Zombologist Book 1 Zombie Hunters (Zomboligist Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Zombologist Book 1 Zombie Hunters (Zomboligist Series)
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But maybe, someday.

But, probably not. And besides, Joe had a ‘girl friend’.
Not in the romantic sense, well, at least not on her part. But still, Joe was
delusionary optimistic over Trina.

Trina was so smart and funny. She was the only girl that
called him Joseph, not Joey, not Joe, but Joseph. Joe caught himself smiling and
adjusted his heavy pack once again. He looked up quickly to see how far ahead
the rest of the guys were, hoping that they wouldn’t see the blush he felt
redden his face whenever he thought of Trina.

Suddenly Joe felt his backpack shift. He wasn’t sure if
it was the flashlight or the assorted cans of food he threw inside at the last
minute. He was unexpectedly unbalanced and leaning sideways.

He quickly flayed his arms out to his sides, wobbling
like a drunken sailor and at the same time he moved his foot in an effort to
retain balance. Joe knew immediately he had made the wrong move. His foot slid
off a large rock he didn’t even know he was on. Then it happened. Joe stumbled.
Not once, no, the first time he caught himself, staggering forward but once
again steady on his feet. It was the second stumble that did him in. Feeling
just stupid enough, he moved his foot to retain his balance and panicked as his
foot slid between 2 smaller boulders and kept sliding. The heavy pack on his
back lurched further and Joe twisted, once for balance then the weight of his
overstuffed backpack slammed into him. And he went down, pain immediately
knifing through his ankle

The howl of pain couldn’t be prevented.

“Holy balls Joe.’ his brother turned. A flash of annoyance
crossed Kyle Millers face.

Joe knew that look. That look said
Can’t you do anything
?, or worse yet,
Don’t embarrass me in front of my friends.

Joe sucked back another howl of pain as he planted one hand
on a boulder the size of a small bear and tried to push his body up so he could
pull his foot out. Keep it in he told himself. Crap! “Why did mom even insist I
come?” he wailed, “oh yeah, so she could go out with that crappy new boyfriend
of hers.” Joe immediately regretted speaking out like that. Now Kyle’s friends
going to think that he was a little baby.

With help from the group Joe got his foot out. It was badly
swollen and already turning a purplish color.

“Can you put weight on it?” Marco asked.

Joe tried to stand but the pain was too much.




 “Alright, let’s find a place to set up camp for the night.
Don’t you worry Joe; we’ll get you taken care of. I’ve had more sprained ankles
then I can count. Isn’t that right guys? We know the meaning of
Marco said with an air of pride, pearly whites gleaming.

Joe was amazed when the rest of the guys nodded in
agreement. Oddly, Joe didn’t feel so left out any longer. It was as if the
sprained ankle somehow initiated him into the Jocks’ testosterone empowered

Alfonzo said, “I’ll scout ahead and see if I can find a
good place to camp out. It is getting late and besides,” big grin spreading
across his face, “it’s time to eat.”

Alfonzo started walking up the trail while Marco and Kyle
looked around for a makeshift crutch for Joe.

Joe dug in his backpack for some aspirin and his bottled

Not even 20 yards up the trails Alfonzo started to shout,
“Hey guys, up here. This looks like a good spot for the night. Oh, hell yeah!
There’s a nice overhang of rock and nice flat ground with hardly any rocks. It’s
surrounded by trees and shrubs. Looks like people have used this spot before;
there’s even a fire pit in the center.”

Alfonzo was jumping up and down, waving his arms hooting
and hollering with excitement over his find.

Marco shook his head, laughing before he turned to Joe.
“You know Joe, the only reason my mom let me come was so they could do the
neighborhood BBQ tomorrow evening. They don’t like having kids around all the
time, even teenagers. A chance for adults to get together, not to mention rub

By the time they got organized, Joe had a crutch and the
four made their way slowly towards Alfonzo’s discovery. The sun was low on the
horizon and a cool breeze began to blow.




It was perfect. Just 20 feet off the rocky path, a high
cliff jutted out over an almost perfectly circular area, approximately 15 feet
diameter and completely devoid of the usual rocky soil, but, best of all, it was
completely hidden, and entirely surrounded by trees and shrub.  In the center of
the area was a fire pit surrounded by a cluster of rocks.

It was ideal. The area was completely shaded and private.
Not, that anyone would be up the trail this late but, still, it was- the perfect

The teens quickly set up camp- unrolled their sleeping bags
and gathered firewood.

Before long the sun had set and they were slapping
marshmallow, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches together around a roaring camp

When the conversation turned to girls and football Joe dug
in his pack for his newest find, a book on Astronomy.

He could just make out some constellations through the
branches above.

He easily found the big dipper and the little dipper, both
that make up part of the Ursa Major constellation. Joe remembered reading
somewhere that The Big Dipper played an important of the Underground Railroad
which helped slaves escape their captivity by the Democrat slave owners of the
southern states before the Civil War. The Big Dipper helped guide the way of
thousands of men, women and children fleeing north to safe houses and later,
into Canada. There were several houses still standing that housed the runaways
right here in this region. Joe made a mental note to find one and study more of
the history.

Joe lay back on his pack that served as his pillow and
gazed at the stars, thinking.




Willis Dye’s home was one of the oldest in the small New
England town of Eaton. Built in the early 20’s it was both eerie and beautiful
set among the sprawling acres.  The scent of money oozed from every brick of
crumbling decadence and dripped from the many balconies above.

Jana knew there was more beyond just what they could see.
The entire mansion spread out … wide. It was completely secluded and Jana could
make out several trails that led into the mountains. She was a little
disappointed they had not come later in the year when the falls colors would be

Together they climbed the stairwell; the imposing structure
seemed to loom over them, waiting to pounce.

