Zak Turner - A Twist In Time (14 page)

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By the time the baronet had finished, Jenny’s mind was in a whirl.  She felt completely out of her depth, as though she was caught up in some kind of nightmare.  She was also starting to feel rather scared; the talk of shadow-wizards and bodyguards was as frightening as it was comforting!

“What are shadow-wizards?” she asked, seizing on what she thought was a simple question.

Before he answered Sir Philip reached the Steady Nerves potion towards her and motioned her to take a gulp, which she obediently did, surprised by how pleasant it tasted.

“Shadow-wizards are like the wizard police.  They’re under the control of the Wizard Council and keep order in the magical world.  We rarely use them to guard non-magical folk, but it’s not going to be long before the wizards attacking us Middlehams turn their attention elsewhere.  I’m sorry Jenny, but the magical world is a dangerous place, and right now it’s more dangerous than it has been for well over a century.  Zak and Tallion have a special role to play in the battles ahead, that’s certain, but what that role is remains a mystery.  For now, we’ll continue to live as normally as possible - schooling, learning, and living.”

The Steady Nerves potion had an immediate calming effect on Jenny, and although she was acutely aware of the dangers they now faced, the panic she’d felt earlier had left her.  She agreed with the baronet to continue with their lives unchanged, and to tell John everything when he came in.  Sir Philip offered to come back to explain it to all again, but Jenny was adamant that she would be fine.  The baronet gave her the potion bottle.

“Don’t drink anymore yourself, but if John becomes a bit panicky about it, then let him have a gulp.”

Sir Philip checked with the boys to make sure they were okay, and then asked Jenny where she’d like the portal.  It would be invisible, and right against a wall, but needed to be unobstructed, and somewhere that they wouldn’t accidentally brush against it.  In the end they decided to put it at the back of the unfeasibly huge walk-in wardrobe in Tallion's bedroom.  As he spent most of his time in Zak’s room, it would be well out of the way there.

Sir Philip prepared The Copse end of the portal, but could only complete it once he was back at the castle.  After he’d finished, he left, assuring them that he’d be back at five o’clock to collect the boys via the new portal.


* * *

Jenny Turner had stood back to let Sir Philip do what he needed to do for the portal, and deferred to him in everything.  Whether it was because he was a wizard, or maybe because he was a baronet, she always felt like she had no choice in anything he wanted to do.  She didn’t really want a portal in the house, but on the other hand she
grateful to have an escape route, and for anything that would keep the two boys safe. 

She felt the same about almost everything that had happened since Zak saved Tallion’s life in the summer.  She vaguely resented it, and yet she valued it!  Deep down she knew the problem was that she no longer had control of anything.  She had
looked forward to helping and guiding Zak and Sophie through their childhood and into their adult lives, and now she felt like a spectator.  Well, almost a spectator, she could still influence their attitudes and personalities, but she had no input to their direction or future.

Zak was looking at his mum, and could see she wasn’t feeling right as she watched Sir Philip drive away.  He went over to her with a rather wan smile and hugged her, cuddling into her like he used to do when he was little.  He’d intended to comfort his mum, but suddenly felt like he needed comforting too! 

He felt her put her arms round him and hold him tight, and within seconds they both had tears in their eyes.  Zak realised he’d missed running to his parents when things went wrong; being eleven, and being a wizard had somehow made him try to handle everything by himself.  Now that his new life had crashed into his old life though, and they were
in danger, his family seemed so much more important!

“Zak, I’ve missed having a hug!  I know there’s not a lot I can give you anymore, and nothing I can do to protect you, but I’ll always love you, and I’ll always be here for you. 
is your home too!”

“I know Mum.  Thanks.  I know it doesn’t show much, but I’m scared, and so’s Tallion.”

Jenny reached out and beckoned the young, blond-haired wizard over to her, and pulled him into a hug next to Zak.  She thought that he probably didn’t get a lot of hugs at home, and he felt to be as much her son as Zak did, although she didn’t understand why.

“It’s your home too Tallion, for as long as you want it and as long as you need it.  I’m here for you too!”

“Thanks Mum!  I do need it, and Zak’s right, I’m scared too.  Neither of us understands how we’ve survived this week!”

The family hug lasted for quite a few minutes, with only a few words spoken, but the bonds between them all grew stronger.  Eventually Jenny guided them to the sofa in the sitting room, and sat between them as she asked them to try and explain their friendship.  The mother in her had wanted to do this for a long time, and now seemed like a perfect opportunity to ask.

