Zora's Dawn (Defender Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Zora's Dawn (Defender Book 1)
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“None of
your business, now move or I’ll move you.”

snorted slightly. “As if. Did you come here after us?”

The look
of astonishment on his face was almost comical. “Why would I want to go after a
skinny little witch and her friends? I’m just minding my own business.”

stared at him carefully, trying to use all of her senses.  She could almost see
the wolf under his skin but she knew he couldn’t change. Maybe it meant he was
a new one, which made him highly unpredictable. Her pendant burned hotter,
distracting her and then suddenly she knew what it was doing - warning her of
an impending attack.

She shoved
Shax against the wall and rushed forward to meet him as he made a leap forward,
a snarl bursting from his as he attacked. Her mind was screaming in panic but
her body knew exactly what to do. Zora parried his attack with her hands and
her feet, pushing him towards the opposite wall and evading his attempts to
bite her. She knew she was immune but ewwwww, wolf teeth had to be gross. He
was strong even in human form but she was stronger and faster. She had him face
against the wall in a few moves that amazed her, his arms twisted behind his
back and his legs pinned. Stunned by her own actions she had no idea what to do
now she had him.

look out!” The shout came from Sunny and Zora looked over her shoulder at the
entrance to the alleyway to see three more rogues running to aid their companion.
Four against one? She didn’t know how she had overpowered this one; she was
sure another three were three too many. Zora blinked as a flare of fire lit up
the alley. Shax was throwing fireballs at them, which distracted them

One of
them changed direction straight for her but the others kept coming to Zora who
pulled her gaze away from the sight of fireballs sizzling down the alley. Blinking
to dispel the stars that seemed to float around the edges of her vision and
settle over Shax she assessed her situation. She couldn’t continue to hold the
one she had and fight two more, so with a quick economical movement she tapped
his head against the wall and knocked him out. Letting him fall to the concrete
she turned to face the new threat.

Shax was
compromised, protecting Sunny at the same time as throwing fireballs at her
opponent. Zora pushed her panicked mind to the background and let her instincts
take over. She crouched, ready to spring at the two new combatants. A fire was
building up in her pendant, a burning hot distraction. She glanced down at it
quickly and was shocked to see it glowing with white heat although it did not
burn her skin. There was no time to ponder what that meant though, as the two
men came at her with hands and feet and teeth, and then one produced a knife.

For a
second the world seemed to stop as she processed this new threat. Then movement
started again as Zora fought desperately at a level of skill she didn’t know
she had. Every time she thought about what she was doing she would falter, so
she turned her mind off and let her body take over. She managed to knock one of
her assailants against the wall which his head hit with a satisfying crunch,
before he slid down on top of his unconscious compatriot. Now it was one on
one, still uneven odds since the one left was the one with the knife. Zora
ducked and weaved, gasping with shock when a knife parry hit home on her arm.
She glanced down to where blood was welling and then back up to the man, furious
fire burning in her eyes.

hesitated, caught by something he saw in her face. Zora was so angry she felt
like sparks were coming from her eyes. She had been knifed! Something was
building up inside her, she could feel it gathering. Her pendant was burning,
her eyes were burning, the pressure was begging for release and the man with
the knife was her target. Zora advanced on him, surprised when he began to back

“Drop the
knife!” At the imperious call the man with the knife jerked around sharply to
assess this new threat. Zora didn’t even think, just kicked out and got him in
the solar plexus. He collapsed to the ground and she leaned down to pull his
knife from his hands, then swung around to face Axel, Powers, Samantha and
Clare. Shax had taken advantage of the surprise to throw what Zora assumed was
a magical rope around her assailant, while Zora had three fallen men at her
feet. She dusted her hands off and waited for Axel and Powers to come. Samantha
and Clare went to comfort a shaking Sunny while Shax herded her capture to
where his fallen friends lay.

Powers was
first to her side, tearing a piece of his shirt off and using it as a
tourniquet on her bleeding arm. Zora felt herself shaking, and leaned
gratefully into his strong arms. She didn’t complain or pull away when she felt
his strength seeping into her, a comforting and steadying warmth. Shax was
looking a little shaky too, as she stood looking down at the three men lying at
Zora’s feet.

Sunny came
over with Samantha and Clare, face pale and eyes huge. She also looked at the
prone men and then at Zora. “Where did that come from? You were amazing, and at
the end I swear I saw sparks coming from you! Your eyes and your hair are still
glowing. Zora when did you learn to fight like that?”

Zora stirred
but didn’t move from Powers side. She was shaking worse now, both amazed and
horrified by her own actions. “I didn’t,” she said flatly. “I don’t know how I
did that.”

