Zombie World (13 page)

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Authors: Ronald DuBois

Tags: #Zombies

BOOK: Zombie World
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Paul and John headed back to the president’s office, they were going let the
president know that they found a replacement for Tom and Paul wanted to talk to the
Col. about getting Tina back her pistol. We ran into the Col. first and Paul asked him
if Tina could have her gun back, and told him that it was the only thing that she has to
remember her father with. The Col. was being an ass about giving it back to her. He
kept saying the they are new here and we can’t just them and we need to keep
everyone safe. Paul lite into him and said that it’s her and you are going to give it
back to her. The president came in and asked what in the hell is going on in here why
are you to arguing about.
John spoke up and told the President what was going on. The president told the Col.
to give back her weapon she is not going to do anything. He told the Col. that he truest
her and that he should as well. We can’t keep taking the people’s weapons from them.
They didn’t take and keep ours when we got here.
The Col. said that is only because we were the military and they knew we were good
The president responded if that was not true we could have been anyone dressed in
military clothing.
Paul spoke up and said that everyone that comes in to this compound has a right to
keep their guns. Unless we know different.

The President asked us why we came back to the office I thought you both had a lot
of work before morning.
John told him that they have someone to replace Tom, and that this person can fly
anything we need him to fly and that include helicopters as well.
The president replied good that means we shouldn’t have to make two trips we can do
it in one.
That is what we were thinking as well, John said.
Paul told John that we need to get out there and get things done before tomorrow. We
told the Col. and the president that will talk to later. We headed out the door, we
needed to go to the armory and get the things that we were going to need out there.
Mia came in and asked us what we were doing?
Paul told her we are just getting the thing we ae going to need.
John told Mia that there were some people in the clinic that needs your help. There is
to women one of them is comatose state. Her sister is fine but she is going to need help
to get her sister going again.
Mia told him that she would try, but there isn’t much anyone can do for her but her.
Mia asked John if he was going out again with the group?
John told her that he was going out again but this time the president and the Col.
where coming with us. He told her that they were going out to the Painted Post and
Corning airport in the morning, to get a plane and a helicopter.
Mia told him that it’s fine but who you going to take to replace Tom.
Paul said that there was a new guy Mike was going to take his place, he can fly a
chopper and the Col. and the president were going to fly the airplane back here.

Paul and John had all the weapons and ammo that they think they’re going to need
in the morning. John told Paul that he was going to head to the kitchen and gather up
some more MRE’s to take along we might need them.
Paul told him okay, and that he was going back over to the clinic to talk to Mike. I am
going to tell him the plan and I will show him where we need him to land the chopper.
When I am done I will meet you in the dining room for diner I will have Mike join us
for dinner.


The next day the sun was shining like it does every day. John and Paul were out by
the trucks waiting for everyone to show up. It wasn’t long when the rest of the team
came, now they were just waiting on the Col. and the president to get there. Mike,
John, and Paul were standing there talking when the President came walking around
the lead truck in camo. Wow Mr. president you look good, you need to wear that all
the time.
The president said thank you, this reminds me of the time I served in the army in my
John replied Mr. president you’re not that old sir.
The president told them to call him Jim, he said that he was getting tiered of everyone
calling him Mr. president all the time. So please use my name from now on.
We all said yes sir. the Col. finally came.
Jim asked him what in the hell took you so long?
The Col. responded, sorry Mr. president I was getting a cup of coffee but there was
none left.
Jim looked at the Col. and walked right up to his face and said I have told you to call
me Jim. You call me Mr. president I am going to punch you in the mouth I have told
you over and over not to call me that anymore.
The Col. jumped back and started to say sorry Mr. presi and he stopped and said yes
sir. Jim.
Jim and the Col. told everyone to load up we are moving out.

We headed out of the front gate and headed to the highway to get to the airport. I
didn’t take us long to get there. As we were driving in to the parking lot there were no
zombies anywhere in sight.
John and Paul were in the lead truck with Jim and the Col. we pulled up to the first
airplane we seen, Jim said that one would not do I am looking for one that is a little
bigger. We headed to the hanger further away. We pulled up to the hanger and got out.
Paul had his men to what they always do. Paul and John headed to the side door. Paul
banged on the door, we gaveit a few minutes. We didn’t hear anything and headed in
slowly like we always do. We smelt the air in the hanger to see if we could smell
anything rotting.
Paul asked John if he smelt anything, because I don’t smell a thing?
John said I don’t smell a thing ether; do you think it’s safe to proceed?
Paul said yes, but let’s take our time doing it.
The Col. walked in and said that we were taking too long. He grabbed to hanger door
and started to open it. He got it half way when Cpl. Frank seen a few zombies, but it
was to later the Col. had the door opened all the way. The light from outside and the
noise the door made must have woke them up. It was too late for the Col. they were on
him like a pack of wild dogs on a rabbit.

Paul and John took out the re
st in the hanger, Paul’s men came around and were
getting ready to shoot in to the pack to get the Col.
Jim yelled out it’s too late for him shoot them all!
Paul’s men took them all down, Paul and John ran over to the Col. he was still alive.
The Col. looked up at us and told us the take care of the president and to shoot him
before he turns. He was ripped a part how he was still alive I didn’t know. Jim came
over the Col. to him the shoot him now before he turns. Jim pulled out his side arm
and shot him in the head. He looked over at us and said that if he was bit to do the
Paul’s men came over, and Paul told them to put the Col.’s body in to the truck so we
take him back and bury him with the lost ones.
Jim told them no put him into the plane I will take him back.
Paul told the men to do what Jim says to do he is the president. He told Cpl. Frank to
go with him.
Jim asked us if we were going to go with him.
John spoke up and said no we are going to go with Mike.

