Read Your Dreams Are Mine Now Online

Authors: Ravinder Singh

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Your Dreams Are Mine Now (24 page)

BOOK: Your Dreams Are Mine Now
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‘Of course!’ Mahajan nodded. He knew that in this short span of time only a sensational gimmick could work in their favour.

As Mahajan racked his brains to break the bigger task into various smaller tasks, Hanif slid back in his comfortable chair and enjoyed his paan. As he savoured the flavour of it, he patiently waited for Mahajan to ask him questions in case he had any. But Mahajan was crystal clear in his understanding.

The next time Hanif opened his paan-stained mouth to speak, he asked Mahajan, ‘But I am more worried about this first year girl . . . whatever her name is. How is she managing to get the support of all these groups?’

‘She is too smart for her age. At the cost of my image, the bitch has built her own. She won’t fight the elections. But she has cunningly trapped the party’s presidential candidate in the web of her love. That’s her level of smartness!’

‘Oh, so that guy Arjun and this girl . . .’ Hanif raised his hand in the air and moved his finger as if trying to connect the dots, when Mahajan nodded his head and said, ‘
Janaab, ishq aur raajniti saath saath chal rahey hain.’
(Sir, love and politics are moving hand in hand.)

Then they both became thoughtful.

Suddenly, Hanif broke his silence. What he said next was going to change everything in Arjun’s life.

If a first year girl can control such senior boys, if she can send a cunning professor like you behind bars, just imagine Mahajan, what she will be capable of when she lands in third year . . .’ He paused for a while to give Mahajan time to think. Then he slowly spoke,
‘. . . Saanp ko jitni jaldi kuchal do badhiya hai.’
(The sooner you kill off the snake, the better it is.)

By then, with Saloni’s help, Rupali had also roped in Saloni’s boyfriend Imran, who was a key player in the college basketball team, to their party folds. That was the beginning of various sports’ clubs supporting Arjun’s party.

‘And I want to kiss you there, under your ear, behind your earring . . .’

Her eyes are closed. Without letting him know, she touches herself behind her left ear. She is mildly trembling. In response to his sensuous voice, her voice now gets softer.


‘Then I want to inhale your fragrance from your neck to the depression below your collarbone . . .’

‘Umm! But, I am . . . I am . . . not wearing any deodorant right now.’

‘I said, I want to smell you. Your body. Not the deodorant.’ ‘Ahh!’

She runs her finger over her collarbone and wonders how her body smells. There is silence from her end.

He gets worried. ‘Are you fine? Are you . . .’

‘And then?’ she interrupts.

‘Hmm . . . And then I am going to tickle your collarbone with my tongue!’

‘Ouch! Ha . . . Ha . . .’

‘You are enjoying this, aren’t you?’

‘And then?’

She doesn’t want to have a conversation.

‘Well, on my way my tongue gets distracted and moves to your bra strap. I have to run my tongue above it. I am going to lick it.’

She sighs, intoxicated with pleasure.

‘But I am . . . I am . . . not wearing anything that has a strap.’

‘So what are you wearing, then?’

‘Only a T-shirt. Nothing with a strap.’

‘Just a T-shirt?’

‘No! I mean . . . Yes! A T-shirt and shorts.’

‘Well then, I will pull the T-shirt down your shoulder.’

She pulls it down. Her shoulder is bare.

She takes a second to catch her breath. The pitch of her voice gets weaker again.


‘I slip my other hand under your top and hold your waist.’

‘Oh God!’ she whispers.

‘. . . My fingers crawl up the arch of your slender waist and move towards your stomach.’

Her other hand is busy holding the phone, so she leaves the stretched neck of her T-shirt and reaches out for her waistline. She runs her fingers in sync with Arjun’s words.

‘And then?’

‘I can see your navel now.’

‘Oh!’ she gasps.

A few seconds pass and no one speaks. The silence itself has turned sensual with possibilities.

‘Aren’t you going to say “and then”?’

A moment passes. She is trying to absorb it all. Meanwhile, a debate has erupted between her heart and her mind. Should she draw a line? And, if so, when?

Her heart wins the battle.

‘And then?’ she asks softly.

His heart beats faster.

‘I want to kiss you there, Rupali. In the depths of your navel. I want to run my tongue inside the moist skin of your belly button. God! I so want to do it right now . . .’

Her fingers automatically crawl down to her navel. They trace a sensuous circle around it and her forefinger slips into the depression of her belly button. She continues to listen to Arjun who is still saying something.

‘. . . I want to blow a warm puff of breath into it. And I want to blow it far above your stomach.’

With her finger she draws an imaginary line above her navel. The moment her fingers meet the baseline of her top, her eyes open. Arjun is still continuing to talk.

This time her mind wins the battle.

‘Alright. Stop!’

She catches her breath and takes a moment to calm down.

‘What happened?’

A couple of seconds pass.

‘I can’t just . . . I . . .’

‘Are you embarrassed? Did I embarrass you?’

‘No, you didn’t. I am not embarrassed. But I guess I am shy.’ Again a moment of silence passes between them.

‘Hmm . . . it’s fine.’

‘I am sorry, Arjun.’

‘Hey! It’s okay. Relax.’

‘You hate me. Don’t you?’

‘I love you.’

His words bring her comfort. She is feeling lighter and more open about it.

‘But I loved all that you were doing, even though it was all in my imagination. Just like magic.’

‘Well then, why did you stop me in the middle?’