Axel had
been conferring silently with the fairy guard – Zora knew that because Cameron,
James and Arthur appeared in a swirl of mist. They too stood looking at the
three men on the ground. Zora was starting to feel a touch irritated at the
surprise shown by everyone (choosing to ignore her own astonishment). When Axel
held out his hand she silently handed over the knife, an action that made
everyone there widen their eyes as they took in the blade which was stained by
some of her blood. Zora averted her eyes, pleased when Axel passed it onto
Cameron who took it wordlessly although his eyes spoke volumes as he looked at
their captures.

It was
Sunny who asked the obvious question. “Where were you all? What good is your
mist travel if you don’t come in emergencies?”

Zora had
been wondering the same thing, especially with the bond between her and Powers.
She looked up at him and then at Axel questioningly. Shax was silent, staring
at her toes. Shax, wasn’t she supposed to be in constant communication with
Axel? Zora turned her questioning gaze onto the witch who was actually scuffing
one toe on the ground.

sighed. “Shax, what happened? The first I knew about all of this was when the
girls came to get me.”

Shax peeped
up through her fringe. “Axel I’m so sorry, I was so surprised by the attack and
then I was fighting this guy here, and I had a protective shield around Sunny and
I was trying to keep an eye on Zora and I just lost my connection to you and
the girls for a bit there. I didn’t realise straight away. I’m so sorry, this
is all my fault.”

stepped closer to her and smoothed his hand across the top of her head. “Shax,
you are a strong brave girl, I know how much power you used to keep a shield
around Sunny while wielding those fireballs. It takes enormous concentration to
be able to use magic against another supernatural to any effect. He’s looking a
bit singed here, you nearly set him on fire! No wonder you lost your connection
to us.”

stirred again. “What about you Powers, why didn’t you see what was happening
through our bond?”

rested his chin on the top of her head. “I lost my connection to you, it
happens sometimes and I didn’t think anything of it. As far as I knew you were
shopping, not fighting rogue weres. I wasn’t worried until the girls appeared
in front of us.”

looked at Samantha. “Samantha? Why did you go to Axel and not straight to us?”

looked a little surprised at the question. “We were about to come back here
when the connection with Shax was lost. Naturally we were a little concerned
but not too worried. We thought maybe Shax let the connection drop, knowing
that we would be with you soon. But then the connection snapped back in and we
of course knew we must get the Prince. We went to him immediately, and brought
him and Powers back here. You seemed to have the situation in hand Zora, good
fighting skills.” Samantha nodded approvingly at Zora.

While they
were speaking the male fairy guard had been busy trussing up the four
werewolves. Cameron handed the rope back to Shax who with a flick of her wrist
made it disappear to wherever it had come from. Sunny looked impressed,
probably that was going to be high on her list of things to learn thought Zora.

looked at the four men trussed up like chickens. “What will you do with these?”

smiled briefly. “We will hand them over to the Melbourne pack, they can
question them.” He smiled a little wider at the look of apprehension that
passed over the faces of all four of the weres. “Take them now please Cameron,
and then come back to the Melbourne house. We will meet there and debrief.”
Cameron nodded and he, James and Arthur disappeared in the mist, taking the
four weres with them.

looked at Shax. “Are you able to travel Shax? You have used a lot of energy.”

Shax did
look very pale but she stood up straighter. “I can drive, no worries.”

chuckled. “I’m not letting you loose on the road in your current condition. I
meant your version of mist travel, are you up to it?”

frowned. “But what about the car?”

will return it, or we will get another one. Don’t worry about the car, it’s
more important that we get back to the Melbourne house as soon as possible. You
are drained, Sunny is in shock and little Zora must be exhausted plus she needs
to have her wound treated.”

eyes widened. “Zora I’m so sorry. I should have protected you better. All of
this is my fault, I should have been able to handle all four of these guys.”
She looked at Axel. “Axel to be completely honest I don’t think I have any more
energy to spare.”

Axel reached
out and smoothed her hair again. “Do not beat yourself up about it Shax. This
was unexpected for all of us, but we know now that little Zora has all the
skills she needs. That’s a very good thing for her to know especially.  Now,
Clare will take you back to the house. Samantha you take Powers and Sunny and I
will take little Zora here.”

They all
obediently formed into little groups and shortly there was no evidence anyone
had been in the alley except for a few drops of blood.


They reformed
back at the house together, Zora and Sunny both promptly fainting and causing
consternation among the staff. Zora woke to find herself lying on her bed,
Powers beside her and Emma examining the knife wound on her arm.

As she
opened her eyes Powers leaned forward to smooth a wayward lock of hair from her
forehead. “Welcome back,” he said gently. “How are you feeling?”

exhausted and confused. What exactly happened in that alley? Ow!”

sorry, but I need to be sure your wound is clean.” Emma wore an apologetic
expression but the hold she had on Zora’s wounded arm was firm.

glanced down at it and immediately looked away, afraid she was going to faint
at the sight of her own blood. That would be an embarrassment Powers would be
sure she never lived down.

