Zectas Volume IV: The Salubrious City of Centzo (47 page)

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Authors: John Nest,You The Reader

Tags: #Computers & Technology, #Games & Strategy Guides, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Teen & Young Adult, #Children's eBooks

BOOK: Zectas Volume IV: The Salubrious City of Centzo
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+ Your party has dealt a fatal blow to the Iguarat King: Übel Blick.
+ Your party killed the Iguarat King: Übel Blick.
+ Your party gained 500,000 experience points.

As the corpse of the Iguarat King faded into Mictlan, it left behind one item. An extremely large book with ancient leather cover.

+ Acquired book:
Memoirs of Magnat

After Smoke gathered the book, he was about to face the remaining Iguarats blocked by Igniz and his metallic golems. He wanted to make sure that the reunited father and daughter could escape unscathed.
Then, a fortuitous chain reaction occurred. The smaller Iguarats began to explode on their own. Sounds of detonations echoed throughout the entire Iguarat Castle.
After the explosions ended, Smoke checked the castle for remaining enemies. Thankfully, his Cunning of the Dire Fox did not sense any left.
"Dada, what happened?" Verloren asked as she looked around the strange Iguarat Castle.
"I don't know. All I know is that you're here with me now," replied Blöd.
While Blöd Mensch took care of her daughter, removing the uncomfortable Iguarat clothes, Smoke was busy searching through the rest of Iguarat Castle.
He also began acquiring the knowledge of the book he received from Übel. He was surprised to see that the progress bar indicated thirty-minutes for him to complete it.
Smoke searched through the rooms, and found them considerably clean, as clean as you would expect from an Iguarat.
The rooms only had beds made out of leaves scattered on the floor. He tried touching them, and was amazed to feel how soft the leaves were.
Continuing his search in the Iguarat Castle, he stumbled upon the kitchen. It had several fruits, the ones he surmised were from Schmucklos Village.
Then, in one of the largest rooms in the castle, he saw a large casting circle. There were no other materials or writings to describe what it was. So, Smoke left it alone and continued on his search.
However, he was caught off guard as a notification window popped up. The book's progress bar he was holding had already completed.

+ Memoirs of Magnat
Day 8:
The other passengers have decided to stay near the shore in hopes of finding another ship. I do hope we can find one soon. This stupid event makes me regret leaving my two sisters.
Day 150:
Since no ship has been in sight, the other passengers have decided to move farther into the island. They found a small forest with a few fruit-bearing trees. I think I could conjure it, so that they would grow more fruits and grow fast like grass. Well, maybe if I am bored.
Day 1,095:
It has been three years since we have been shipwrecked on this wretched island. The other passengers have grown accustomed to the life here. It appears my trees have made them lazy. It's a good thing they've put up those walls. Otherwise, those iguanas and gambian rats will just steal their harvested food.
Day 2,190:
When boredom strikes! Today I've decided to do a little experiment. I think being alone is what drives me to do this. I caught an iguana and gambian rat and have spliced the two of them together. It looks horrid, but I think I can turn it into something decent.
Day 3,650:
Ten years pass by quickly when you have all the time in the world. I have moved out of that trashy place they call a village, and have created a home of my own. Good thing I helped my sisters train in their magic. It has been really useful here in this island. My experiment, which I now call an Iguarat, has undergone several transformations since.
Day 7,300:
I have come closer to deciphering my other sister's teleportation magic. I think another year and I'll be off this island. On the other hand, the Iguarat has proven to be very helpful. Not only does he keep me company, he also fetches the fruits from the trees I've created.
Day 7,750:
Over a year has passed since I estimated completing the teleportation circle, but I am still unsuccessful. On another note, the Iguarat has began to show signs of intelligence. I plan to teach it sign language next.
Day 8,107:
Still no progress on getting out of this hell hole, but after another modification on my experiment, the Iguarat can now speak simple words.
Day 8,420:
The Iguarat can now speak fluently. In fact, it has asked to be given a name. I still can't decide between Übel or Gut.
Day 9,696:
Gut has fallen seriously ill over the last couple of days, and has finally succumbed to death. He has been a dear friend to me. I think I'll have to use it on him.
Day 9,777:
The Iguarat I brought back does not seem the same. Due to this I have decided to give it a new name, Übel. He is very rambunctious and as a result I keep punishing it with my whip.
Day 10,200:
Übel's behavior has gotten even worse. My punishments have grown more severe. Yet, I fear it has made an adverse effect. He now acts up even more, asking to be punished. Still no progress on teleportation.