The boys considered telepathically between themselves how much to share, and then spent half an hour explaining their magical bond.  They also mentioned how the Divining Orb had described their relationship.  Zak had been a bit worried how his mum would react to the soul mate bit, but she just hugged them both close again and smiled.

“Well, it does sound a bit strange for two eleven-year-olds to be described that way, but it might explain why I feel the same way towards both of you, it’s because you’re so closely linked together!  I don’t really understand it, Zak, but I feel very happy about it somehow.  Fate has brought you together, and you match each other and support each other very well.  Don’t ever lose what you have between you; friendship and companionship are very precious gifts!”

“We couldn’t even if we wanted to Mum, we’re getting closer and closer every day.  We feel each other’s emotions…”

“…and each other’s pain…”

“…we hear each other’s thoughts…”

“…and make each other’s decisions…”

“…and adopt each other’s personalities!”

“I react to things as though I was Zak…”

“…and I react to things as though I was Tallion!”

“I’m becoming more laid back and mischievous…”

“…and I’m becoming more sensible and serious!”

The seamless alternating monologue between the two young wizards left Jenny bemused!  They really were…

“…becoming a single person!” 

They both finished off her thought in unison, watching her surprised face with a twinkle in their eyes.  They’d only been able to do it because they could hear
thoughts too, but it had been the perfect finale to the conversation.

She eventually smiled.

“I don’t know how you do that, especially finishing off my thoughts, but I love you both, very much.  Now, go and do your homework while I get us some lunch.  Then you can relax a bit before your father comes at five.”

It was only as Jenny was preparing the meal in the kitchen that she realised how she’d just referred to Sir Philip as their father, meaning Zak’s father too!  She frowned and shook her head, it seemed as though the two
were merging, let alone their two sons!




8.  Saturday School



Saturday morning at Lofthouse Castle started at a very un-Saturday-like six thirty for Zak and Tallion.  Granted, Steven had been up since six with his dad, but then they were farmers, and had livestock to attend to.  Zak and Tallion however, had Saturday school to attend to!

They’d ended up sleeping in Tallion’s room, so he pushed Zak out of the bed first to go back to his own room and get washed and dressed, and they met in the corridor at seven o’clock to go for breakfast.  Tallion’s pleasure at being able to enjoy his beloved Narva eggs and dragon bacon again made Zak snigger, and by seven thirty they were in the main classroom in the school wing of the castle, greeting Barty.

“You two live far too eventful lives!  If you carry on like this, then you’ll finish us all off!  Your father and I have discussed the new arrangements which he went over with you last night, and we think they’ll keep you well enough hidden.  If Malchus can’t find you easily, and he knows that everywhere you go is well protected, then that should drop you down his hit-list a bit!”

“Right, term time magic school will normally start on Friday evenings.  With the help of some wakefulness potion, we’ll manage a one-hour session each on four subjects, doing the rest on Saturday, when we should finish by half past three.  It is going to be tough, but we’ve got no choice really, so we just need to get on with it.”

“This morning we have an hour of history, an hour of transfiguration, then a break, followed by an hour of numerology, and an hour of spells and charms.  After
break we have an hour of Herbology in the greenhouse before lunch.  After lunch, we have an hour of magical self-defence in the duelling room, then an hour of potions in the lab, and then you’re free!”

Zak and Tallion looked at each other in consternation, that all sounded a bit intense, but they only had a moment to think about it before Barty got their attention by clearing his throat loudly.

“We’re in class boys, come on, we need to get on with it.  Get your history text books out and turn to chapter six.  We’re going to read the chapter and then discuss what we’ve read and pick out the key points for you to make notes on.  Ready?”

Barty set off through the chapter the moment the boys opened their books, and they didn’t have chance to be bored because they were going at such a pace.  In no time at all a magical gong announced that it was the end of history and time for transfiguration. 

There was some more reading of the textbook, this time punctuated by demonstrations of technique from Barty, with the two wizards trying to copy him.  They then completed an exercise changing a piece of wood into different shapes while keeping it looking like a piece of wood.  It was surprisingly hard to keep it looking like wood though, because their thoughts continually influenced the transfiguration!  The whole point of the lesson was to help them train their minds to concentrate on exactly what they wanted and avoid distractions.

Break came and went quickly, and they plunged into Numerology, which seemed to be the only time the two boys’ minds weren’t closely coupled.  Tallion just couldn’t stop himself becoming totally absorbed in the lesson, but even though Zak followed it easily enough, thanks to Tallion’s natural gift for numbers, he simply couldn’t get excited about it!