“Don’t be
ridiculous, you’ve never been knifed before, of course it shocks you. And you
used up a lot of energy in the fight so you need to rest. There’s some food
coming, it should be here soon. In the meantime lie here, Axel will wait for
you. He’s really impressed with what you did, we all are.”

“Ok, but
how did I do it? I don’t understand. Axel didn’t show me anything like that and
I’ve never learnt whatever it was that I did.”

shrugged. “I don’t know how you did it, but Axel will explain.”

happened to those rogues? Did the guys take them to the Melbourne pack? What is
the pack like anyway, you went to meet them didn’t you?”

Zora was
curious, but she was really talking to take her mind off what Emma was doing to
her arm.

“They did
take them to the Melbourne pack, and Jake is there right now too. The pack is a
large one and the leader, Simon, is a tough guy. I’m pretty sure they will get
answers from these guys.”

Emma started packing away her medical supplies. “It’ll heal fast Zora, your
extra healing power will make sure of that. I think you will have a small scar
but that will fade.”

looked at the neat bandage that now covered her wound. She felt better now that
the cut was out of sight. “Thank you Emma, I appreciate the care you’re taking
with me.”

smiled. “No problem Zora, and congratulations on a great fight. Sunny has been
telling everyone about it and Clare and Samantha are very impressed with your

started to sit up, dismayed to find the room swimming around her. “Sunny is ok?
She didn’t look so good when we left the alley.”

supported her as she swayed where she sat. “Sunny is in much better condition
than you, and Marcus is by her side.”

“I’ll be
fine Powers, I just need tea.”

As though
she had summoned it, the door opened and one of the kitchen staff entered with
a tray laden with tea, sandwiches and cake. Powers helped Zora to one of the
chairs by the window where she sat gratefully and accepted a steaming cup.

started to leave the room, saying as she went, “Lord Axel said to take your
time and come to the main reception room when you’re ready. Sunny and Shax need
some recovery time also, so don’t hurry.”

sipped her tea, the hot fragrant brew making her feel better. She reached for
one of the sandwiches and realised as she bit into it that she was ravenously
hungry. Without further ado she set to cleaning the plate, feeling stronger
with every bite. By the time she had finished the sandwiches and was
contemplating the cake she was feeling much more normal.

better, the colour is back in your face now.” Powers smiled in relief, and Zora
smiled back at him.

The smile
faded as she thought back to the fight, still unable to understand how she had
done what she did, or what had compelled her. She didn’t even want to consider
the murderous rage she had felt when the werewolf knifed her.

“Don’t think
about that, Axel will explain I’m sure. I’m just pleased you were able to
defend yourself.”

a mouthful of cake Zora asked, “What about Shax? She was fighting and
protecting Sunny, and she felt so bad about losing connection with the fairies.
Is she ok now?”

“She did
feel bad, but I think she’s ok now. She used a lot of energy so she needs the
rest too. She’s in her room with Frenchie.”

“I thought
magic didn’t work on supernaturals? Shax was using those fireballs and she had
some sort of magic rope thing too.”

snaffled a piece of cake before replying. “She is a very powerful witch, I can
see why Axel has her along. The more powerful witches can use things like
fireballs to slow down another supe, but they don’t do much damage. They can
also use manifested things like that rope but again it would not have held the
wolf for very long.”

nodded, not really understanding but too tired to ask any more questions.

“Why don’t
you go have a shower? You’ll feel much better then. We should go to see Axel
soon, there are two defenders and their guardians coming for dinner and we
should debrief before then.”

swirling in the pit of her stomach, Zora went to do as he suggested, careful
not to get the bandage on her arm wet. Once she was clean and felt fresher
Powers escorted her to the reception room where Axel was waiting. Sunny was
there with Sabrina seated on her shoulder and Marcus beside her. Shax hadn’t
arrived yet but the fairy guard were seated together and Jake was standing by
the window. She was a little surprised to see him there, she had thought he
would still be with the Melbourne pack but she guessed he was here to inform
Axel on the rogue weres. He turned as she and Powers entered, his gaze going to
the bandage on her arm. However he said nothing and his expression gave nothing
away. Zora tried not to let it bother her. She had thought that news of her
fighting prowess might have earned Jake’s approval but it seemed not. Perhaps
he thought fainting after a knife wound was an unacceptable sign of weakness.

