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An Unsuitable Duchess by Laurie Benson
Faithful Shadow by Howard, Kevin J.
The Reluctant First Lady by Venita Ellick
Mystery Girl: A Novel by David Gordon
Necessary Evil by Killarney Traynor
The Girls on Rose Hill by Bernadette Walsh
The Second Lady Emily by Allison Lane
Escape by Night by Laurie Myers
Undead and Unappreciated by Maryjanice Davidson
Made to Kill by Adam Christopher
Sharing the Sheets by Natalie Weber
Forgotten by Neven Carr
Love Notes by Gunter, Heather
Madam President by Wallace, Nicolle
Infinity Blade: Redemption by Brandon Sanderson, Peter Ahlstrom, Simon Hurley, Donald Mustard, Geremy Mustard, Calum Watt, Adam Ford
Northern Borders by Howard Frank Mosher