Spells and charms followed a similar pattern to the other lessons, with a few minutes of theory at the start and the rest of the lesson given over to mastering some key spells that required the techniques they’d just studied. 

By the time they’d had
break, and spent an hour in the greenhouse learning about the anatomy and behaviour of the Belgian Gop Vine (which seemed to be much more animal than plant), lunch came as a welcome relief!

Bella had made her usual Saturday morning trip to Upper Nettleton with Bjarne and Freya to send out potions and restock ingredients, and the three of them had then delayed their lunch so that they could eat with Zak and Tallion.

“How’s weekend magic school then, boys?” she asked as they tumbled into the room.

“Full, Mother,” exclaimed Tallion, “but we’re enjoying it…”

Zak nodded, “… and we like being here rather than at Mhonarr Castle.”

“Will you be able to play Balayage with me this afternoon, after you’ve finished?” asked Bjarne sounding very hopeful.

“Yeah, of course,” answered Zak.  “I enjoy Balayage as much as you do, and I need to practise too!”

Do you think we could include Bjarne in some of our Saturday lessons?  He must be a bit lonely now that you’re down at The Copse all week.

We’ll ask Barty.  I don’t know what he’ll think, but maybe herbology, or potions?  It could only be lessons that don’t need wands though...

Good point, and I don’t think he’ll want to sit through history and numerology with us anyway!  I think we should ask him first.

Zak smiled, forgetting that only Tallion had heard the conversation and understood why he was smiling.  Bella spotted it, and realised that they’d been talking telepathically. 

I think he’ll be very pleased!  He’s a bit boring when it comes to reading and learning you know, so he might even enjoy history!  He reads hundreds of books from our library, far more than I’ve ever read!


* * *

Back in the school wing after lunch, Barty was waiting for them in the duelling classroom.  Before they started however, he wanted to discuss the events of the previous day at Netherdale Academy.

“I know you’ve been over this with your father, and you’re probably sick of reciting the story, but I want to understand a bit more about what happened, in two respects.”

“The first Libra Mortis hit the goal posts which could only have happened if you dodged behind them Tallion, or if you moved them somehow?  Unless you were already moving though, I don’t see how you could possibly have got behind them in time…”

Barty was looking enquiringly at Tallion, genuinely puzzled as to how the young wizard had survived.

“They moved, as well as me,” said Tallion simply.  “I have no conscious recollection of willing them to move, and I certainly didn’t cast a spell or charm, they just moved by themselves.  I know I have a gift for telekinesis, and I
move things by thinking about it, but it often just happens by itself.”

Tallion glanced at Zak who’d nudged him with his elbow, and he added with a grin, “That’s how Zak found out that I was a wizard.  He saw me making the football swerve away from the goal to stop him scoring.  To start with it happened by accident, but then I worked out that I could do it on purpose, and I did it once too often!” 

“You did it lots of times too often!” responded Zak with a fake glare at his friend.

“Okay,” said Barty, “that sort of explains it.  To get that thin goal post to move exactly in front of the oncoming spell, though, is astonishing.  That’s a fantastic defensive gift Tallion; it’s as good as a shield charm any day!  All spells degrade when they pass through a physical obstruction, and if it’s solid enough they simply explode against it.  That’s what allowed the non-magical knights-of-old to battle against witches & wizards, they were wearing armour, or chainmail, and the spells simply couldn’t get through with enough power to affect them.  However, it’s a bit impractical for you two to wear chainmail all the time at the academy!”

“Are we really in danger there, Barty?”

“Not unless Malchus wants to start an open war.  He won’t fight his way into a school just to get you, so I think you’re safe while you’re inside.  All the buildings are fully protected by defensive wards that will repel offensive spells
unknown wizards.  As you know there will be a few more wizards watching when you’re playing sports and doing outside activities, so I think you’ll be okay outside too.  Now, the second thing I need to know is from you, Zak.  Your father said that you saw Niall Donoghue
he cast the spell, is that right?”

“Yes.  He was walking along the path round the field.  I even saw him reach inside his jacket for his wand…”

“Are you sure you saw him
along the path, not just standing still on it?”

Zak frowned and screwed up his eyes trying to remember exactly what he’d seen.  It took a few seconds before his memory got going.

“Actually Barty, I don’t think he
walking.  I can’t really remember how I noticed him, but he sort of looked a bit lost I think, and then he reached for his wand as he was looking at Tallion’s seven-a-side match.”

