Zack (Armed and Dangerous Book 1) (8 page)

Read Zack (Armed and Dangerous Book 1) Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #fiction

BOOK: Zack (Armed and Dangerous Book 1)
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The purr of a cell phone rose up between them, just as Zack reached for Sky’s hand.

She took a step back. “Gonna answer your hip?”

“Hold on a sec.” Zack gave her a sheepish smile as he yanked the slim phone from his belt. He pushed a button and pressed the phone to his ear. “Hunter.”

Sky watched Zack’s eyes narrow as he listened to whoever was on the other end. To be honest she was thankful for the interruption—her body kept threatening to take over her common sense.

“All right,” Zack finally said. “Keep me informed.”

He punched the phone off and slipped it onto his belt, his eyes focused on Sky. “Now where were we?”

“Would ya like to dance, Skylar?” a man’s voice broke in.

She glanced up, surprised to see Gary Woods, the good-looking sheriff’s deputy. “Sure, Gary,” she said, trying not to sound relieved. He usually seemed too shy to ask anyone to dance, but right now he was her own personal savior.

Gary gave a nod to Zack, who scowled and folded his arms as Sky moved with the deputy onto the crowded floor. With effort, she managed to keep her attention on her dance partner as they two-stepped to a fast tune.

But every now and then she’d catch a glimpse of Zack’s expression. The look in his eyes said she had gotten a reprieve, but she hadn’t escaped him. Not by a long shot. Sky swallowed and turned her focus almost desperately toward Gary.

A blue-eyed blond cowboy, Gary was the big silent type who never had a whole lot to say. However, she’d heard he had a little problem with gambling, heading up to the casinos on the reservations whenever he had some time off. One thing Sky didn’t find attractive in a man was any kind of addiction, whether it was drugs, gambling, or tobacco.

But she danced with him for another song, laughing and flirting with the man the entire time—just to distract herself from Zack’s dominating presence. She wasn’t very successful, since she could feel his gaze like a weight on her. And she knew he wasn’t happy.

Sky cleared her throat as she looked up at Gary. “Any more information pop up about those rustlers?”

“Sorry, Skylar.” Gary shrugged. “Unfortunately, we’re nowhere near finding the bastards.”

She gave a frustrated sigh. “I feel like I’m banging my head against a wall.”

“You and me both,” he said with a half smile.

The next thing she knew, Luke cut in and she found herself in the arms of her foreman. She looked up at him and he gave her a sexy grin. “Hunter looks ready to pull me apart.”

Sky shook her head. “The history between Zack and me is so ancient there’s a foot-high layer of dust on top of it.”

At that, Luke laughed. Sky caught Zack’s eye as Luke turned her on the floor and she bit the inside of her cheek. Zack’s scowl was positively thunderous. Where did he get off looking so possessively at her?

“Did you find anything?” Sky asked Luke as she glanced up at him.

Luke’s expression changed, his smile fading. “Nothing more than what I told you earlier.”

“That sucks.”

“No kidding.”

Tingles prickled Sky’s arms as the song ended and Luke escorted her across the dance floor to Zack.

She’d barely had a chance to thank Luke for the dance when Zack took her by the elbow and propelled her from the edge of the other people dancing.

“This isn’t part of the deal,” she said when they reached a corner where they were somewhat alone and the music wasn’t as loud.

Sheer possessiveness rolled off him. “We have a lot of catching up to do.” He leaned one shoulder against the wall, boxing her into the corner, the look in his eyes showing only too clearly how worked up he was.

“What about your job? Your calls? You seem to be in demand.” Sky tried to sound annoyed.

“I turned my phone off for now.” Zack gave her a dark, sexy look that made her shiver. “Unavailable.” He leaned close and murmured in her ear, “To anyone but you.”

Sky swallowed as her stomach pitched as he drew back and she could see his eyes again. The wall felt cool to her bare back, and for a second she considered stomping her three-inch heel into his boot to get him to back off. But every sane thought fled her mind as she studied him.

Lord, he looks good.

Tremors rippled through her at Zack’s nearness, and she wondered how she would begin to walk away from him when that one dance was over. Her body hummed as he stood close—not quite touching, yet not far enough away.

