Yuletide Mischief (5 page)

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Authors: Dahlia Rose

BOOK: Yuletide Mischief
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“Carmen, why didn’t you call me?” Vivi gasped and then said angrily, “Oh, I want to punch that woman’s lights out. Why can’t she see that if she gets off that stuff she’s smoking we’d be willing to work with her? We can help her and Sandy be a family again.”

Carmen smiled gently. “You can’t force help on someone who has been hooked on crack from before their child was born. They need to want to change first before you can help them change. All we can do is make sure children like Sandy have the best care possible and are not lost in the system. We don’t get to save them all, but we’re making a dent.”

Vivi hugged Carmen. “Well, today we’re going to bring her some magic again.”

Carmen chuckled as they walked down the hall to the main dining room. “Unless the Santa you hired can appear in the room, that child is dead set against Christmas.”

As always, the large fresh pine tree was set up in the corner of the room, glittering merrily with presents stacked beneath it. Food was set up along a table on one side of the room. Vivi saw green and red Christmas Rice Krispies treats and punch with slices of fruit floating it its red depths. The kids squealed and ran to hug her when she walked into the room. Even the older girls took time from texting on their phones to come over and greet her warmly.

Only Sandy sat back, her face sullen, lower lip trembling as if she was about to cry. She seemed to have struck a chord with Loki because he whispered in her ear. “She’s going to be the first one I call on. I’ll have her smiling in no time.” Vivi gave a nod to let him know she heard him.

“So, kids, Santa is on his way,” Vivi said loudly. “I hope you’re all ready.”

“Is he going to walk into the room and his clothes won’t fit him and his fake beard will fall off?” Sandy said loudly.

“Sandy, stop messing with Santa,” a five-year-old boy said. “You won’t get any presents.”

“Gavin, the presents you get come from—”

An older girl named Fiona cut her off with a glare. “Do
be trying to ruin the holidays for everyone just because you’re in a pissy mood, Sandy Daley.”

Vivi looked over at Carmen who shook her head and shrugged. She took control before the kids could argue back and forth. “Vivienne has planned a special day for you guys, so no fussing,

Vivi looked around. “Wait. I hear bells. Does anyone else hear them? Maybe Santa Claus is here early.”

Loki took her cue and created the sounds of bells. The kids began to look around, curious as to where the sound was coming from. He took it even further and caused snowflakes to fall lightly in the room. Not enough to cause a mess but to give a magical effect.

“It’s real snow and it melted in my hand!” a little girl squealed. Everyone was in awe by that time and even Sandy, who decided that she was going to be angry, couldn’t hide the amazement from showing in her eyes. Loki wasn’t done, much to even Vivi’s delight, because the next thing they saw were elves. Real small pointy-eared creatures in green scurrying around, peeking over the backs of chairs and from behind the food table.

By the time a child ran over to see one of the little creatures, it was gone and had dug through the presents under the tree. The children were laughing in delight, and even the teenagers looked to be having fun. But nothing could beat the surprise on Sandy’s face when an elf scrambled upon her shoulder and sat down. It plucked a candy cane off the tree and broke it in half, offering her a piece. Sandy took it from him in amazement and the elf smiled at her. Unable to resist, Vivi watched the little girl gently take the small being from her shoulder and sit it on her knee. It sucked the piece of candy cane into its mouth and motioned that she should do the same. By that time, the children were crowded around her and they all wanted to touch the tiny elf that Loki had created.

“Little elves back to the sleigh. We can play later after the work is done,” Santa boomed.

The kids turned, looked around, but no one was there until Gavin pointed with a loud little boy yell to where Loki was appearing. He appeared slowly so that everyone’s attention was on him. By the time he was completely visible, the children were rushing toward him, even Sandy.

“My friend Vivienne asked me to make a special trip today. Not many get to see my magic,” Loki—aka Santa—said.

Carmen came to stand beside her. “How did he do all this? I mean, how is this possible?”

“Hollywood effects,” Vivi replied.