The massive front door swung open before they could ring
the bell. Before them stood a tall, gaunt, middle aged man of about 40. His eyes
were dark with even darker bags underneath. His skin was pulled taunt over
jutting cheekbones and a high, arched brow accentuated his face. He had a frail
emaciated look to him. His hair was jet black that hung in glossy strands over
his shoulders looking freshly washed.

That is where the similarities to the well dressed suave
man in the photos ended. He was dressed in a faded black Led Zeppelin t-shirt
that hung loosely over gray khakis and his feet were covered by worn brown
loafers. Jana’s eyebrows rose slightly at his sloppy attire. Before she could
open her mouth he broke into a huge smile that radiated warmth and Jana would
swear changed his whole face.

“Welcome! Welcome! My friends. Come in. Come in. Please
make your self’s comfortable.” He had a slight accent that could have been
but she wasn’t sure.

Jana and Dillon stepped into a wide entrance hallway with
open rooms on either side; a massive 3 story stone fireplace dominated the wide
open space. A living room sat off to the right covering the entire area and
sparsely furnished. Natural woodwork covered the walls just behind them and ran
the entire length of the room and around the sides. To the left sat the entrance
way in to a large formal Dining area, and beyond that a recreation room. Behind
the focal point to the fireplace Jana guessed, would be the kitchen area.

Rich paintings in deep, vibrant colors lined the walls and
their footsteps were silenced by thick plush grey carpeting


“Come, you didn’t come all this way just to stand around
gawking. I know I must look a mess. I apologize for dressing so casual, but I
have researched you so much, you seem like old friends. Jana, you are even more
beautiful in person, and Dillon, much more handsome” said Willis obviously
giving Dillon the once over.

Jana suppressed a quick smile. It was no secret that Willis
Dye was openly gay. Dillon glanced over his shoulder and gave Jana a slight

Jana knew he was thinking the same thing that she felt.
Though very personable and outgoing, certainly friendly enough; neither trusted
Mr. Dye, though they very rarely ever trusted anyone.

Recluse and primarily out of the billionaire spot light;
Willis Dye was a second generation multi billionaire. Before he was born, his
father, while in Africa in the late 60’s bought some cheap real estate for a few
hotels. Year’s later Willis father, Philip fell through crusty ground and landed
in an underground cavern that exposed one of the riches veins of diamonds ever
found. Decades later, they stumbled upon another mine, deeper and worth tens
times more. As an only child, and a completely spoiled one at that, Willis
inherited everything when his parents’ helicopter went down just over one of the
now abandoned hotels.

Willis kept a tight lid on the company as well as his
private life. But as one of the world’s richest men he couldn’t stay hidden
forever as he has been photographed on several islands and continents always
with the company of handsome exotic men.

Yes, He may have a surprise or two in store for them just
Stay on guard
Jana reminded herself as she followed Mr. Dye and
Dillon through an immense to-die-for kitchen and then into a smaller kitchen
with another center fireplace.

Unlocking a door at the far end they entered a short
hallway, closed doors on either side.

Mr. Dye stopped in front of one of the closed doors and
pulled a set of keys from his pocket. He unlocked the door and turned to look at
them as it swung open exposing a narrow set of stairs.

He gestured with an upturned hand, “after you.”

Jana took the initiative and with Dillon taking up the rear
the three started downward. They entered a completely renovated, large walk out
basement hosting a game room, recreation room and theater wing. They walked past
all of this and stopped before a massive bookcase.

Dye, just like in the old haunted-movie theatrics, pulled a
tarnished scone and the book case slid aside. Giggling like a school girl,
Willis bowed slightly and with another after you wave of his hand, followed Jana
and Dillon into the darkness.




The steps went down for at least three floors before ending
in a narrow entry way. One lone bulb hung from the ceiling barely casting any
light into the tiny space. Here in the bowels of the house it was damp and sour
smelling. Jana noticed a clump of mold clinging to an upper corner just above
the door jamb.

“I loved the eccentrics of this old home. This was once an
old wine cellar and speakeasy during prohibition.” Mr. Dye explained. “I
replaced the walls when remodeling the walk-out basement and found these stairs.
Very convenient I would say. I added the swinging bookcase later. Don’t you just
love the hair-raising haunted house movie effect? Real life secret rooms,
swinging bookcases as well as alive dead bodies; Oh yes, I have it all.” once
again speaking with a girlish delight.

“I haven’t redone the rickety old stairs yet, or this cell
like access way. I like the feel of the sinister atmosphere.” 

His amusement in this whole situation was beginning to wear
on Dillon’s nerves, but Jana didn’t seem to mind. Actually she seemed very
enchanted with Willis Dye and the spooky house idea. Jana always loved the old
classic haunted-house movies, complete with secret passages and old family

Willis opened the door. Sensor lights instantly sprung to
life and the room beyond came into view. Squinting against the sudden glare,
Jana and Dillon could make out a room about the size of a 16 lane bowling alley,
divided into 2 equally proportioned sections, separated by a long narrow

If this used to be the speakeasy then this was
completely gutted and remodeled, within the last five years at least,

Directly in front of her, the left portion of the old
speakeasy was blocked by a pair of 11 foot high, swinging, stainless steel
double doors. Through the glass windows she could clearly see an aisle that ran
about 10 feet and led to a freight elevator easily big enough to hold a set of
good size elephants.  The hallway turned and Jana couldn’t see anymore.

BOOK: Zombologist Book 1 Zombie Hunters (Zomboligist Series)
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