“How’d you end up running your dad’s cattle ranch?” he asked, that smoky gaze fixed on her.

“I love ranching.” Sky swallowed, wishing for a drink of water to soothe her dry throat. “I guess you could say it’s in the blood.” She flattened her palms against the wall behind her. “Your turn. Tell me what you’ve been up to.”

“Had a nice spread in Texas, enjoyed my work as a fed, and did all right.” Zack bent closer, invading her space. No, more like conquering it. “But I was lonely as hell.”

She kept her tone light. “What? No friends?”

“I had friends.” He reached up and traced the line of her jaw, his eyes intent. “But something was missing.”

At the same moment, the lights dimmed and a slow tune started.

A shiver skittered through her as Zack trailed his finger down her neck. “How ’bout that dance now, Sky?”


Chapter 8

Sky hesitated, then nodded. The sooner they got this over with, the better. She’d give Zack one dance and then get away from him before she jumped right into bed with the man.

His hand burned the bare skin at the small of her back as he guided her. He stopped at the edge of the dance floor on the fringes of the other couples, where it was darker.

As Zack brought her into his arms, her nipples tightened. He swept his gaze over her breasts and gave her a slow, sensual smile that caused her mouth to go even drier. His hands settled on her waist and he moved his hips against hers until she felt his erect cock through her thin dress, pressing against her own softness.

A thrill blossomed inside her abdomen despite herself. Damn. It felt so good to have him pressed up against her.

He bent his head next to hers, and Sky automatically moved her hands to his shoulders, letting her body sway with his in time to the music. After the way he’d left her all those years ago, she shouldn’t feel so turned on, but was she ever.

“Remember the first time we made love?” he murmured in her ear, and she caught the scent of mint on his breath. She could imagine how good he’d taste and almost moaned at the thought.

Sky shivered at the feel of his mouth so close to her ear, and nearly melted when his lips brushed her earlobe.

“It was our hideaway.” He pressed her closer along his solid length, all but making love to her on the dance floor. “It was a clear October day and we went horseback riding in the mountains with a picnic basket, a blanket, and a bottle of wine.” His voice was raw, filled with desire. “The sun was shining, and it was still warm enough that you were wearing a pair of tight jeans with a T-shirt. No bra.”

Her fingers tightened on his shoulders. God, yes, she remembered.

“I could even see your nipples through the shirt, it was so skimpy.” Zack trailed one finger up Sky’s bare spine and she shivered as he continued, “We went to our secluded spot, our own little hideaway, and it was like we were the only two people left in the world. Then you begged me to make love to you.”

Sky pulled away and looked up at him with a frown. “I

He brought her back into his arms. “Maybe we both did a little begging.”

How Zack’s kisses had unraveled her and how badly she had wanted him. Needed him. And it was true, she had begged him not to stop.

He had smiled, handling her so gently, as if he cherished every part of her. His mouth had teased her nipples, slowly working his way down to her folds. She couldn’t believe he put his mouth on her clit, tasting her until she was writhing, and dying for him to be inside her.

Before he entered her, he had caressed her clit until he brought her to orgasm. And then he slid into her, taking her slow and easy. She’d cried out from the incredible pleasure rippling through her body once she got past the brief burst of pain as he took her virginity.

He had stopped, afraid he’d hurt her, but she had ordered him to keep driving into her, clenching his hips between her thighs. Harder and faster he moved within her, filling her, until he reached his own climax.

Zack’s warm breath on her neck and his low voice brought her out of her memories. “I never thought I could want you more than I did that day. But every day after that, I couldn’t get enough of you.”

His hands moved from her waist, caressing her through the dress, down her hips, and back again to her waist, and she couldn’t stop the shivers trailing along her spine.

His voice rumbled as he spoke close to her ear. “And somehow I want you now even more than I did then.”

Damn the man. How could he do this to her?

Sudden anger flowed through her. “Hear me loud and clear, Zack,” she said. “Nothing’s going to happen between us. I agreed to be friends with you. Not fuck you.”

Zack tried not to smile, but whether she realized it or not, her words were as effective as a dare. Like waving a red flag in front of a primed bull. Without a doubt, Zack knew she wanted him with the same fierceness he felt for her. Their one dance had already melded into a second, and if he had his way, he’d be dancing with her all night.