‘Hmm . . . I don’t know. Maybe because as much as I enjoyed the imagination part of it, I was also conscious of your presence, even though you are only on the phone. I mean . . . I . . . don’t know exactly. I guess . . . I guess, I enjoyed the virtual you, but then the fact that the real you was able to listen to me and that I was reacting to your voice . . . sort of interfered with my thoughts. Am I making any sense?’

‘Wow! That’s so complex. But anyway . . .’ he laughed.

‘Listen, I don’t want to sound like a hypocrite. I accept that I enjoyed it. But then . . .’

‘Ha ha. Chill, girl! I know you aren’t a hypocrite. So stop justifying yourself.’

‘Hmm . . . Maybe I will need some time to open up.’

‘So shall I call you in half an hour?’


‘Okay. Okay. Relax.’

After talking for a while she hangs up the call. She turns in her bed and looks at the table clock. It’s 6.30 a.m. There is still some time before she has to get up. She then stares at the vacant bed on Saloni’s side. She had left for her parents’ house the night before to attend a get-together. She thinks about how her roommate’s absence has allowed her a private romantic moment with Arjun.

Then she begins to recall her conversation with Arjun. The way her Arjun was in the process of sketching his desires on the canvas of her body. Exactly in the same sequence. She closes her eyes and touches herself again. She imagines Arjun by her side, and in her bed. She imagines him sliding her T-shirt up. She imagines her hand to be Arjun’s hand. She imagines Arjun seeing her body.

And this time, she doesn’t stop in the middle.


When dusk fell, the roads of north campus dipped into darkness that was then bravely battled by the glowing yellow streetlights. There was an unusual breeze blowing. It appeared that at any moment it could take the shape of a dust storm. The sky was cloudy, but not cloudy enough to forebode rain.

Outside her college campus, Rupali walked alone on one of the roads that led to where Arjun was supposed to pick her up from. He was supposed to take her to his home for an early dinner that he himself had cooked for her. Except for a few students she crossed on the way, the road was quite empty.

Wanting to look her best and on Arjun’s request, she wore the salwar suit that she had worn on her first day to college—a pink kurti with white churidar. She had rarely worn the set and even ten months later it looked as if it was brand new. Rupali wore a pair of new silver earrings, the glitter from which sparkled on her cheeks. Her sandals were white, matching her dupatta which time and again caught the gentle breeze. As she waited for Arjun, her excitement building up within her, she raised her wrist and sniffed it. Saloni had lent Rupali her perfume and every time she smelled it, she felt happy and thankful about it.

‘Try it, babes. It will hypnotize your man!’ Saloni had said. Rupali smiled as she recalled those words. She smelled nice. Just then, from behind her, a fast-moving van abruptly came to a screeching halt right beside her. The door slid open. Two men jumped out of it, grabbed Rupali by her arms and pulled her into the car. The doors of the van closed just as quickly. The driver accelerated the vehicle and for a brief moment, the tyres rotated extremely fast and threw up some dirt from the road. Then, in a flash, the van sped away from that stretch of the road.

It all happened in the blink of an eye, giving absolutely no time to Rupali to even react. Even before she could shout, even before she could retaliate or understand what was happening, Rupali was inside the moving van with all its doors locked.

On the dimly lit street, a few students checked with each other if what they had just seen had actually happened.

Rupali’s first reaction was to scream. She screamed her heart out. Simultaneously, she tried to reach out for the handle of the sliding door of the van—but in vain. She was not strong or quick enough. The guy on her left immediately overpowered her and pulled her back. Rupali struggled again, but could not move her hands by even an inch. Instead, the same guy pushed her arms behind her back and tied them with a rope. Rupali screamed even louder and, gathering all her strength, she tried to lift her body and push herself away from them. But caught in between two guys she had nowhere to go. All she could do was keep struggling and screaming. She tried to look for people on the road. She wondered if her shouts would grab someone’s attention—anyone’s attention. But the windows of the van were tinted and the van was swerving from one side to another, so it seemed very unlikely.

With her heart pounding, Rupali looked around her. Besides the two guys on the back seat, two more men sat in front. One of them was the driver. Rupali could not see their faces clearly, but she was sure that she hadn’t seen any of them before. However, from their shabby clothes, body language and little bit of conversation, they appeared to be local goons.

The moment her brain registered what had just happened with her, and understood the horror of the situation, she panicked. Her breathing became heavy. In an effort to calm herself down she took stock of the situation she was in. She was bleeding from her right ankle that had got hurt when the two men had pulled her inside. Her feet had been dragged against the edge of the van. The strap of her right sandal had torn off. Her arms, where the men had dug their fingers to lift her up, hurt terribly. There were specks of dirt on her white dupatta
which was now haphazardly stretched across her neck.

‘Babloo iske purse mein se mobile nikal ke switch off kar pehle. Fir muh band kar saali ka!’
(Search her purse for her mobile and switch it off first. Then shut her damn mouth!) the guy on the seat next to the driver shouted.

His command was immediately followed. The guy on the left quickly searched her purse, switched off her mobile and took all the cash he could find. He then threw it behind the seat. Rupali could only watch as the other guy had his hand pressed on her mouth. The tight grip he had on her face and the stink of his dirty hand nearly made her choke. Rupali continued to struggle but she was fast losing this battle of strength.

The van was now speeding on a straight road. It seemed like it was heading out of the city. The guy next to the driver was giving the directions. At one point he called someone up from his mobile and updated the person about his location as well as the status of things.

BOOK: Your Dreams Are Mine Now
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