):

in Chicago, 78–79, 83

death of, 104–6, 107, 108, 109, 146, 152, 178, 720

and Dick, 26, 27–28, 716

end of marriage, 81–82, 90, 95, 96–97

family background of, 7–12

friends of, 49–50

health problems, 77, 99, 103–4

and her mother’s death, 77–78

influence of, 277, 371, 379

in Kenosha, 33–34, 38–46, 49–53, 57–60, 62, 69–71, 72, 81, 83

musical interests of, 10–12, 31, 39, 41, 43, 72–73, 83, 86, 89, 98, 99

poem by “B.I.W.,” 76

pregnancy of, 63

public image of, 38

public performances by, 40, 44–45, 56, 58, 59, 62, 71, 72–73, 74–75, 78, 83–84, 92, 97–98, 101–2, 103, 130, 161, 379

and religion, 98–99, 371

and school board, 57–58, 64, 78

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