“Zora! Are
you ok? I can’t believe you got knifed, you’re like this gangster girl.” Sunny
grinned, looking fully recovered from the events of the afternoon. “Remind me
never ever to go shopping with any of you lot again, ok?”

smiled at Sunny, grateful as ever for her knack for bringing a touch of humour
to events. “I’m fine, Emma says I’ll have a scar, so I guess I’ll have bragging

A snort
from Jake drew her attention. He didn’t comment but the look of disapproval on
his face spoke for itself. Zora couldn’t stop herself. “What Jake, what is your
problem with me? Am I not tough enough for you? Shouldn’t have fainted perhaps
but just bled all over everything without even noticing?”

too soft for a defender. You have an important role and I haven’t seen any
evidence that you’re up for it. For a start you should be much fitter, and you
should know all about this world. I know Sunny is not a fully practicing witch,
but your role is vital. You are the one who is supposed to lead us to a killer.
It is clear now that there is a group of them to deal with so you need to be
reliable. I don’t think you are.”

frowned and looked about to reply, but Axel stepped in. “Jake, Zora may appear
to you to be weak but allow me to assure you she is not. Zora has strength and
abilities that even she is unaware of. She is the strongest defender there is
and I for one have complete faith in her. You should too, we cannot have
dissent among us and we must all trust one another. There may come a situation
where trust is vital.”

Zora sat
silently, trying to conceal her dismay. Jake had just voiced her fears and made
them seem much more real. Yes she had fought off three men this afternoon but she
didn’t know how she had done that and wasn’t sure if she would be able to do it
again. There were four rogue weres in custody with the Melbourne branch of the
werewolves, another one being watched and one more somewhere out there. That
was the ones they knew about and probably there were more. How was she, Zora
Hayes, ever going to be capable of facing this threat? Axel, Powers, Jake, and
Shax – they were strong and powerful and knew what they were doing. She was
just a useless human, they were surely better off choosing a different defender.

Powers led
her to a chair as far away from Jake as possible, and frowned at her as she sat
down. “Do not let what he said affect you like this. You ARE strong and capable
and you are the one we need as defender, nobody else. Have faith in yourself
and trust in your abilities.” He took the seat next to her and turned his frown
onto Jake, who frowned back at him. Zora sighed and worried even more.

Shax chose
that moment to blow into the room, Frenchie snuffling and panting at her heels.
She looked around at them all; Zora looking worried, Powers protective, Jake
aggressive, Sunny apprehensive and Axel irritated. “So,” she said brightly,
“What did I miss here?”

sighed and shook his head. “No matter right now Shax, we will talk of it
tomorrow. For now, Jake can you tell us all what was learned from the rogue
weres, did they talk?”

pulled his gaze from Powers but the frown remained. “They really didn’t give us
any useful information. They are all very new, one of them has only changed
once. The one you met first is their leader, if you could call it that. He has
been a were the longest so he has been guiding the others. We knew about him,
but not the others and I’m not sure why they turned rogue so quickly. Perhaps
it is because they were changed by a rogue that influenced them but it’s
usually after a few changes that they turn. It may have been a strong rogue,
capable of hiding them which would explain why we had no knowledge of these
ones.” He looked at Sunny and Zora. “We know of all made wolves, we are pack
beings so when another wolf is born – so to speak – we feel it. Not all wolves
in the whole country of course, but those in our territories. In this case it
is the Melbourne wolves who should have felt these newbies.”

raised her hand tentatively, an action which made Jake smile and served to
break some of the tension. “I’m not a teacher Sunny, you don’t need to raise
your hand.”

She smiled
back. “How do you keep track of the made wolves then? Do all the packs
co-ordinate with each other somehow? I mean, do you let all the wolves know how
many made wolves you have?”

“We do, we
keep records and those records are shared on a database. These three wolves are
not on the database from any packs in the country.”

Zora had
been about to ask that very question, but she had another one as well. “Jake,
how far do the pack territories extend? Are there parts of the country where
there are no packs?”

looked a little surprised at her question but gave it some thought before he
replied. “We are well represented right around the country. You’d be surprised
how many werewolves there are Zora. But now that you ask, it is possible there
could be some pockets deep in the desert where we have no representatives or
possibly in some of the very small towns.”

nodded. “So is it possible that these three came from a place like that? A
place where they may have been changed but there were no others to feel it?”

“I had not
thought of it Zora, but yes, in theory that is very possible. Disturbing, but

Axel stood
up and began to pace. “So if a rogue like the one we search for wished for some
reason to create more rogues, she could have gone to a place where the
werewolves are effectively blind. It’s an interesting idea, and it concerns me
in that it makes it sound like our werewolf has a big plan she is putting into

shrugged. “It’s a possibility but I don’t know why she would bother. She can
just make new rogues and hide them. We don’t go searching for all the made
weres who drop off our radar, not if they don’t turn rogue before they do.”

“But if
you know about them you would surely make all the packs aware of the ones that
have chosen to stay away from the main packs. This way, you don’t know how many
loners there are or how many of those have gone rogue.” Powers made a valid
point, one that Zora could see hit home to Jake.

“That’s a
very worrying idea Axel. You’re talking like there could be an army of rogue werewolves
out there.”

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