Zero (10 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Zero
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“I know. When I was little I loved to play games. I wonder who will win this game.” He took a step back. The commotion outside was lessening, and Alan was moving away, ready to disappear again. Where were The Skulls when she needed them? Zero was going to get his ass kicked when she saw him.

“Zero will kill you,” she said, trying to make him stay. If she kept him here someone might find them and Alan would no longer be a problem.

“And he will die along with me.”

Alan left, and Prue could do nothing but wait for one of Zero’s men to come and get her. They were not in charge. Alan was in charge, and there was nothing either of them could do to save each other. They were all at the mercy of a maniac.

Chapter Five


The police dropped all charges of assault and finally decided to take Zero’s statement after he apologized to the man he hit. The man suffered with a broken nose. Tiny put up the money for the hospital funds. The officers wanted to keep him for longer for the attack, but they had nothing. He’d fucked everything up by refusing to come down and make a statement. Running a hand down his face, Zero had fucked up again. By attacking the officer he’d given the cops the perfect reason to believe he was hiding something.  Zero knew he shouldn’t have hit the other man, but his temper had gotten the better of him. Leaving Prue hadn’t been an option, even though they agreed to post a guard outside the door. Fucking the nurse didn’t make him a killer, and he wouldn’t go down for that shit. During his statement, the police made sure he was aware that they were not here to pin the murder of the woman on him but were in fact asking him questions about the person responsible for killing the woman.

They treated him like a dumb fuck, and like Tiny told him, he had to deal with it. Fuck, he remembered when his father punished him years ago for something he didn’t do. Zero couldn’t remember what he had supposedly done, but he recalled the punishment. His father locked him in the dog cage for the entire weekend without feeding him.

Cutting off the memory, Zero remembered it was the one and only time he’d ever been trapped in something. Being behind bars was not something he ever anticipated. He’d rather go on the run before he went to jail.

Thinking about his life outside he doubted Alan wanted him in prison for the game to play out. How much fun would life be if he was locked away? He spent over twenty-fours in the prison cell for his own fucking doing, but it hadn’t been all bad apart from the fact he didn’t get to see his woman. Twenty-four hours felt like forever to him with nothing to do but deal with his own fucking problems. Tiny and the rest of The Skulls found ways of getting messages to him. Steven was with Prue in the hospital, watching over her, which he didn’t like.

Next time go to the station willingly, fucking asshole.

He also found out what happened during the chaos of the discovery of the dead body. Collecting his stuff from the reception desk, Zero was in no mood for jokes. He ignored the banter going on around him. They were all talking about their normal lives full of normal shit. Zero hadn’t lived a normal life in such a long time. Heading outside, he felt the heat of approaching spring on his face. After not seeing it for twenty-four hours and having nothing but three walls and bars, Zero was appreciative of any scenery outside. At least he no longer had an issue with cages anymore.

Tiny was waiting in the car along with Eva and the twins. He climbed into the back seat glancing at the innocent lives beside him. Fuck, he should have made sure Alan was dead before he left ten years ago. No matter how hard he tried, Zero wasn’t going to be able to change the past. At the time he’d liked the idea of the other man burning alive. He’d been away from The Skulls for an entire weekend. The longer he was away, the less chance he had of being part of the club. He hadn’t watched the warehouse burn. Ten years ago he’d fucked up and fucked up bad.

“I want to go to the hospital,” he said. The thought of seeing Prue kept him going.

“You’re not going to the hospital.”

“Who is looking after her?” he asked, fisting his hands.

“Steven and Blaine have been dealing with it. Butch stops by as well. She’s a nice girl, cheery all things considered.” Tiny was the one driving. Eva stayed silent, looking out of the window. “We’re going on lockdown. I can’t risk our club. When Prue gets out of the hospital Sandy will take care of her. I’m not risking anymore lives. I can’t.”

Zero couldn’t argue. “I’m sorry.”


“I fucked up. I should have made sure Alan was dead. I fucked up.”

“Yeah, you fucked up bad. Whizz is working on locating him. So far, it’s hard to track a ghost.” Tiny tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “I called Devil. He and his crew will be on their way the moment we need them.”

