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Driven by Toby Vintcent
Still Life with Strings by Cosway, L.H.
The Smithsonian Objective by David Sakmyster
Zombie X by S.G. Harkness
Bitter Cold by J. Joseph Wright
Sherlock Holmes by James Lovegrove
Vampires by Steakley, John
Rachel's Garden by Marta Perry
Maggie Cassidy by Jack Kerouac
We Put the Baby in Sitter 3 by Cassandra Zara
The Given Sacrifice by S. M. Stirling
Reclaimed by Marliss Melton
Huntress by Taft, J L
White Moon Black Sea by Roberta Latow
Wolf Tracks by Vivian Arend
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A Tale of False Fortunes by Fumiko Enchi