Day 11,450:
I have made a discovery! Übel has been secretly replicating himself. As it turns out, he has the ability to create lesser forms of himself, about half his size, whenever he eats one of the island's jewels.
Day 13,086:
Übel has created a small army of lesser Iguarats, and now I find my days punishing most of them. I even caught them going near the village. Those people may have grown lazy, but I still don't want to bother them with my pests...err I mean pets.
Day 14,021:
There are now more than a hundred Iguarats living in my house. I think I need to increase it to five times its size. Another group has wandered into the village again. Due to this, I implanted a third eye on Übel. He could now completely control the lesser Iguarats into complete submission, into a hypnotic state.
Day 45,610:
Why am I still counting the days? Guess what? It didn't take a year to learn teleportation magic, but I have finally develop my own teleportation. I can finally get off this accursed island. Unfortunately, I can't take any of my Iguarats with me. Not even my rowdy Übel. I hope that he stays pure, and obey my order of not harming the villagers.

'This Magnat sounds like quite a character,' thought Smoke to himself, amused after reading the memoir. 'Too bad Übel was not able to comply with his master's final order.'
Smoke finally finished searching the entire castle, and found nothing else of interest. He went back to Blöd and Verloren, and explained to them the situation.
"So, the Iguarats were nothing but some pets that were carelessly left by their owner?" asked a surprised Blöd.
Smoke helplessly shrugged. "Something like that."
"But those monsters ravaged our village for years," added Blöd. "Well, at least I have my daughter back with me."
"Yeah, about that, I think that the Iguarat King just wanted to kidnap girls as substitute to his master," said Smoke, as he shared his theory.
"You mean the owner was a girl?" asked an astonished Blöd. "The one who made all of this was a woman?"
"I'm not completely sure. It's just my own theory," explained Smoke.
"Anyway, let's just get back to the village. I'd like to tell everyone that all of the Iguarats are dead," stated Blöd.
Smoke, Blöd and his daughter, Verloren, all headed back to the village of Schmucklos.

* * * * * * 

It had been three days since Smoke has been shipwrecked on the island. He decided to stay near the shore, in hope of finding another ship.
Blöd asked Smoke what he wanted as a reward for slaying the Iguarats. Smoke simply said that he wanted a bag of the shiny rocks, the ones from Mount Luzid.
The villagers of Schmucklos were puzzled at his fascination with the useless rocks. Yet, they indulged him and gave him two bags worth of it.
He conveniently placed them inside his inventory window, where he stowed them for safety.
Knowing that spotting a ship was next to impossible, he began to build a ship of his own. With Igniz's help, he was able to burn down trees for his raw materials.
Yet, without any ship-building abilities, Smoke's poor attempt of a raft was sure to be swallowed up by the waves of the deep sea.
He decided to practice on his Manatl, while waiting for the sun to go down. He felt angry at Malheur for leaving him behind, but it was not eating him up as much as before. He felt he had grown, somehow.
'Worst case scenario, I could die at sea and respawn back at Havre Village,' thought Smoke to himself as he still could not decide whether to use his poorly crafted raft.
Then, after an hour of Manatl training, a ship came into view. It was another junk ship, much like the one he was thrown off from.
Using his Telefax Vision, he spotted Captain Rongeur Malodorante at the helm of the junk ship.
"It's really them. They came back for us, Igniz," said Smoke to his symbiote. He quickly signaled his dark ember sprite to hide inside his metallic chamber, and equipped his earth mask.
As the Naufrage got closer, Smoke spotted two familiar fins. Next, he noticed that the junk ship was actually being pulled by large tentacles.
Suddenly, Calamar's head popped out the water, revealing its large eyes.
The twin bull sharks swam near the shore. Smoke happily swam to meet them. Cornu and Requin carried him back to the ship.
A rope-ladder was thrown on the side of the Naufrage. Smoke scrambled his way up the ladder and got on board the junk ship once more.
He warily searched for Malheur, but saw no signs of the Sonstwelter who threw him overboard.
"Where is he?" Smoke asked Rongeur.
"Faux, you are really friends with these monsters?" asked an astonished Rongeur.
"Yeah, and they'll kill you all if you don't show me where Malheur is," threatened Smoke.
"Oh, the big guy there already took care of him," answered Mouette, the HighElf, pointing to Calamar. "He was pulled off the deck with one of its large tentacles and was dragged into the sea. That was the last we saw of him."
"Listen, Faux, we never meant to leave you behind," quickly explained Rongeur. "That was all Malheur's idea. None of us knew about it."
"I know," said Smoke. "I believe you. It was kind of my fault too. I was the one who told him that we needed a distraction."
Smoke looked at the Naufrage's crew and knew they were sincere with their words.
"At least Malheur did one thing right," said Smoke. "It was good of him to throw me than any of you guys."
"But how exactly did an Earth Elementalist such as yourself find this island? And how are you friends with that colossal squid?" asked Oursin, the OrkElf.
"That's a long story, but I think I can tell you about it on our way to Sawtorn," answered Smoke with a mischievous smile.
The disguised Smoke then turned to face Calamar and he gave it a grateful salute. The colossal squid's gigantic eyes only gave him a knowing wink.