“You were only here a short while last week. There is no way this place could’ve been…”

Vivi took her hand gently. “Don’t worry how, Carmen, just look at their faces and see that we did a good thing. Look at Sandy.”

They turned their attention back to the ten-year-old girl. The sullen look was off her face and now her eyes were alight. Loki made a chair appear and he sat down with a groan. The elves were at his feet and two of them ran over to Sandy and took her hand, bringing her up to Santa.

Loki leaned over until he was nose to nose with her. “I hear that you believe that I don’t exist.”

“The other guy was not real, and he seemed mean,” Sandy said in a loud whisper.

“I wish I could be everywhere at once and do this for every child, but this is the season when I’m at my busiest,” he explained. “Those guys sign on to help bring joy to children in my place. I will have a talk with him and tell him that this year he needs to be more patient and jolly.”

“Thank you…because kids need magic,” Sandy said solemnly.

Loki tweaked her nose. “You are exactly right. So now for more surprises, I know what you really want for Christmas, but you think you won’t be allowed to have it.”

Sandy’s lips trembled. “The sign outside says no animals allowed.”

“I think that means dogs and cats, but I know that the pet you want won’t be much trouble to clean up after and you have to promise Ms. Carmen that you will always take care of it and let your brothers and sisters in this home love it as well,” Loki explained. “Now run over and ask her if you may have this gift.”

Sandy ran and stood in front of her guardian. “I’m sorry I was mean and angry. Please say I can, please. I’ll do everything Santa said and more, I promise.”

“Yes, you may, but Santa has to realize that now all these kids might want pets too,” Carmen said.

Santa—aka Loki—nodded. “This is why I came up with a plan. In the laundry room, children, hurry now.”

They all scrambled out of the dining room and ran down the hall, even Vivi who had no idea what to expect. The kids made it to the door of the laundry room before her and their squeals of delight made her move quickly. In the corner of the large laundry room there was now a green pen and inside were seven rabbits. Santa reappeared and the kids gasped.

“Now these are all your rabbits. Care for them and love them. In the spring, Vivienne and Ms. Carmen will have an outside hutch for them so they can play in the sun,” Santa explained. He opened the cage and gently pulled out a gray-and-black bunny and handed it to Sandy. “He is especially yours because he needed a friend. His mommy left him, and he’s very lonely even though he’s with so many others just like him.”

Sandy took him and nuzzled his fur. “I know how he feels. We will keep each other company.”

“Good. That is what I want to hear,” he said gently. “Now, let’s go back to the main room and we can open more presents. And watch the elves; they have a thing for candy canes.”

It was off to the races again as the children rushed back to the dining room. Loki winked at Vivi before he disappeared and she took her time walking back. He understood Sandy more than anyone realized, probably because of his upbringing more than likely. She remembered him mentioning the woman who had raised him, but did not say anything about his mother. Vivi now understood that even though she gave Sandy a home, the child needed something of her own. She felt alone even though she had so many in the same situation at Sunrise House.

Back in the dining room, there were oohs and ahhs as the teenage girls opened new updated cell phones and gift cards. The boys, no matter what age, were completely enamored with the handheld PlayStation Vitas and the assortment of games that came with them. Dolls, trucks, remote-control helicopters, and more were opened by the younger children.

Loki gave them their hearts desires and something that could never be replaced. All the children she’d tried to help, taken from broken homes and abused, had a new sense of wonder in their lives—lives that were jaded and marred from birth by people who cared more about themselves and their next fix than their children who needed protection and care.

It was in that place in time, watching Loki playing with the children, talking to them gently, and making sure Sandy was okay and happy, Vivi knew she’d fallen hard for the prince of chaos and mischief. What better gift for a man who thought he was not worthy of love than to give him her heart?

* * * *

“I don’t see why we have to slide around on thin blades, basically what look like knives attached to shoes on ice,” Vivi muttered.

“You make it sound so wonderful,” Loki murmured drily. “I happen to enjoy this very human sport. This is something we used to do when I was a child. It was one of the only times I felt… Uh, it was fun.”

He was helping her lace her skates, and she cupped his cheeks with her glove-covered hands and brought his face up so she could stare into his electric-green eyes. “One of these days you will let me in and be surprised that I won’t judge you.”