“You called them?”

“Chaos Bleeds will help us. They’re our friends, and you’re going to deal with it,” Tiny said. Chaos Bleeds was an MC group worse than The Skulls. Devil, the president, helped The Skulls out a couple of times in the last couple of years, but they didn’t have any rules. They took without thinking who they hurt.

“We don’t need them,” Zero said.

You do. How can you fight a ghost?

“Really? So you were awake when this fucker took the blonde nurse you fucked, tortured her, and then tied her to a fucking chair after plunging a needle to keep you out of it.” Tiny glanced at the inside rear mirror. His anger was tangible in the small space of the car. Eva reached out to calm the kids, who were getting restless as their father lost his temper. “For fuck’s sake, use your fucking head, you fucking asshole. You didn’t finish the job ten years ago. We’ve got no choice but to bring our friends in. The next time I tell you to do something, you will fucking do it. When I say go and give a statement, you’ll fucking go. If I tell you to piss on demand, you’ll fucking do it.”

Zero stayed silent. Everything Tiny said rang true. Zero, ten years ago, had fucked up and fucked up bad. There was no chance of getting away from it.

“We’re taking you to the clubhouse to wash the stink of the cells off you. When you’re done, we’ll take you to the hospital. Between you and Prue, neither of you are leaving without a fucking escort.”

“Stop swearing, honey. The kids don’t like it,” Eva said.

He watched as Tiny grabbed Eva’s hand, locking their fingers together. The love and support was strong. Zero wanted something like that. The couple was strong together. They led The Skulls, drawing them all together as a family. They’d been married a couple of years, but Eva had been part of the club for a lot longer.

At the clubhouse he ignored all the stares that followed him. Going straight to his room, he found Butch waiting on his bed.

“Fuck, Nash the other day and now you. What the fuck?” Zero said, cursing.

“I wanted to make sure you’re all right,” Butch said. “I brought you into the club. I vouched for you even though I’d only been a full member for a few months. I like you, Zero. You’re a good friend. You’re loyal.”

Butch had been a friend he made in a bar. Zero at the time had gone by Lucas, and he’d been working odd jobs, moving from place to place. He owned a bike, never stopping what he was doing. Everything was always brilliant and new to him. Settling down hadn’t been in his blood.  For several months after he met Butch, he’d learned a little about the club life until he’d asked how to become part of it. Zero didn’t regret being part of it. He loved his life and wouldn’t change anything.

“I fucked up,” Zero said. “There is nothing I can say to change that. I wish I’d come to the club, but I just acted. I got Prue safe, and then I needed justice for Trevor being dead.” He gritted his teeth hating the pain that pounded through him.

“I met someone.” Butch changed the conversation quickly.

Frowning, Zero didn’t know where this was going. “Someone special?”


“She’s not a sweet-butt?” Zero asked.

“No, she’s not a sweet-butt. I don’t really know who she is. She has a son.” Butch ran a hand down his face. “I don’t know what this is.” He placed a hand in front of his chest, looking confused.

“Why are you telling me?”

“I need to tell someone who knows all about being confused by their fucking feelings.” Butch ran a hand down his chest.

“The sweet-butts will be so angry if they lose you,” Zero said.

“Nothing is going to happen. I don’t have anything to do with single moms.” Butch stood up. “I’m pleased we had this chat.”

Before Zero could say anything else, Butch was leaving his room. When did he become the person to talk to? He knew fuck all about love let alone showing a woman how he felt.

He went to the shower and took a quick wash. In ten minutes he was downstairs waiting for Tiny to come.

Running fingers through his hair, he waited outside. Eva and Tiny were in his office, and it didn’t take a genius to know what they were doing.

Sophia stood outside with her daughter. Nash was close to her, and she was looking after all the kids. He watched them for several minutes seeing the love shining between the couple. They were in love. Zero was an idiot to think she would ever have fallen for him. He had next to nothing to offer her.

Taking out a cigarette, he placed it to his lips and lit it.

“He’ll get over it, you know,” Lash said, coming to stand beside him. Lash was Nash’s brother. The two were really close, and both were married with kids. For the first time, Zero was envious of the men settled down.


