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Spirits in the Park by Scott Mebus
Floods 9 by Colin Thompson
Reluctant by Lauren Dane
Filthy Rich 1 by Scarlett Skyes
Ryker (The Ride #4) by Megan O'Brien
The Amber Stone by Dara Girard
Lucian by Bethany-Kris
For Your Arms Only by Linden, Caroline
On the Edge of Humanity by S. B. Alexander
Bending Toward the Sun by Mona Hodgson
TheSurrenderofLacyMorgan by Suzanne Ferrell
All for One by Nicki Bennett, Ariel Tachna
A Ship Must Die (1981) by Reeman, Douglas
Persian Girls: A Memoir by Nahid Rachlin
The Black Palmetto by Paul Carr
Stealing the Countess by David Housewright