“Maybe.” He finished with her skates and stood and pulled her into his arms. “But right now, we’re skating.”

“Fine,” Vivi grumbled. “When I fall and fracture my backside, you better show the appropriate amount of remorse.”

“I’ll kiss your boo-boo,” Loki teased.

She gave him a look and then laughed. “Did you just say you would kiss my butt?”

He skated a circle around her and then slipped his hands around her waist from behind. He spoke close to her ear. “From where I’m standing it looks like a wonderful posterior to kiss.”

She flushed at his words and warmth spread through her. Loki propelled them forward and he was so light on his feet she felt her fears slip away. Together they performed simple moves that made her laugh. When he moved away and let her skate on her own, Vivi felt herself losing balance but before she slipped and fell, Loki was there to catch her. Then in a flourish, he kissed and dipped her while they moved across the ice.

Vivi looped her arms around his neck when he brought her to her feet. “Take me home, Loki, and make love to me.”

He gave a soft groan. “Vivienne, you know the type of person I am. Why would you want to be with me?”

“Because I realize now you are much more than the sum of some words in a book,” Vivi replied. “I see the man who can bring magic back into the lives of children. I want you and I get what I want, Loki.”

His lips parted in a smile. “Really?”

“Take me home and find out,” Vivi said against his lips.

“I have a place for you to see, a place you will love,” he said and pulled her closer to him.

She heard the
and felt the pull and wondered if their disappearance from the middle of the ice rink caused a stir, but Loki’s kiss caused her to lose her train of thought. When she opened her eyes they were in a room with a black marble bathtub. Steam curled sensually from the water while she could see the New York skyline through the glass windows. Looking through the bathroom door, she saw that a large bed covered in black satin also graced the opulent room.

“Where are we?” Vivi asked. “Everything is so beautiful and the view is amazing.”

“The penthouse my family owns. This room was my own renovation, so to speak,” Loki said. “But nothing in here compares to you. I can’t keep my eyes off you.”

“Loki, when you kiss me, I forget how to breathe. It feels like fire runs in my veins.” She rested her head against his chest.

“God, you make me feel like I’m something better, like I can be a better man.” Loki trailed his lips down her neck. “For now, I’ll be that man even if it’s only for a little while.”

She wanted to tell him that he was always that man to her and always would be, but his hands on her body made her gasp and forget what she was going to say. Loki trailed his hands down her sweater and cupped her breasts. Even though his touch was through the sweater, the fire that always seemed to be simmering in her stomach burst into a full flame, and she molded her body hard against his. Vivi combed her fingers through his long hair and ran her nails over his scalp. Loki shuddered. She loved knowing her touch did that to him. His response made her bold, and her kiss became wanton. She delved her tongue into his mouth and Loki growled before taking over the kiss. He fisted his hands in her hair while he devoured her mouth. His hands were deft and stripped her clothes and underwear from her body before working on his own attire. Loki lifted her into his arms and walked them both into the warm bubbling water. The combination of the warm water plus his mouth roaming her skin made her whimper.

She could taste the chlorine from the water on his shoulder as she bit him gently. Loki muttered her name before wrapping his arms around her waist and propelled her backward quickly. The water jets that frothed between her legs and then all around them made her gasp in delight.

“Did the sensation excite you?” Loki asked devilishly before trailing his lips across her cheek and down her neck, nipping at the tender skin.

“Yes, but I can feel your hardness and that is what I really want,” Vivi practically purred. To prove what she was saying, she ground her hips against the object of her desire until he muttered something in a language she didn’t understand.

“I want you, please, Loki,” she whispered.

He slipped his hand between them and rubbed her clit beneath the water. She bit her lip and felt his gaze on her as he watched her response. Vivi’s head fell back in pleasure and a soft whimper escaped her lips.

“You are so exquisite. I could watch you forever and how you respond to my touch.” His voice was rough with desire. “I want to see more.” He slipped a digit into her aroused body. “By the gods, you are so very tight and delectable.”

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