“Your crush over Sophia. He can’t blame you really. Nash claimed her for a reason.” Lash leaned against the wall, watching his brother. “It’s why I couldn’t blame Devil for wanting my woman. Angel is everything to me. I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.”

Zero followed his gaze as he looked toward his woman, who was talking with one of the sweet-butts. Everyone knew not to upset Angel. Once Lash found out, you made an enemy.

“Angel is a beautiful woman. She’s sweet.” Too sweet for their life but Lash wanted her, and so they made it all possible.

“If anything ever happened to her it would kill me. She’s my world. My life is devoted to the club. She never makes waves and never asks questions. Angel trusts me completely with her life and that of our son and future children when they come.” Lash turned back to look at him. “I will not live without her. She’s my lifeline and what makes me a good man.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Zero asked.

“There is a woman lying in the hospital who means the exact same thing to you. The moment she was in danger you forgot about everything else to be with her.”

“Prue’s my friend.”

“And yet, even for a friend you wouldn’t be lying in a hospital bed, holding her tightly. I stopped by the night the nurse was found tied to the chair, though obviously before she was actually there. Tiny wants us all to keep an eye on you both. You were holding Prue tightly, Zero. I wanted to make sure you were all okay. Don’t worry, I didn’t stay around to watch you or shit. That’s fucking creepy. You need to think about where your heart truly lies.” Lash gave him a pointed look and then moved away.

Zero did love Prue. But his feelings didn’t delve any deeper than friendship, or did they?


Steven was bloody awful at playing cards. Prue had won three rounds of snap, and he still couldn’t grasp it. He took his time putting cards down and looked them over.

“You know, snap is the easiest game to play,” she said, frowning at him. “How did you become part of The Skulls if you can’t play snap?”

“I’ve never played it before. Also, I’m letting you win.” He looked at her over the top of his cards.

Pursing her lips, she watched him slowly put down a five, and she picked the top of her cards putting down a king. They’d watched television for the better part of the morning. She couldn’t believe the drama on the talk shows. It was overplayed and boring. Prue missed her school and the kids she taught.

Staying in bed all day was awful. She hated not being able to do anything. Her wounds were healing nicely, and there was no sign of infection. It would be a matter of days before she went home, which she was thankful for. Zero hadn’t been gone for that long, but she missed him.

“This game sucks. It’s boring.”

“What do you want to play? Strip snap?” She rolled her eyes, chuckling. “Any news on Zero?” She knew he’d been put away for the last couple of days for being a fucking idiot.

“Tiny’s picking him up this morning. They can’t keep Zero when all of his alibis check out. Last time I checked even officers can’t keep people for being irritating. There is footage of him entering the hospital as well. Some of the security cameras were working, but none of them worked after two o’clock. You’ve got an extra guard on the door, courtesy of the local law.” Steven placed his cards down, refusing to pick them up. “This game sucks. I’m not playing.”

“Fine. You’re useless at it anyway.” She settled back in the bed looking toward the window. “Have you been to the hospital often?”

Steven laughed. “Baby, we’ve lived in this fucking hospital the last couple of years. I’m surprised Tiny hasn’t invested some capital into the place.”

“Great, people with The Skulls are known to spend time in hospital. Great, I feel all happy knowing I’m being looked after.”

He stopped smiling, and she shot him a glare, folding her arms underneath her breasts. She was so fucking bored.

“We take care of everyone, Prue. We can’t fight everyone,” Zero said.

She turned to look at him. He held a bouquet of white roses. They were her favorite.

“Are those for me?” she asked. Her heart lifted at the beautiful sight.

“Nah, I brought them for Steven. I thought he could do with the pick-me-up after spending the past couple of days with you.” Zero stepped into the room walking around to the other side of the bed. “Of course they’re for you. I wouldn’t forget what your favorite is.” He placed them on the bed and kissed her cheek. “Sorry it has been a short time since we saw each other.” He tucked some hair behind her ear.

Prue’s heart flipped over at his closeness. They hadn’t been apart for long, but it felt like a long time. She missed him so much when he was away. Most of the time she cut off her feelings not wanting to let herself think too deeply about what they all meant to her.

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