Zero Day (50 page)

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Authors: David Baldacci

Tags: #Thriller, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Adventure, #Adult

BOOK: Zero Day
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Absolute Power

Total Control

The Winner

The Simple Truth

Saving Faith

Wish You Well

Last Man Standing

The Christmas Train

Split Second

Hour Game

The Camel Club

The Collectors

Simple Genius

Stone Cold

The Whole Truth

Divine Justice

First Family

True Blue

Deliver Us from Evil

Hell’s Corner

The Sixth Man

One Summer


“A complex puzzle… Baldacci is a master craftsman.”

—Associated Press

“A masterpiece of misdirection, wonderfully played out by a storyteller at the absolute top of his game.”

Providence Journal

“An entertaining read.”

Chicago Sun-Times

“Fresh and engaging… a lean, relentlessly-paced thriller…
The Sixth Man
is built for speed.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch

“Authentic scenario, mystery piled on misdirection, and more double-crosses than a tic-tac-toe tournament.”

Kirkus Reviews

“An intricate thriller… a good read for mystery lovers.”





“Impossible to put down.”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

“Riveting… never offers a moment to set the book down… a superb Washington thriller.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch

“Plenty of action drives Baldacci’s stellar novel.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“Mr. Baldacci’s books are jigsaw puzzles of intersecting events, not simple whodunits.”

Washington Times

“What Baldacci does best is provide thrills, chills, and suspense. This novel is a total surprise from beginning to end.”

Columbus Telegram

“The story unfolds wonderfully. It’s another top-flight thriller from this bestselling author, and it’s good to see King and Maxwell again.”


“David Baldacci has earned his place as one of America’s top thriller writers with his string of No. 1 bestsellers… And it’s not just the general public nabbing up the books. President Clinton picked
The Simple Truth
as his favorite book the year it came out. Other books have been read by leading figures in politics and the media.”

—James Rollins,
New York Times
bestselling author of
The Doomsday Key

“David Baldacci is indisputably one of the greatest thriller writers of the last decade. One of the most endearing qualities of a Baldacci novel is the world he creates: heroes with severe flaws, powerful men of influence who are easily corruptible… Rather than write the same type of book several times, Baldacci has repeatedly traveled away from his comfort zone, with astounding results.”

Strand Magazine


“Keeps a reader turning pages.”

Washington Post Book World

“Compulsively readable… Baldacci, always strong on suspense… finds his voice here.”

(starred review)

“Exciting… good fun and fast-paced.”

Midwest Book Review


“A thrill a minute… King and Maxwell are fictional treats, a fabulously entertaining team, and the action is hot and hard.”

New York Daily News

“Plenty of surprises and suspense… rich and deeply textured… fast paced.”

—Associated Press

“The action is suspenseful and relentless.”

Newark Star-Ledger

“The book’s pace is near-gallop.”

Buffalo News

“Utterly absorbing… spins in unexpected directions… There are terrific action sequences throughout and plenty of suspense… texture and depth… A snappy surprise ending will have Baldacci’s many fans remembering why they love this author so much.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

Hour Game
has the elements of a classic Baldacci thriller. His characters keep getting better and richer and the plots—while always tight and well executed—are becoming more intricate and realistic… There is no question: David Baldacci will stay on the bestseller list for a long time to come.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch


“Explosive… Readers will barely have time to catch their breath.”


“Excellent… a gripping page-turner… Baldacci knows how to hold his readers’ attention.”

—Associated Press

“Genuinely scary scenes… driven by tense action.”

New York Daily News

“Great… a fast-paced thriller.”

Denver Post

“The reader will enjoy the ride.”

Houston Chronicle

“A compelling storyteller… a supercharged pace.”

Orlando Sentinel

“A fast-paced… adrenaline-fueled story.”

Newark Star-Ledger

“Pulse-pounding suspense.”


“Baldacci provides plenty of action and plenty of surprises.”

News Journal

“A pulse-racing tale [that] offers fast-paced suspense from beginning to end.”


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2011 by Columbus Rose, Ltd.

Excerpt from
The Escape
copyright © 2014 by Columbus Rose, Ltd.

All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

Grand Central Publishing

Hachette Book Group

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First ebook edition: March 2012

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ISBN 978-0-446-57303-0


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