Smoke and Sierra's Status Windows


Character: Smoke

Level: 108

Job: Beggar

Race: DarkElf

Alignment: Neutral

Money: 1,000,000 zecs

Fame: 1,250

Titles: (+ to all stats)
Condortl Savior (+2)
5th Swordsman to Knight Champ (+1)
King of Maneators (+4)

Pet: None

Life: 197, 816 HP

Mana: 278,522 MP


DEX: 605(+62)

STR: 145(+55)

AGI: 60 (+617)

VIT: 10 (+104)

INT: 140(+213)

Wisdom: 120 (+37)

Leadership: 143 (+7)

Charisma: 30 (+7)

Luck: 999

Attack Speed:25(+71)

Movement Speed:65(+15)





Power Chainsaw Bow: 135-148(1/4)

Attack: 7,888-8,548 (1/4)


Twin Lightning Rods: 206-220(1/4)

Attack: 13,135-14,348 (1/4)


Elemental Resistance:

Elemental Affinity:


Fire:            90%
Dark:          60%
Poison:       44%
Wind:         20%
Water:        20%
Earth:         40%
Lightining: 22%

Fire:           90%
Earth:         80%

Lightning:  55%

Poison:       52%
Wind:         25%



Equipment Effects: (1/4)



*Hooded Cape of Cologus
+20% Earth Affinity
+20% Wind Affinity
+20 Strength
+20 Dexterity
*Claws of Chiropterra
    +15% Earth Affinity
*Heart of ReenTe
    +30 Vitality
*Sable Wizard's Surcoat
    +510 Defense
    +10% All Resistance
    +15% Bonus Exp
* Lunar Gravity Boots
   +15 Movement Speed
* Wise Ring of  the Dire Fox
    +30 Intelligence
    +30 Wisdom
Horse Ring of Domination
    +50 Intelligence
    +30% Earth Affinity
Berserker's Ring of Flames
    +50 Intelligence
    +30% Fire Affinity
Electromagnetic Golem Offering
    +50 Intelligence
    +30% Lightning Affinity
*Beggar Belt [1 stone]



Skill Effects:



* Agility of the Horned Rabbit (Agility + 600)
* Cooking (Vitality + 67)
* Dual Wield (Attack Speed + 75)
* Knife Mastery (Knife Damage + 66%)
* Bow Mastery (Bow Damage + 92%)



Character: Sierra

Level: 106

Job: Druid Archon

Race: HighElf/Werebear

Alignment: Neutral

Money: 999,000,000 zecs

Fame: 1,087

Titles: (+ to all stats)
Lady of Verbrannt (+3)
Alpha Werebear(+5)

Pet: Ruby Bear(named Rubie)


Werebear: 426,183 HP

HighElf: 243,719  HP


Werebear:  80,700 MP

HighElf: 292,100 MP


DEX: 20(+8)

STR: 60(Werebear+208/HighElf+8)

AGI: 20 (+8)

VIT: 347 (Werebear+208/HighElf+108)

INT: 60(+18)

Endurance: 623 (+8)

Leadership: 210 (+8)

Charisma: 50 (+8)

Luck: 10

Attack Speed:22

Movement Speed:45

Defense: 3,175




Werebear Claws: 210-285

Sierra's Ferule: 150-160

Attack: 10,900 -11,700

Attack: 7,500 – 8,000





Elemental Resistance:

Elemental Affinity:


Fire:            20%
Wind:         20%
Water:        20%
Earth:         20%
Lightining: 20%

Light:          70%

Fire:            20%
Wind:         20%
Water:        20%
Earth:         20%
Lightining: 20%



Equipment Effects:



Sierra's Ferule: + 10 Intelligence

Armored Armadillo Shield: +100 Vitality



Skill Effects:



* Werebear Resistance(20% increase to Fire,Earth,Wind,Water,Lightning)
* Werebear Constitution (+200 Vitality, +3000 Defense)
* Werebear Prowess (+200 Strength)
* Lycanthrope Pack Mastery (+30,000 HP, +2% increased attack speed to pack members)



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