Your Wild Heart (9 page)

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Authors: Dena Garson

Tags: #Black Hills Wolves

BOOK: Your Wild Heart
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He locked his gun and holster in the special compartment of his truck. The moon pulled at him, and he wouldn’t be able to fight the change much longer.

Besides, with his conflicted feelings, he needed a good run through the woods. Perhaps his Wolf would help him sort through the things that were bothering him.

In the distance, he heard a lone howl. It was answered by three or four.

Wyatt turned and greeted the moon as his grandfather had taught him. As he murmured his prayers to the spirits of his ancestors, he let the change wash over him then took off at a run for the woods.

Large paws pounded against the grass and dirt without hesitation.

Black fur rippled in the breeze.

Amber eyes scanned the area for prey and kin with heightened acuity.

Hotah caught up with his brothers on a ridge not far from Drew’s property. They chased each other and a couple of rabbits and basked in the joy of simply being for a time. As the group circled around to the other end of Los Lobos, Hotah picked up an unexpected scent.

The rich smell of an unmated female filled his senses. He also detected something familiar. Something Hotah knew intimately but couldn’t quite place.

Two of his pack mates detected it as well. The three of them stopped and inspected the area.

As soon as he locked onto the smell, Hotah took off to find the owner.

It was imperative he find her.

He ran as fast as he could while still following the trail. His brothers dropped away, hopefully losing interest. The trail led him to the river. There he found a lone silver-gray female drinking from the flowing water.

He circled around so he could approach from downwind. As he closed in, her undiluted scent hit him full blast.


Lifting her head, she turned and met his gaze. Her eyes glittered like the purest silver.

They studied each other warily as they circled ever closer until they nearly touched noses. At that close range, the familiarity grew stronger.

With fur bristled, he sniffed her from head to tail. The silver Wolf smelled of Isabelle.

But that wasn’t possible.

Was it?

Shoulder to shoulder they stood, each assessing the other. Then the female gave in and nuzzled his cheek. Hotah, recognizing her acceptance, took a long, deep sniff of her muzzle. Her scent was ambrosia to his heightened Wolf senses.

Without warning, she took off running, encouraging him to give chase.

He wasn’t about to let her out of his sight.

They wove in and out of the trees and bushes. Each time he got close, he nosed her haunches. Finally, she turned into his path, causing both of them to roll to the ground. Using his larger form, he pinned her then licked her face.

She returned his attentions with playful nips, growls, and nuzzling.

The appearance of three of his pack brothers interrupted their play.

Hotah sprang to his feet and bared his teeth, telling them he had staked his claim. They may be brothers, but he would fight any of them if they dared touch his mate.

The youngest of the three stepped forward and sniffed the air.

The silver Wolf rolled to her feet then stepped closer to Hotah, making it clear she had accepted him and was not open to another.

The foolish young Wolf took another step in her direction, forcing Hotah to counter him. Hotah exposed more teeth and let out a fiercer growl. Hotah was larger and far more experienced than the other. He didn’t want to hurt his brother, but for her, he would take on the whole pack.

The other two Wolves backed away, leaving the younger Wolf to face Hotah’s ire, if he dared. Giving in, he turned and followed his brethren.

The silver Wolf stepped forward and rubbed Hotah’s neck with her nose.

Her attentions calmed him, but he watched the trees to make sure the others had left. When he felt certain they were alone again, he licked her mouth and nose and rubbed against her.

They spent the rest of the night running and playing as wolves. Her acceptance of his Wolf smoothed a rough place in his soul he didn’t realize he had.

Curled together, they fell asleep under a canopy of fallen pine limbs.

Hotah woke at dawn alone. He snarled and growled in protest then set off after her. Now that he had memorized her scent, he had no problem following her trail. It was no surprise it led to Isabelle’s campsite.

Outside her trailer, he shifted from his Wolf form. He pounded on the door instead of kicking it in, as he would have liked.

“I don’t know who you think you are coming in here, but you had best rethink it,” she growled.