We pulled out the aircraft from the hanger, Jim climbed on board he said the fuel
tank were full. He started up the engines.
Mike yelled over and said I found a chopper that is ready to go. John turned to give
Jim thumbs up when he saw zombies coming from the two other hangers.
Paul told his men to load up and get out of here now.
Paul and John ran to the chopper as they jumped in, Jim took off into the air.
Mike told us to hold on as he fired up the engine on the chopper.
Just as we took off there were so many zombies coming down the run way. They were
coming out of the hangers and the woods, Mike got us up into the air.
Paul told Mike to find his men. To make sure they all got out of there ok.
Mike told Paul that he could do that.

Mike flew just above Paul’s men to make
sure that they are going to be okay on their
way back to the compound. Paul’s men were doing good; they were fighting their way
out of the Parking lot of the airport. Mike flew the chopper close to the ground just
high enough above the ground to get the zombies to follow us. We were just high
enough in the air that they could not reach us, it was working. Paul’s men got out of
the parking lot and onto the road they were heading to the highway. We were going to
head back to the compound, but Paul said that he would like to fly over the closest
small town.
John told him that the closest small town was Painted Post, all that little town has is a
couple of banks a gas station and a large plant. There’s not much there, can you tell
me what you’re thinking. I might know of a place.
Paul said that he was looking for a place to work on if we lose the compound we are at
right now. It would be nice to have a backup place to go if we need to.
John said I think I know of a place like that, right in the middle of Painted Post there
is a lot of building there and most of them are connected. It would be the perfect
place. I told Mike where to fly.

Mike flew us to the spot I told him fly over, Paul looked down and said that is the
perfect place a little smaller then what we have now but it would be a start.
John told him we started with just a school last time with just a few people. Right now
we have a lot of people.
Paul said yes, we do have a lot of people, but you know that if we get over run at the
compound we have right now we are going to lose about half of them. I was think that
if we have two places it would help on the lost if half of the people were already
someplace else.
John told Paul that he understands what he is saying. John all said that we are going
to have to come up with a plan and bring it to Jim.
Paul yes I know.
Mike spoke up I can use that building right there and land the chopper on it and it
has a roof access.
John asked Mike how we are on fuel?
Mike told him we still have a full tank.

We headed back to the compound, Jim and the team were back. Team got there just
before we did. Jim has been there for about 45 minutes and said that the plane was
going to help if we have to get out of there fast.
John told him that the plane was not big enough to carry everyone.
Paul came over and looked at Jim and said we think we have a plan that might help.
Jim said let go to my office and you can fill me in on your plan.
Paul said that he wanted Mike, Cpl. Frank, and Tina there as well?
Jim said that’s fine go and get them and bring them to the office.

Paul and John went to the clinic, to get Tina. They all headed to the school to find
Cpl. Frank. Mike was already there with Jim. John and Paul found Cpl. Frank in the
dining room, he seems a little upset about what happened at the airport with the Col.
Paul told him that it wasn’t his fault. The Col. got in a hurry and we know that we
can’t do that, that is how people get killed.
Frank said that he should have stopped him.
John told that there was nothing you could have done he was going to open that door,
and if you were tried to stop him you would have died as well.
Paul spoke up and said you know what John is saying is right.
Frank said that we lost a good man.
Paul said yes we did, but if you would have gone and tried to stop him we would have
lost two good men. Now we need you to come with us.
Frank asked where are we going?
Tina said that we are going to go and talk to the President about a plan that they came
up with. We need you there to help come up with more ideas to make the plan work.

Jim the president wanted us to finish get the city of Coring done so we could move
into the city. Mike came up with a plan, he would fly the chopper close to the ground
to bet the zombies to follow him. Then we could go in and build blockades on all the
streets so they could not get back in. We put our best shots on the top of the buildings
to have them kill any zombies that were left behind. All of the building were already
clear we just had to get rid of the ones that were roaming around the streets. Mike
came flying in and slowed down as he flew between the buildings. Mike was right the
dead followed him, we had a few that were slower than the other. The people we had
on the top of the buildings waited for Mike to fly by, people that were on the building
were to kill the ones that could not keep up with the others to shoot them.

John was talking with Paul about the plan they had about clearing that spot in
Painted Post. They could not believe that Jim put the plan on hold.
Paul said to John that he still wants to do it and I think we are going to need to do it
soon I have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen.
John said we have had that feeling before and it turned out to be wrong.
Paul said that we weren’t wrong it happened, we were lucky.
John told Paul let’s give it a week and see what’s going on.
Paul looked at John and said I hope you are right, because the feeling I have
something bad is going to happen soon.
John said I hope I am right as well, but if you have a bad feeling does it tell you where
it’s going to happen.
Paul said to him I wish it worked that way.
John said I have an idea; we will double up guards until you’re sure it will be safe.
Paul said that he can live with that for now, but I know something going to happen
and we are not going to like it.

We had one side of the city blocked in. all we have to do now is to get the ends of the
streets blocked and the back side done. Then market street will be safe to move
around. It was around noon and we had everyone take a break to get something to eat
before they went back to work. We had the people on the roof stand guard until they
came back. We told them they have to take turn on getting something to eat we can’t
have everyone going at the same time. They all understood and they came up with a
way to do it.

Four weeks has gone by Paul wasn’t wrong something did happen, all the zombies
Mike lead a way came back. John’s idea having double guards paid off they took o
most of the zombies to ones they didn’t kill headed to the river where we set up this
thing that would make a lot of noise to draw some of the dead away. The noise maker
that we made work like a charm, and it was Paul that came up with the idea.

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