And then he’d get her home and in his bed.

Just the thought of what she was wearing under that scrap of a dress was enough to make him want to throw back his head and let loose a primal chest-beating howl, throw her over his shoulder, and take her home and bury himself inside of her.

When he’d arrived at the fairgrounds, Sky had pulled in and parked her Rover directly in the row in front of him. After a moment she’d slid out of her SUV and her tiny dress had climbed up her thighs to reveal garters holding up sheer stockings. Pure lust had bolted through him at the sight. All thoughts of work, smuggling, and rustlers blew away with the breeze.

Now she was in his arms, her scent of orange blossoms flowing over him, and it felt so completely right. He knew he’d been an idiot to leave her and he wasn’t going to make that mistake a second time. And he’d be damned if he’d let her go any time tonight.

He lifted his head to look down at Sky, taking in her generous curves underneath that barely there outfit. Through the netting at the top of her dress, Zack could see the mole above her left breast. He yearned to peel away the material and run his tongue over that beauty mark, and every inch of her body.

Sky’s green eyes met his, challenging him. “Your one dance is over.”

He wrapped a loose strand of hair around one of his fingers. “Dance with me all night.”

“I—no.” Her voice was firm as she shook her head, tugging at the strand.

He brought his lips to her hair, traveling along her temple and down to her ear. His voice was a rumbling growl and his words came out as a demand. “Dance with me.”

Sky gasped as Zack nipped at her lobe, hard, and when he raised his head he saw her eyes had turned a deeper green with sensuality and her lips had parted. He needed to kiss those lips again.

His mouth neared hers. She lowered her lashes and tilted her head back. Her scent was warm and inviting, arousing him even more.

“Zack.” Their lips came closer as she spoke in a husky whisper that made his cock grow harder. “I—”

He didn’t let her finish whatever it was she was going to say.

Her soft lips were his to take, her mouth his to taste. His hunger for her was so strong, so deep, that he took control of her body by dragging her close and pressing her tight against his erection. He cupped the back of her head, holding her so that she couldn’t draw away, even if she wanted to.

And by the way she was kissing him that was the last thing on her mind.

She returned his kiss with the fervor he remembered from long ago. Much too long ago. Her mouth, lips, and tongue were the sweetest, softest things he’d ever felt or tasted.

Her moans and desperate whimpers grew loud enough for him to hear over the music and his body grew hot with such incredible need that he knew if he didn’t have her right now, he would die.

Sky felt instantly robbed when Zack broke away from the kiss. The spinning sensation in her head and her belly made her almost dizzy from need. The place between her thighs ached and the crotch of her thong was soaked.

His features were harsh and hungry—dangerous—as he looked down at her. He grabbed her hand and started pulling her farther into the darkened part of the dance hall.

“Zack—,” she started, but broke off when she realized he was headed to the back door.

“We need to talk,” he growled as he jerked the door open and he dragged her into the near darkness behind the building. The carnival lights barely illuminated where they were and the sound of the crowd was dimmed.

He jerked her into more darkness, behind the trellis of some plant she didn’t recognize—and didn’t care about as he pushed her up against the building.

“Zack—,” she tried again, but he pushed up the back of her dress and grabbed her ass at the same time he pressed her against the building, his cock like steel against her belly. Her ass was naked since she was only wearing a thong, and his hands burned her as he clenched her butt cheeks hard.

Sky gasped into his mouth as he took hers with the force of a man hungry for his woman. Her own hunger burned inside her so fiercely she answered his kiss with her own. God, her moans and whimpers seemed loud in the night, but she didn’t care. Right now all she could think was that she wanted this. This moment with Zack.

He cupped her bare ass, drawing her up and forcing her to wrap her legs around his hips. He ground his jean-covered cock against her wet crotch and she grew even more light-headed.

Zack tore his mouth from hers and lowered his head to suckle her nipples through her dress at the same time he gripped her ass and rubbed his erection between her thighs.

Sky tried to keep her cries low so she wouldn’t be heard—she couldn’t stop them from coming from her mouth. She squirmed against him feeling such fire and need that she couldn’t stand it.

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