“It’s me, Izzy.”

“I’m trying to sleep. Come back later,” she grumbled.

“I need sleep as well, and I plan on doing it with you.”

She opened the inner door and glared at him through the screen. “You simply decided that, huh?”

“I did.” He opened the flimsy door and stepped inside, forcing her to step aside.

“What if I tell you I’ve never been able to sleep next to someone? That I’ll toss and turn and keep you awake. Maybe even give you a few bruises in the process.”

She had wrapped a sheet around her, but it did little to conceal her nakedness beneath. There were at least two of his single pack mates patrolling nearby. “You could tell me you breathe fire in your sleep and I still wouldn’t leave.”

She frowned. “It doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for you to be here.”

“Yeah, well, word of a breedable female shifter being in the area will have spread like wildfire, and I’m not about to leave you alone.”

She lifted her chin a notch.

“Two of our bachelors are already hot on your trail. More will probably show up before noon. I don’t think you realize how tenuous of a position you’re in here.”

She stomped toward the bed. “I can take care of myself.”

He followed. “Not against a pack you can’t.”

She whipped her heard around. Her eyes were wide with concern. “There’s a whole pack here? How big?”

He snapped his jaw shut.

“Oh, come on. There’s no point in having secrets now. I know what you are. You know what I am….”

“We have a lot to discuss, but until I’ve talked with my Alpha, I am bound by oath to not betray the pack.” He reached for the buttons on his shirt. “Right now, we both need sleep.”

“You’re really going to stay here? With me?”

“I thought I made that clear when I came in.”

“Will you answer my questions when we get up?”

“After I’ve talked to the Alpha.”

She chewed her lower lip. “Fine. Sleep first. Talk later.”

He finished working the buttons loose on his shirt as Isabelle climbed onto the extended platform. The sheet fell to her lap, exposing her breasts as she rearranged the pillows. And just like that, he was hard again. What was it about this woman that turned him into a sex-starved idiot?

He sat on the edge of the bed and removed his boots. Next, he made a pile of his jeans, briefs, and shirt. He crawled under the sheet and got comfortable on his side. He wrapped an arm around Izzy’s waist, pulled her against his chest then caged her in with his leg.

She squirmed enough to make him reconsider his thought of sleeping first. She must have realized what she was doing by wigging her bottom against his growing erection and went still. They would have time later to work on that problem.

With a sigh of contentment, he closed his eyes and fell asleep to the feel of his mate’s heartbeat beneath his palm.




Chapter Ten



Isabelle woke feeling as if the furnace had been turned on high and aimed at her back. She squirmed and tried to roll over, but something held her in place.

Her brain broke through the fog of sleep, and she remembered where she was. And more importantly, who slept with her.


And he was a shifter.

Like her.

Damn if that didn’t beat all.

But now what?

She smiled to herself and wiggled her butt against his crotch. In a matter of seconds, that part of his body responded.

Despite the weight of his arm around her chest, she managed to turn so she faced his chest. With an unhurried stroke of her tongue, she tasted him.
. The musk of his Wolf clung to his skin and called to her other form.

Without fear of an unexpected shift, she inhaled, drawing his scent in as far as she could. With her hampered sense of smell, it took a lot for anything to register.

Trailing her fingers over his skin, she traced patterns over his chest then down his side to his hip. There she switched directions and lightly scraped her nails over the curve of his ass. It was a very fine ass. She loved the way it looked in jeans, but it was positively delectable naked. If she were in a better position, she’d take a few nibbles.

Enjoying the freedom to explore his body as she wanted, she ran her fingers through the hair on his thigh, then up to his groin. She teased the edges of his now considerable erection then ran her palm down the entire length.

A rumble in his chest was her only warning before he rolled her onto her back and settled between her thighs.

“It’s not wise to tease wild animals. You can never be sure of what they may do.”

“I hope I know exactly what you’re going to do.”

He swiveled his hips and maneuvered his cock to her opening. He held her gaze, then sank into her as if he had all the time in the world.