Barty looked closely at Zak.  Something very peculiar had happened on the football pitch the previous day, and Sir Philip seemed to have missed it, probably because he hadn’t been there himself.  Barty was certain that Niall Donoghue was not visible when he cast the first spell at Tallion, and probably when he cast the second one at Zak.  Barty was actually watching Zak as it happened, and had seen him reach for his wand, shout, and start to run, but there was no sign of anyone on the path outside the school fence!  It now appeared that Zak had seen Niall Donoghue, but no-one else had!

Barty was unaware that his thoughts were audible to both Zak and Tallion, and the two eleven-year-old wizards were working very hard to make sure it stayed that way.  Not reacting to the information they’d just picked up was almost impossible though!  Fortunately, Barty was rather preoccupied with the possible explanations for what might have happened, which included Zak possessing some kind of second sight which allowed him to see things that were hidden from others.  Eventually he spoke to them again.

“Zak, I couldn’t see Niall Donoghue, he was hidden by some form of magic.  Tallion, did you see him?”

Tallion now frowned in concentration, but eventually shook his head.

“I only saw him lying on the ground when I got to Zak, I don’t remember seeing him cast the spells.”

“This is most interesting.  Zak, I believe you may have a rare ability here, but I don’t know what it is.  Can you see people who’ve had an Abscondo cast on them?”

“No, well, I certainly couldn’t before!” 

Quick as a flash Zak drew his wand and cast the spell on Tallion who vanished from view to all three of them. 

“Nope, he’s definitely invisible.”

Barty cast Finite Incantio at Tallion who duly re-appeared in front of them.  He looked puzzled and sighed.  “I’m sure I didn’t just miss him Zak, he definitely wasn’t visible…”

“What other ways are there to hide yourself?” asked Tallion.

“Well, the only other way that I know of is to use an invisibility cloak, but they’re not very common, and usually people who are fortunate enough to own one, or powerful enough to create one, are also quite capable of using Abscondo!  There is of course the possibility that they know a spell other than Abscondo to make themselves invisible, but if that’s the case then it’s obviously not as good, or you have the ability to see through it!  That could be a very useful bit knowledge for us to have though.”

Barty looked at the two quiet boys in front of him, hoping his brain would think of something, but it didn’t. 

“Well, I’m pleased to know that you’re able to use Abscondo Zak.  Tallion, I assume you can use it too?”

“Yes.  We practised on each other until we got it working, then spent a while practising casting it at ourselves.”

“Excellent!  Okay, we need to get to the bottom of the mystery, but it’ll have to wait for another time.  Now, we need to spend a few minutes practising reflex reactions, and then we need to rattle through another chapter of Henry Scuffle’s book.  For homework though, I want you to read the first chapter of Cassius D’Agara’s Ultimate Wizard Warcraft.” 

The two young wizards looked a bit surprised, and glanced at each other, sharing some quick thoughts.

“I know I said earlier that I didn’t want you to read the book for homework,” continued Barty, “but we’re going to leave the first year magical defence curriculum behind for a few weeks, you’re miles ahead anyway!  Experienced assassins have now attacked you twice, and you need to start studying how they work and how to counter them in battle.  Remember, don’t hold the books in your hands, okay, put them on a table, and turn the pages with your wands.”

Barty motioned the boys to come to the front of the classroom. 

“First though, reflex practise!  You’re not going to be fighting each other though, or me.”

He grinned as he swept his wand round the room, and the furniture obediently rushed back against the walls, which also seemed to recede in every direction as the room grew to twice the size it was before!  At the same time the ceiling went up and the apparently wooden floor disappeared underneath a swirling mist which then cleared to reveal a full-sized ritual circle! 

Both boys heard the non-verbal incantations that Barty used, but Tallion hadn’t been watching his tutor, so he missed the wand movements.  His eyes went wide though as he recognised what was now in front of them, and he glanced up at Barty with concern.  Zak had no idea what it was though, so he just watched with interest, until he felt his soul mate’s emotions and heard the vaguely horrified thoughts that were running through his mind!

“Okay, it’s not a real ritual circle Tallion; it’s just a full-size replica.  Your father has assured me that no-one has ever uttered any pagan incantations in this room, and therefore there is no dark magic associated with this circle.  When we get to third year, you’ll start learning about some of the less-unpleasant aspects of dark magic, and the ritual circle is one of the things we’ll study.  I’ll never teach you any of the incantations that are required to bring one to life though.  I have personally made a point of staying firmly in within light magic ever since I realised I had a choice.  I’ve never studied dark magic, so I couldn’t teach you even if I wanted to, and I don’t intend to learn it now!”

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