Isabelle’s lips parted, and she took a deep breath.

The intimacy of being connected visually and physically warmed her soul. In her heart, something clicked into place.

At least they didn’t have to worry about condoms anymore. Since they were both Wolves, they couldn’t contract human diseases, and she wouldn’t get pregnant until she decided to.

She hummed with pleasure. Skin-to-skin contact far outweighed having that thin membrane between them.

Wyatt took his time. Every slide of his cock made her want him more. With deliberate slowness, he caressed her. Loved her. She could swear there was devotion in all of his touches.

Her heart prayed she wasn’t imaging things.

With their bodies still joined, he pulled her legs up until her feet were above his shoulders, next to his face. “Now, keep your eyes open. I want you to see who is buried inside of you. Deeper than anyone has ever been.”

Isabelle felt the first stirrings of her orgasm but wanted him to come with her. “Wyatt,” she whimpered.

“Yes,” he hissed, then adjusted the angle of his thrust. But it was enough to hit the right spot and send her flying.

She grasped his arms and tried to keep eye contact, but she could see nothing but stars behind her eyes. With a keening, cry she surrendered to the feeling. She rode wave after wave of pleasure and barely noticed when he groaned and shuddered with his own release.

Wyatt slumped onto the mattress next to her then rolled and pulled her on top of him.

Isabell lay sprawled across his chest and listened to the hammering of his heart as it struggled to return to normal. Her own beat in a similar fashion.

As the euphoria wore off, questions flooded her brain. He couldn’t be the only shifter here, so how many of them lived nearby? Where had they come from? And how long had they been here?

“Were you going to tell me?” Wyatt interrupted her growing list of questions.

Her brows drew together in a frown. “What? That I had a strange family trait?” She lifted her head and looked him in the eye. “What about you? Were you planning to tell me?”

He grunted. “If we were mated, of course I would have.”

“Well, then, you have your answer.” She lay her head down on his chest.

“How did you learn about us?”

“I didn’t. I suspected a pack might be in the area, but I didn’t know where.”

“So, you didn’t come here looking for Los Lobos?”

“For what?”

“Los Lobos. The town where most of our pack lives.”

She shook her head. “No. I told you. I tracked some wolves from the park in Georgia.” She sighed and then sat up. “What I didn’t tell you was I was looking for one specific wolf.”

Wyatt’s body tensed at her words.

“A young wolf, a female, got caught in a poacher’s trap in the park I worked in. My assistant and I found her. Her leg and paw were damaged not only from the trap, but from her efforts to get out. To make it worse, it looked as if she had been attacked by another wolf or something large either before ending up in the trap or while captive.” She looked away. “I tranquilized her and took her to my lab so we could treat her. While she was under, I put a tracking chip in her shoulder. I collected data on her whereabouts for about two weeks. After that, nothing.”

“And that data led you here.”

She nodded.

“Why were you tracking her?”

“It’s what I do. I study wolves and their habitat and the correlation between them. One of the ways we do that is to follow their movements. Later, after running a few blood tests, I realized the wolf I’d saved wasn’t an ordinary wolf.”

He tensed again. “What did you find?”

“It’s a marker of some kind at a DNA level that I think all shifters have.”

He sat up and leaned on his elbow, his eyes narrowed.

She continued. “I have it, my brother has it, and so do my mom and dad and many of my pack mates.”

“Your parents are both shifters?”

She nodded.

“Your brother, too?”

“Of course. Why do you seem surprised by that?”

He clamped his lips shut then shuffled out from underneath the sheet.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“We need to find Drew.”

“Drew? Why?”

“I can only tell you that I cannot answer any of your questions until I’ve talked with Drew.”

“He’s your Alpha, isn’t he?”

A voice called from outside her trailer. “Yes, he is, and he would like to speak with you. Both of you.”

Wyatt grabbed his jeans, pulling them on while Isabelle wrapped the sheet around herself. He strode to the door and stuck his head out.

“Hotah. I understand you had a rather”—the man paused—“engaging evening last night.”

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